package org.givwenzen;
import org.givwenzen.parse.MethodParameterParser;
import org.givwenzen.reflections.Reflections;
import org.givwenzen.reflections.ReflectionsBuilder;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
* Author: Szczepan Faber
public class CustomParserFinder implements ICustomParserFinder {
public void addCustomParsers(List<MethodParameterParser> accumulatedParsers) {
Reflections reflections = new ReflectionsBuilder()
Set<Class<? extends MethodParameterParser>> classes = reflections.getSubTypesOf(MethodParameterParser.class);
for (Class<? extends MethodParameterParser> aClass : classes) {
try {
} catch (InstantiationException e) {
throw new GivWenZenException(
"Unable to instantiate " + aClass.getName() +
". The usual cause of this is the class is an interface or abstract class.", e);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new GivWenZenException(
"Unable to access the constructor for " + aClass.getName() +
". The usual cause of this is the constructor is private or protected.", e);