Package com.wordpress.salaboy.examples

Source Code of com.wordpress.salaboy.examples.PersistentEmergencyProcessTest

package com.wordpress.salaboy.examples;

import com.wordpress.salaboy.example.persistence.JSONTrackingJobsPersister;
import com.wordpress.salaboy.example.handlers.MyHumanChangingValuesSimulatorWorkItemHandler;
import com.wordpress.salaboy.example.model.Ambulance;
import com.wordpress.salaboy.example.model.Emergency;
import com.wordpress.salaboy.example.model.Vehicle;
import com.wordpress.salaboy.example.persistence.ActiveWorkItemService;
import com.wordpress.salaboy.example.persistence.InMemoryProcessManager;
import com.wordpress.salaboy.example.persistence.PersistentProcessManager;
import com.wordpress.salaboy.example.persistence.ProcessManager;
import com.wordpress.salaboy.example.persistence.TrackingJobInfo;
import com.wordpress.salaboy.examples.definitions.VehicleTrackingSystem;
import org.drools.KnowledgeBase;
import org.drools.KnowledgeBaseFactory;
import org.drools.builder.*;
import org.drools.runtime.process.*;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.UUID;
import javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory;
import javax.persistence.Persistence;
import org.drools.runtime.Environment;
import org.drools.runtime.EnvironmentName;
import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;

* Similar to 03 - Emergency Service Process and Asynchronous Work Items Examples
* but using process persistence.
* This test uses a helper class (ProcessManager) to encapsulate the ksession.
* There are currently 2 implementations for ProcessManager:
*  -InMemoryProcessManager: doesn't support server crashes
*  -PersistentProcessManager: support server crashes.
public class PersistentEmergencyProcessTest {

     * The Work Item Handler in charge of communication with External System
    private MyHumanChangingValuesSimulatorWorkItemHandler humanActivitiesSimHandler;
     * The external system
    private VehicleTrackingSystem trackingSystem;

     * We are using JTA so we need a JTA-enabled DataSource
    private static PoolingDataSource ds1;
     * Process Manager in charge of the communication with the process and
     * the ksession.
    private ProcessManager processManager;
    public PersistentEmergencyProcessTest() {

     * Data source creation
    public static void createDataSource() {
        ds1 = new PoolingDataSource();
        ds1.getDriverProperties().put("user", "root");
        ds1.getDriverProperties().put("password", "root");
        ds1.getDriverProperties().put("URL", "jdbc:h2:mem:mydb");
     * Data source cleaning
    public static void closeDataSource() {
        if (ds1 != null){

     * Create the ProcessManager used by the test.
     * Try switching between ProcesManager's implementations to see the differences.
    public void createPersistentProcessManager() {
        //Creates a new TrackingSystem
        this.trackingSystem = new MyAsyncTrackingSystemMock();
        //Work Item Handlers
        humanActivitiesSimHandler = new MyHumanChangingValuesSimulatorWorkItemHandler();
        this.trackingSystem = new MyAsyncTrackingSystemMock();
        AsyncVehicleTrackingMockSystem trackingSystemHandler = new AsyncVehicleTrackingMockSystem(trackingSystem);
        Map<String,WorkItemHandler> workItemHandlers = new HashMap<String, WorkItemHandler>();
        workItemHandlers.put("Human Task", humanActivitiesSimHandler);
        workItemHandlers.put("VehicleTrackingSystem", trackingSystemHandler);
        //ProcessManager creation: feel free to switch between implementations.
        this.processManager = new InMemoryProcessManager(this.createKBase(), this.createEnvironment(), workItemHandlers, "com.wordpress.salaboy.bpmn2.SimpleEmergencyService");
        //this.processManager = new PersistentProcessManager(this.createKBase(), this.createEnvironment(), workItemHandlers, "com.wordpress.salaboy.bpmn2.SimpleEmergencyService");
        //Work Items Handlers configuration
     * This test will complete the first two Human Activities. When the process
     * enters the Work Item, it will communicate to the external system. The process
     * will be waiting in the Work Item  for the external system to complete.
     * When the external system complete the request, the process is continued.
     * A ProcessManager instance is used for communication with process and ksession.
     * Invocations of ProcessManager's methods will automatically persist Process
     * and Session data.
     * @throws InterruptedException
    public void emergencyWithRulesTest() throws InterruptedException {

        //Creates a new emergency and set it as process input parameter
        Emergency emergency = new Emergency("555-1234");
        emergency.setType("Heart Attack");
        Map<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<String, Object>();
        parameters.put("emergency", emergency);

        //Starts the process

        // emergency and process are both inserted as Facts / Truths in my Knowledge Session
        // Now Emergency and the Process Instance can be used by the inference engine
        // Is the Process still Active?
        Assert.assertEquals(ProcessInstance.STATE_ACTIVE, this.processManager.getProcessState());
        // Is there a running node instance?
        Assert.assertEquals(1, processManager.getNodeInstancesSize());
        // Is the process stopped in the "Ask for Emergency Information" activity?
        Assert.assertEquals("Ask for Emergency Information", processManager.getCurrentNodeName());
        // Lets check the value of the emergency.getRevision(), it should be 1
        Assert.assertEquals(1, ((Emergency) processManager.getProcessVariable("emergency")).getRevision());

        System.out.println("Completing the first Activity");
        //Complete the first human activity
        // Is the Process still Active?
        Assert.assertEquals(ProcessInstance.STATE_ACTIVE, this.processManager.getProcessState());

        //I need to call the FireAllRules method because I have a RuleTask inside the business process
        int fired = this.processManager.fireAllRules();
        // Now that I have rules being evaluated, at least one should fire
        Assert.assertEquals(1, fired);

        // Lets check the value of the vehicle variable it should be an Ambulance => Heart Attack
        Vehicle selectedVehicle = ((Vehicle) processManager.getProcessVariable("vehicle"));
        Assert.assertTrue(selectedVehicle instanceof Ambulance);

        // Is the Process still Active?
        Assert.assertEquals(ProcessInstance.STATE_ACTIVE, processManager.getProcessState());
        // Is there a running node instance?
        Assert.assertEquals(1, processManager.getNodeInstancesSize());
        // Is the process stopped in the "Dispatch Vehicle" activity?
        Assert.assertEquals("Dispatch Vehicle", processManager.getCurrentNodeName());
        // Lets check the value of the emergency.getRevision(), it should be 1
        Assert.assertEquals(2, ((Emergency) processManager.getProcessVariable("emergency")).getRevision());

        System.out.println("Completing the second Activity");
        //Complete the second human activity

        //Start Tracking is not automatic. The external system has to finish first.
        //Until then, the process will be waiting in StartTrackingSystem
        Assert.assertEquals("Vehicle " + selectedVehicle.getId() + " Located at 5th and A Avenue", trackingSystem.queryVehicleStatus(selectedVehicle.getId()));

        // Is the process completed? It shouldn't be because the External System didn't finish yet.
        Assert.assertEquals(ProcessInstance.STATE_ACTIVE, this.processManager.getProcessState());

        //Now complete the external system. We will wait a few seconds to
        //emulate the time needed by the VehicleTrackingSystem to complete the

        // Is the process completed now?

     * Creates the Drools Environment used to configure Persistence
     * @return
    public Environment createEnvironment() {
        //Creates a new EntityManagerFactory
        EntityManagerFactory entityManagerFactory = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("org.drools.persistence.jpa");

        //Creates the Environment and sets its attributes
        Environment env = KnowledgeBaseFactory.newEnvironment();

        return env;
     * Creates a kbase containing the process definition and a set
     * of validation rules.
     * @return
    private KnowledgeBase createKBase() {
        //Creates a builder
        KnowledgeBuilder kbuilder = KnowledgeBuilderFactory.newKnowledgeBuilder();

        //Adds resources to the builder
        kbuilder.add(new ClassPathResource("EmergencyServiceTracking.bpmn"), ResourceType.BPMN2);
        kbuilder.add(new ClassPathResource("SelectEmergencyVehicleSimple.drl"), ResourceType.DRL);
        KnowledgeBuilderErrors errors = kbuilder.getErrors();

        //Checks for errors
        if (errors.size() > 0) {
            for (KnowledgeBuilderError error : errors) {

            throw new IllegalStateException("Error building kbase!");

        //Creates a new kbase and add all the packages from the builder
        KnowledgeBase kbase = KnowledgeBaseFactory.newKnowledgeBase();

        return kbase;

* An asynchronous implementation of a WorkItemHandler.
* This implementation will start a a job in an external system (VehicleTrackingSystem)
* and register the job (only the id of the job and the id of the work item)
* in another system (ActiveWorkItemService).
* This is implementation is asynchronous because it doesn't complete the
* work item. The responsible to complete it is VehicleTrackingSystem through
* ActiveWorkItemService.
* @author esteban
class AsyncVehicleTrackingMockSystem implements WorkItemHandler {

    private VehicleTrackingSystem trackingSystem;

     * Constructs a AsyncVehicleTrackingMockSystem. The given
     * VehicleTrackingSystem is used to start a job.
     * @param trackingSystem
    public AsyncVehicleTrackingMockSystem(VehicleTrackingSystem trackingSystem) {
        this.trackingSystem = trackingSystem;

     * This method will start a job in an external system (VehicleTrackingSystem)
     * and register it in ActiveWorkItemService.
     * This method WILL NOT complete the work item.
     * @param wi
     * @param wim
    public void executeWorkItem(final WorkItem wi, final WorkItemManager wim) {
        //Gets the parameters needed by the external system
        String vehicleId = (String) wi.getParameter("");
        String vehicleType = (String) wi.getParameter("vehicle.type");

        //Starts a job in the external system. This execution is async. It will
        //inmediatly return a job id, but the execution will take some time.
        String trackingId = this.trackingSystem.startTacking(vehicleId, vehicleType);

        //Register the workItem/trackingId pair into ActiveWorkItemService.
        //ActiveWorkItemPersister will be used later by VehicleTrackingSystem
        //in order to complete the work item.
        ActiveWorkItemService.getInstance().registerWorkItem(wi.getId(), trackingId);


    public void abortWorkItem(WorkItem wi, WorkItemManager wim) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");

* Implementation of VehicleTrackingSystem that makes use of ActiveWorkItemService
* to notify when a job is actually finished.
* @author esteban
class MyAsyncTrackingSystemMock implements VehicleTrackingSystem {

     * Starts a new tracking job. This method emulates an async call, where a job
     * id is immediately returned, but the job execution is queued.
     * @param vehicleId
     * @param vehicleType
     * @return
    public String startTacking(String vehicleId, String vehicleType) {
        //Creates an id for the job
        String trackingId = UUID.randomUUID().toString();

        //Persist the job. This could emulate the queuing of the job for later
        TrackingJobInfo info = new TrackingJobInfo(trackingId, vehicleId, vehicleType);

        //Return the job id
        return trackingId;

     * Finishes a tracking job. When a job is ended, this method notifies
     * ActiveWorkItemService so the process could continue its execution.
     * @param trackingId the id of the tracking job.
    public void stopTacking(String trackingId) {
        //Removes the job from the persistent storage.

        //Creates the output parameters
        Map<String, Object> outputParameters = new HashMap<String, Object>();
        outputParameters.put("trackingId", trackingId);

        //Notifies ActiveWorkItemService
        ActiveWorkItemService.getInstance().externalSystemJobCompleted(trackingId, outputParameters);

     * Returns the tracking status of a vehicle.
     * @param vehicleId the vehicle id.
     * @return a String representing the tracking status of the vehicle
    public String queryVehicleStatus(String vehicleId) {
        Map<String, TrackingJobInfo> trackingsInfo = JSONTrackingJobsPersister.getInstance().getUncompletedTrackingJobs();

        for (Map.Entry<String, TrackingJobInfo> entry : trackingsInfo.entrySet()) {
            if (entry.getValue().getVehicleId().equals(vehicleId)) {
                return "Vehicle " + vehicleId + " Located at 5th and A Avenue";

        return "There is NO tracking information for the given Id (" + vehicleId + ")";

     * Returns the tracking job id for a vehicle.
     * @param vehicleId the id of the vehicle.
     * @return
    public String queryVehicleTrackingId(String vehicleId) {
        Map<String, TrackingJobInfo> trackingsInfo = JSONTrackingJobsPersister.getInstance().getUncompletedTrackingJobs();

        for (Map.Entry<String, TrackingJobInfo> entry : trackingsInfo.entrySet()) {
            if (entry.getValue().getVehicleId().equals(vehicleId)) {
                return entry.getValue().getTrackingId();

        return null;

Related Classes of com.wordpress.salaboy.examples.PersistentEmergencyProcessTest

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