* @(#)BasicJideOptionPaneUI.java 3/27/2006
* Copyright 2002 - 2006 JIDE Software Inc. All rights reserved.
package com.jidesoft.plaf.basic;
import com.jidesoft.dialog.ButtonNames;
import com.jidesoft.dialog.ButtonPanel;
import com.jidesoft.dialog.ButtonResources;
import com.jidesoft.dialog.JideOptionPane;
import com.jidesoft.plaf.UIDefaultsLookup;
import com.jidesoft.swing.JideBoxLayout;
import com.jidesoft.swing.JideSwingUtilities;
import com.jidesoft.swing.NullPanel;
import com.jidesoft.swing.PaintPanel;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.border.Border;
import javax.swing.event.AncestorEvent;
import javax.swing.event.AncestorListener;
import javax.swing.plaf.ComponentUI;
import javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicOptionPaneUI;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
public class BasicJideOptionPaneUI extends BasicOptionPaneUI {
private Container _detailsArea;
private JButton _detailsButton;
private Container _buttonArea;
private Container _bannerArea;
private Component _titleComponent;
private ThemePainter _painter;
private PropertyChangeListener _propertyListener;
// keep track of detail component width.
private int _detailsPreferredWidth = -1;
* Creates a new BasicOptionPaneUI instance.
* @param x the component to create UI
* @return the UI instance.
public static ComponentUI createUI(JComponent x) {
return new BasicJideOptionPaneUI();
protected LayoutManager createLayoutManager() {
return new JideBoxLayout(optionPane, JideBoxLayout.Y_AXIS);
// use a static to keep track of detail area visibility during the session
private boolean _detailsVisible = false;
* Is details area visible initially.
* @return true if details area is visible.
public boolean isDetailsVisible() {
return _detailsVisible;
* Sets if details area is visible initially.
* @param detailsVisible the flag
public void setDetailsVisible(boolean detailsVisible) {
if (_detailsVisible != detailsVisible) {
_detailsVisible = detailsVisible;
protected void installComponents() {
boolean showBanner = UIDefaultsLookup.get("OptionPane.showBanner") == null || UIDefaultsLookup.getBoolean("OptionPane.showBanner");
if (showBanner) {
optionPane.add(_bannerArea = createBannerArea(), JideBoxLayout.FIX);
Container messageArea = createMessageArea();
if (!showBanner) {
LookAndFeel.installBorder((JComponent) messageArea, "OptionPane.border");
Container separator = createSeparator();
if (separator != null) {
optionPane.add(_buttonArea = createButtonArea(), JideBoxLayout.FIX);
if (shouldDetailsButtonVisible()) {
protected void installListeners() {
_propertyListener = new PropertyChangeListener() {
public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) {
if (JideOptionPane.DETAILS_PROPERTY.equals(evt.getPropertyName())) {
if (_buttonArea instanceof ButtonPanel) {
Component detailsButton = ((ButtonPanel) _buttonArea).getButtonByName(ButtonNames.DETAILS);
if (detailsButton != null) {
detailsButton.setVisible(evt.getNewValue() != null);
else if (JideOptionPane.TITLE_PROPERTY.equals(evt.getPropertyName())) {
protected void uninstallListeners() {
protected void updateDetailsComponent() {
if (_detailsArea != null) {
_detailsArea = null;
_detailsArea = createDetailsComponent();
if (_detailsArea != null) {
optionPane.add(_detailsArea, JideBoxLayout.VARY);
protected Container createMessageArea() {
JPanel top = new JPanel();
Border topBorder = (Border) UIDefaultsLookup.get("OptionPane.messageAreaBorder");
if (topBorder != null) {
top.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
/* Fill the body. */
Container body = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout());
Container realBody = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
if (getIcon() != null) {
JPanel sep = new JPanel();
sep.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(15, 1));
realBody.add(sep, BorderLayout.BEFORE_LINE_BEGINS);
realBody.add(body, BorderLayout.CENTER);
GridBagConstraints cons = new GridBagConstraints();
cons.gridx = cons.gridy = 0;
cons.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER;
cons.gridheight = 1;
int anchor = UIDefaultsLookup.getInt("OptionPane.messageAnchor");
cons.anchor = anchor == 0 ? GridBagConstraints.CENTER : anchor;
cons.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 3, 0);
Object message = getMessage();
// if (message instanceof String
// && !((String) message).toLowerCase().startsWith("<html>")) {
// addMessageComponents(body, cons, null, getMaxCharactersPerLineCount(), false);
// }
// else {
addMessageComponents(body, cons, message, getMaxCharactersPerLineCount(), false);
// }
top.add(realBody, BorderLayout.CENTER);
return top;
protected Container createSeparator() {
return new JSeparator();
protected void installDefaults() {
_painter = (ThemePainter) UIDefaultsLookup.get("Theme.painter");
protected void uninstallDefaults() {
_painter = null;
protected Container createDetailsComponent() {
if (!(optionPane instanceof JideOptionPane)) {
return null;
JideOptionPane jideOptionPane = (JideOptionPane) optionPane;
Object details = jideOptionPane.getDetails();
if (details instanceof Container) {
_detailsPreferredWidth = ((Container) details).getPreferredSize().width;
return (Container) details;
else if (details instanceof Component) {
JPanel panel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
panel.add((Component) details);
_detailsPreferredWidth = panel.getPreferredSize().width;
return panel;
else if (details instanceof String) {
JTextArea area = new JTextArea((String) details);
JPanel panel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
panel.add(new JScrollPane(area));
panel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(10, 6, 10, 6));
_detailsPreferredWidth = panel.getPreferredSize().width;
return panel;
else {
return null;
protected Container createButtonArea() {
int orientation = UIDefaultsLookup.getInt("OptionPane.buttonOrientation");
orientation = orientation == 0 ? SwingConstants.CENTER : orientation;
ButtonPanel buttonPanel = new ButtonPanel(orientation);
Border border = (Border) UIDefaultsLookup.get("OptionPane.buttonAreaBorder");
if (border != null) {
boolean sameSize = UIDefaultsLookup.getBoolean("OptionPane.sameSizeButtons");
buttonPanel.setSizeConstraint(sameSize ? ButtonPanel.SAME_SIZE : ButtonPanel.NO_LESS_THAN);
int padding = UIDefaultsLookup.getInt("OptionPane.buttonPadding");
padding = padding == 0 ? 6 : padding;
addButtonComponents(buttonPanel, getButtons(), getInitialValueIndex());
return buttonPanel;
protected void addButtonComponents(Container container, Object[] buttons,
int initialIndex) {
if (buttons != null && buttons.length > 0) {
int numButtons = buttons.length;
for (int counter = 0; counter < numButtons; counter++) {
Object button = buttons[counter];
Component newComponent;
if (button instanceof Component) {
newComponent = (Component) button;
container.add(newComponent, ButtonPanel.OTHER_BUTTON);
hasCustomComponents = true;
else {
JButton aButton;
if (button instanceof ButtonFactory) {
aButton = ((ButtonFactory) button).createButton();
else if (button instanceof Icon)
aButton = new JButton((Icon) button);
aButton = new JButton(button.toString());
if (ButtonNames.YES.equals(aButton.getName())
|| ButtonNames.NO.equals(aButton.getName())
|| ButtonNames.OK.equals(aButton.getName())
|| ButtonNames.CLOSE.equals(aButton.getName())
|| ButtonNames.FINISH.equals(aButton.getName())) {
container.add(aButton, ButtonPanel.AFFIRMATIVE_BUTTON);
else if (ButtonNames.CANCEL.equals(aButton.getName())) {
container.add(aButton, ButtonPanel.CANCEL_BUTTON);
else if (ButtonNames.HELP.equals(aButton.getName())) {
container.add(aButton, ButtonPanel.HELP_BUTTON);
else {
container.add(aButton, ButtonPanel.OTHER_BUTTON);
if (ButtonNames.DETAILS.equals(aButton.getName())) {
aButton.addActionListener(new AbstractAction() {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -6121325145433592319L;
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
JButton defaultButton = (JButton) e.getSource();
Container top = defaultButton.getTopLevelAncestor();
if (top instanceof Window) {
((Window) top).pack();
_detailsButton = aButton;
else {
ActionListener buttonListener = createButtonActionListener(counter);
if (buttonListener != null) {
newComponent = aButton;
if (counter == initialIndex) {
initialFocusComponent = newComponent;
if (initialFocusComponent instanceof JButton) {
JButton defaultB = (JButton) initialFocusComponent;
defaultB.addAncestorListener(new AncestorListener() {
public void ancestorAdded(AncestorEvent e) {
JButton defaultButton = (JButton) e.getComponent();
JRootPane root = SwingUtilities.getRootPane(defaultButton);
if (root != null) {
public void ancestorRemoved(AncestorEvent event) {
public void ancestorMoved(AncestorEvent event) {
private void toggleDetailsArea() {
final ResourceBundle resourceBundle = ButtonResources.getResourceBundle(optionPane.getLocale());
if (_detailsArea.isVisible()) {
_detailsButton.setText(optionPane instanceof JideOptionPane ? ((JideOptionPane) optionPane).getResourceString("Button.showDetails") : resourceBundle.getString("Button.showDetails"));
_detailsButton.setMnemonic(optionPane instanceof JideOptionPane ? ((JideOptionPane) optionPane).getResourceString("Button.showDetails.mnemonic").charAt(0) : resourceBundle.getString("Button.showDetails.mnemonic").charAt(0));
else {
_detailsButton.setText(optionPane instanceof JideOptionPane ? ((JideOptionPane) optionPane).getResourceString("Button.hideDetails") : resourceBundle.getString("Button.hideDetails"));
_detailsButton.setMnemonic(optionPane instanceof JideOptionPane ? ((JideOptionPane) optionPane).getResourceString("Button.hideDetails.mnemonic").charAt(0) : resourceBundle.getString("Button.hideDetails.mnemonic").charAt(0));
* Returns the buttons to display from the JOptionPane the receiver is providing the look and feel for. If the
* JOptionPane has options set, they will be provided, otherwise if the optionType is YES_NO_OPTION, yesNoOptions is
* returned, if the type is YES_NO_CANCEL_OPTION yesNoCancelOptions is returned, otherwise defaultButtons are
* returned.
protected Object[] getButtons() {
if (optionPane != null) {
Object[] suppliedOptions = optionPane.getOptions();
if (suppliedOptions == null) {
Object[] defaultOptions;
int type = optionPane.getOptionType();
Locale l = optionPane.getLocale();
if (type == JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION) {
defaultOptions = new ButtonFactory[2];
defaultOptions[0] = new ButtonFactory(
UIDefaultsLookup.getString("OptionPane.yesButtonText", l),
getMnemonic("OptionPane.yesButtonMnemonic", l),
(Icon) UIDefaultsLookup.get("OptionPane.yesIcon"));
defaultOptions[1] = new ButtonFactory(
UIDefaultsLookup.getString("OptionPane.noButtonText", l),
getMnemonic("OptionPane.noButtonMnemonic", l),
(Icon) UIDefaultsLookup.get("OptionPane.noIcon"));
else if (type == JOptionPane.YES_NO_CANCEL_OPTION) {
defaultOptions = new ButtonFactory[3];
defaultOptions[0] = new ButtonFactory(
UIDefaultsLookup.getString("OptionPane.yesButtonText", l),
getMnemonic("OptionPane.yesButtonMnemonic", l),
(Icon) UIDefaultsLookup.get("OptionPane.yesIcon"));
defaultOptions[1] = new ButtonFactory(
UIDefaultsLookup.getString("OptionPane.noButtonText", l),
getMnemonic("OptionPane.noButtonMnemonic", l),
(Icon) UIDefaultsLookup.get("OptionPane.noIcon"));
defaultOptions[2] = new ButtonFactory(
UIDefaultsLookup.getString("OptionPane.cancelButtonText", l),
getMnemonic("OptionPane.cancelButtonMnemonic", l),
(Icon) UIDefaultsLookup.get("OptionPane.cancelIcon"));
else if (type == JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION) {
defaultOptions = new ButtonFactory[2];
defaultOptions[0] = new ButtonFactory(
getMnemonic("OptionPane.okButtonMnemonic", l),
(Icon) UIDefaultsLookup.get("OptionPane.okIcon"));
defaultOptions[1] = new ButtonFactory(
getMnemonic("OptionPane.cancelButtonMnemonic", l),
(Icon) UIDefaultsLookup.get("OptionPane.cancelIcon"));
else if (type == JideOptionPane.CLOSE_OPTION) {
defaultOptions = new ButtonFactory[1];
final ResourceBundle resourceBundle = ButtonResources.getResourceBundle(optionPane.getLocale());
defaultOptions[0] = new ButtonFactory(
optionPane instanceof JideOptionPane ? ((JideOptionPane) optionPane).getResourceString("Button.close") : resourceBundle.getString("Button.close"),
optionPane instanceof JideOptionPane ? ((JideOptionPane) optionPane).getResourceString("Button.close.mnemonic").charAt(0) : resourceBundle.getString("Button.close.mnemonic").charAt(0),
else {
defaultOptions = new ButtonFactory[1];
defaultOptions[0] = new ButtonFactory(
getMnemonic("OptionPane.okButtonMnemonic", l),
(Icon) UIDefaultsLookup.get("OptionPane.okIcon"));
return addDetailsButton(defaultOptions, true);
return addDetailsButton(suppliedOptions, true);
return null;
protected Object[] addDetailsButton(Object[] options, boolean showDetails) {
if (showDetails) {
Object[] newOptions = new Object[options.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(options, 0, newOptions, 0, options.length);
final ResourceBundle resourceBundle = ButtonResources.getResourceBundle(optionPane.getLocale());
if (isDetailsVisible()) {
newOptions[newOptions.length - 1] = new ButtonFactory(
optionPane instanceof JideOptionPane ? ((JideOptionPane) optionPane).getResourceString("Button.hideDetails") : resourceBundle.getString("Button.hideDetails"),
optionPane instanceof JideOptionPane ? ((JideOptionPane) optionPane).getResourceString("Button.hideDetails.mnemonic").charAt(0) : resourceBundle.getString("Button.hideDetails.mnemonic").charAt(0), null);
else {
newOptions[newOptions.length - 1] = new ButtonFactory(
optionPane instanceof JideOptionPane ? ((JideOptionPane) optionPane).getResourceString("Button.showDetails") : resourceBundle.getString("Button.showDetails"),
optionPane instanceof JideOptionPane ? ((JideOptionPane) optionPane).getResourceString("Button.showDetails.mnemonic").charAt(0) : resourceBundle.getString("Button.showDetails.mnemonic").charAt(0), null);
return newOptions;
else {
return options;
private boolean shouldDetailsButtonVisible() {
return optionPane instanceof JideOptionPane && ((JideOptionPane) optionPane).getDetails() != null;
* Configures any necessary colors/fonts for the specified button used representing the button portion of the
* OptionPane.
* @param button the button to configure
protected void configureButton(JButton button) {
Font buttonFont = (Font) UIDefaultsLookup.get("OptionPane.buttonFont");
if (buttonFont != null) {
protected int getMnemonic(String key, Locale l) {
String value = (String) UIDefaultsLookup.get(key, l);
if (value == null) {
return 0;
try {
return Integer.parseInt(value);
catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
// null
return 0;
* This class is used to create the default buttons. This indirection is used so that addButtonComponents can tell
* which Buttons were created by us vs subclasses or from the JOptionPane itself.
protected static class ButtonFactory {
private String name;
private String text;
private int mnemonic;
private Icon icon;
ButtonFactory(String name, String text, int mnemonic, Icon icon) {
this.name = name;
this.text = text;
this.mnemonic = mnemonic;
this.icon = icon;
JButton createButton() {
JButton button = new JButton(text);
if (name != null) {
if (icon != null) {
if (mnemonic != 0) {
return button;
protected void addIcon(Container top) {
Icon sideIcon = getIcon();
if (sideIcon != null) {
JLabel iconLabel = new JLabel(sideIcon);
top.add(iconLabel, BorderLayout.BEFORE_LINE_BEGINS);
protected Container createBannerArea() {
PaintPanel bannerPanel = new PaintPanel() {
public Dimension getPreferredSize() {
Dimension preferredSize = super.getPreferredSize();
if (preferredSize.width < _detailsPreferredWidth) {
preferredSize.width = _detailsPreferredWidth;
return preferredSize;
bannerPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout(10, 10));
bannerPanel.add(new JLabel(UIDefaultsLookup.getIcon("OptionPane.bannerIcon")), BorderLayout.AFTER_LINE_ENDS);
return bannerPanel;
protected void customizeBannerArea(PaintPanel bannerPanel) {
Paint paint = (Paint) UIDefaultsLookup.get("OptionPane.bannerBackgroundPaint");
if (paint != null) {
else {
Color dk = UIDefaultsLookup.getColor("OptionPane.bannerBackgroundDk");
Color lt = UIDefaultsLookup.getColor("OptionPane.bannerBackgroundLt");
boolean direction = UIDefaultsLookup.get("OptionPane.bannerBackgroundDirection") == null
|| UIDefaultsLookup.getBoolean("OptionPane.bannerBackgroundDirection");
if (dk == null && lt != null) {
dk = lt;
dk != null ? dk : getPainter().getOptionPaneBannerLt(),
lt != null ? lt : getPainter().getOptionPaneBannerDk(),
else if (dk != null && lt == null) {
lt = dk;
dk != null ? dk : getPainter().getOptionPaneBannerLt(),
lt != null ? lt : getPainter().getOptionPaneBannerDk(),
else if (dk != null && lt != null) {
dk != null ? dk : getPainter().getOptionPaneBannerLt(),
lt != null ? lt : getPainter().getOptionPaneBannerDk(),
Border border = UIDefaultsLookup.getBorder("OptionPane.bannerBorder");
bannerPanel.setBorder(border != null ? border : BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(0, 10, 0, 0));
private void updateTitleComponent(Container bannerArea) {
if (bannerArea == null) {
if (_titleComponent != null) {
_titleComponent = null;
Object title = optionPane instanceof JideOptionPane ? ((JideOptionPane) optionPane).getTitle() : null;
if (title instanceof String) {
if (((String) title).startsWith("<html>") || ((String) title).startsWith("<HTML>")) {
_titleComponent = new JLabel(((String) title));
else {
String[] titles = fitInWidth((String) title, UIDefaultsLookup.getInt("OptionPane.bannerMaxCharsPerLine"));
JPanel titlePanel = new NullPanel();
titlePanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(titlePanel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
for (String s : titles) {
JLabel label = new JLabel(s);
label.setFont(label.getFont().deriveFont(UIDefaultsLookup.getInt("OptionPane.bannerFontStyle"), UIDefaultsLookup.getInt("OptionPane.bannerFontSize")));
Color color = UIDefaultsLookup.getColor("OptionPane.bannerForeground");
label.setForeground(color != null ? color : getPainter().getOptionPaneBannerForeground());
_titleComponent = titlePanel;
else if (title instanceof Component) {
_titleComponent = (Component) title;
if (_titleComponent != null) {
bannerArea.add(_titleComponent, BorderLayout.CENTER);
// static methods to split a string into multiple lines.
* 1. Do not break a word/number. If the character is letter/digit, break at the most recent non- one; 2. Expand
* "\n" to a blank line 3. Expand "\t" to four " " 4. Trim leading empty spaces
* @param str the string
* @param width the target width
* @return An array of Strings with length of "width"
private static String[] fitInWidth(String str, int width) {
if (str == null) str = "";
String BLANK_STR = blankString(width, (byte) 32);
str = replaceOccurrences(str, "\n", BLANK_STR);
str = replaceOccurrences(str, "\t", " ");
ArrayList<String> strArray = new ArrayList<String>();
str = str.trim();
while (str.length() > width) {
int breakPos = width;
if (Character.isLetterOrDigit(str.charAt(width))) {
char breakChar = str.charAt(breakPos);
while (Character.isLetterOrDigit(breakChar) && breakPos > 0) {
breakChar = str.charAt(breakPos);
if (breakPos == 0 && Character.isLetterOrDigit(breakChar)) {
breakPos = width;
else {
String subStr = str.substring(0, breakPos);
if (subStr.length() < width) {
subStr = subStr + blankString(width - subStr.length(), (byte) 32);
str = str.substring(breakPos).trim();
if (str.length() < width) {
str = str + blankString(width - str.length(), (byte) 32);
if (strArray.size() == 1) {
return new String[]{strArray.get(0).trim()};
return strArray.toArray(new String[strArray.size()]);
private static String blankString(int width, byte b) {
byte[] bytes = new byte[width];
Arrays.fill(bytes, b);
return new String(bytes);
* Replaces all occurrences of <code>target</code> in <code>string</code> with <code>dest</code>.
* @param string string in which to target occurrences
* @param target string to target
* @param dest replacement string
* @return <code>string</code> with <code>dest</code> substituted for <code>target</code>
private static String replaceOccurrences(String string, String target, String dest) {
StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer(string);
int lastIndex = 0;
while (true) {
int index = indexOf(b, target, lastIndex);
if (index < 0) {
b.replace(index, index + target.length(), dest);
lastIndex = index + dest.length();
return b.toString();
* to do searches in character arrays. The source is the character array being searched, and the target is the
* string being searched for.
* @param source the characters being searched.
* @param sourceOffset offset of the source string.
* @param sourceCount count of the source string.
* @param target the characters being searched for.
* @param targetOffset offset of the target string.
* @param targetCount count of the target string.
* @param fromIndex the index to begin searching from.
* @return If the string argument occurs as a substring within this object, then the index of the first character of
* the first such substring is returned; if it does not occur as a substring, -1 is returned.
private static int indexOf(char[] source, int sourceOffset, int sourceCount,
char[] target, int targetOffset, int targetCount,
int fromIndex) {
if (fromIndex >= sourceCount) {
return (targetCount == 0 ? sourceCount : -1);
if (fromIndex < 0) {
fromIndex = 0;
if (targetCount == 0) {
return fromIndex;
char first = target[targetOffset];
int pos = sourceOffset + fromIndex;
int max = sourceOffset + (sourceCount - targetCount);
while (true) {
// find first character
// not first char increment position
while (pos <= max && source[pos] != first) {
// at end of char buffer didn't find
if (pos > max) {
return -1;
// found first character - see if the rest of matches up
int secondPos = pos + 1;
int end = secondPos + targetCount - 1;
int targetPos = targetOffset + 1;
while (secondPos < end) {
if (source[secondPos++] != target[targetPos++]) {
// string doesn't match exit out of this loop and go back and
// continue looking at the next char
continue searchForNextChar;
// Found an entire whole string.
return pos - sourceOffset;
* Returns the index within this string of the first occurrence of the specified substring, starting at the
* specified index. If the string argument occurs as a substring within this object, then the index of the first
* character of the first such substring is returned; if it does not occur as a substring, -1 is returned. This
* replaces the functionality for java 1.4 StringBuffer.indexOf.
* @param buf - buffer to search for str
* @param findStr - string to located
* @param fromIndex - index to search
* @return If the string argument occurs as a substring within this object, then the index of the first character of
* the first such substring is returned; if it does not occur as a substring, -1 is returned.
private static int indexOf(StringBuffer buf, String findStr, int fromIndex) {
// function in Java's StringBuffer version 1.4 is synchronized
// get character buffer from string buffer
synchronized (buf) {
int bufLen = buf.length();
char[] charArray = new char[bufLen];
buf.getChars(0, bufLen, charArray, 0);
// send into char indexOf function
return indexOf(charArray, 0, bufLen,
findStr.toCharArray(), 0, findStr.length(), fromIndex);
public ThemePainter getPainter() {
return _painter;