package brickhouse.udf.sketch;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.Description;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.UDF;
* Compute the Jaccard similarity of two sketch sets.
* Jaccard Similarity is defined as the size of the intersection of two sets divided by the
* size of the union of the sets. Since sketches are only approximate measures, this
* calculation only makes sense when the sets are roughly the same size.
value = "_FUNC_(a,b) - Compute the Jaccard set similarity of two sketch sets. "
public class SetSimilarityUDF extends UDF {
public Double evaluate( List<String> a, List<String> b) {
if( a == null || b == null )
return null;
if( a.size() ==0 || b.size() == 0 ) {
return 0.0;
/// For now, assume min sketch size is 5000...
/// otherwise it is better to use array_intersect
/// XXX TODO convert to GenericUDF, so that it can be passed in
/// as an argument
int sketchSize = Math.max( a.size() , b.size() );
if( sketchSize < SketchSetUDAF.DEFAULT_SKETCH_SET_SIZE)
SketchSet sketchA = new SketchSet(sketchSize);
SketchSet sketchB = new SketchSet(sketchSize);
SketchSet sketchAUB = new SketchSet(sketchSize);
for(String aStr : a) {
sketchA.addItem( aStr);
sketchAUB.addItem( aStr);
for(String bStr : b) {
sketchB.addItem( bStr);
sketchAUB.addItem( bStr);
double aEst = sketchA.estimateReach();
double bEst = sketchB.estimateReach();
double aubEst = sketchAUB.estimateReach();
/// Intersection is
double ainterb = aEst + bEst - aubEst;
double sim = ainterb/aubEst;
return sim;