Package org.teavm.debugging.information

Source Code of org.teavm.debugging.information.DebugInformation

*  Copyright 2014 Alexey Andreev.
*  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
*  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
*  You may obtain a copy of the License at
*  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
*  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
*  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
*  limitations under the License.
package org.teavm.debugging.information;

import java.util.*;
import org.teavm.common.IntegerArray;
import org.teavm.common.RecordArray;
import org.teavm.common.RecordArrayBuilder;
import org.teavm.model.MethodDescriptor;
import org.teavm.model.MethodReference;

* @author Alexey Andreev
public class DebugInformation {
    String[] fileNames;
    Map<String, Integer> fileNameMap;
    String[] classNames;
    Map<String, Integer> classNameMap;
    String[] fields;
    Map<String, Integer> fieldMap;
    String[] methods;
    Map<String, Integer> methodMap;
    String[] variableNames;
    Map<String, Integer> variableNameMap;
    long[] exactMethods;
    Map<Long, Integer> exactMethodMap;
    RecordArray[] fileDescriptions;
    RecordArray fileMapping;
    RecordArray classMapping;
    RecordArray methodMapping;
    RecordArray lineMapping;
    RecordArray callSiteMapping;
    RecordArray statementStartMapping;
    RecordArray[] variableMappings;
    RecordArray[] lineCallSites;
    RecordArray[] controlFlowGraphs;
    List<ClassMetadata> classesMetadata;
    RecordArray methodEntrances;
    MethodTree methodTree;

    public String[] getFilesNames() {
        return fileNames.clone();

    public String[] getVariableNames() {
        return variableNames.clone();

    public LineNumberIterator iterateOverLineNumbers() {
        return new LineNumberIterator(this);

    public FileNameIterator iterateOverFileNames() {
        return new FileNameIterator(this);

    public String getFileName(int fileNameId) {
        return fileNames[fileNameId];

    public String[] getClassNames() {
        return classNames.clone();

    public String getClassName(int classNameId) {
        return classNames[classNameId];

    public MethodDescriptor[] getMethods() {
        MethodDescriptor[] descriptors = new MethodDescriptor[methods.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < descriptors.length; ++i) {
            descriptors[i] = MethodDescriptor.parse(methods[i]);
        return descriptors;

    public MethodDescriptor getMethod(int methodId) {
        return MethodDescriptor.parse(methods[methodId]);

    public MethodReference[] getExactMethods() {
        MethodReference[] result = new MethodReference[exactMethods.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < result.length; ++i) {
            result[i] = getExactMethod(i);
        return result;

    private Integer getExactMethodIndex(MethodReference methodRef) {
        Integer classIndex = classNameMap.get(methodRef.getClassName());
        if (classIndex == null) {
            return null;
        Integer methodIndex = methodMap.get(methodRef.getDescriptor().toString());
        if (methodIndex == null) {
            return null;
        return getExactMethodIndex(classIndex, methodIndex);

    public MethodReference getExactMethod(int index) {
        long item = exactMethods[index];
        int classIndex = (int)(item >>> 32);
        int methodIndex = (int)item;
        return new MethodReference(classNames[classIndex], MethodDescriptor.parse(methods[methodIndex]));

    public int getExactMethodId(int classNameId, int methodId) {
        long full = ((long)classNameId << 32) | methodId;
        Integer id = exactMethodMap.get(full);
        return id != null ? id : -1;

    public ClassNameIterator iterateOverClassNames() {
        return new ClassNameIterator(this);

    public MethodIterator iterateOverMethods() {
        return new MethodIterator(this);

    public ExactMethodIterator iterateOverExactMethods() {
        return new ExactMethodIterator(this);

    public Collection<GeneratedLocation> getGeneratedLocations(String fileName, int line) {
        Integer fileIndex = fileNameMap.get(fileName);
        if (fileIndex == null) {
            return Collections.emptyList();
        RecordArray description = fileIndex >= 0 ? fileDescriptions[fileIndex] : null;
        if (description == null) {
            return Collections.emptyList();
        if (line >= description.size()) {
            return Collections.emptyList();
        int[] data = description.get(line).getArray(0);
        GeneratedLocation[] resultArray = new GeneratedLocation[data.length / 2];
        for (int i = 0; i < resultArray.length; ++i) {
            int genLine = data[i * 2];
            int genColumn = data[i * 2 + 1];
            resultArray[i] = new GeneratedLocation(genLine, genColumn);
        return Arrays.asList(resultArray);

    public Collection<GeneratedLocation> getGeneratedLocations(SourceLocation sourceLocation) {
        return getGeneratedLocations(sourceLocation.getFileName(), sourceLocation.getLine());

    public SourceLocationIterator iterateOverSourceLocations() {
        return new SourceLocationIterator(this);

    public SourceLocation getSourceLocation(int line, int column) {
        return getSourceLocation(new GeneratedLocation(line, column));

    public SourceLocation getSourceLocation(GeneratedLocation generatedLocation) {
        String fileName = componentByKey(fileMapping, fileNames, generatedLocation);
        int lineNumberIndex = indexByKey(lineMapping, generatedLocation);
        int lineNumber = lineNumberIndex >= 0 ? lineMapping.get(lineNumberIndex).get(2) : -1;
        return new SourceLocation(fileName, lineNumber);

    public MethodReference getMethodAt(GeneratedLocation generatedLocation) {
        String className = componentByKey(classMapping, classNames, generatedLocation);
        if (className == null) {
            return null;
        String method = componentByKey(methodMapping, methods, generatedLocation);
        if (method == null) {
            return null;
        return new MethodReference(className, MethodDescriptor.parse(method));

    public MethodReference getMethodAt(int line, int column) {
        return getMethodAt(new GeneratedLocation(line, column));

    public String[] getVariableMeaningAt(int line, int column, String variable) {
        return getVariableMeaningAt(new GeneratedLocation(line, column), variable);

    public String[] getVariableMeaningAt(GeneratedLocation location, String variable) {
        Integer varIndex = variableNameMap.get(variable);
        if (varIndex == null) {
            return new String[0];
        RecordArray mapping = variableMappings[varIndex];
        if (mapping == null) {
            return new String[0];
        int keyIndex = indexByKey(mapping, location);
        if (keyIndex < 0) {
            return new String[0];
        GeneratedLocation keyLocation = key(mapping.get(keyIndex));
        if (!Objects.equals(getMethodAt(keyLocation), getMethodAt(location))) {
            return new String[0];
        int[] valueIndexes = mapping.get(keyIndex).getArray(0);
        String[] result = new String[valueIndexes.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < result.length; ++i) {
            result[i] = variableNames[valueIndexes[i]];
        return result;

    public SourceLocation[] getFollowingLines(SourceLocation location) {
        Integer fileIndex = fileNameMap.get(location.getFileName());
        if (fileIndex == null) {
            return null;
        RecordArray cfg = controlFlowGraphs[fileIndex];
        if (cfg == null) {
            return null;
        if (location.getLine() >= cfg.size()) {
            return null;
        int type = cfg.get(location.getLine()).get(0);
        if (type == 0) {
            return null;
        int[] data = cfg.get(location.getLine()).getArray(0);
        int length = data.length / 2;
        int size = length;
        if (type == 2) {
        SourceLocation[] result = new SourceLocation[size];
        for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
            result[i] = new SourceLocation(fileNames[data[i * 2]], data[i * 2 + 1]);
        return result;

    public String getFieldMeaning(String className, String jsName) {
        Integer classIndex = classNameMap.get(className);
        if (classIndex == null) {
            return null;
        Integer jsIndex = fieldMap.get(jsName);
        if (jsIndex == null) {
            return null;
        while (classIndex != null) {
            ClassMetadata cls = classesMetadata.get(classIndex);
            Integer fieldIndex = cls.fieldMap.get(jsIndex);
            if (fieldIndex != null) {
                return fields[fieldIndex];
            classIndex = cls.parentId;
        return null;

    public DebuggerCallSite getCallSite(GeneratedLocation location) {
        int keyIndex = indexByKey(callSiteMapping, location);
        return keyIndex >= 0 ? getCallSite(keyIndex) : null;

    private DebuggerCallSite getCallSite(int index) {
        RecordArray.Record record = callSiteMapping.get(index);
        int type = record.get(2);
        int method = record.get(3);
        switch (type) {
            case DebuggerCallSite.NONE:
                return null;
            case DebuggerCallSite.STATIC:
                return new DebuggerStaticCallSite(getExactMethod(method));
            case DebuggerCallSite.VIRTUAL:
                return new DebuggerVirtualCallSite(getExactMethod(method));
                throw new AssertionError("Unrecognized call site type: " + type);

    public DebuggerCallSite getCallSite(int line, int column) {
        return getCallSite(new GeneratedLocation(line, column));

    public GeneratedLocation[] getMethodEntrances(MethodReference methodRef) {
        Integer index = getExactMethodIndex(methodRef);
        if (index == null) {
            return new GeneratedLocation[0];
        int[] data = methodEntrances.get(index).getArray(0);
        GeneratedLocation[] entrances = new GeneratedLocation[data.length / 2];
        for (int i = 0; i < entrances.length; ++i) {
            entrances[i] = new GeneratedLocation(data[i * 2], data[i * 2 + 1]);
        return entrances;

    public MethodReference[] getDirectOverridingMethods(MethodReference methodRef) {
        Integer methodIndex = getExactMethodIndex(methodRef);
        if (methodIndex == null) {
            return new MethodReference[0];
        int start = methodTree.offsets[methodIndex];
        int end = methodTree.offsets[methodIndex + 1];
        MethodReference[] result = new MethodReference[end - start];
        for (int i = 0; i < result.length; ++i) {
            result[i] = getExactMethod([i]);
        return result;

    public MethodReference[] getOverridingMethods(MethodReference methodRef) {
        Set<MethodReference> overridingMethods = new HashSet<>();
        getOverridingMethods(methodRef, overridingMethods);
        return overridingMethods.toArray(new MethodReference[0]);

    private void getOverridingMethods(MethodReference methodRef, Set<MethodReference> overridingMethods) {
        if (overridingMethods.add(methodRef)) {
            for (MethodReference overridingMethod : getDirectOverridingMethods(methodRef)) {
                getOverridingMethods(overridingMethod, overridingMethods);

    public DebuggerCallSite[] getCallSites(SourceLocation location) {
        Integer fileIndex = fileNameMap.get(location.getFileName());
        if (fileIndex == null) {
            return new DebuggerCallSite[0];
        RecordArray mapping = lineCallSites[fileIndex];
        if (location.getLine() >= mapping.size()) {
            return new DebuggerCallSite[0];
        int[] callSiteIds = mapping.get(location.getLine()).getArray(0);
        DebuggerCallSite[] callSites = new DebuggerCallSite[callSiteIds.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < callSiteIds.length; ++i) {
            callSites[i] = getCallSite(callSiteIds[i]);
        return callSites;

    public List<GeneratedLocation> getStatementStartLocations() {
        return new LocationList(statementStartMapping);

    public GeneratedLocation getStatementLocation(GeneratedLocation location) {
        int index = indexByKey(statementStartMapping, location);
        if (index < 0) {
            return new GeneratedLocation(0, 0);
        RecordArray.Record record = statementStartMapping.get(index);
        return new GeneratedLocation(record.get(0), record.get(1));

    public GeneratedLocation getNextStatementLocation(GeneratedLocation location) {
        int index = indexByKey(statementStartMapping, location);
        if (index >= statementStartMapping.size()) {
            return new GeneratedLocation(0, 0);
        RecordArray.Record record = statementStartMapping.get(index + 1);
        return new GeneratedLocation(record.get(0), record.get(1));

    private <T> T componentByKey(RecordArray mapping, T[] values, GeneratedLocation location) {
        int keyIndex = indexByKey(mapping, location);
        int valueIndex = keyIndex >= 0 ? mapping.get(keyIndex).get(2) : -1;
        return valueIndex >= 0 ? values[valueIndex] : null;

    private int indexByKey(RecordArray mapping, GeneratedLocation location) {
        int index = Collections.binarySearch(new LocationList(mapping), location);
        return index >= 0 ? index : -index - 2;

    private int valueByKey(RecordArray mapping, GeneratedLocation location) {
        int index = indexByKey(mapping, location);
        return index >= 0 ? mapping.get(index).get(2) : -1;

    public void write(OutputStream output) throws IOException {
        DebugInformationWriter writer = new DebugInformationWriter(new DataOutputStream(output));

    public void writeAsSourceMaps(Writer output, String sourceRoot, String sourceFile) throws IOException {
        new SourceMapsWriter(output).write(sourceFile, sourceRoot, this);

    public static DebugInformation read(InputStream input) throws IOException {
        DebugInformationReader reader = new DebugInformationReader(input);

    void rebuild() {

    void rebuildMaps() {
        fileNameMap = mapArray(fileNames);
        classNameMap = mapArray(classNames);
        fieldMap = mapArray(fields);
        methodMap = mapArray(methods);
        variableNameMap = mapArray(variableNames);
        exactMethodMap = new HashMap<>();
        for (int i = 0; i < exactMethods.length; ++i) {
            exactMethodMap.put(exactMethods[i], i);

    private Map<String, Integer> mapArray(String[] array) {
        Map<String, Integer> map = new HashMap<>();
        for (int i = 0; i < array.length; ++i) {
            map.put(array[i], i);
        return map;

    void rebuildFileDescriptions() {
        RecordArrayBuilder[] builders = new RecordArrayBuilder[fileNames.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < builders.length; ++i) {
            builders[i] = new RecordArrayBuilder(0, 1);
        for (SourceLocationIterator iter = iterateOverSourceLocations(); !iter.isEndReached(); {
            if (iter.getFileNameId() >= 0 && iter.getLine() >= 0) {
                RecordArrayBuilder builder = builders[iter.getFileNameId()];
                while (builder.size() <= iter.getLine()) {
                GeneratedLocation loc = iter.getLocation();
                RecordArrayBuilder.SubArray array = builder.get(iter.getLine()).getArray(0);
        fileDescriptions = new RecordArray[builders.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < fileDescriptions.length; ++i) {
            fileDescriptions[i] = builders[i].build();

    void rebuildEntrances() {
        RecordArrayBuilder builder = new RecordArrayBuilder(0, 1);
        for (int i = 0; i < exactMethods.length; ++i) {
        GeneratedLocation prevLocation = new GeneratedLocation(0, 0);
        MethodReference prevMethod = null;
        int prevMethodId = -1;
        for (ExactMethodIterator iter = iterateOverExactMethods(); !iter.isEndReached(); {
            int id = iter.getExactMethodId();
            if (prevMethod != null) {
                int lineIndex = Math.max(0, indexByKey(lineMapping, prevLocation));
                while (lineIndex < lineMapping.size()) {
                    if (key(lineMapping.get(lineIndex)).compareTo(iter.getLocation()) >= 0) {
                    int line = lineMapping.get(lineIndex).get(2);
                    if (line >= 0) {
                        GeneratedLocation firstLineLoc = key(lineMapping.get(lineIndex));
                        RecordArrayBuilder.SubArray array = builder.get(prevMethodId).getArray(0);
            prevMethod = iter.getExactMethod();
            prevMethodId = id;
            prevLocation = iter.getLocation();
        methodEntrances =;

    void rebuildMethodTree() {
        long[] exactMethods = this.exactMethods.clone();
        IntegerArray methods = new IntegerArray(1);
        int lastClass = -1;
        for (int i = 0; i < exactMethods.length; ++i) {
            long exactMethod = exactMethods[i];
            int classIndex = (int)(exactMethod >>> 32);
            if (classIndex != lastClass) {
                if (lastClass >= 0) {
                    ClassMetadata clsData = classesMetadata.get(lastClass);
                    clsData.methods = methods.getAll();
                lastClass = classIndex;
            int methodIndex = (int)exactMethod;
        if (lastClass >= 0) {
            ClassMetadata clsData = classesMetadata.get(lastClass);
            clsData.methods = methods.getAll();

        int[] start = new int[exactMethods.length];
        Arrays.fill(start, -1);
        IntegerArray data = new IntegerArray(1);
        IntegerArray next = new IntegerArray(1);
        for (int i = 0; i < classesMetadata.size(); ++i) {
            ClassMetadata clsData = classesMetadata.get(i);
            if (clsData.parentId == null || clsData.methods == null) {
            for (int methodIndex : clsData.methods) {
                ClassMetadata superclsData = classesMetadata.get(clsData.parentId);
                Integer parentId = clsData.parentId;
                while (superclsData != null) {
                    if (superclsData.methods != null && Arrays.binarySearch(superclsData.methods, methodIndex) >= 0) {
                        int childMethod = getExactMethodIndex(i, methodIndex);
                        int parentMethod = getExactMethodIndex(parentId, methodIndex);
                        int ptr = start[parentMethod];
                        start[parentMethod] = data.size();
                    parentId = superclsData.parentId;
                    superclsData = parentId != null ? classesMetadata.get(parentId) : null;

        MethodTree methodTree = new MethodTree();
        methodTree.offsets = new int[start.length + 1]; = new int[data.size()];
        int index = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < start.length; ++i) {
            int ptr = start[i];
            while (ptr != -1) {
      [index++] = data.get(ptr);
                ptr = next.get(ptr);
            methodTree.offsets[i + 1] = index;
        this.methodTree = methodTree;

    private Integer getExactMethodIndex(int classIndex, int methodIndex) {
        long entry = ((long)classIndex << 32) | methodIndex;
        return exactMethodMap.get(entry);

    private void rebuildLineCallSites() {
        lineCallSites = new RecordArray[fileNames.length];
        RecordArrayBuilder[] builders = new RecordArrayBuilder[fileNames.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < lineCallSites.length; ++i) {
            builders[i] = new RecordArrayBuilder(0, 1);
        for (int i = 0; i < callSiteMapping.size(); ++i) {
            RecordArray.Record callSiteRec = callSiteMapping.get(i);
            GeneratedLocation loc = key(callSiteRec);
            int callSiteType = callSiteRec.get(2);
            if (callSiteType != DebuggerCallSite.NONE) {
                int line = valueByKey(lineMapping, loc);
                int fileId = valueByKey(fileMapping, loc);
                if (fileId >= 0 && line >= 0) {
                    RecordArrayBuilder builder = builders[fileId];
                    while (builder.size() <= line) {
        for (int i = 0; i < lineCallSites.length; ++i) {
            lineCallSites[i] = builders[i].build();

    static GeneratedLocation key(RecordArray.Record record) {
        return new GeneratedLocation(record.get(0), record.get(1));

    static class LocationList extends AbstractList<GeneratedLocation> {
        private RecordArray recordArray;

        public LocationList(RecordArray recordArray) {
            this.recordArray = recordArray;

        public GeneratedLocation get(int index) {
            RecordArray.Record record = recordArray.get(index);
            return new GeneratedLocation(record.get(0), record.get(1));

        public int size() {
            return recordArray.size();

    static class ClassMetadata {
        Integer parentId;
        Map<Integer, Integer> fieldMap = new HashMap<>();
        int[] methods;

    class MethodTree {
        int[] data;
        int[] offsets;

        public MethodReference[] getOverridingMethods(int index) {
            if (index < 0 || index > offsets.length - 1) {
                return new MethodReference[0];
            int start = offsets[index];
            int end = offsets[index + 1];
            MethodReference[] references = new MethodReference[end - start];
            for (int i = 0; i < references.length; ++i) {
                long item = exactMethods[data[start + i]];
                int classIndex = (int)(item >>> 32);
                int methodIndex = (int)item;
                references[i] = new MethodReference(classNames[classIndex],
            return references;

Related Classes of org.teavm.debugging.information.DebugInformation

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