package com.esri.hadoop.examples.trip;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataInputStream;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Reducer;
import com.esri.core.geometry.Envelope;
import com.esri.core.geometry.GeometryEngine;
import com.esri.core.geometry.Point;
import com.esri.core.geometry.SpatialReference;
import com.esri.json.EsriFeatureClass;
// Note: we do not consider overnight trips.
// Could be done with carID only as the key, and
// CarDateTime-Writable with compareTo on car-date-time (larger sort)
public class TripCellReducer extends
Reducer<Text, CarSortWritable, Text, TripCellWritable> {
double lonMin, lonMax, arcLon, latMin, latMax, latExtent;
int xCount, yCount;
Envelope envelope;
EsriFeatureClass country;
ArrayList<double[]> grid;
SpatialReference spatialReference;
int threshold; // stop-time threshold in seconds
private void buildGrid(double gridSide) { // Nominal length of side of grid cell (meters)
double cellArea = gridSide*gridSide;
latMax = envelope.getYMax() + .005; // +.005 to catch nearby outliers
latMin = envelope.getYMin() - .005; // -.005 to catch nearby outliers
final double latMid = (latMax + latMin) / 2; // idea: latitude of half area (ctry or envp?)
latExtent = latMax-latMin;
lonMin = envelope.getXMin() - .005; // -.005 to catch nearby outliers (approx. 500m)
lonMax = envelope.getXMax() + .005; // +.005 to catch nearby outliers
final double lonOneDeg = lonMin + 1; // arbitrary longitude for establishing lenOneDegBaseline
Point fromPt = new Point(lonMin, latMid),
toPt = new Point(lonOneDeg, latMid);
// geodesicDistanceOnWGS84 is an approximation as we are using a different GCS, but expect it
// to be a good approximation as we are using proportions only, not positions, with it.
final double lenOneDegBaseline = GeometryEngine.geodesicDistanceOnWGS84(fromPt, toPt);
// GeometryEngine.distance "Calculates the 2D planar distance between two geometries."
//angle// final double lenOneDegBaseline = GeometryEngine.distance(fromPt, toPt, spatialReference);
arcLon = gridSide / lenOneDegBaseline; // longitude arc of grid cell
final double latOneDeg = latMid + 1;
toPt.setXY(lonMin, latOneDeg);
final double htOneDeg = GeometryEngine.geodesicDistanceOnWGS84(fromPt, toPt);
int enough = (int)(Math.ceil(.000001 + (lonMax-lonMin)*lenOneDegBaseline/gridSide)) *
(int)(Math.ceil(.000001 + latExtent*htOneDeg/gridSide));
grid = new ArrayList<double[]>(enough);
double xlon, ylat;
// If using quadtree, could filter out cells that do not overlap country polygon
for (ylat = latMin, yCount = 0; ylat < latMax; yCount++) {
fromPt.setXY(lonMin, ylat);
toPt.setXY(lonMin+arcLon, ylat);
double xlen = GeometryEngine.geodesicDistanceOnWGS84(fromPt, toPt);
double height = cellArea/xlen; // meters
double arcLat = height / htOneDeg;
for (xlon = lonMin, xCount = 0; xlon < lonMax; xlon += arcLon, xCount++) {
double[] tmp = {xlon, ylat, xlon+arcLon, ylat+arcLat};
ylat += arcLat;
* Query the grid for the cell containing the given lon-lat
* @param longitude
* @param latitude
* @return index to cell in array, or <0 if not found
private int queryGrid(double longitude, double latitude) {
int cellIndex; // xIdx + xCount * yIdx
if (longitude >= lonMin && longitude <= lonMax &&
latitude >= latMin && latitude <= latMax) { // avoid outliers
int xIdx = (int)((longitude-lonMin)/arcLon);
if (xIdx >= 0 && xIdx < xCount) {
int yIdx = (int)(yCount*(latitude-latMin)/latExtent); // approximate, to refine
yIdx = yIdx < yCount ? yIdx : yCount - 1;
cellIndex = xIdx + xCount * yIdx;
// Expect either correct, or one of either too high or too low, not both
while (grid.get(cellIndex)[1] > latitude) { // bottom too high
cellIndex -= xCount;
while (grid.get(cellIndex)[3] < latitude) { // top too low
cellIndex += xCount;
if (yIdx < 0 || yIdx >= yCount) { // bug
cellIndex = -3;
} else { // bug
cellIndex = -2;
} else { // outlier
cellIndex = -1;
return cellIndex;
* Sets up reducer with country geometry provided as argument[0] to the jar
public void setup(Context context)
// first pull values from the configuration
Configuration config = context.getConfiguration();
int minutes = config.getInt("com.esri.trip.threshold", 15); //minutes stoppage delineating trips
threshold = minutes * 60; // minutes -> seconds
double gridSide = 1000.; // Nominal/average/target length of side of grid cell (meters)
String sizeArg = config.get("com.esri.trip.cellsize", "1000");
if (sizeArg.length() > 0 && sizeArg.charAt(0) != '-') {
double trySize = Double.parseDouble(sizeArg);
if (trySize >= 100) //likely unrealistic smaller than about 200m to 500m
gridSide = trySize; // input as meters
else if (trySize > 0)
gridSide = 1000 * trySize; // input as km
String featuresPath = config.get("com.esri.trip.input");
FSDataInputStream iStream = null;
spatialReference = SpatialReference.create(4301); // GCS_Tokyo
try {
// load the JSON file provided as argument
FileSystem hdfs = FileSystem.get(config);
iStream = Path(featuresPath));
country = EsriFeatureClass.fromJson(iStream);
catch (Exception e)
if (iStream != null)
try {
} catch (IOException e) { }
// build the grid of cells
if (country != null) {
envelope = new Envelope();
// Start with the multiple position-data records for one car on one day.
// Output the discovered trips, as location & cell corners & time for both of origin & destination.
public void reduce(Text key, Iterable<CarSortWritable> values, Context ctx)
throws IOException, InterruptedException {
String[] kys = key.toString().split(","); // carID & date
Text outKy = new Text(kys[0]);
// Expect at most tens of thousands of positions per car per day - expect up to thousands.
// (per year, up to 2-3 hundreds of thousands)
final int MAX_BUFFER_SIZE = 8000; // would fit a record every 11s all day
ArrayList<CarSortWritable> records = new ArrayList<CarSortWritable>(MAX_BUFFER_SIZE);
for (CarSortWritable entry : values) {
records.add(new CarSortWritable(entry));
// Keep origin & last/previous time & position
CarSortWritable first = records.get(0);
String theDate = first.getDate(), origTime = first.getTime(),
origLon = first.getLon(), origLat = first.getLat(), origSpd = first.getSpeed(),
prevTime = null, prevLon = null, prevLat = null, prevSpd = null;
long nOrgTm = timeAsInteger(theDate, origTime), nPrvTm = -1;
try { // Check if lapse exceeding threshold.
// The check for time lapse, without checking position movement,
// utilizes the fact that these GPS units transmit data only
// when the car is on - or at least do not transmit data when
// the key is altogether out of the ignition.
for (CarSortWritable entry : records) {
String curTime = entry.getTime(), curLon = entry.getLon(), curLat = entry.getLat(),
curSpd = entry.getSpeed();
long nCurTm = timeAsInteger(theDate, curTime);
if (nPrvTm > nOrgTm //ignore lone points
&& nCurTm > nPrvTm + threshold) {
int idxOrig = queryGrid(DegreeMinuteSecondUtility.parseDms(origLon),
int idxDest = queryGrid(DegreeMinuteSecondUtility.parseDms(prevLon),
if (idxOrig >= 0 && idxDest > 0) { // discard outliers
double[] cellOrig = grid.get(idxOrig);
double[] cellDest = grid.get(idxDest);
new TripCellWritable(theDate, origTime, origLon, origLat, origSpd,
cellOrig[0], cellOrig[1], cellOrig[2], cellOrig[3],
theDate, prevTime, prevLon, prevLat, prevSpd,
cellDest[0], cellDest[1], cellDest[2], cellDest[3])
nOrgTm = nCurTm;
origTime = curTime;
origLon = curLon;
origLat = curLat;
origSpd = curSpd;
nPrvTm = nCurTm;
prevTime = curTime;
prevLon = curLon;
prevLat = curLat;
prevSpd = curSpd;
if (/*records.size() > 1 && */ nPrvTm > nOrgTm) { // no lone point
int idxOrig = queryGrid(DegreeMinuteSecondUtility.parseDms(origLon),
int idxDest = queryGrid(DegreeMinuteSecondUtility.parseDms(prevLon),
if (idxOrig >= 0 && idxDest > 0) { // discard outliers
double[] cellOrig = grid.get(idxOrig);
double[] cellDest = grid.get(idxDest);
new TripCellWritable(theDate, origTime, origLon, origLat, origSpd,
cellOrig[0], cellOrig[1], cellOrig[2], cellOrig[3],
theDate, prevTime, prevLon, prevLat, prevSpd,
cellDest[0], cellDest[1], cellDest[2], cellDest[3])); // current, after loop exit
} catch (Exception e) {
// could log something
private long timeAsInteger(String sDate, String sTime) {
long nTime = 3600 * Long.parseLong(sTime.substring(0,2)) +
60 * Long.parseLong(sTime.substring(2,4)) +
Long.parseLong(sTime.substring(4)); // seconds after midnight
if (sDate != null) {
nTime += 86400 * Long.parseLong(sDate);
return nTime;