* @(#)${NAME}
* Copyright 2002 - 2004 JIDE Software Inc. All rights reserved.
package com.jidesoft.swing;
import com.jidesoft.swing.event.SearchableEvent;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.ListDataEvent;
import javax.swing.event.ListDataListener;
import javax.swing.event.PopupMenuEvent;
import javax.swing.event.PopupMenuListener;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.KeyAdapter;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
* <code>ComboBoxSearchable</code> is an concrete implementation of {@link Searchable} that enables the search function
* in non-editable JComboBox. <p>It's very simple to use it. Assuming you have a JComboBox, all you need to do is to
* call
* <code><pre>
* JComboBox comboBox = ....;
* ComboBoxSearchable searchable = new ComboBoxSearchable(comboBox);
* </pre></code>
* Now the JComboBox will have the search function.
* <p/>
* There is very little customization you need to do to ComboBoxSearchable. The only thing you might need is when the
* element in the JComboBox needs a special conversion to convert to string. If so, you can override
* convertElementToString() to provide you own algorithm to do the conversion.
* <code><pre>
* JComboBox comboBox = ....;
* ComboBoxSearchable searchable = new ComboBoxSearchable(comboBox) {
* protected String convertElementToString(Object object) {
* ...
* }
* };
* </pre></code>
* <p/>
* Additional customization can be done on the base Searchable class such as background and foreground color,
* keystrokes, case sensitivity,
public class ComboBoxSearchable extends Searchable implements ListDataListener, PropertyChangeListener, PopupMenuListener {
private boolean _refreshPopupDuringSearching = false;
private boolean _showPopupDuringSearching = true;
public ComboBoxSearchable(final JComboBox comboBox) {
// to avoid conflict with default type-match feature of JComboBox.
comboBox.setKeySelectionManager(new JComboBox.KeySelectionManager() {
public int selectionForKey(char aKey, ComboBoxModel aModel) {
return -1;
comboBox.addPropertyChangeListener("model", this);
if (comboBox.isEditable()) {
Component editorComponent = comboBox.getEditor().getEditorComponent();
final JTextField textField = (JTextField) editorComponent;
textField.addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter() {
public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) {
if (e.getKeyChar() != KeyEvent.CHAR_UNDEFINED && e.getKeyCode() != KeyEvent.VK_ENTER
&& e.getKeyCode() != KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE) {
String text = textField.getText();
ComboBoxModel model = comboBox.getModel();
ListDataListener removedListener = null;
// this is a hack. We have to remove the listener registered in BasicComboBoxUI while filtering the combobox model.
// the code below will break if the listener is not a class in BasicComboBoxUI.
if (model instanceof AbstractListModel) {
ListDataListener[] listeners = ((AbstractListModel) model).getListDataListeners();
for (ListDataListener listener : listeners) {
//noinspection IndexOfReplaceableByContains
if (listener.getClass().toString().indexOf("BasicComboBoxUI") != -1) {
removedListener = listener;
if (removedListener != null) {
if (isShowPopupDuringSearching()) {
if (!comboBox.getUI().getClass().getName().contains("ExComboBoxUI")) { // only cover the JComboBox for now but not the subclass of JComboBox because don't want dependency on ExComboBox in JCL
setSearchableProvider(new SearchableProvider() {
public String getSearchingText() {
return textField.getText();
public boolean isPassive() {
return true;
public void processKeyEvent(KeyEvent e) {
public void uninstallListeners() {
if (_component instanceof JComboBox) {
((JComboBox) _component).getModel().removeListDataListener(this);
((JComboBox) _component).removePopupMenuListener(this);
_component.removePropertyChangeListener("model", this);
* Checks if the popup is showing during searching.
* @return true if popup is visible during searching.
public boolean isShowPopupDuringSearching() {
return _showPopupDuringSearching;
* Sets the property which determines if the popup should be shown during searching.
* @param showPopupDuringSearching the flag indicating if we should show popup during searching
public void setShowPopupDuringSearching(boolean showPopupDuringSearching) {
_showPopupDuringSearching = showPopupDuringSearching;
* Checks if the popup should be refreshed during searching.
* <p/>
* By default, the value is false. ComboBoxShrinkSearchSupport will set this flag to true.
* @return true if popup is refreshed during searching.
public boolean isRefreshPopupDuringSearching() {
return _refreshPopupDuringSearching;
* Sets the property which determines if the popup should be refreshed during searching.
* @param refreshPopupDuringSearching the flag indicating if we should refresh popup during searching
public void setRefreshPopupDuringSearching(boolean refreshPopupDuringSearching) {
_refreshPopupDuringSearching = refreshPopupDuringSearching;
protected void setSelectedIndex(int index, boolean incremental) {
if (((JComboBox) _component).getSelectedIndex() != index) {
((JComboBox) _component).setSelectedIndex(index);
if (isShowPopupDuringSearching() || isRefreshPopupDuringSearching()) {
if (_component.getClientProperty("ShrinkSearchableSupport") != null && ((JComboBox) _component).isPopupVisible()) {
boolean old = isHideSearchPopupOnEvent();
((JComboBox) _component).hidePopup();
try {
if (!((JComboBox) _component).isPopupVisible() &&
KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager().getFocusOwner() != null &&
SwingUtilities.isDescendingFrom(KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager().getFocusOwner(), _component)) {
((JComboBox) _component).showPopup();
catch (IllegalComponentStateException e) {
protected int getSelectedIndex() {
return ((JComboBox) _component).getSelectedIndex();
protected Object getElementAt(int index) {
ComboBoxModel comboBoxModel = ((JComboBox) _component).getModel();
return comboBoxModel.getElementAt(index);
protected int getElementCount() {
ComboBoxModel comboBoxModel = ((JComboBox) _component).getModel();
return comboBoxModel.getSize();
* Converts the element in JCombobox to string. The returned value will be the <code>toString()</code> of whatever
* element that returned from <code>list.getModel().getElementAt(i)</code>.
* @param object the object to be converted
* @return the string representing the element in the JComboBox.
protected String convertElementToString(Object object) {
if (object != null) {
return object.toString();
else {
return "";
public void contentsChanged(ListDataEvent e) {
if (!isProcessModelChangeEvent()) {
if (e.getIndex0() == -1 && e.getIndex1() == -1) {
else {
fireSearchableEvent(new SearchableEvent(this, SearchableEvent.SEARCHABLE_MODEL_CHANGE));
public void intervalAdded(ListDataEvent e) {
if (!isProcessModelChangeEvent()) {
fireSearchableEvent(new SearchableEvent(this, SearchableEvent.SEARCHABLE_MODEL_CHANGE));
public void intervalRemoved(ListDataEvent e) {
if (!isProcessModelChangeEvent()) {
fireSearchableEvent(new SearchableEvent(this, SearchableEvent.SEARCHABLE_MODEL_CHANGE));
public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) {
if ("model".equals(evt.getPropertyName())) {
if (evt.getOldValue() instanceof ComboBoxModel) {
((ComboBoxModel) evt.getOldValue()).removeListDataListener(this);
if (evt.getNewValue() instanceof ComboBoxModel) {
((ComboBoxModel) evt.getNewValue()).addListDataListener(this);
fireSearchableEvent(new SearchableEvent(this, SearchableEvent.SEARCHABLE_MODEL_CHANGE));
public void popupMenuWillBecomeVisible(PopupMenuEvent e) {
public void popupMenuWillBecomeInvisible(PopupMenuEvent e) {
if (isHideSearchPopupOnEvent()) {
public void popupMenuCanceled(PopupMenuEvent e) {