* Copyright (c) 2014 EclipseSource and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
* Contributors:
* EclipseSource - initial API and implementation
package com.eclipsesource.tabris.internal;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static org.mockito.Matchers.any;
import static org.mockito.Matchers.eq;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.inOrder;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.never;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.verify;
import java.io.Serializable;
import org.eclipse.rap.json.JsonObject;
import org.eclipse.rap.json.JsonValue;
import org.eclipse.rap.rwt.remote.RemoteObject;
import org.junit.Rule;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.mockito.ArgumentCaptor;
import org.mockito.InOrder;
import com.eclipsesource.tabris.print.PrintError;
import com.eclipsesource.tabris.print.PrintListener;
import com.eclipsesource.tabris.print.PrintOptions;
import com.eclipsesource.tabris.print.Printer;
import com.eclipsesource.tabris.test.util.TabrisEnvironment;
public class PrinterImplTest {
public TabrisEnvironment environment = new TabrisEnvironment();
public void testIsSerializable() {
assertTrue( Serializable.class.isAssignableFrom( PrinterImpl.class ) );
public void testPrintListenerIsSerializable() {
assertTrue( Serializable.class.isAssignableFrom( PrintListener.class ) );
public void testSetsNoInitialPrintOptionsWithDefaultOptions() {
RemoteObject remoteObject = environment.getServiceObject();
new PrinterImpl();
verify( remoteObject, never() ).set( eq( "url" ), any( JsonValue.class ) );
verify( remoteObject, never() ).set( eq( "printer" ), any( JsonValue.class ) );
verify( remoteObject, never() ).set( eq( "jobName" ), any( JsonValue.class ) );
verify( remoteObject, never() ).set( eq( "showPageRange" ), any( JsonValue.class ) );
verify( remoteObject, never() ).set( eq( "showNumberOfCopies" ), any( JsonValue.class ) );
verify( remoteObject, never() ).set( eq( "outputType" ), any( JsonValue.class ) );
verify( remoteObject, never() ).set( eq( "quality" ), any( JsonValue.class ) );
verify( remoteObject, never() ).set( eq( "duplex" ), any( JsonValue.class ) );
public void testSendsPrintWithPrintCall() {
RemoteObject remoteObject = environment.getServiceObject();
Printer print = new PrinterImpl();
print.print( "http://localhost/file.pdf", createOptions() );
ArgumentCaptor<JsonObject> captor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass( JsonObject.class );
verify( remoteObject ).call( eq( "print" ), captor.capture() );
assertEquals( "http://localhost/file.pdf", captor.getValue().get( "url" ).asString() );
assertEquals( "A Printer ID", captor.getValue().get( "printer" ).asString() );
assertEquals( "A Job Name", captor.getValue().get( "jobName" ).asString() );
assertTrue( captor.getValue().get( "showPageRange" ).asBoolean() );
assertTrue( captor.getValue().get( "showNumberOfCopies" ).asBoolean() );
assertEquals( "normal", captor.getValue().get( "quality" ).asString() );
assertEquals( "color", captor.getValue().get( "outputType" ).asString() );
@Test( expected = IllegalArgumentException.class )
public void testPrintFailsWithNullOptions() {
Printer print = new PrinterImpl();
print.print( "foo", null );
@Test( expected = IllegalArgumentException.class )
public void testPrintFailsWithNullUrl() {
Printer print = new PrinterImpl();
print.print( null, new PrintOptions() );
@Test( expected = IllegalArgumentException.class )
public void testPrintFailsWithEmptyUrl() {
Printer print = new PrinterImpl();
print.print( "", new PrintOptions() );
@Test( expected = IllegalArgumentException.class )
public void testAddListenerFailsWithNullListener() {
Printer print = new PrinterImpl();
print.addPrintListener( null );
@Test( expected = IllegalArgumentException.class )
public void testRemoveListenerFailsWithNullListener() {
Printer print= new PrinterImpl();
print.removePrintListener( null );
public void testDelegatesError() {
PrinterImpl print = new PrinterImpl();
PrintListener listener = mock( PrintListener.class );
print.addPrintListener( listener );
JsonObject properties = new JsonObject();
properties.add( "printer", "" );
properties.add( "jobName", "" );
properties.add( "message", "" );
print.print( "http://localhost/file.pdf", createOptions() );
environment.dispatchNotifyOnServiceObject( "Error", properties );
verify( listener ).printFailed( any( PrintError.class ) );
public void testDelegatesErrorWithoutProperties() {
PrinterImpl print = new PrinterImpl();
PrintListener listener = mock( PrintListener.class );
print.addPrintListener( listener );
print.print( "http://localhost/file.pdf", createOptions() );
environment.dispatchNotifyOnServiceObject( "Error", new JsonObject() );
verify( listener ).printFailed( any( PrintError.class ) );
public void testDelegatesErrorToAllListeners() {
PrinterImpl print = new PrinterImpl();
PrintListener listener1 = mock( PrintListener.class );
PrintListener listener2 = mock( PrintListener.class );
print.addPrintListener( listener1 );
print.addPrintListener( listener2 );
JsonObject properties = new JsonObject();
properties.add( "printer", "" );
properties.add( "jobName", "" );
properties.add( "message", "" );
print.print( "http://localhost/file.pdf", createOptions() );
environment.dispatchNotifyOnServiceObject( "Error", properties );
InOrder order = inOrder( listener1, listener2 );
order.verify( listener1 ).printFailed( any( PrintError.class ) );
order.verify( listener2 ).printFailed( any( PrintError.class ) );
public void testDelegatesCancel() {
PrinterImpl print = new PrinterImpl();
PrintListener listener = mock( PrintListener.class );
print.addPrintListener( listener );
JsonObject properties = new JsonObject();
properties.add( "printer", "" );
properties.add( "jobName", "" );
print.print( "http://localhost/file.pdf", createOptions() );
environment.dispatchNotifyOnServiceObject( "Cancel", properties );
verify( listener ).printCanceled( any( String.class ), any( String.class ) );
public void testDelegatesCancelWithoutProperties() {
PrinterImpl print = new PrinterImpl();
PrintListener listener = mock( PrintListener.class );
print.addPrintListener( listener );
print.print( "http://localhost/file.pdf", createOptions() );
environment.dispatchNotifyOnServiceObject( "Cancel", new JsonObject() );
verify( listener ).printCanceled( null, null );
public void testDelegatesCancelToAllListeners() {
PrinterImpl print = new PrinterImpl();
PrintListener listener1 = mock( PrintListener.class );
PrintListener listener2 = mock( PrintListener.class );
print.addPrintListener( listener1 );
print.addPrintListener( listener2 );
JsonObject properties = new JsonObject();
properties.add( "printer", "" );
properties.add( "jobName", "" );
print.print( "http://localhost/file.pdf", createOptions() );
environment.dispatchNotifyOnServiceObject( "Cancel", properties );
InOrder order = inOrder( listener1, listener2 );
order.verify( listener1 ).printCanceled( any( String.class ), any( String.class ) );
order.verify( listener2 ).printCanceled( any( String.class ), any( String.class ) );
public void testDelegatesSuccess() {
PrinterImpl print = new PrinterImpl();
PrintListener listener = mock( PrintListener.class );
print.addPrintListener( listener );
JsonObject properties = new JsonObject();
properties.add( "printer", "" );
properties.add( "jobName", "" );
print.print( "http://localhost/file.pdf", createOptions() );
environment.dispatchNotifyOnServiceObject( "Success", properties );
verify( listener ).printSucceeded( any( String.class ), any( String.class ) );
public void testDelegatesSuccessWithoutProperties() {
PrinterImpl print = new PrinterImpl();
PrintListener listener = mock( PrintListener.class );
print.addPrintListener( listener );
print.print( "http://localhost/file.pdf", createOptions() );
environment.dispatchNotifyOnServiceObject( "Success", new JsonObject() );
verify( listener ).printSucceeded( null, null );
public void testDelegatesSuccessToAllListeners() {
PrinterImpl print = new PrinterImpl();
PrintListener listener1 = mock( PrintListener.class );
PrintListener listener2 = mock( PrintListener.class );
print.addPrintListener( listener1 );
print.addPrintListener( listener2 );
JsonObject properties = new JsonObject();
properties.add( "printer", "" );
properties.add( "jobName", "" );
print.print( "http://localhost/file.pdf", createOptions() );
environment.dispatchNotifyOnServiceObject( "Success", properties );
InOrder order = inOrder( listener1, listener2 );
order.verify( listener1 ).printSucceeded( any( String.class ), any( String.class ) );
order.verify( listener2 ).printSucceeded( any( String.class ), any( String.class ) );
private PrintOptions createOptions() {
PrintOptions options = new PrintOptions();
options.setPrinter( "A Printer ID" );
options.setJobName( "A Job Name" );
return options;