Package org.httpkit.server

Source Code of org.httpkit.server.RingHandler

package org.httpkit.server;

import clojure.lang.*;
import org.httpkit.HeaderMap;
import org.httpkit.HttpUtils;
import org.httpkit.PrefixThreadFactory;

import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.concurrent.*;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;

import static clojure.lang.Keyword.intern;
import static org.httpkit.HttpUtils.HttpEncode;
import static org.httpkit.HttpVersion.HTTP_1_0;
import static org.httpkit.server.ClojureRing.*;
import static org.httpkit.server.Frame.TextFrame;

@SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"})
class ClojureRing {

    static final Keyword SERVER_PORT = intern("server-port");
    static final Keyword SERVER_NAME = intern("server-name");
    static final Keyword REMOTE_ADDR = intern("remote-addr");
    static final Keyword URI = intern("uri");
    static final Keyword QUERY_STRING = intern("query-string");
    static final Keyword SCHEME = intern("scheme");
    static final Keyword REQUEST_METHOD = intern("request-method");
    static final Keyword HEADERS = intern("headers");
    static final Keyword CONTENT_TYPE = intern("content-type");
    static final Keyword CONTENT_LENGTH = intern("content-length");
    static final Keyword CHARACTER_ENCODING = intern("character-encoding");
    static final Keyword BODY = intern("body");
    static final Keyword WEBSOCKET = intern("websocket?");
    static final Keyword ASYC_CHANNEL = intern("async-channel");

    static final Keyword HTTP = intern("http");

    static final Keyword STATUS = intern("status");

    public static int getStatus(Map<Keyword, Object> resp) {
        int status = 200;
        Object s = resp.get(STATUS);
        if (s instanceof Long) {
            status = ((Long) s).intValue();
        } else if (s instanceof Integer) {
            status = (Integer) s;
        return status;

    public static IPersistentMap buildRequestMap(HttpRequest req) {
        // ring spec
        Map<Object, Object> m = new TreeMap<Object, Object>();
        m.put(SERVER_PORT, req.serverPort);
        m.put(SERVER_NAME, req.serverName);
        m.put(REMOTE_ADDR, req.getRemoteAddr());
        m.put(URI, req.uri);
        m.put(QUERY_STRING, req.queryString);
        m.put(SCHEME, HTTP); // only http is supported
        m.put(WEBSOCKET, req.isWebSocket);
        m.put(REQUEST_METHOD, req.method.KEY);

        // key is already lower cased, required by ring spec
        m.put(HEADERS, PersistentArrayMap.create(req.headers));
        m.put(CONTENT_TYPE, req.contentType);
        m.put(CONTENT_LENGTH, req.contentLength);
        m.put(CHARACTER_ENCODING, req.charset);
        m.put(BODY, req.getBody());
        return PersistentArrayMap.create(m);

@SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"})
class HttpHandler implements Runnable {

    final HttpRequest req;
    final RespCallback cb;
    final IFn handler;

    public HttpHandler(HttpRequest req, RespCallback cb, IFn handler) {
        this.req = req;
        this.cb = cb;
        this.handler = handler;

    public void run() {
        try {
            Map resp = (Map) handler.invoke(buildRequestMap(req));
            if (resp == null) { // handler return null
      , new HeaderMap(), null));
            } else {
                Object body = resp.get(BODY);
                if (!(body instanceof AsyncChannel)) { // hijacked
                    HeaderMap headers = HeaderMap.camelCase((Map) resp.get(HEADERS));
                    if (req.version == HTTP_1_0 && req.isKeepAlive) {
                        headers.put("Connection", "Keep-Alive");
          , headers, body));
        } catch (Throwable e) {
  , new HeaderMap(), e.getMessage()));
            HttpUtils.printError(req.method + " " + req.uri, e);

class LinkingRunnable implements Runnable {
    private final Runnable impl;
    AtomicReference<LinkingRunnable> next = new AtomicReference<LinkingRunnable>(null);

    public LinkingRunnable(Runnable r) {
        this.impl = r;

    public void run() {;
        if (!next.compareAndSet(null, this)) { // has more job to run

class WSHandler implements Runnable {
    private Frame frame;
    private AsyncChannel channel;

    protected WSHandler(AsyncChannel channel, Frame frame) { = channel;
        this.frame = frame;

    public void run() {
        try {
            if (frame instanceof TextFrame) {
                channel.messageReceived(((TextFrame) frame).getText());
            } else {
        } catch (Throwable e) {
            HttpUtils.printError("handle websocket frame " + frame, e);

public class RingHandler implements IHandler {
    final ExecutorService execs;
    final IFn handler;

    public RingHandler(int thread, IFn handler, String prefix, int queueSize) {
        PrefixThreadFactory factory = new PrefixThreadFactory(prefix);
        BlockingQueue<Runnable> queue = new ArrayBlockingQueue<Runnable>(queueSize);
        execs = new ThreadPoolExecutor(thread, thread, 0, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, queue, factory);
        this.handler = handler;

    public void handle(HttpRequest req, RespCallback cb) {
        try {
            execs.submit(new HttpHandler(req, cb, handler));
        } catch (RejectedExecutionException e) {
            HttpUtils.printError("increase :queue-size if this happens often", e);
  , new HeaderMap(), "Server is overloaded, please try later"));

    public void close(int timeoutTs) {
        if (timeoutTs > 0) {
            try {
                if (!execs.awaitTermination(timeoutTs, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) {
            } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
        } else {

    public void handle(AsyncChannel channel, Frame frame) {
        WSHandler task = new WSHandler(channel, frame);

        // messages from the same client are handled orderly
        LinkingRunnable job = new LinkingRunnable(task);
        LinkingRunnable old = channel.serialTask;
        channel.serialTask = job;
        try {
            if (old == null) { // No previous job
            } else {
                if (!, job)) { // successfully append to previous task
                    // previous message is handled, order is guaranteed.
        } catch (RejectedExecutionException e) {
            // TODO notify client if server is overloaded
            HttpUtils.printError("increase :queue-size if this happens often", e);

    public void clientClose(final AsyncChannel channel, final int status) {
        if (channel.closedRan == 0) { // server did not close it first
            // has close handler, execute it in another thread
            if (channel.closeHandler != null) {
                try {
                    // no need to maintain order
                    execs.submit(new Runnable() {
                        public void run() {
                            try {
                            } catch (Exception e) {
                                HttpUtils.printError("on close handler", e);
                } catch (RejectedExecutionException e) {

                    When stop-server get called, the thread-pool will call shutdown, wait for sometime
                    for work to be finished.

                    For websocket and long polling with closeHandler registered, we exec closeHandler
                    in the current thread. Get this idea from @pyr, by #155
                    if (execs.isShutdown()) {
                        try {
                            channel.onClose(status)// do it in current thread
                        } catch (Exception e1) {
                            HttpUtils.printError("on close handler", e);
                    } else {
                        HttpUtils.printError("increase :queue-size if this happens often", e);
            } else {
                // no close handler, mark the connection as closed
                // channel.closedRan = 1;
                // lazySet
                AsyncChannel.unsafe.putOrderedInt(channel, AsyncChannel.closedRanOffset, 1);

Related Classes of org.httpkit.server.RingHandler

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