Package com.socrata.datasync

Source Code of com.socrata.datasync.PortUtility

package com.socrata.datasync;

import com.socrata.api.HttpLowLevel;
import com.socrata.api.Soda2Consumer;
import com.socrata.api.Soda2Producer;
import com.socrata.api.SodaDdl;
import com.socrata.datasync.job.JobStatus;
import com.socrata.exceptions.LongRunningQueryException;
import com.socrata.exceptions.SodaError;
import com.socrata.model.UpsertResult;
import com.socrata.model.importer.Column;
import com.socrata.model.importer.Dataset;
import com.socrata.model.importer.DatasetInfo;
import com.socrata.model.soql.SoqlQuery;
import com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientResponse;
import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonGenerator;
import org.codehaus.jackson.type.TypeReference;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

public class PortUtility {

    private static final String groupingKey = "grouping_aggregate";
    private static final String drillingKey = "drill_down";

  private PortUtility() {
    throw new AssertionError("Never instantiate utility classes!");

  public static String portSchema(SodaDdl loader, SodaDdl creator,
      final String sourceSetID, final String destinationDatasetTitle,
            final boolean useNewBackend) throws SodaError, InterruptedException {
    System.out.print("Copying schema from dataset " + sourceSetID);
        Dataset sourceSet = (Dataset) loader.loadDatasetInfo(sourceSetID);
        if(destinationDatasetTitle != null && !destinationDatasetTitle.equals(""))


        // TODO uncomment (after soda-java is updated to support this)
    //DatasetInfo sinkSet = creator.createDataset(sourceSet, useNewBackend);
        DatasetInfo sinkSet = creator.createDataset(sourceSet);

        String sinkSetID = sinkSet.getId();
        System.out.println(" to dataset " + sinkSetID);
    return sinkSetID;

  public static String publishDataset(SodaDdl publisher, String sinkSetID)
      throws SodaError, InterruptedException {
    DatasetInfo publishedSet = publisher.publish(sinkSetID);
    String publishedID = publishedSet.getId();
    return publishedID;

    public static void portContents(Soda2Consumer streamExporter, Soda2Producer streamUpserter, String sourceSetID,
                                    String sinkSetID, PublishMethod publishMethod)
            throws InterruptedException, LongRunningQueryException, SodaError, IOException {
        switch (publishMethod) {
            case upsert:
                upsertContents(streamExporter, streamUpserter, sourceSetID, sinkSetID);
            case replace:
                replaceContents(streamExporter, streamUpserter, sourceSetID, sinkSetID);

  private static void upsertContents(Soda2Consumer streamExporter, Soda2Producer streamUpserter,
                    String sourceSetID, String sinkSetID) throws
            InterruptedException, LongRunningQueryException, SodaError, IOException {

    System.out.println("Upserting contents of dataset " + sourceSetID + " into dataset " + sinkSetID);

    // Limit of 1000 rows per export, so page through dataset using $offset
    int offset = 0;
        int rowsUpserted = 0;
        ClientResponse response;
    ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
        List<Map<String, Object>> rowSet;

    do {
      SoqlQuery myQuery =new SoqlQueryBuilder().setOffset(offset).build();
      response = streamExporter.query(sourceSetID, HttpLowLevel.JSON_TYPE, myQuery);
            rowSet = mapper.readValue(response.getEntityInputStream(), new TypeReference<List<Map<String,Object>>>() {});
      if (rowSet.size() > 0) {
                offset += rowSet.size();
                UpsertResult result = streamUpserter.upsert(sinkSetID, rowSet);
                rowsUpserted += result.getRowsCreated() + result.getRowsUpdated();
                System.out.println("\tUpserted " + rowsUpserted + " rows.");
    } while (rowSet.size() > 0);

    private static void replaceContents(Soda2Consumer streamExporter, Soda2Producer streamUpserter,
                String sourceSetID, String sinkSetID) throws
            InterruptedException, LongRunningQueryException, SodaError, IOException {

        System.out.println("Replacing contents of dataset " + sourceSetID + " into dataset " + sinkSetID);
        // Limit of 1000 rows per export, so page through dataset using $offset
        int offset = 0;
        int batchesRead = 0;
        SoqlQuery myQuery;
        ClientResponse response;
        ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper().configure(JsonGenerator.Feature.AUTO_CLOSE_TARGET, false);
        List<Map<String, Object>> rowSet;
        final File tempFile = File.createTempFile("replacement_dataset", ".json");
        try (FileWriter tempOut = new FileWriter(tempFile, true)) {

            do {
                myQuery = new SoqlQueryBuilder().setOffset(offset).build();
                response = streamExporter.query(sourceSetID, HttpLowLevel.JSON_TYPE, myQuery);
                rowSet = mapper.readValue(response.getEntityInputStream(),
                        new TypeReference<List<Map<String, Object>>>() {
                if (batchesRead > 0 && rowSet.size() > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < rowSet.size(); i++) {
                    mapper.writeValue(tempOut, rowSet.get(i));
                    if (i != rowSet.size() - 1)
                offset += rowSet.size();
                batchesRead += 1;
                System.out.println("\tGathered " + Utils.ordinal(batchesRead) + " batch of 1000 rows for replacement");
            } while (rowSet.size() > 0);

        System.out.print("\tReplacing data . . .");
        FileInputStream replacementFile = new FileInputStream(tempFile);
        streamUpserter.replaceStream(sinkSetID, HttpLowLevel.JSON_TYPE, replacementFile);

    public static JobStatus assertSchemasAreAlike(SodaDdl sourceChecker, SodaDdl sinkChecker, String sourceSetID, String sinkSetID)
            throws SodaError, InterruptedException {
        // We don't need to test metadata; we're only concerned with the columns...
        Dataset sourceSchema = (Dataset) sourceChecker.loadDatasetInfo(sourceSetID);
        Dataset sinkSchema = (Dataset) sinkChecker.loadDatasetInfo(sinkSetID);
        // Grab the columns...
        List<Column> sourceColumns = sourceSchema.getColumns();
        List<Column> sinkColumns = sinkSchema.getColumns();
        // And let the tests begin.
        if(sourceColumns.size() == sinkColumns.size()) {
            // If the sizes are the same we can begin comparing columns
            for (int i = 0; i < sourceColumns.size(); i++) {
                // The aspects of the columns that we care about are the API field names and their data types
                if(!sourceColumns.get(i).getFieldName().equals(sinkColumns.get(i).getFieldName()) ||
                    return JobStatus.INVALID_SCHEMAS;
        } else {
                return JobStatus.INVALID_SCHEMAS;
        return JobStatus.SUCCESS;

     * Changes the columnar information in the given dataset to remove the "grouping_aggregate" field from "format",
     * when present, and prepend its value to the column field name.  Removal of the field is necessary to
     * successfully upload the schema to core (which would otherwise throw an error about refusing to create a column
     * with a grouping_aggregrate but no group-by).  The editing of the field name is necessary for subsequent
     * data loading, since the data from soda2 expectst aggregated columns to include the grouping_aggregate.
     * Also removes drill-down formatting info, as this is non-sensical without the unaggregated data
     * Also removing the resourceName - no port job can succeed with one present.
     * @param schema the Dataset from soda-java representing the schema
     public static void adaptSchemaForAggregates(Dataset schema) {
        // TODO: give users the option to choose a new resource name; in the meanwhile, it can be set after the job completes
        List<Column> columns = schema.getColumns();
        for (int i = 0; i < columns.size(); i++) {
            Column col = columns.get(i);
            if (col != null) {
                Map<String, String> format = col.getFormat();
                if (format != null) {
                    String aggregation = format.remove(groupingKey);
                    if (aggregation != null) {
                        String oldFieldName = col.getFieldName();
                        col.setFieldName(aggregation + "_" + oldFieldName);

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