
Source Code of


import static*;

import cofh.lib.util.WeightedRandomBlock;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;

import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.init.Blocks;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.util.MathHelper;

public class WorldGenSparseMinableCluster extends WorldGenerator {

  private final List<WeightedRandomBlock> cluster;
  private final int genClusterSize;
  private final WeightedRandomBlock[] genBlock;

  public WorldGenSparseMinableCluster(ItemStack ore, int clusterSize) {

    this(new WeightedRandomBlock(ore), clusterSize);

  public WorldGenSparseMinableCluster(WeightedRandomBlock resource, int clusterSize) {

    this(fabricateList(resource), clusterSize);

  public WorldGenSparseMinableCluster(List<WeightedRandomBlock> resource, int clusterSize) {

    this(resource, clusterSize, Blocks.stone);

  public WorldGenSparseMinableCluster(ItemStack ore, int clusterSize, Block block) {

    this(new WeightedRandomBlock(ore, 1), clusterSize, block);

  public WorldGenSparseMinableCluster(WeightedRandomBlock resource, int clusterSize, Block block) {

    this(fabricateList(resource), clusterSize, block);

  public WorldGenSparseMinableCluster(List<WeightedRandomBlock> resource, int clusterSize, Block block) {

    this(resource, clusterSize, fabricateList(block));

  public WorldGenSparseMinableCluster(List<WeightedRandomBlock> resource, int clusterSize, List<WeightedRandomBlock> block) {

    cluster = resource;
    genClusterSize = clusterSize > 32 ? 32 : clusterSize;
    genBlock = block.toArray(new WeightedRandomBlock[block.size()]);

  public boolean generate(World world, Random rand, int x, int y, int z) {

    int blocks = genClusterSize;
    float f = rand.nextFloat() * (float) Math.PI;
    // despite naming, these are not exactly min/max. more like direction
    float yMin = (y + rand.nextInt(3)) - 2;
    float yMax = (y + rand.nextInt(3)) - 2;
    // { HACK: at 1 and 2 no ores are ever generated. by doing it this way,
    // 3 = 1/3rd clusters gen, 2 = 1/6, 1 = 1/12 allowing for much finer
    // grained rarity than the non-sparse version
    if (blocks == 1 && yMin > yMax) {
    if (blocks == 2 && f > (float) Math.PI * 0.5f) {
    // }
    float xMin = x + 8 + (MathHelper.sin(f) * blocks) / 8F;
    float xMax = x + 8 - (MathHelper.sin(f) * blocks) / 8F;
    float zMin = z + 8 + (MathHelper.cos(f) * blocks) / 8F;
    float zMax = z + 8 - (MathHelper.cos(f) * blocks) / 8F;

    // optimization so this subtraction doesn't occur every time in the loop
    xMax -= xMin;
    yMax -= yMin;
    zMax -= zMin;

    boolean r = false;
    for (int i = 0; i <= blocks; i++) {

      float xCenter = xMin + (xMax * i) / blocks;
      float yCenter = yMin + (yMax * i) / blocks;
      float zCenter = zMin + (zMax * i) / blocks;

      // preserved as nextDouble to ensure the rand gets ticked the same amount
      float size = ((float) rand.nextDouble() * blocks) / 16f;

      float hMod = ((MathHelper.sin((i * (float) Math.PI) / blocks) + 1f) * size + 1f) * .5f;
      float vMod = ((MathHelper.sin((i * (float) Math.PI) / blocks) + 1f) * size + 1f) * .5f;

      int xStart = MathHelper.floor_float(xCenter - hMod);
      int yStart = MathHelper.floor_float(yCenter - vMod);
      int zStart = MathHelper.floor_float(zCenter - hMod);

      int xStop = MathHelper.floor_float(xCenter + hMod);
      int yStop = MathHelper.floor_float(yCenter + vMod);
      int zStop = MathHelper.floor_float(zCenter + hMod);

      for (int blockX = xStart; blockX <= xStop; blockX++) {
        float xDistSq = ((blockX + .5f) - xCenter) / hMod;
        xDistSq *= xDistSq;
        if (xDistSq >= 1f) {

        for (int blockY = yStart; blockY <= yStop; blockY++) {
          float yDistSq = ((blockY + .5f) - yCenter) / vMod;
          yDistSq *= yDistSq;
          float xyDistSq = yDistSq + xDistSq;
          if (xyDistSq >= 1f) {

          for (int blockZ = zStart; blockZ <= zStop; blockZ++) {
            float zDistSq = ((blockZ + .5f) - zCenter) / hMod;
            zDistSq *= zDistSq;
            if (zDistSq + xyDistSq >= 1f) {

            r |= generateBlock(world, blockX, blockY, blockZ, genBlock, cluster);

    return r;


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