package org.cyclopsgroup.jmxterm.cmd;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.commons.lang.Validate;
import org.cyclopsgroup.jcli.annotation.Argument;
import org.cyclopsgroup.jcli.annotation.Cli;
import org.cyclopsgroup.jcli.annotation.MultiValue;
import org.cyclopsgroup.jcli.annotation.Option;
import org.cyclopsgroup.jmxterm.Command;
import org.cyclopsgroup.jmxterm.Session;
import org.cyclopsgroup.jmxterm.SyntaxUtils;
import org.cyclopsgroup.jmxterm.utils.ValueFormat;
* Command to run an MBean operation
* @author <a href="">Jiaqi Guo</a>
@Cli( name = "run", description = "Invoke an MBean operation", note = "Syntax is \n run <operationName> [parameter1] [parameter2]" )
public class RunCommand
extends Command
private String bean;
private String domain;
private boolean measure;
private List<String> parameters = Collections.emptyList();
private boolean showQuotationMarks;
* @inheritDoc
public List<String> doSuggestArgument()
throws IOException, JMException
Session session = getSession();
if ( getSession().getBean() != null )
MBeanInfo info =
session.getConnection().getServerConnection().getMBeanInfo( new ObjectName( session.getBean() ) );
MBeanOperationInfo[] operationInfos = info.getOperations();
List<String> ops = new ArrayList<String>( operationInfos.length );
for ( MBeanOperationInfo op : operationInfos )
ops.add( op.getName() );
return ops;
return null;
* @inheritDoc
public void execute()
throws MalformedObjectNameException, IOException, JMException
Session session = getSession();
String beanName = BeanCommand.getBeanName( bean, domain, session );
if ( beanName == null )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Please specify MBean to invoke either using -b option or bean command" );
Validate.isTrue( parameters.size() > 0, "At least one parameter is needed" );
String operationName = parameters.get( 0 );
ObjectName name = new ObjectName( beanName );
MBeanServerConnection con = session.getConnection().getServerConnection();
MBeanInfo beanInfo = con.getMBeanInfo( name );
MBeanOperationInfo operationInfo = null;
for ( MBeanOperationInfo info : beanInfo.getOperations() )
if ( operationName.equals( info.getName() ) && info.getSignature().length == parameters.size() - 1 )
operationInfo = info;
if ( operationInfo == null )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Operation " + operationName + " with " + ( parameters.size() - 1 )
+ " parameters doesn't exist in bean " + beanName );
Object[] params = new Object[parameters.size() - 1];
MBeanParameterInfo[] paramInfos = operationInfo.getSignature();
Validate.isTrue( params.length == paramInfos.length,
String.format( "%d parameters are expected but %d are provided", paramInfos.length,
params.length ) );
String[] signatures = new String[paramInfos.length];
for ( int i = 0; i < paramInfos.length; i++ )
MBeanParameterInfo paramInfo = paramInfos[i];
String expression = parameters.get( i + 1 );
if ( expression != null )
expression = ValueFormat.parseValue( expression );
Object paramValue = SyntaxUtils.parse( expression, paramInfo.getType() );
params[i] = paramValue;
signatures[i] = paramInfo.getType();
session.output.printMessage( String.format( "calling operation %s of mbean %s", operationName, beanName ) );
Object result;
if ( measure )
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
result = con.invoke( name, operationName, params, signatures );
long latency = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;
session.output.printMessage( latency + "ms is taken by invocation" );
result = con.invoke( name, operationName, params, signatures );
session.output.printMessage( "operation returns: " );
new ValueOutputFormat( 2, false, showQuotationMarks ).printValue( session.output, result );
session.output.println( "" );
* @param bean Bean under which the operation is
@Option( name = "b", longName = "bean", description = "MBean to invoke" )
public final void setBean( String bean )
this.bean = bean;
* @param domain Domain under which is bean is
@Option( name = "d", longName = "domain", description = "Domain of MBean to invoke" )
public final void setDomain( String domain )
this.domain = domain;
* @param measure True if you want to display latency
@Option( name = "m", longName = "measure", description = "Measure the time spent on the invocation of operation" )
public final void setMeasure( boolean measure )
this.measure = measure;
* @param parameters List of parameters. The first parameter is operation name
@MultiValue( listType = ArrayList.class, minValues = 1 )
@Argument( description = "The first parameter is operation name, which is followed by list of arguments" )
public final void setParameters( List<String> parameters )
Validate.notNull( parameters, "Parameters can't be NULL" );
this.parameters = parameters;
* @param showQuotationMarks True if output is surrounded by quotation marks
@Option( name = "q", longName = "quots", description = "Flag for quotation marks" )
public final void setShowQuotationMarks( boolean showQuotationMarks )
this.showQuotationMarks = showQuotationMarks;