* DTW.java Jul 14, 2004
* Copyright (c) 2004 Stan Salvador
* stansalvador@hotmail.com
package com.dtw;
import com.timeseries.TimeSeries;
import com.util.DistanceFunction;
import com.matrix.ColMajorCell;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Iterator;
public class DTW
public static double calcWarpCost(WarpPath path, TimeSeries tsI, TimeSeries tsJ, DistanceFunction distFn)
double totalCost = 0.0;
for (int p=0; p<path.size(); p++)
final com.matrix.ColMajorCell currWarp = path.get(p);
totalCost += distFn.calcDistance(tsI.getMeasurementVector(currWarp.getCol()),
return totalCost;
// Dynamic Time Warping where the warp path is not needed, an alternate implementation can be used that does not
// require the entire cost matrix to be filled and only needs 2 columns to be stored at any one time.
public static double getWarpDistBetween(TimeSeries tsI, TimeSeries tsJ, DistanceFunction distFn)
// The space complexity is 2*tsJ.size(). Dynamic time warping is symmetric so switching the two time series
// parameters does not effect the final warp cost but can reduce the space complexity by allowing tsJ to
// be set as the shorter time series and only requiring 2 columns of size |tsJ| rather than 2 larger columns of
// size |tsI|.
if (tsI.size() < tsJ.size())
return getWarpDistBetween(tsJ, tsI, distFn);
double[] lastCol = new double[tsJ.size()];
double[] currCol = new double[tsJ.size()];
final int maxI = tsI.size()-1;
final int maxJ = tsJ.size()-1;
// Calculate the values for the first column, from the bottom up.
currCol[0] = distFn.calcDistance(tsI.getMeasurementVector(0), tsJ.getMeasurementVector(0)); // first cell
for (int j=1; j<=maxJ; j++) // the rest of the first column
currCol[j] = currCol[j-1] + distFn.calcDistance(tsI.getMeasurementVector(0), tsJ.getMeasurementVector(j));
for (int i=1; i<=maxI; i++) // i = columns
// Swap the references between the two arrays.
final double[] temp = lastCol;
lastCol = currCol;
currCol = temp;
// Calculate the value for the bottom row of the current column
// (i,0) = LocalCost(i,0) + GlobalCost(i-1,0)
currCol[0] = lastCol[0] + distFn.calcDistance(tsI.getMeasurementVector(i), tsJ.getMeasurementVector(0));
for (int j=1; j<=maxJ; j++) // j = rows
// (i,j) = LocalCost(i,j) + minGlobalCost{(i-1,j),(i-1,j-1),(i,j-1)}
final double minGlobalCost = Math.min(lastCol[j], Math.min(lastCol[j-1], currCol[j-1]));
currCol[j] = minGlobalCost + distFn.calcDistance(tsI.getMeasurementVector(i), tsJ.getMeasurementVector(j));
} // end for loop
} // end for loop
// Minimum Cost is at (maxI,maxJ)
return currCol[maxJ];
} // end getWarpDistBetween(..)
public static WarpPath getWarpPathBetween(TimeSeries tsI, TimeSeries tsJ, DistanceFunction distFn)
return DynamicTimeWarp(tsI, tsJ, distFn).getPath();
public static TimeWarpInfo getWarpInfoBetween(TimeSeries tsI, TimeSeries tsJ, DistanceFunction distFn)
return DynamicTimeWarp(tsI, tsJ, distFn);
private static TimeWarpInfo DynamicTimeWarp(TimeSeries tsI, TimeSeries tsJ, DistanceFunction distFn)
// 5|_|_|_|_|_|_|E| E = min Global Cost
// 4|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| S = Start point
// 3|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| each cell = min global cost to get to that point
// j 2|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|
// 1|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|
// 0|S|_|_|_|_|_|_|
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
// i
// access is M(i,j)... column-row
final double[][] costMatrix = new double[tsI.size()][tsJ.size()];
final int maxI = tsI.size()-1;
final int maxJ = tsJ.size()-1;
// Calculate the values for the first column, from the bottom up.
costMatrix[0][0] = distFn.calcDistance(tsI.getMeasurementVector(0),
for (int j=1; j<=maxJ; j++)
costMatrix[0][j] = costMatrix[0][j-1] + distFn.calcDistance(tsI.getMeasurementVector(0),
for (int i=1; i<=maxI; i++) // i = columns
// Calculate the value for the bottom row of the current column
// (i,0) = LocalCost(i,0) + GlobalCost(i-1,0)
costMatrix[i][0] = costMatrix[i-1][0] + distFn.calcDistance(tsI.getMeasurementVector(i),
for (int j=1; j<=maxJ; j++) // j = rows
// (i,j) = LocalCost(i,j) + minGlobalCost{(i-1,j),(i-1,j-1),(i,j-1)}
final double minGlobalCost = Math.min(costMatrix[i-1][j],
costMatrix[i][j] = minGlobalCost + distFn.calcDistance(tsI.getMeasurementVector(i),
} // end for loop
} // end for loop
// writes a section of the cost matrix to a file
final PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter("matrix1.csv"));
for (int j=maxJ; j>=0; j--)
for (int i=0; i<=maxI; i++)
if (i != maxI)
catch (Exception e)
// Minimum Cost is at (maxIi,maxJ)
final double minimumCost = costMatrix[maxI][maxJ];
// Find the Warp Path by searching the matrix from the solution at
// (maxI, maxJ) to the beginning at (0,0). At each step move through
// the matrix 1 step left, down, or diagonal, whichever has the
// smallest cost. Favoer diagonal moves and moves towards the i==j
// axis to break ties.
final WarpPath minCostPath = new WarpPath(maxI+maxJ-1);
int i = maxI;
int j = maxJ;
minCostPath.addFirst(i, j);
while ((i>0) || (j>0))
// Find the costs of moving in all three possible directions (left,
// down, and diagonal (down and left at the same time).
final double diagCost;
final double leftCost;
final double downCost;
if ((i>0) && (j>0))
diagCost = costMatrix[i-1][j-1];
diagCost = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
if (i > 0)
leftCost = costMatrix[i-1][j];
leftCost = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
if (j > 0)
downCost = costMatrix[i][j-1];
downCost = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
// Determine which direction to move in. Prefer moving diagonally and
// moving towards the i==j axis of the matrix if there are ties.
if ((diagCost<=leftCost) && (diagCost<=downCost))
else if ((leftCost<diagCost) && (leftCost<downCost))
else if ((downCost<diagCost) && (downCost<leftCost))
else if (i <= j) // leftCost==rightCost > diagCost
else // leftCost==rightCost > diagCost
// Add the current step to the warp path.
minCostPath.addFirst(i, j);
} // end while loop
return new TimeWarpInfo(minimumCost, minCostPath);
} // end DynamicTimeWarp(..)
public static double getWarpDistBetween(TimeSeries tsI, TimeSeries tsJ, SearchWindow window, DistanceFunction distFn)
// 5|_|_|_|_|_|_|E| E = min Global Cost
// 4|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| S = Start point
// 3|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| each cell = min global cost to get to that point
// j 2|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|
// 1|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|
// 0|S|_|_|_|_|_|_|
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
// i
// access is M(i,j)... column-row
final CostMatrix costMatrix = new PartialWindowMatrix(window);
final int maxI = tsI.size()-1;
final int maxJ = tsJ.size()-1;
// Get an iterator that traverses the window cells in the order that the cost matrix is filled.
// (first to last row (1..maxI), bottom to top (1..MaxJ)
final Iterator matrixIterator = window.iterator();
while (matrixIterator.hasNext())
final ColMajorCell currentCell = (ColMajorCell)matrixIterator.next(); // current cell being filled
final int i = currentCell.getCol();
final int j = currentCell.getRow();
if ( (i==0) && (j==0) ) // bottom left cell (first row AND first column)
costMatrix.put(i, j, distFn.calcDistance(tsI.getMeasurementVector(0), tsJ.getMeasurementVector(0)));
else if (i == 0) // first column
costMatrix.put(i, j, distFn.calcDistance(tsI.getMeasurementVector(0), tsJ.getMeasurementVector(j)) +
costMatrix.get(i, j-1));
else if (j == 0) // first row
costMatrix.put(i, j, distFn.calcDistance(tsI.getMeasurementVector(i), tsJ.getMeasurementVector(0)) +
costMatrix.get(i-1, j));
else // not first column or first row
final double minGlobalCost = Math.min(costMatrix.get(i-1, j),
Math.min(costMatrix.get(i-1, j-1),
costMatrix.get(i, j-1)));
costMatrix.put(i, j, minGlobalCost + distFn.calcDistance(tsI.getMeasurementVector(i),
} // end if
} // end while loop
// Minimum Cost is at (maxI, maxJ)
return costMatrix.get(maxI, maxJ);
} // end getWarpDistBetween(...)
public static WarpPath getWarpPathBetween(TimeSeries tsI, TimeSeries tsJ, SearchWindow window, DistanceFunction distFn)
return constrainedTimeWarp(tsI, tsJ, window, distFn).getPath();
public static TimeWarpInfo getWarpInfoBetween(TimeSeries tsI, TimeSeries tsJ, SearchWindow window, DistanceFunction distFn)
return constrainedTimeWarp(tsI, tsJ, window, distFn);
private static TimeWarpInfo constrainedTimeWarp(TimeSeries tsI, TimeSeries tsJ, SearchWindow window, DistanceFunction distFn)
// 5|_|_|_|_|_|_|E| E = min Global Cost
// 4|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| S = Start point
// 3|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| each cell = min global cost to get to that point
// j 2|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|
// 1|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|
// 0|S|_|_|_|_|_|_|
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
// i
// access is M(i,j)... column-row
final WindowMatrix costMatrix = new WindowMatrix(window);
final int maxI = tsI.size()-1;
final int maxJ = tsJ.size()-1;
// Get an iterator that traverses the window cells in the order that the cost matrix is filled.
// (first to last row (1..maxI), bottom to top (1..MaxJ)
final Iterator matrixIterator = window.iterator();
while (matrixIterator.hasNext())
final ColMajorCell currentCell = (ColMajorCell)matrixIterator.next(); // current cell being filled
final int i = currentCell.getCol();
final int j = currentCell.getRow();
if ( (i==0) && (j==0) ) // bottom left cell (first row AND first column)
costMatrix.put(i, j, distFn.calcDistance(tsI.getMeasurementVector(0), tsJ.getMeasurementVector(0)));
else if (i == 0) // first column
costMatrix.put(i, j, distFn.calcDistance(tsI.getMeasurementVector(0), tsJ.getMeasurementVector(j)) +
costMatrix.get(i, j-1));
else if (j == 0) // first row
costMatrix.put(i, j, distFn.calcDistance(tsI.getMeasurementVector(i), tsJ.getMeasurementVector(0)) +
costMatrix.get(i-1, j));
else // not first column or first row
final double minGlobalCost = Math.min(costMatrix.get(i-1, j),
Math.min(costMatrix.get(i-1, j-1),
costMatrix.get(i, j-1)));
costMatrix.put(i, j, minGlobalCost + distFn.calcDistance(tsI.getMeasurementVector(i),
} // end if
} // end while loop
// Minimum Cost is at (maxI, maxJ)
final double minimumCost = costMatrix.get(maxI, maxJ);
final PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter("matrix2.csv"));
for (int j=maxJ; j>=0; j--)
for (int i=0; i<=maxI; i++)
out.print(costMatrix.get(i, j));
if (i != maxI)
catch (Exception e)
// Find the Warp Path by searching the matrix from the solution at
// (maxI, maxJ) to the beginning at (0,0). At each step move through
// the matrix 1 step left, down, or diagonal, whichever has the
// smallest cost. Favoer diagonal moves and moves towards the i==j
// axis to break ties.
final WarpPath minCostPath = new WarpPath(maxI+maxJ-1);
int i = maxI;
int j = maxJ;
minCostPath.addFirst(i, j);
while ((i>0) || (j>0))
// Find the costs of moving in all three possible directions (left,
// down, and diagonal (down and left at the same time).
final double diagCost;
final double leftCost;
final double downCost;
if ((i>0) && (j>0))
diagCost = costMatrix.get(i-1, j-1);
diagCost = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
if (i > 0)
leftCost = costMatrix.get(i-1, j);
leftCost = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
if (j > 0)
downCost = costMatrix.get(i, j-1);
downCost = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
// Determine which direction to move in. Prefer moving diagonally and
// moving towards the i==j axis of the matrix if there are ties.
if ((diagCost<=leftCost) && (diagCost<=downCost))
else if ((leftCost<diagCost) && (leftCost<downCost))
else if ((downCost<diagCost) && (downCost<leftCost))
else if (i <= j) // leftCost==rightCost > diagCost
else // leftCost==rightCost > diagCost
// Add the current step to the warp path.
minCostPath.addFirst(i, j);
} // end while loop
// Free any rescources associated with the costMatrix (a swap file may have been created if the swa file did not
// fit into main memory).
return new TimeWarpInfo(minimumCost, minCostPath);
} // end ConstrainedTimeWarp
} // end class DtwTest