* SearchWindow.java Jul 14, 2004
* Copyright (c) 2004 Stan Salvador
* stansalvador@hotmail.com
package com.dtw;
import com.matrix.ColMajorCell;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.ConcurrentModificationException;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
abstract public class SearchWindow
private final int[] minValues;
private final int[] maxValues;
private final int maxJ;
private int size;
private int modCount;
public SearchWindow(int tsIsize, int tsJsize)
minValues = new int[tsIsize];
maxValues = new int[tsIsize];
Arrays.fill(minValues, -1);
maxJ = tsJsize-1;
size = 0;
modCount = 0;
public final boolean isInWindow(int i, int j)
return (i>=minI()) && (i<=maxI()) && (minValues[i]<=j) && (maxValues[i]>=j);
public final int minI()
return 0;
public final int maxI()
return minValues.length-1;
public final int minJ()
return 0;
public final int maxJ()
return maxJ;
public final int minJforI(int i)
return minValues[i];
public final int maxJforI(int i)
return maxValues[i];
public final int size()
return size;
// Iterates through all cells in the search window in the order that Dynamic
// Time Warping needs to evaluate them. (first to last column (0..maxI),
// bottom up (o..maxJ))
public final Iterator iterator()
return new SearchWindowIterator(this);
public final String toString()
final StringBuffer outStr = new StringBuffer();
for (int i=minI(); i<=maxI(); i++)
outStr.append("i=" + i + ", j=" + minValues[i] + "..." + maxValues[i]);
if (i != maxI())
} // end for loop
return outStr.toString();
} // end toString()
protected int getModCount()
return modCount;
// Expands the current window by a s pecified radius.
protected final void expandWindow(int radius)
if (radius > 0)
// Expand the search window by one before expanding by the remainder of the radius because the function
// "expandSearchWindow(.) may not work correctly if the path has a width of only 1.
private final void expandSearchWindow(int radius)
if (radius > 0) // if radius <=0 then no search is necessary, use the current search window
// Add all cells in the current Window to an array, iterating through the window and expanding the window
// at the same time is not possible because the window can't be changed during iteration through the cells.
final ArrayList windowCells = new ArrayList(this.size());
for (final Iterator cellIter=this.iterator(); cellIter.hasNext();)
for (int cell=0; cell<windowCells.size(); cell++)
final ColMajorCell currentCell = (ColMajorCell)windowCells.get(cell);
if ( (currentCell.getCol() != minI()) && (currentCell.getRow() != maxJ()) )// move to upper left if possible
// Either extend full search radius or some fraction until edges of matrix are met.
final int targetCol = currentCell.getCol()-radius;
final int targetRow = currentCell.getRow()+radius;
if ( (targetCol>=minI()) && (targetRow<=maxJ()))
markVisited(targetCol, targetRow);
// Expand the window only to the edge of the matrix.
final int cellsPastEdge = Math.max(minI()-targetCol, targetRow-maxJ());
markVisited(targetCol+cellsPastEdge, targetRow-cellsPastEdge);
} // end if
} // end if
if (currentCell.getRow() != maxJ()) // move up if possible
// Either extend full search radius or some fraction until edges of matrix are met.
final int targetCol = currentCell.getCol();
final int targetRow = currentCell.getRow()+radius;
if (targetRow <= maxJ())
markVisited(targetCol, targetRow); // radius does not go past the edges of the matrix
// Expand the window only to the edge of the matrix.
final int cellsPastEdge = targetRow-maxJ();
markVisited(targetCol, targetRow-cellsPastEdge);
} // end if
} // end if
if ((currentCell.getCol() != maxI()) && (currentCell.getRow() != maxJ())) // move to upper-right if possible
// Either extend full search radius or some fraction until edges of matrix are met.
final int targetCol = currentCell.getCol()+radius;
final int targetRow = currentCell.getRow()+radius;
if ( (targetCol<=maxI()) && (targetRow<=maxJ()))
markVisited(targetCol, targetRow); // radius does not go past the edges of the matrix
// Expand the window only to the edge of the matrix.
final int cellsPastEdge = Math.max(targetCol-maxI(), targetRow-maxJ());
markVisited(targetCol-cellsPastEdge, targetRow-cellsPastEdge);
} // end if
} // end if
if (currentCell.getCol() != minI()) // move left if possible
// Either extend full search radius or some fraction until edges of matrix are met.
final int targetCol = currentCell.getCol()-radius;
final int targetRow = currentCell.getRow();
if (targetCol >= minI())
markVisited(targetCol, targetRow); // radius does not go past the edges of the matrix
// Expand the window only to the edge of the matrix.
final int cellsPastEdge = minI()-targetCol;
markVisited(targetCol+cellsPastEdge, targetRow);
} // end if
} // end if
if (currentCell.getCol() != maxI()) // move right if possible
// Either extend full search radius or some fraction until edges of matrix are met.
final int targetCol = currentCell.getCol()+radius;
final int targetRow = currentCell.getRow();
if (targetCol <= maxI())
markVisited(targetCol, targetRow); // radius does not go past the edges of the matrix
// Expand the window only to the edge of the matrix.
final int cellsPastEdge = targetCol-maxI();
markVisited(targetCol-cellsPastEdge, targetRow);
} // end if
} // end if
if ( (currentCell.getCol() != minI()) && (currentCell.getRow() != minJ()) ) // move to lower-left if possible
// Either extend full search radius or some fraction until edges of matrix are met.
final int targetCol = currentCell.getCol()-radius;
final int targetRow = currentCell.getRow()-radius;
if ( (targetCol>=minI()) && (targetRow>=minJ()))
markVisited(targetCol, targetRow); // radius does not go past the edges of the matrix
// Expand the window only to the edge of the matrix.
final int cellsPastEdge = Math.max(minI()-targetCol, minJ()-targetRow);
markVisited(targetCol+cellsPastEdge, targetRow+cellsPastEdge);
} // end if
} // end if
if (currentCell.getRow() != minJ()) // move down if possible
// Either extend full search radius or some fraction until edges of matrix are met.
final int targetCol = currentCell.getCol();
final int targetRow = currentCell.getRow()-radius;
if (targetRow >= minJ())
markVisited(targetCol, targetRow); // radius does not go past the edges of the matrix
// Expand the window only to the edge of the matrix.
final int cellsPastEdge = minJ()-targetRow;
markVisited(targetCol, targetRow+cellsPastEdge);
} // end if
} // end if
if ((currentCell.getCol() != maxI()) && (currentCell.getRow() != minJ())) // move to lower-right if possible
// Either extend full search radius or some fraction until edges of matrix are met.
final int targetCol = currentCell.getCol()+radius;
final int targetRow = currentCell.getRow()-radius;
if ( (targetCol<=maxI()) && (targetRow>=minJ()))
markVisited(targetCol, targetRow); // radius does not go past the edges of the matrix
// Expand the window only to the edge of the matrix.
final int cellsPastEdge = Math.max(targetCol-maxI(), minJ()-targetRow);
markVisited(targetCol-cellsPastEdge, targetRow+cellsPastEdge);
} // end if
} // end if
} // end for loop
} // end if
} // end expandWindow(.)
// Raturns true if the window is modified.
protected final void markVisited(int col, int row)
if (minValues[col] == -1) // first value is entered in the column
minValues[col] = row;
maxValues[col] = row;
modCount++; // stucture has been changed
//return true;
else if (minValues[col] > row) // minimum range in the column is expanded
this.size += minValues[col]-row;
minValues[col] = row;
modCount++; // stucture has been changed
else if (maxValues[col] < row) // maximum range in the column is expanded
this.size += row-maxValues[col];
maxValues[col] = row;
} // end if
} // end markVisited(.)
// A private class that is a fail-fast iterator through the search window.
private final class SearchWindowIterator implements Iterator
private int currentI;
private int currentJ;
private final SearchWindow window;
private boolean hasMoreElements;
private final int expectedModCount;
private SearchWindowIterator(SearchWindow w)
// Intiialize values
window = w;
hasMoreElements = window.size()>0;
currentI = window.minI();
currentJ = window.minJ();
expectedModCount = w.modCount;
public boolean hasNext()
return hasMoreElements;
public Object next()
if (modCount != expectedModCount)
throw new ConcurrentModificationException();
else if (!hasMoreElements)
throw new NoSuchElementException();
final ColMajorCell cell = new ColMajorCell(currentI, currentJ);
if (++currentJ > window.maxJforI(currentI))
if (++currentI <= window.maxI())
currentJ = window.minJforI(currentI);
hasMoreElements = false;
} // end if
return cell;
} // end if
} // end next()
public void remove()
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
} // end inner class SearchWindowIterator
} // end SearchWindow