package io.emmet.eclipse;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.ITextViewer;
import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorInput;
import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorPart;
import org.eclipse.ui.IPathEditorInput;
import org.eclipse.ui.IStorageEditorInput;
import org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI;
import org.eclipse.ui.part.FileEditorInput;
import org.eclipse.ui.part.MultiPageEditorPart;
import org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.AbstractTextEditor;
import org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.DocumentProviderRegistry;
import org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.IDocumentProvider;
import org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.ITextEditor;
* Helper object that provides some commonly used functions for Emmet.
* File location methods are taken from Aptana project:
* {@link}
* @author sergey
public class EclipseEmmetHelper {
private static final String FILE_COLON = "file:"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String FILE_SLASH = FILE_COLON + "/"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String FILE_SLASH_SLASH = FILE_SLASH + "/"; //$NON-NLS-1$
public static IEditorPart getActiveEditor() {
IEditorPart editor = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getActivePage().getActiveEditor();
return getTextEditor(editor);
* Returns text editor object from given editor part. If given part is multipage editor,
* it tries to find text editor in it
* @param editor
* @return
public static IEditorPart getTextEditor(IEditorPart editor) {
if (editor instanceof MultiPageEditorPart) {
Object currentPage = ((MultiPageEditorPart) editor).getSelectedPage();
if (currentPage instanceof ITextEditor)
editor = (ITextEditor) currentPage;
editor = null;
return editor;
public static IDocument getActiveDocument() {
return getDocument(getActiveEditor());
public static IDocument getDocument(IEditorPart editor) {
if (editor != null) {
IDocumentProvider dp = null;
if (editor instanceof ITextEditor)
dp = ((ITextEditor) editor).getDocumentProvider();
if (dp == null)
dp = DocumentProviderRegistry.getDefault().getDocumentProvider(editor.getEditorInput());
if (dp != null)
return (IDocument) dp.getDocument(editor.getEditorInput());
return null;
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
public static ITextViewer getTextViewer(IEditorPart editor) {
Field svField;
ITextViewer viewer = null;
if (editor instanceof AbstractTextEditor) {
try {
svField = AbstractTextEditor.class.getDeclaredField("fSourceViewer");
viewer = (ITextViewer) svField.get((AbstractTextEditor) editor);
} catch (Exception e) { }
if (viewer == null) {
Class editorClass = editor.getClass();
try {
Method getViewer = editorClass.getMethod("getViewer", new Class[]{});
viewer = (ITextViewer) getViewer.invoke(editor);
} catch (Exception e) { }
return viewer;
* Calls IFile.getLocation if it exists and uses an Eclipse internal mechanism if the file is deleted. Look at the
* implementation of IFile.getLocation to see why this is necessary. Basically getLocation() returns null if the
* enclosing project doesn't exist so this allows the location of a deleted file to be found.
* @param file
* @return - Absolute OS string of file location
public static String getStringOfIFileLocation(IFile file) {
String location = null;
IPath path = getPathOfIFileLocation(file);
if (path != null) {
location = path.makeAbsolute().toOSString();
return location;
* @see com.aptana.ide.core.ui.CoreUIUtils#getStringOfIFileLocation(IFile file)
* @param file
* @return - path of IFile
public static IPath getPathOfIFileLocation(IFile file) {
IPath location = null;
if (file != null) {
if (file.exists() && file.getProject() != null
&& file.getProject().exists()) {
location = file.getLocation();
return location;
* Returns the current path to the source file from an editor input.
* @param input
* the editor input
* @return the path, or null if not found
public static String getPathFromEditorInput(IEditorInput input) {
try {
if (input instanceof FileEditorInput) {
IFile file = ((FileEditorInput) input).getFile();
return getStringOfIFileLocation(file);
} else if (input instanceof IStorageEditorInput) {
IStorageEditorInput sei = (IStorageEditorInput) input;
try {
return sei.getStorage().getFullPath().toOSString();
} catch (Exception e) {
if (input instanceof IPathEditorInput) {
IPathEditorInput pin = (IPathEditorInput) input;
return pin.getPath().toOSString();
} else if (input instanceof IPathEditorInput) {
IPathEditorInput pin = (IPathEditorInput) input;
return pin.getPath().toOSString();
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
return null;
* Returns the URI for the current editor (effectively the file path transformed into file://)
* @param editor
* @return String
public static String getURI(IEditorPart editor) {
if (editor != null && editor.getEditorInput() != null) {
return getURI(editor.getEditorInput());
} else {
return null;
* Returns a valid URI from the passed in editor input. This assumed that the editor input represents a file on disk
* @param input
* @return String
public static String getURI(IEditorInput input) {
String s = getPathFromEditorInput(input);
if (s == null) {
try {
Method method = input.getClass().getMethod("getURI"); //$NON-NLS-1$
return ((URI) method.invoke(input)).toString();
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
return getURI(new File(s));
* Returns a URI from a file
* @param file
* the file to pull from
* @return the string path to the file
public static String getURI(File file) {
return getURI(file, true);
* Returns a URI from a file
* @param file
* the file to pull from
* @param urlEncode
* do we url encode the file name
* @return the string path to the file
public static String getURI(File file, boolean urlEncode) {
String filePath = null;
String path = file.getPath();
if (path.startsWith("file:\\")) //$NON-NLS-1$
filePath = path.replaceAll("file:\\\\", FILE_SLASH_SLASH); //$NON-NLS-1$
} else if (path.startsWith("http:\\")) //$NON-NLS-1$
filePath = path.replaceAll("http:\\\\", "http://"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
} else {
try {
filePath = file.getCanonicalPath();
} catch (IOException e) {
filePath = file.getAbsolutePath();
if (filePath.startsWith("\\\\")) //$NON-NLS-1$
filePath = filePath.substring(2);
filePath = appendProtocol(filePath);
filePath = filePath.replaceAll("\\\\", "/"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
if (urlEncode) {
filePath = urlEncodeFilename(filePath.toCharArray());
URI uri;
try {
if (urlEncode) {
uri = new URI(filePath).normalize();
return uri.toString();
} else {
return filePath;
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
return filePath;
* Appends the file:// protocol, if none found
* @param path
* @return String
public static String appendProtocol(String path) {
if (path.indexOf("://") < 0) //$NON-NLS-1$
return FILE_SLASH_SLASH + path;
return path;
* This method encodes the URL, removes the spaces and brackets from the URL and replaces the same with
* <code>"%20"</code> and <code>"%5B" and "%5D"</code> and <code>"%7B" "%7D"</code>.
* @param input
* @return String
* @since 3.0.2
public static String urlEncodeFilename(char[] input) {
if (input == null) {
return null;
StringBuffer retu = new StringBuffer(input.length);
for (int i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
if (input[i] == ' ') {
retu.append("%20"); //$NON-NLS-1$
} else if (input[i] == '[') {
retu.append("%5B"); //$NON-NLS-1$
} else if (input[i] == ']') {
retu.append("%5D"); //$NON-NLS-1$
} else if (input[i] == '{') {
retu.append("%7B"); //$NON-NLS-1$
} else if (input[i] == '}') {
retu.append("%7D"); //$NON-NLS-1$
} else if (input[i] == '`') {
retu.append("%60"); //$NON-NLS-1$
} else if (input[i] == '+') {
retu.append("%2B"); //$NON-NLS-1$
} else {
return retu.toString();
* Returns string representation of passed editor
* @param editor
* @return
public static String getEditorString(EclipseEmmetEditor editor) {
return editor.getEditor().toString().toLowerCase();
* Test if current editor belongs to Aptana
* @param editor
* @return
public static boolean isApatana(EclipseEmmetEditor editor) {
return getEditorString(editor).indexOf(".aptana.") != -1;