Package com.xmlcalabash.model

Source Code of com.xmlcalabash.model.DeclareStep

* Copyright 2008 Mark Logic Corporation.
* Portions Copyright 2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
* General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common
* Development and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the
* "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
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* Notice in each file and include the License file at docs/CDDL+GPL.txt.

package com.xmlcalabash.model;

import com.xmlcalabash.core.XProcData;
import net.sf.saxon.s9api.XdmNode;
import net.sf.saxon.s9api.QName;
import com.xmlcalabash.core.XProcRuntime;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import org.slf4j.Logger;

import com.xmlcalabash.core.XProcConstants;
import com.xmlcalabash.core.XProcException;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

public class DeclareStep extends CompoundStep {
    protected boolean psviRequired = false;
    protected String xpathVersion = "2.0";
    private QName declaredType = null;
    private boolean atomic = true;
    private Pipeline implementation = null;
    protected Hashtable<QName, DeclareStep> declaredSteps = new Hashtable<QName, DeclareStep> ();
    protected HashSet<String> importedLibs = new HashSet<String> ();
    private DeclareStep parentDecl = null;
    private Vector<XdmNode> rest = null;
    private HashSet<String> excludedInlineNamespaces = null;

    // If a pipeline contains both import statements and inlined step declarations
    // then we have to be careful not to parse declared steps twice (we will have
    // parsed the imported ones, but not the inlined ones. This flag keeps track
    // of whether we've parsed the body of a step declaration or not.
    // FIXME: Maybe this should be managed by the parser not the DeclareStep?
    private boolean bodyParsed = false;

    /** Creates a new instance of DeclareStep */
    public DeclareStep(XProcRuntime xproc, XdmNode node, String name) {
        super(xproc, node, XProcConstants.p_declare_step, name);

    protected void setXmlContent(Vector<XdmNode> nodes) {
        rest = nodes;

    protected Vector<XdmNode> getXmlContent() {
        return rest;

    public boolean getBodyParsed() {
        return bodyParsed;

    public void setBodyParsed(boolean parsed) {
        bodyParsed = parsed;

    public void setPsviRequired(boolean psvi) {
        psviRequired = psvi;

    public void setXPathVersion(String version) {
        xpathVersion = version;

    public void setDeclaredType(QName type) {
        declaredType = type;

    public void setExcludeInlineNamespaces(HashSet<String> uris) {
        excludedInlineNamespaces = uris;

    public HashSet<String> getExcludeInlineNamespaces() {
        return excludedInlineNamespaces;

    public void setAtomic(boolean isAtomic) {
        atomic = isAtomic;

    public boolean isAtomic() {
        return atomic;

    public boolean isPipeline() {
        return !atomic;

    public QName getDeclaredType() {
        return declaredType;

    public void setParentDecl(DeclareStep decl) {
        parentDecl = decl;

    public void setPipeline(Pipeline pipeline) {
        implementation = pipeline;

    public Pipeline getPipeline() {
        return implementation;

    public void declareStep(QName type, DeclareStep step) {
        if (declaredSteps.containsKey(type)) {
            throw new XProcException(step, "Duplicate step type: " + type);
        } else {
            declaredSteps.put(type, step);

    public boolean imported(String uri) {
        if (importedLibs.contains(uri)) {
            return true;

        if (parentDecl == null) {
            return false;

        return parentDecl.imported(uri);

    public void addImport(String uri) {

    public DeclareStep getDeclaration() {
        return getStepDeclaration(declaredType);

    public DeclareStep getStepDeclaration(QName type) {
        if (declaredSteps.containsKey(type)) {
            return declaredSteps.get(type);
        } else if (parentDecl != null) {
            return parentDecl.getStepDeclaration(type);
        } else {
            return runtime.getBuiltinDeclaration(type);
    public Collection<DeclareStep> getStepDeclarations() {
        return declaredSteps.values();

    public void setupEnvironment() {
        setEnvironment(new Environment(this));

    protected void patchEnvironment(Environment env) {
        if (atomic) {
        } else {
            // See if there's exactly one "ordinary" input
            int count = 0;
            Input defin = null;
            boolean foundPrimary = false;
            for (Input input : inputs) {
                if (!input.getPort().startsWith("|") && !input.getParameterInput()) {
                    foundPrimary |= input.getPrimary();

                    if (!input.getPrimary() && input.getPrimarySet()) {
                        // nop; if the port is explicitly marked primary=false, it can't count
                    } else {
                        if (defin == null || input.getPrimary()) {
                            defin = input;

            if (count == 1 || foundPrimary) {

    public void setup() {
        XProcRuntime runtime = this.runtime;
        DeclareStep decl = this;
        boolean debug = runtime.getDebug();

        if (decl.psviRequired && !runtime.getPSVISupported()) {
            throw XProcException.dynamicError(22);

        if (debug) {
            logger.trace("Before augment:");

        boolean seenPrimaryDocument = false;
        boolean seenPrimaryParameter = false;
        for (Input input : decl.inputs()) {
            if (!input.getPort().startsWith("|") && input.getPrimary()) {
                if (seenPrimaryDocument && !input.getParameterInput()) {
                    error("At most one primary document input port is allowed", XProcConstants.staticError(30));
                if (seenPrimaryParameter && input.getParameterInput()) {
                    error("At most one primary parameter input port is allowed", XProcConstants.staticError(30));

                if (input.getParameterInput()) {
                    seenPrimaryParameter = true;
                } else {
                    seenPrimaryDocument = true;

        boolean seenPrimary = false;
        for (Output output : decl.outputs()) {
            if (!output.getPort().endsWith("|") && output.getPrimary()) {
                if (seenPrimary) {
                    error("At most one primary output port is allowed", XProcConstants.staticError(30));
                seenPrimary = true;

        if (debug) {
            logger.trace("After binding pipeline inputs and outputs:");

        if (subpipeline.size() == 0) {
            error("Declared step has no subpipeline, but is not known.", XProcConstants.staticError(100)); // FIXME!


        if (debug) {
            logger.trace("After augment:");


        if (!decl.valid()) {
            if (debug) {

        if (debug) {
            logger.trace("After valid:");

        if (!decl.orderSteps()) {
            if (debug) {

        if (debug) {
            logger.trace("After ordering:");

        HashSet<QName> vars = new HashSet<QName> ();

        // Are all the primary outputs bound?
        if (!checkOutputBindings()) {
            if (debug) {

    protected boolean checkOutputBindings() {
        HashSet<Output> uboutputs = new HashSet<Output> ();

        for (Step substep : subpipeline) {
            for (Output output : substep.outputs()) {
                if (output.getBinding().size() == 0
                        && !output.getPort().endsWith("|") && !output.getPort().startsWith("#")) {

        for (Input input : inputs()) {
            for (Binding binding : input.bindings) {
                if (binding.getBindingType() == Binding.PIPE_NAME_BINDING) {
                    PipeNameBinding b = (PipeNameBinding) binding;
                    Output output = env.readablePort(b.getStep(), b.getPort());
                    if (uboutputs.contains(output)) {
                    } else {
                        // Doesn't matter. Must be legit but doesn't help us.

        for (Option option : options()) {
            for (Binding binding : option.bindings) {
                if (binding.getBindingType() == Binding.PIPE_NAME_BINDING) {
                    PipeNameBinding b = (PipeNameBinding) binding;
                    Output output = env.readablePort(b.getStep(), b.getPort());
                    if (uboutputs.contains(output)) {
                    } else {
                        // Doesn't matter. Must be legit but doesn't help us.

        for (Parameter param : parameters()) {
            for (Binding binding : param.bindings) {
                if (binding.getBindingType() == Binding.PIPE_NAME_BINDING) {
                    PipeNameBinding b = (PipeNameBinding) binding;
                    Output output = env.readablePort(b.getStep(), b.getPort());
                    if (uboutputs.contains(output)) {
                    } else {
                        // Doesn't matter. Must be legit but doesn't help us.

        for (Step substep : subpipeline) {

        boolean valid = true;
        Iterator<Output> outputIter = uboutputs.iterator();
        while (outputIter.hasNext()) {
            Output output =;
            if (output.getPrimary()) {
                error("Unbound primary output: " + output, new QName("", "ERR"));
                valid = false;

        return valid;

    protected boolean checkBinding(Input input) {
        boolean valid = true;

        // Note: it's ok for there to be no input bindings on a declare-step; the
        // bindings come from the caller

        if (input.getBinding().size() == 0) {
            Port port = null;

            if ("#xpath-context".equals(input.getPort())) {
                if (this instanceof When) {
                    // Manufacture the right port
                    port = new Port(runtime,getNode());
                } else {
                    port = env.getDefaultReadablePort();

            if ("#iteration-source".equals(input.getPort())
                    || "#viewport-source".equals(input.getPort())) {
                port = env.getParent().getDefaultReadablePort();

            // Check if the declaration has a default binding for this port
            Vector<Binding> declBinding = null;
            // FIXME: is this right?
            if (XProcConstants.p_pipeline.equals(getType())) {
                Step decl = declaration;
                for (Input dinput : decl.inputs()) {
                    if (dinput.getPort().equals(input.getPort())) {
                        declBinding = dinput.getBinding();

            if (input.getPrimary() && input.getPort().startsWith("|") && subpipeline.size() > 0) {
                // This needs to be bound to the output of the last step.
                Step substep = subpipeline.get(subpipeline.size()-1);
                port = substep.getDefaultOutput();

                if (port == null) {
                    error("Output port '" + input.getPort().substring(1) + "' on " + getStep() + " unbound", XProcConstants.staticError(5));
                    valid = false;

            // FIXME: Is this right? We don't want to steal the root input/output bindings, but
            // we do want to steal all the others, right?
            Output output = null;
            if (input.getPort().startsWith("|") && parent != null) {
                String oport = input.getPort().substring(1);
                output = getOutput(oport);

            if (output != null && output.getBinding().size() > 0) {
                // For |result, we want to copy result's bindings over
                for (Binding binding : output.getBinding()) {
            } else if (port == null) {
                if (declBinding != null) {
                    for (Binding binding : declBinding) {
                } else if (input.getParameterInput()) {
                    EmptyBinding empty = new EmptyBinding();
                } else {
                    // FIXME: is this right?
            } else {
                String stepName = port.getStep().getName();
                String portName = port.getPort();

                PipeNameBinding binding = new PipeNameBinding(runtime, node);

        } else if (input.getParameterInput()) {
            XProcData data = runtime.getXProcData();
            // If depth==0 then we're on a declare step and you aren't allowed to
            // provide default bindings for parameter input ports.
            if (data.getDepth() == 0 && input.getBinding().size() > 0) {
                throw XProcException.staticError(35, input.getNode(), "You must not specify bindings in this context.");

        for (Binding binding : input.getBinding()) {
            if (binding.getBindingType() == Binding.PIPE_NAME_BINDING) {
                PipeNameBinding pipe = (PipeNameBinding) binding;

                // FIXME: This seems like an ugly special case
                Step step = env.visibleStep(pipe.getStep());
                if ((step instanceof Catch && "error".equals(pipe.getPort()))
                        || (step instanceof Choose && "#xpath-context".equals(pipe.getPort()))) {
                    // then that's ok
                } else {
                    Output output = env.readablePort(pipe.getStep(), pipe.getPort());
                    if (output == null) {
                        error("Unreadable port: " + pipe.getPort() + " on " + pipe.getStep(), XProcException.err_E0001);
                        valid = false;

        return valid;

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