* Copyright 2012, Gary Piercey, All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on
* an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
package com.vaadin.data.hbnutil;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import org.hibernate.Criteria;
import org.hibernate.EntityMode;
import org.hibernate.HibernateException;
import org.hibernate.Query;
import org.hibernate.Session;
import org.hibernate.SessionFactory;
import org.hibernate.criterion.Order;
import org.hibernate.criterion.Projections;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.SessionImplementor;
import org.hibernate.metadata.ClassMetadata;
import org.hibernate.type.ComponentType;
import org.hibernate.type.Type;
import com.google.common.cache.CacheBuilder;
import com.google.common.cache.CacheLoader;
import com.google.common.cache.LoadingCache;
import com.vaadin.data.Container;
import com.vaadin.data.Item;
import com.vaadin.data.Property;
import com.vaadin.data.hbnutil.HbnContainer.EntityItem.EntityProperty;
import com.vaadin.data.hbnutil.filter.ContainerFilter;
import com.vaadin.data.hbnutil.filter.FilterFactory;
import com.vaadin.data.hbnutil.filter.StringContainerFilter;
import com.vaadin.data.util.MethodProperty;
import com.vaadin.data.util.converter.Converter.ConversionException;
import com.vaadin.data.util.filter.UnsupportedFilterException;
public class HbnContainer<T> implements Container, Container.Indexed, Container.Sortable,
Container.Filterable, Container.Hierarchical, Container.ItemSetChangeNotifier, Container.Ordered
private static final long serialVersionUID = -6410337120924382057L;
private ApplicationLogger logger = new ApplicationLogger(HbnContainer.class);
private SessionFactory sessionFactory;
private ClassMetadata classMetadata;
private Class<T> entityType;
private String parentPropertyName = null;
private static final int ROW_BUF_SIZE = 100;
private static final int ID_TO_INDEX_MAX_SIZE = 300;
private boolean normalOrder = true;
private List<T> ascRowBuffer;
private List<T> descRowBuffer;
private Object lastId;
private Object firstId;
private List<T> indexRowBuffer;
private int indexRowBufferFirstIndex;
private final Map<Object, Integer> idToIndex = new LinkedHashMap<Object, Integer>();
private boolean[] orderAscendings;
private Object[] orderPropertyIds;
private Integer size;
private LinkedList<ItemSetChangeListener> itemSetChangeListeners;
private Set<ContainerFilter> filters;
private final Map<String, Class<?>> addedProperties = new HashMap<String, Class<?>>();
private final LoadingCache<Object, EntityItem<T>> cache;
private final HashMap<Object, Boolean> embeddedPropertiesCache = new HashMap<Object, Boolean>();
* Item wrappping a Hibernate mapped entity object. EntityItems are generally instantiated automatically by
* HbnContainer.
public class EntityItem<T> implements Item
private static final long serialVersionUID = -2847179724504965599L;
* Reference to hibernate mapped entity that this Item wraps.
protected T pojo;
* Instantiated properties of this EntityItem. May be either EntityItemProperty (hibernate field) or manually
* added container property (MethodProperty).
protected Map<Object, Property<?>> properties = new HashMap<Object, Property<?>>();
public EntityItem(Serializable id)
pojo = (T) sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().get(entityType, id);
// add non-hibernate mapped container properties
for (String propertyId : addedProperties.keySet())
addItemProperty(propertyId, new MethodProperty<Object>(pojo, propertyId));
* @return the wrapped entity object.
public T getPojo()
return pojo;
public boolean addItemProperty(Object id, Property property) throws UnsupportedOperationException
properties.put(id, property);
return true;
public Property<?> getItemProperty(Object id)
Property<?> p = properties.get(id);
if (p == null)
p = new EntityProperty(id.toString());
properties.put(id, p);
return p;
public Collection<?> getItemPropertyIds()
return getContainerPropertyIds();
public boolean removeItemProperty(Object id) throws UnsupportedOperationException
Property<?> removed = properties.remove(id);
return removed != null;
* EntityItemProperty wraps one Hibernate controlled field of the pojo used by EntityItem. For common fields the
* field value is the same as Property value. For relation fields it is the identifier of related object or a
* collection of identifiers.
* The Property is a simple data object that contains one typed value. This interface contains methods to
* inspect and modify the stored value and its type, and the object's read-only state.
* The Property also defines the events ReadOnlyStatusChangeEvent and ValueChangeEvent, and the associated
* listener and notifier interfaces.
* The Property.Viewer interface should be used to attach the Property to an external data source. This way the
* value in the data source can be inspected using the Property interface.
* The Property.editor interface should be implemented if the value needs to be changed through the implementing
* class.
public class EntityProperty implements Property, Property.ValueChangeNotifier
private static final long serialVersionUID = -4086774943938055297L;
private List<ValueChangeListener> valueChangeListeners;
private String propertyName;
* Default Constructor.
public EntityProperty(String propertyName)
this.propertyName = propertyName;
* This method gets the value that is stored by the property. The returned object is compatible with the
* class returned by getType().
public Object getValue()
final Session session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession();
final SessionImplementor sessionImplementor = (SessionImplementor) session;
if (!sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().contains(pojo))
pojo = (T) session.get(entityType, (Serializable) getIdForPojo(pojo));
if (propertyInEmbeddedKey(propertyName))
final ComponentType identifierType = (ComponentType) classMetadata.getIdentifierType();
final String[] propertyNames = identifierType.getPropertyNames();
for (int i = 0; i < propertyNames.length; i++)
String name = propertyNames[i];
if (name.equals(propertyName))
final Object id = classMetadata.getIdentifier(pojo, sessionImplementor);
return identifierType.getPropertyValue(id, i, EntityMode.POJO);
final Type propertyType = getPropertyType();
final Object propertyValue = classMetadata.getPropertyValue(pojo, propertyName);
if (!propertyType.isAssociationType())
return propertyValue;
if (propertyType.isCollectionType())
if (propertyValue == null)
return null;
final HashSet<Serializable> identifiers = new HashSet<Serializable>();
final Collection<?> pojos = (Collection<?>) propertyValue;
for (Object object : pojos)
if (!session.contains(object))
object = session.merge(object);
return identifiers;
if (propertyValue == null)
return null;
final Class<?> propertyTypeClass = propertyType.getReturnedClass();
final ClassMetadata metadata = sessionFactory.getClassMetadata(propertyTypeClass);
final Serializable identifier = metadata.getIdentifier(propertyValue, sessionImplementor);
return identifier;
* This method tests if the Property is in read-only mode. In read-only mode calls to the method setValue
* will throw ReadOnlyException and will not modify the value of the Property.
public boolean isReadOnly()
return false;
* This method sets the property's read-only mode to the specified status. This functionality is optional,
* but all properties must implement the isReadOnly mode query correctly.
* HbnContainer does not implement this functionality and will throw an UnsupportedOperationException of
* this method is called.
public void setReadOnly(boolean newStatus)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
* This method sets the value of the property.
* Implementing this functionality is optional. If the functionality is missing, one should declare the
* Property to be in read-only mode and throw Property.ReadOnlyException in this function.
* Note : Since Vaadin 7.0, setting the value of a non-String property as a String is no longer supported.
public void setValue(Object newValue) throws ReadOnlyException, ConversionException
final Session session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession();
final SessionImplementor sessionImplementor = (SessionImplementor) sessionFactory
Object value;
if (newValue == null || getType().isAssignableFrom(newValue.getClass()))
value = newValue;
final Constructor<?> constr = getType().getConstructor(new Class[] { String.class });
value = constr.newInstance(new Object[] { newValue.toString() });
if (propertyInEmbeddedKey(propertyName))
final ComponentType identifierType = (ComponentType) classMetadata.getIdentifierType();
final String[] propertyNames = identifierType.getPropertyNames();
for (int i = 0; i < propertyNames.length; i++)
String name = propertyNames[i];
if (name.equals(propertyName))
final Object identifier = classMetadata.getIdentifier(pojo, sessionImplementor);
final Object[] values = identifierType.getPropertyValues(identifier,
values[i] = value;
identifierType.setPropertyValues(identifier, values, EntityMode.POJO);
final Type propertyType = classMetadata.getPropertyType(propertyName);
if (propertyType.isCollectionType())
final Field declaredField = entityType.getDeclaredField(propertyName);
final java.lang.reflect.Type genericType = declaredField.getGenericType();
final java.lang.reflect.Type[] actualTypeArguments =
((ParameterizedType) genericType).getActualTypeArguments();
final java.lang.reflect.Type assosiatedType = actualTypeArguments[0];
final String typestring = assosiatedType.toString().substring(6);
// Reuse existing persistent collection if possible so Hibernate may optimize queries
// properly.
Collection<Object> pojoCollection = (Collection<Object>) classMetadata
.getPropertyValue(pojo, propertyName);
if (pojoCollection == null)
pojoCollection = new HashSet<Object>();
classMetadata.setPropertyValue(pojo, propertyName, pojoCollection);
final Collection<Object> orphans = new HashSet<Object>(pojoCollection);
final Collection<?> identifiers = (Collection<?>) value;
for (Object id : identifiers)
final Object object = session.get(typestring, (Serializable) id);
if (!pojoCollection.contains(object))
else if (propertyType.isAssociationType())
final Class<?> referencedType = classMetadata
final Object object = sessionFactory
.get(referencedType, (Serializable) value);
classMetadata.setPropertyValue(pojo, propertyName, object);
classMetadata.setPropertyValue(pojo, propertyName, value);
T newPojo = (T) session.merge(pojo);
pojo = newPojo;
catch (Exception e)
throw new ConversionException(e);
catch (HibernateException e)
* This method registers a new value change listener for this property.
public void addListener(ValueChangeListener listener)
if (valueChangeListeners == null)
valueChangeListeners = new LinkedList<ValueChangeListener>();
if (!valueChangeListeners.contains(listener))
* This method removes a previously registered value change listener.
public void removeListener(ValueChangeListener listener)
if (valueChangeListeners != null)
* This method registers a new value change listener for this property.
public void addValueChangeListener(ValueChangeListener listener)
* This method removes a previously registered value change listener.
public void removeValueChangeListener(ValueChangeListener listener)
* This method returns a string representation of the object. In general, the toString method returns a
* string that "textually represents" this object. The result should be a concise but informative
* representation that is easy for a person to read. It is recommended that all subclasses override this
* method.
* The toString method for class Object returns a string consisting of the name of the class of which the
* object is an instance, the at-sign character `@', and the unsigned hexadecimal representation of the hash
* code of the object. In other words, this method returns a string equal to the value of:
* getClass().getName() + '@' + Integer.toHexString(hashCode())
public String toString()
final Object value = getValue();
return (value != null) ? value.toString() : null;
* This method returns a reference to the containing EntityItem.
public EntityItem<T> getEntityItem()
return EntityItem.this;
* This method returns a reference to the associated pojo.
public T getPojo()
return pojo;
* This method returns the raw type of this property.
private Type getPropertyType()
return classMetadata.getPropertyType(propertyName);
* Returns the type of the Property. The methods getValue and setValue must be compatible with this type:
* one must be able to safely cast the value returned from getValue to the given type and pass any variable
* assignable to this type as an argument to setValue.
public Class<?> getType()
if (propertyInEmbeddedKey(propertyName))
final ComponentType idType = (ComponentType) classMetadata.getIdentifierType();
final String[] propertyNames = idType.getPropertyNames();
for (String name : propertyNames)
if (name.equals(propertyName))
final String identifierName = classMetadata.getIdentifierPropertyName();
final Field identifierField = entityType.getDeclaredField(identifierName);
final Field propertyField = identifierField.getType().getDeclaredField(propertyName);
return propertyField.getType();
catch (NoSuchFieldException e)
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to find the type of the container property.", e);
final Type propertyType = getPropertyType();
if (propertyType.isCollectionType())
final Class<?> returnedClass = propertyType.getReturnedClass();
return returnedClass;
if (propertyType.isAssociationType())
// For association the the property value type is the type of referenced types identifier.
final ClassMetadata metadata = sessionFactory.getClassMetadata(
return metadata.getIdentifierType().getReturnedClass();
return classMetadata.getPropertyType(propertyName).getReturnedClass();
* Implements a value change event.
private class HbnPropertyValueChangeEvent implements Property.ValueChangeEvent
private static final long serialVersionUID = 166764621324404579L;
public Property<?> getProperty()
return EntityProperty.this;
* This method is used to fire a value change event.
private void fireValueChange()
if (valueChangeListeners != null)
final HbnPropertyValueChangeEvent event = new HbnPropertyValueChangeEvent();
final Object[] array = valueChangeListeners.toArray();
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++)
final ValueChangeListener listener = (ValueChangeListener) array[i];
* Constructor creates a new instance of HbnContainer.
public HbnContainer(Class<T> entityType, SessionFactory sessionFactory)
this.entityType = entityType;
this.sessionFactory = sessionFactory;
this.classMetadata = sessionFactory.getClassMetadata(entityType);
this.cache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder()
.expireAfterAccess(2, TimeUnit.MINUTES)
.build(new CacheLoader<Object, EntityItem<T>>()
public EntityItem<T> load(Object entityId) throws Exception
return loadEntity((Serializable) entityId);
catch (Exception e)
throw e;
* This method is used to load an entity from the database. This method is called automatically by the cache loader
* when it needs to load an entity into the cache but it can be called manually if necessary.
protected EntityItem<T> loadEntity(Serializable entityId)
EntityItem<T> entity = null;
if (entityId != null)
entity = new EntityItem<T>(entityId);
return entity;
* This method is used to save an entity to the database and in the process it will fire an item set change event.
public Serializable saveEntity(T entity)
final Session session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession();
final Object entityId = session.save(entity);
return (Serializable) entityId;
* This method is used to update an entity in the database, update the cache and fire value change events when
* necessary.
public Serializable updateEntity(T entity)
final Session session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession();
final Object entityId = getIdForPojo(entity);
final EntityItem<T> cachedEntity = cache.getIfPresent(entityId);
if (cachedEntity != null)
for (Object propertyId : cachedEntity.getItemPropertyIds())
Property<?> cachedProperty = cachedEntity.getItemProperty(propertyId);
if (cachedProperty instanceof EntityItem.EntityProperty)
EntityProperty entityProperty = (EntityProperty) cachedProperty;
return (Serializable) entityId;
* This method adds a new property to all items in the container. The property id, data type and default value of
* the new Property are given as parameters. HbnContainer automatically adds all fields that are mapped by Hibernate
* to the database. With this method we can add a property to the container that is contained in the pojo but not
* Hibernate mapped.
public boolean addContainerProperty(Object propertyId, Class<?> classType, Object defaultValue)
throws UnsupportedOperationException
boolean propertyExists = true;
new MethodProperty<Object>(this.entityType.newInstance(), propertyId.toString());
catch (Exception e)
logger.debug("Note: this is not an error: " + e);
propertyExists = false;
addedProperties.put(propertyId.toString(), classType);
return propertyExists;
* Creates a new Item into the Container and assigns it an automatic ID. The new ID is returned, or null if the
* operation fails. After a successful call you can use the getItemmethod to fetch the Item. This functionality is
* optional.
public Object addItem() throws UnsupportedOperationException
final T entity = entityType.newInstance();
return saveEntity(entity);
catch (Exception e)
return null;
* Creates a new Item with the given ID in the Container. The new Item is returned, and it is ready to have its
* Properties modified. Returns null if the operation fails or the Container already contains a Item with the given
* ID. This functionality is optional.
* Note that in this implementation we are expecting auto-generated identifiers so this method is not implemented.
public Item addItem(Object entityId) throws UnsupportedOperationException
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
* Tests if the Container contains the specified Item. Filtering can hide items so that they will not be visible
* through the container API, and this method should respect visibility of items (i.e. only indicate visible items
* as being in the container) if feasible for the container.
public boolean containsId(Object entityId)
final EntityItem<T> entity = cache.get(entityId);
return (entity != null);
catch (Exception e)
return false;
* Gets the Property identified by the given entityId and propertyId from the Container. If the Container does not
* contain the item or it is filtered out, or the Container does not have the Property, null is returned.
public Property<?> getContainerProperty(Object entityId, Object propertyId)
EntityItem<?> entity = cache.get(entityId);
Property<?> property = entity.getItemProperty(propertyId);
return property;
catch (Exception e)
return null;
* Gets the ID's of all Properties stored in the Container. The ID's cannot be modified through the returned
* collection.
public Collection<String> getContainerPropertyIds()
Collection<String> propertyIds = getSortableContainerPropertyIds();
return propertyIds;
* This is an HbnContainer specific utility method that is used to retrieve the list of embedded property key
* identifiers.
private Collection<String> getEmbeddedKeyPropertyIds()
final ArrayList<String> embeddedKeyPropertyIds = new ArrayList<String>();
final Type identifierType = classMetadata.getIdentifierType();
if (identifierType.isComponentType())
final ComponentType idComponent = (ComponentType) identifierType;
final String[] propertyNameArray = idComponent.getPropertyNames();
if (propertyNameArray != null)
final List<String> propertyNames = Arrays.asList(propertyNameArray);
return embeddedKeyPropertyIds;
* Gets the Item with the given Item ID from the Container. If the Container does not contain the requested Item,
* null is returned. Containers should not return Items that are filtered out.
public EntityItem<T> getItem(Object entityId)
return cache.get(entityId);
catch (ExecutionException e)
return null;
* Gets the ID's of all visible (after filtering and sorting) Items stored in the Container. The ID's cannot be
* modified through the returned collection. If the container is Container.Ordered, the collection returned by this
* method should follow that order. If the container is Container.Sortable, the items should be in the sorted order.
* Calling this method for large lazy containers can be an expensive operation and should be avoided when practical.
* Create an optimized query to return only identifiers. Note that this method does not scale well for large
* database. At least Table is optimized so that it does not call this method.
public Collection<?> getItemIds()
// TODO: BUG: does not preserve sort order!
final Criteria criteria = getCriteria();
return criteria.list();
* Get numberOfItems consecutive item ids from the container, starting with the item id at startIndex.
* Implementations should return at most numberOfItems item ids, but can contain less if the container has less
* items than required to fulfill the request. The returned list must hence contain all of the item ids from the
* range:
* startIndex to max(startIndex + (numberOfItems-1), container.size()-1).
public List<?> getItemIds(int startIndex, int count)
final List<?> entityIds = (List<?>) getItemIds();
return entityIds.subList(startIndex, startIndex + count);
* Gets the data type of all Properties identified by the given Property ID. This method does pretty much the same
* thing as EntityItemProperty#getType()
public Class<?> getType(Object propertyId)
// TODO: refactor to use same code as EntityItemProperty#getType()
// This will also fix incomplete implementation of this method (for association types). Not critical as
// Components don't really rely on this methods.
if (addedProperties.keySet().contains(propertyId))
return addedProperties.get(propertyId);
if (propertyInEmbeddedKey(propertyId))
final ComponentType idType = (ComponentType) classMetadata.getIdentifierType();
final String[] propertyNames = idType.getPropertyNames();
for (int i = 0; i < propertyNames.length; i++)
String name = propertyNames[i];
if (name.equals(propertyId))
String idName = classMetadata.getIdentifierPropertyName();
Field idField = entityType.getDeclaredField(idName);
Field propertyField = idField.getType().getDeclaredField((String) propertyId);
return propertyField.getType();
catch (NoSuchFieldException ex)
throw new RuntimeException("Could not find the type of specified container property.", ex);
Type propertyType = classMetadata.getPropertyType(propertyId.toString());
return propertyType.getReturnedClass();
* Removes all Items from the Container. Note that Property ID and type information is preserved. This functionality
* is optional.
public boolean removeAllItems() throws UnsupportedOperationException
final Session session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession();
final Query query = session.createQuery("DELETE FROM " + entityType.getSimpleName());
final int deleted = query.executeUpdate();
if (deleted > 0)
return (size() == 0);
catch (Exception e)
return false;
* Removes a Property specified by the given Property ID from the Container. Note that the Property will be removed
* from all Items in the Container. This functionality is optional.
public boolean removeContainerProperty(Object propertyId) throws UnsupportedOperationException
final Class<?> removed = addedProperties.remove(propertyId);
return (removed != null);
* Removes the Item identified by entityId from the Container. Containers that support filtering should also allow
* removing an item that is currently filtered out. This functionality is optional.
* Note that this method recursively removes all children of this entity before removing this entity.
public boolean removeItem(Object entityId) throws UnsupportedOperationException
for (Object id : getChildren(entityId))
final Session session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession();
final Object entity = session.load(entityType, (Serializable) entityId);
return true;
* Gets the number of visible Items in the Container. Filtering can hide items so that they will not be visible
* through the container API.
public int size()
size = ((Number) getBaseCriteria()
return size.intValue();
* Adds a new item after the given item. Adding an item after null item adds the item as first item of the ordered
* container. Note that we can't implement properly for database backed container like this so it is unsupported.
public Object addItemAfter(Object previousEntityId) throws UnsupportedOperationException
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
* Adds a new item after the given item. Adding an item after null item adds the item as first item of the ordered
* container. Note that we can't implement properly for database backed container like this so it is unsupported.
public Item addItemAfter(Object previousEntityId, Object newEntityId) throws UnsupportedOperationException
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
* Gets the ID of the first Item in the Container.
public Object firstItemId()
final Object firstPojo = getCriteria()
firstId = getIdForPojo(firstPojo);
idToIndex.put(firstId, normalOrder ? 0 : size() - 1);
return firstId;
* Tests if the Item corresponding to the given Item ID is the first Item in the Container.
public boolean isFirstId(Object entityId)
return entityId.equals(firstItemId());
* Tests if the Item corresponding to the given Item ID is the last Item in the Container.
public boolean isLastId(Object entityId)
return entityId.equals(lastItemId());
* Gets the ID of the last Item in the Container.
public Object lastItemId()
if (lastId == null)
normalOrder = !normalOrder;
lastId = firstItemId();
normalOrder = !normalOrder;
return lastId;
* Gets the ID of the Item following the Item that corresponds to entityId. If the given Item is the last or not
* found in the Container, null is returned.
* This is a simple method but it contains a lot of code. The complicated logic is needed to avoid:
* - a large number of database queries - scrolling through a large query result
* This way this container can be used with large data sets.
public Object nextItemId(Object entityId)
EntityItem<T> entity = null;
List<T> rowBuffer = null;
entity = cache.get(entityId);
rowBuffer = getRowBuffer();
catch (Exception e)
return null;
int index;
if ((index = rowBuffer.indexOf(entity.getPojo())) != -1)
final T nextEntity = rowBuffer.get(index + 1);
return getIdForPojo(nextEntity);
catch (Exception e) // entityId is not in rowBuffer, suppress the exception
int currentIndex = indexOfId(entityId);
int size = size();
int firstIndex = (normalOrder)
? currentIndex + 1
: size - currentIndex;
if (firstIndex < 0 || firstIndex >= size)
return null;
final Criteria criteria = getCriteria()
final List<T> newRowBuffer = criteria.list();
if (newRowBuffer.size() > 0)
setRowBuffer(newRowBuffer, firstIndex);
final T nextPojo = newRowBuffer.get(0);
return getIdForPojo(nextPojo);
return null;
* Gets the ID of the Item preceding the Item that corresponds to entityId. If the given Item is the first or not
* found in the Container, null is returned.
public Object prevItemId(Object entityId)
normalOrder = !normalOrder;
Object previous = nextItemId(entityId);
normalOrder = !normalOrder;
return previous;
* Not supported in HbnContainer. Indexing/order is controlled by underlying database.
public Object addItemAt(int index) throws UnsupportedOperationException
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
* Not supported in HbnContainer. Indexing/order is controlled by underlying database.
public Item addItemAt(int index, Object newEntityId) throws UnsupportedOperationException
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
* Get the item id for the item at the position given by index.
public Object getIdByIndex(int index)
if (indexRowBuffer == null)
int indexInCache = index - indexRowBufferFirstIndex;
if (!(indexInCache >= 0 && indexInCache < indexRowBuffer.size()))
indexInCache = 0;
final T pojo = indexRowBuffer.get(indexInCache);
final Object id = getIdForPojo(pojo);
idToIndex.put(id, new Integer(index));
if (idToIndex.size() > ID_TO_INDEX_MAX_SIZE)
return id;
* Gets the index of the Item corresponding to the entityId. The following is true for the returned index: 0 <=
* index < size(), or index = -1 if there is no visible item with that id in the container.
* Note! Expects that getIdByIndex is called for this entityId. Otherwise it will be potentially rather slow
* operation with large tables. When used with Table, this shouldn't be a problem.
public int indexOfId(Object entityId)
final Integer index = idToIndex.get(entityId);
return (index == null)
? slowIndexOfId(entityId)
: index;
* Gets the container property IDs which can be used to sort the items.
public Collection<String> getSortableContainerPropertyIds()
final String[] propertyNames = classMetadata.getPropertyNames();
final LinkedList<String> propertyIds = new LinkedList<String>();
return propertyIds;
* Sort method. Sorts the container items. Sorting a container can irreversibly change the order of its items or
* only change the order temporarily, depending on the container.
* HbnContainer does not actually sort anything here, just clearing cache will do the thing lazily.
public void sort(Object[] propertyId, boolean[] ascending)
orderPropertyIds = propertyId;
orderAscendings = ascending;
* Remove all active filters from the container.
public void removeAllContainerFilters()
if (filters != null)
filters = null;
* Adds a filter for the container
* Note that for complex filtering it is possible to override {@link #getBaseCriteria()} method and add filter
* so the query directly.
public void addContainerFilter(Filter filter) throws UnsupportedFilterException
final ContainerFilter containerFilter = FilterFactory.getContainerFilter(filter);
* Finds the identifiers for the children of the given item. The returned collection is unmodifiable.
public Collection<?> getChildren(Object entityId)
final ArrayList<Object> children = new ArrayList<Object>();
parentPropertyName = getParentPropertyName();
if (parentPropertyName == null)
return children;
for (Object id : getItemIds())
EntityItem<T> entity = cache.get(id);
Property<?> property = entity.getItemProperty(parentPropertyName);
Object value = property.getValue();
if (entityId.equals(value))
catch (Exception e)
return children;
* Gets the identifier of the given item's parent. If there is no parent or we are unable to infer the name of the
* parent property this method will return null.
public Object getParent(Object entityId)
parentPropertyName = getParentPropertyName();
if (parentPropertyName == null)
logger.warn("failed to find a parent property name; hierarchy may be incomplete.");
return null;
final EntityItem<T> entity = cache.get(entityId);
final Property<?> property = entity.getItemProperty(parentPropertyName);
final Object value = property.getValue();
return value;
catch (Exception e)
return null;
* Gets the IDs of all Items in the container that don't have a parent. Such items are called root Items. The
* returned collection is unmodifiable.
public Collection<?> rootItemIds()
final ArrayList<Object> rootItems = new ArrayList<Object>();
parentPropertyName = getParentPropertyName();
if (parentPropertyName == null)
logger.warn("failed to find a parent property name; hierarchy may be incomplete.");
return rootItems;
final Collection<?> allItemIds = getItemIds();
for (Object id : allItemIds)
EntityItem<T> entity = cache.get(id);
Property<?> property = entity.getItemProperty(parentPropertyName);
Object value = property.getValue();
if (value == null)
catch (Exception e)
return rootItems;
* Sets the parent of an Item. The new parent item must exist and be able to have children. (
* areChildrenAllowed(Object) == true ). It is also possible to detach a node from the hierarchy (and thus make it
* root) by setting the parent null. This operation is optional.
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
public boolean setParent(Object entityId, Object newParentId)
parentPropertyName = getParentPropertyName();
if (parentPropertyName == null)
logger.warn("failed to find a parent property name; unable to set the parent.");
return false;
final EntityItem<T> item = cache.get(entityId);
final Property property = item.getItemProperty(parentPropertyName);
final Object value = property.getValue();
return (value.equals(newParentId));
catch (Exception e)
return false;
* Tests if the Item with given ID can have children.
public boolean areChildrenAllowed(Object entityId)
if ((parentPropertyName = getParentPropertyName()) != null)
return containsId(entityId);
return false;
* Sets the given Item's capability to have children. If the Item identified with entityId already has children and
* areChildrenAllowed(Object) is false this method fails and false is returned.
* The children must be first explicitly removed with setParent(Object entityId, Object newParentId)or
* com.vaadin.data.Container.removeItem(Object entityId).
* This operation is optional. If it is not implemented, the method always returns false.
public boolean setChildrenAllowed(Object entityId, boolean areChildrenAllowed)
return false;
* Tests if the Item specified with entityId is a root Item. The hierarchical container can have more than one root
* and must have at least one unless it is empty. The getParent(Object entityId) method always returns null for root
* Items.
public boolean isRoot(Object entityId)
parentPropertyName = getParentPropertyName();
if (parentPropertyName == null)
logger.warn("failed to find a parent property name; hierarchy may be incomplete.");
return false;
final EntityItem<T> item = cache.get(entityId);
final Property<?> property = item.getItemProperty(parentPropertyName);
final Object value = property.getValue();
return (value == null);
catch (Exception e)
return false;
* Tests if the Item specified with entityId has child Items or if it is a leaf. The getChildren(Object entityId)
* method always returns null for leaf Items.
* Note that being a leaf does not imply whether or not an Item is allowed to have children.
public boolean hasChildren(Object entityId)
parentPropertyName = getParentPropertyName();
if (parentPropertyName == null)
logger.warn("failed to find a parent property name; hierarchy may be incomplete.");
return false;
for (Object id : getItemIds())
EntityItem<T> item = cache.get(id);
Property<?> property = item.getItemProperty(parentPropertyName);
Object value = property.getValue();
if (entityId.equals(value))
return true;
return false;
catch (Exception e)
return false;
* Adds an Item set change listener for the object.
public void addItemSetChangeListener(ItemSetChangeListener listener)
if (itemSetChangeListeners == null)
itemSetChangeListeners = new LinkedList<ItemSetChangeListener>();
* Removes the Item set change listener from the object.
public void removeItemSetChangeListener(ItemSetChangeListener listener)
if (itemSetChangeListeners != null)
* Adds an Item set change listener for the object. This method is deprecated. You should use
* addItemSetChangeListener() instead.
public void addListener(ItemSetChangeListener listener)
* Removes the Item set change listener from the object. This method is deprecated. You should use
* addItemSetChangeListener() instead.
public void removeListener(ItemSetChangeListener listener)
* This method was added mainly to allow unit tests to be written to cover the filter add/remove methods.
public Set<ContainerFilter> getContainerFilters()
return filters;
* This method was added mainly to allow unit tests to be written to cover the listener add/remove methods.
public List<ItemSetChangeListener> getItemSetChangeListeners()
return itemSetChangeListeners;
* This is an internal HbnContainer utility method. Determines if a property is contained within an embedded key.
private boolean propertyInEmbeddedKey(Object propertyId)
if (embeddedPropertiesCache.containsKey(propertyId))
return embeddedPropertiesCache.get(propertyId);
final Type identifierType = classMetadata.getIdentifierType();
if (identifierType.isComponentType())
final ComponentType componentType = (ComponentType) identifierType;
final String[] idPropertyNames = componentType.getPropertyNames();
final List<String> idPropertyNameList = Arrays.asList(idPropertyNames);
return idPropertyNameList.contains(propertyId);
return false;
* This is an internal HbnContainer utility method. This method triggers events associated with the
* ItemSetChangeListener.
private void fireItemSetChange()
if (itemSetChangeListeners != null)
final Object[] changeListeners = itemSetChangeListeners.toArray();
final Container.ItemSetChangeEvent changeEvent = new Container.ItemSetChangeEvent()
private static final long serialVersionUID = -3002746333251784195L;
public Container getContainer()
return HbnContainer.this;
for (int i = 0; i < changeListeners.length; i++)
ItemSetChangeListener changeListener = (ItemSetChangeListener) changeListeners[i];
* This is an internal HbnContainer utility method. Gets a base listing using current ordering criteria.
private Criteria getCriteria()
final Criteria criteria = getBaseCriteria();
final List<Order> orders = getOrder(!normalOrder);
for (Order order : orders)
return criteria;
* This is an internal HbnContainer utility method. Return the ordering criteria in the order in which they should
* be applied. The composed order must be stable and must include {@link #getNaturalOrder(boolean)} at the end.
protected final List<Order> getOrder(boolean flipOrder)
final List<Order> orders = new ArrayList<Order>();
return orders;
* This is an internal HbnContainer utility method. Returns the ordering to use for the container contents. The
* default implementation provides the {@link Container.Sortable} functionality. Can be overridden to customize item
* sort order.
protected List<Order> getDefaultOrder(boolean flipOrder)
final List<Order> orders = new ArrayList<Order>();
if (orderPropertyIds != null)
for (int i = 0; i < orderPropertyIds.length; i++)
String propertyId = orderPropertyIds[i].toString();
if (propertyInEmbeddedKey(propertyId))
propertyId = classMetadata.getIdentifierPropertyName() + "." + propertyId;
boolean ascending = (flipOrder)
? !orderAscendings[i]
: orderAscendings[i];
Order order = (ascending)
? Order.asc(propertyId)
: Order.desc(propertyId);
return orders;
* This is an internal HbnContainer utility method. Creates the base criteria for entity class and add possible
* restrictions to query. This method is protected so developers can add their own custom criteria.
protected Criteria getBaseCriteria()
final Session session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession();
Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(entityType);
if (filters != null)
for (ContainerFilter filter : filters)
String idName = null;
if (propertyInEmbeddedKey(filter.getPropertyId()))
idName = classMetadata.getIdentifierPropertyName();
criteria = criteria.add(filter.getCriterion(idName));
return criteria;
* This is an internal HbnContainer utility method. Natural order is the order in which the database is sorted if
* container has no other ordering set. Natural order is always added as least significant order to queries. This is
* needed to keep items stable order across queries. The default implementation sorts entities by identifier column.
protected Order getNaturalOrder(boolean flipOrder)
final String propertyName = getIdPropertyName();
return (flipOrder)
? Order.desc(propertyName)
: Order.asc(propertyName);
* This is an internal HbnContainer utility method to detect identifier of given entity object.
private Object getIdForPojo(Object pojo)
final Session session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession();
return classMetadata.getIdentifier(pojo, (SessionImplementor) session);
* This is an internal HbnContainer utility method. RowBuffer stores a list of entity items to avoid excessive
* number of DB queries.
private List<T> getRowBuffer()
return (normalOrder) ? ascRowBuffer : descRowBuffer;
* This is an internal HbnContainer utility method. RowBuffer stores some pojos to avoid excessive number of DB
* queries. Also updates the idToIndex map.
private void setRowBuffer(List<T> list, int firstIndex)
if (normalOrder)
ascRowBuffer = list;
for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i)
idToIndex.put(getIdForPojo(list.get(i)), firstIndex + i);
descRowBuffer = list;
final int lastIndex = size() - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i)
idToIndex.put(getIdForPojo(list.get(i)), lastIndex - firstIndex - i);
* This is an internal HbnContainer utility method that gets the property name of the identifier.
private String getIdPropertyName()
return classMetadata.getIdentifierPropertyName();
* This is an internal HbnContainer utility method to query new set of entity items to cache from given index.
private void resetIndexRowBuffer(int index)
indexRowBufferFirstIndex = index;
indexRowBuffer = getCriteria().setFirstResult(index).setMaxResults(ROW_BUF_SIZE).list();
* This is an internal HbnContainer utility method that gets the index of the given identifier.
private int slowIndexOfId(Object entityId)
final Criteria criteria = getCriteria().setProjection(Projections.id());
final List<?> list = criteria.list();
return list.indexOf(entityId);
* This is an internal HbnContainer utility method. Adds container filter for hibernate mapped property. For
* property not mapped by Hibernate.
public void addContainerFilter(Object propertyId, String filterString, boolean ignoreCase, boolean onlyMatchPrefix)
addContainerFilter(new StringContainerFilter(propertyId, filterString, ignoreCase, onlyMatchPrefix));
* Clears all filters present in filters which have the same property id as
* that set in containerFilter
* @param containerFilter
* the filter which will be used to filter filters
* @param filters
* set of filters to filter
* @return A filtered set of ContainerFilters where there are no filters
* with the same property ID as the one in containerFilter
* TODO: is this really necessary? Enums do not work properly in tables
* without this, but those may have to be better handled somewhere else
private Set<ContainerFilter> filterFilters(
final ContainerFilter containerFilter,
final Set<ContainerFilter> filters)
final HashSet<ContainerFilter> filtered = new HashSet<ContainerFilter>();
final Object propertyId = containerFilter.getPropertyId();
for (ContainerFilter filter : filters)
if (!propertyId.equals(filter.getPropertyId()))
return filtered;
* This is an internal HbnContainer utility method that adds a container filter.
public void addContainerFilter(ContainerFilter containerFilter)
if (addedProperties.containsKey(containerFilter.getPropertyId()))
final String message = "HbnContainer does not support filtering properties not mapped by Hibernate";
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(message);
if (filters == null)
filters = new HashSet<ContainerFilter>();
filters = filterFilters(containerFilter, filters);
* This is an internal HbnContainer utility method that removes container filters for the given property identifier.
public void removeContainerFilters(Object propertyId)
if (filters != null)
for (Iterator<ContainerFilter> iterator = filters.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();)
ContainerFilter containerFilter = iterator.next();
if (containerFilter.getPropertyId().equals(propertyId))
* This is an internal HbnContainer utility method that removes the given container filter.
public void removeContainerFilter(Filter filter)
final ContainerFilter containerFilter = FilterFactory.getContainerFilter(filter);
* This is an internal HbnContainer utility method that infers the name of the parent field belonging to the current
* property based on type.
private String getParentPropertyName()
// TODO: make this a little more robust, there are a number of cases where this will fail.
if (parentPropertyName == null)
String[] propertyNames = classMetadata.getPropertyNames();
for (int i = 0; i < propertyNames.length; ++i)
String entityTypeName = entityType.getName();
String propertyTypeName = classMetadata.getPropertyType(propertyNames[i]).getName();
if (entityTypeName.equals(propertyTypeName))
parentPropertyName = propertyNames[i];
return parentPropertyName;
* This is an internal HbnContainer utility method to clear all cache fields.
protected void clearInternalCache()
indexRowBuffer = null;
ascRowBuffer = null;
descRowBuffer = null;
firstId = null;
lastId = null;
size = null;