Package edu.cmu.sphinx.linguist.acoustic.tiedstate

Source Code of edu.cmu.sphinx.linguist.acoustic.tiedstate.HTKLoader

* Copyright 1999-2004 Carnegie Mellon University. 
* Portions Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. 
* Portions Copyright 2004 Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories.
* All Rights Reserved.  Use is subject to license terms.
* See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and
* redistribution of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL
* adapted from Sphinx3Loader by Christophe Cerisara
package edu.cmu.sphinx.linguist.acoustic.tiedstate;

import edu.cmu.sphinx.decoder.adaptation.ClusteredDensityFileData;
import edu.cmu.sphinx.decoder.adaptation.Transform;
import edu.cmu.sphinx.linguist.acoustic.*;
import edu.cmu.sphinx.linguist.acoustic.tiedstate.HTK.GMMDiag;
import edu.cmu.sphinx.linguist.acoustic.tiedstate.HTK.HMMSet;
import edu.cmu.sphinx.linguist.acoustic.tiedstate.HTK.HMMState;
import edu.cmu.sphinx.linguist.acoustic.tiedstate.HTK.SingleHMM;
import static edu.cmu.sphinx.linguist.acoustic.tiedstate.Pool.Feature.*;
import edu.cmu.sphinx.util.*;
import edu.cmu.sphinx.util.props.*;

import java.util.*;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

* Triphone selection algorithm:
* 1) Look for a triphone that matches exactly in terms of unit, unit
* context and word position. Word position can be one of 'beginning',
* 'end', 'internal', 'single' and 'unknown'.
* 2) If not found, try to find a match at any word position.
* 3) If still not found, if any of the context units are non-silence 
*    filler units, replace them with silence and try again.
* 4) Finally, if still not found, the context-independent version is used
* The code is in TiedStateAcousticModel.lookupNearestHMM

* Remark1: S4 does not use HMM tying: the HTK "tiedlist" is not loaded nor user
* for now
* Remark2: HTK does nearly never backoff to monophones, whereas S4 might do it.
* Hence, all 1ph must be present, which is not always the case in HTK models.
* In this file, we have simply tied all 1phs to the first 3ph found with the
* same base phone. This is clearly not the best option, this may impact the
* performances. A better alternative should be proposed.
* Remark3: HTK is case-sensitive, while S4 requires upper-case names. A good
* option would be to modify S4 to make it case-sensitive, but in this version,
* I have rather built a class "NamesConversion" to transform the models,
* lexicons and grammar.
* Remark4: HTK does not have separate filler file. It should be quite easy to
* define the fillers in the configuration of HTKLoader, but I have not yet done
* it. For now, a separate filler file must be built.
* Remark5: The HTK/Julius lexicon has different fields for the word name and
* the printed output. We simply delete and don't use this field ("[...]") in
* this version. This modify the way scoring must be done. WARNING !
* Remark6: Diphones are not allowed in S4 (?), and when they occur in the HTK
* MMF, the 2ph is transformed into a 3ph with "SIL" context. When both the
* transformed 2ph and the 3ph coexists in the MMF file, only the first one is
* kept (!)
* Remark7: HTKloader does not support yet all the HTK format. However it should
* work for standard 3ph models (it supports state/transition tying).

public class HTKLoader implements Loader {

    /** The unit manager */
    @S4Component(type = UnitManager.class)
    public final static String PROP_UNIT_MANAGER = "unitManager";

    /** Specifies whether the model to be loaded is in ASCII or binary format */
    @S4Boolean(defaultValue = true)
    public final static String PROP_IS_BINARY = "isBinary";

    /** The name of the model definition file (contains the HMM data) */
    @S4String(mandatory = true, defaultValue = "hmmdefs")
    public final static String PROP_MODEL = "modelDefinition";

    /** Shall we use the real 1ph or tie them from the 3ph ? */
    @S4Boolean(defaultValue = true)
    public final static String PROP_TIE_1PH = "tie1ph";

    /** The property for the name of the acoustic properties file. */
    @S4String(defaultValue = "model.props")
    public final static String PROP_PROPERTIES_FILE = "propertiesFile";

    /** The property for the length of feature vectors. */
    @S4Integer(defaultValue = 39)
    public final static String PROP_VECTOR_LENGTH = "vectorLength";

    /** Mixture component score floor. */
    @S4Double(defaultValue = 0.0f)
    public final static String PROP_MC_FLOOR = "MixtureComponentScoreFloor";

    /** Variance floor. */
    @S4Double(defaultValue = 0.0001f)
    public final static String PROP_VARIANCE_FLOOR = "varianceFloor";

    /** Mixture weight floor. */
    @S4Double(defaultValue = 1e-7f)
    public final static String PROP_MW_FLOOR = "mixtureWeightFloor";

    protected final static String FILLER = "filler";
    protected final static String SILENCE_CIPHONE = "SIL";
    protected final static int BYTE_ORDER_MAGIC = 0x11223344;

    /** Supports this version of the acoustic model */
    public final static String MODEL_VERSION = "0.3";
    protected final static int CONTEXT_SIZE = 1;
    private Pool<float[]> meansPool;
    private Pool<float[]> variancePool;
    private Pool<float[][]> matrixPool;
    private Pool<float[][]> meanTransformationMatrixPool;
    private Pool<float[]> meanTransformationVectorPool;
    private Pool<float[][]> varianceTransformationMatrixPool;
    private Pool<float[]> varianceTransformationVectorPool;
    private Pool<float[]> mixtureWeightsPool;
    private Pool<Senone> senonePool;
    private Map<String, Unit> contextIndependentUnits;
    private HMMManager hmmManager;
    private LogMath logMath;
    private UnitManager unitManager;
    private Properties properties;
    private boolean swap;
    protected final static String DENSITY_FILE_VERSION = "1.0";
    protected final static String MIXW_FILE_VERSION = "1.0";
    protected final static String TMAT_FILE_VERSION = "1.0";
    // --------------------------------------
    // Configuration variables
    // --------------------------------------
    private String name;
    private Logger logger;
    private String location;
    private String model;
    private String dataDir;
    private String propsFile;
    private float distFloor;
    private float mixtureWeightFloor;
    private float varianceFloor;
    private boolean useCDUnits;
    private boolean loaded;
    private boolean tie1ph;

    public HTKLoader(String propsFile,
            UnitManager unitManager, boolean isBinary, int vectorLength,
            String model, boolean tie1ph, float distFloor,
            float mixtureWeightFloor, float varianceFloor) {

        this.logger = Logger.getLogger(getClass().getName());

        this.propsFile = propsFile;

        logMath = LogMath.getLogMath();
        this.unitManager = unitManager;
        this.model = model;
        this.tie1ph = tie1ph;
        this.distFloor = distFloor;
        this.mixtureWeightFloor = mixtureWeightFloor;
        this.varianceFloor = varianceFloor;

    public HTKLoader() {


    public void newProperties(PropertySheet ps) throws PropertyException {
        logger = ps.getLogger();

        propsFile = ps.getString(PROP_PROPERTIES_FILE);

        unitManager = (UnitManager) ps.getComponent(PROP_UNIT_MANAGER);

        String mdef = (String) properties.get(PROP_MODEL);
        model = mdef != null ? mdef : ps.getString(PROP_MODEL);

        tie1ph = ps.getBoolean(PROP_TIE_1PH);

        distFloor = ps.getFloat(PROP_MC_FLOOR);
        mixtureWeightFloor = ps.getFloat(PROP_MW_FLOOR);
        varianceFloor = ps.getFloat(PROP_VARIANCE_FLOOR);

    private void loadProperties() {
        if (properties == null) {
            properties = new Properties();
            try {
                URL url = getClass().getResource(propsFile);
                if (url != null)
            } catch (IOException ioe) {

    public void load() throws IOException {
        if (!loaded) {
            hmmManager = new HMMManager();
            contextIndependentUnits = new LinkedHashMap<String, Unit>();
            // dummy pools for these elements
            meanTransformationMatrixPool = null;
            meanTransformationVectorPool = null;
            varianceTransformationMatrixPool = null;
            varianceTransformationVectorPool = null;
            // do the actual acoustic model loading
            System.err.println("HTK -> S4 conversion finished");
            loaded = true;

    public String getName() {
        return name;

     * Return the acoustic model properties.
     * @return the acoustic model properties
    public Properties getProperties() {
        if (properties == null) {
        return properties;

     * Return the location.
     * @return the location
    protected String getLocation() {
        return location;

     * Loads the AcousticModel from an HTK MMF
     * @param MMFname the name of the acoustic model; if null we just load from the default
     * location
     * @throws
    private void loadModelFiles(String MMFname) throws IOException {

        logger.config("Loading HTK acoustic model: " + MMFname);
        logger.config("    Path      : " + location);
        logger.config("    modellName: " + model);
        logger.config("    dataDir   : " + dataDir);

        HTKStruct htkmods = new HTKStruct();

        meansPool = htkmods.htkMeans(MMFname);
        variancePool = htkmods.htkVars(MMFname, varianceFloor);
        mixtureWeightsPool = htkmods.htkWeights(MMFname, mixtureWeightFloor);
        matrixPool = htkmods.htkTrans(MMFname);

        // senonePool represents the set of the emitting states
        senonePool = createSenonePool(distFloor, varianceFloor);
        loadHMMPool(useCDUnits, htkmods, location + File.separator + model);

    public Map<String, Unit> getContextIndependentUnits() {
        return contextIndependentUnits;

     * Creates the senone pool from the rest of the pools. assumes the means and
     * variances are in the same order
     * @param distFloor the lowest allowed score
     * @param varianceFloor the lowest allowed variance
     * @return the senone pool
    private Pool<Senone> createSenonePool(float distFloor, float varianceFloor) {
        Pool<Senone> pool = new Pool<Senone>("senones");
        int numMixtureWeights = mixtureWeightsPool.size();

        int numMeans = meansPool.size();
        int numVariances = variancePool.size();
        // TODO: remove this variable to allow different number of states per
        // HMM
        int numGaussiansPerSenone = mixtureWeightsPool.getFeature(
                NUM_GAUSSIANS_PER_STATE, 0);
        int numSenones = mixtureWeightsPool.getFeature(NUM_SENONES, 0);
        int whichGaussian = 0;

        logger.fine("NG " + numGaussiansPerSenone);
        logger.fine("NS " + numSenones);
        logger.fine("NMIX " + numMixtureWeights);
        logger.fine("NMNS " + numMeans);
        logger.fine("NMNS " + numVariances);

        assert numGaussiansPerSenone > 0;
        assert numMixtureWeights == numSenones;
        assert numVariances == numSenones * numGaussiansPerSenone;
        assert numMeans == numSenones * numGaussiansPerSenone;
        float [][] meansTransformationMatrix = meanTransformationMatrixPool == null ?
                null : meanTransformationMatrixPool.get(0);
        float [] meansTransformationVector = meanTransformationVectorPool == null ?
                null : meanTransformationVectorPool.get(0);
        float [][] varianceTransformationMatrix = varianceTransformationMatrixPool == null ?
                null : varianceTransformationMatrixPool.get(0);
        float [] varianceTransformationVector = varianceTransformationVectorPool == null ?
                null : varianceTransformationVectorPool.get(0);

        for (int i = 0; i < numSenones; i++) {
            MixtureComponent[] mixtureComponents = new MixtureComponent[numGaussiansPerSenone];
            for (int j = 0; j < numGaussiansPerSenone; j++) {
                mixtureComponents[j] = new MixtureComponent(


            Senone senone = new GaussianMixture(mixtureWeightsPool
                    .get(i), mixtureComponents, i);

            pool.put(i, senone);
        return pool;

     * Reads the next word (text separated by whitespace) from the given stream.
     * the input stream
     * @return the next word
     * @throws IOException
     *             on error
    String readWord(DataInputStream dis) throws IOException {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        char c;
        // skip leading whitespace
        do {
            c = readChar(dis);
        } while (Character.isWhitespace(c));
        // read the word
        do {
            c = readChar(dis);
        } while (!Character.isWhitespace(c));
        return sb.toString();

     * Reads a single char from the stream.
     * the stream to read
     * @return the next character on the stream
     * @throws IOException
     *             if an error occurs
    private char readChar(DataInputStream dis) throws IOException {
        return (char) dis.readByte();

     * Read an integer from the input stream, byte-swapping as necessary.
     * @param dis the input stream
     * @return an integer value
     * @throws IOException
     *             on error
    protected int readInt(DataInputStream dis) throws IOException {
        if (swap) {
            return Utilities.readLittleEndianInt(dis);
        } else {
            return dis.readInt();

     * Read a float from the input stream, byte-swapping as necessary. the input
     * stream
     * @param dis the input stream
     * @return a floating value
     * @throws IOException
     *             on error
    protected float readFloat(DataInputStream dis) throws IOException {
        float val;
        if (swap) {
            val = Utilities.readLittleEndianFloat(dis);
        } else {
            val = dis.readFloat();
        return val;

     * Reads the given number of floats from the stream and returns them in an
     * array of floats.
     * @param dis the stream to read data from the number of floats to read
     * @param size size of the array
     * @return an array of size float elements
     * @throws IOException
     *             if an exception occurs
    protected float[] readFloatArray(DataInputStream dis, int size)
            throws IOException {
        float[] data = new float[size];
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            data[i] = readFloat(dis);
        return data;

     * Loads the model file. A set of density arrays are created and placed in
     * the given pool.
     * @param useCDUnits if true, loads also the context dependent units
     * @param htkModels the set of HTK models
     * @param path the path to a density file
     * @throws IOException
     *             if an error occurs while loading the data
    protected void loadHMMPool(boolean useCDUnits, HTKStruct htkModels,
            String path) throws IOException {
        int numStatePerHMM;

        // assert numTiedState == mixtureWeightsPool.getFeature(NUM_SENONES, 0);
        // assert numTiedTransitionMatrices == matrixPool.size();

        // Load the base phones
         * This version loads the phones from the .MMF But contrary to S4, HTK
         * do not produce reliable monophones, and some monophones may be
         * missing ! An option might be to load 1ph trained independently from
         * the 3ph but this file may not be always available. An easy fallback
         * solution for now is to tie all the monophone to the first 3ph with
         * the same base name found...
        if (!tie1ph) {
            for (Iterator<SingleHMM> monoPhones = htkModels.hmmsHTK.get1phIt(); monoPhones
                    .hasNext();) {
                SingleHMM hmm =;
                if (hmm == null)
                String name = hmm.getName();
                String attribute;
                if (name.equals("sil") || name.equals("sp")
                        || name.equals("bb") || name.equals("xx")
                        || name.equals("hh"))
                    attribute = FILLER;
                    attribute = "nofiller";
                // get the transition index
                int tmat = hmm.trIdx;

                // This includes non-emitting states !
                numStatePerHMM = hmm.getNstates();
                int[] stid = new int[hmm.getNbEmittingStates()];

                // stid contains the number of senone as it in senone pool
                int j = 0;
                for (int ii = 0; ii < numStatePerHMM; ii++) {
                    if (hmm.isEmitting(ii)) {
                        HMMState s = hmm.getState(ii);
                        // we use the index of HMM in MMF file
                        stid[j] = htkModels.hmmsHTK.getStateIdx(s);
                        // assert stid[j] >= 0 && stid[j] <
                        // numContextIndependentTiedState;
                // assert tmat < numTiedTransitionMatrices;

                Unit unit = unitManager.getUnit(name, attribute.equals(FILLER));
                contextIndependentUnits.put(unit.getName(), unit);

                if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
                    logger.fine("Loaded " + unit);

                // The first filler
                if (unit.isFiller() && unit.getName().equals(SILENCE_CIPHONE)) {
                    unit = UnitManager.SILENCE;

                float[][] transitionMatrix = matrixPool.get(tmat);
                SenoneSequence ss = getSenoneSequence(stid);

                HMM hmm2 = new SenoneHMM(unit, ss, transitionMatrix,
        } else {
            // build the 1ph by tying to the first 3ph
            for (int i = 0; i < htkModels.hmmsHTK.getNhmms(); i++) {
                SingleHMM hmm = htkModels.hmmsHTK.getHMM(i);
                if (hmm == null)
                String name = hmm.getBaseName();
                if (!contextIndependentUnits.containsKey(name)) {
                    String attribute;
                    if (name.equals("SIL") || name.equals("SP")
                            || name.equals("BB") || name.equals("XX")
                            || name.equals("HH"))
                        attribute = FILLER;
                        attribute = "nofiller";
                    // get the transition index
                    int tmat = hmm.trIdx;

                    // warning ! this includes non-emitting states !
                    numStatePerHMM = hmm.getNstates();
                    int[] stid = new int[hmm.getNbEmittingStates()];

                    // stid contains the identifier of senone used during
                    // creation of senone pool
                    int j = 0;
                    for (int ii = 0; ii < numStatePerHMM; ii++) {
                        if (hmm.isEmitting(ii)) {
                            HMMState s = hmm.getState(ii);
                            // We get an index of HMM in MMF file
                            stid[j] = htkModels.hmmsHTK.getStateIdx(s);
                            // assert stid[j] >= 0 && stid[j] <
                            // numContextIndependentTiedState;
                    // assert tmat < numTiedTransitionMatrices;

                    Unit unit = unitManager.getUnit(name, attribute
                    contextIndependentUnits.put(unit.getName(), unit);

                    if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
                        logger.fine("Loaded " + unit);

                    // The first filler
                    if (unit.isFiller()
                            && unit.getName().equals(SILENCE_CIPHONE)) {
                        unit = UnitManager.SILENCE;

                    float[][] transitionMatrix = matrixPool.get(tmat);
                    SenoneSequence ss = getSenoneSequence(stid);

                    HMM hmm2 = new SenoneHMM(unit, ss, transitionMatrix,
        // Load the context dependent phones. If the useCDUnits
        // property is false, the CD phones will not be created, but
        // the values still need to be read in from the file.

        String lastUnitName = "";
        Unit lastUnit = null;
        int[] lastStid = null;
        SenoneSequence lastSenoneSequence = null;

        List<String> HMMdejavu = new ArrayList<String>();
        for (Iterator<SingleHMM> triPhones = htkModels.hmmsHTK.get3phIt(); triPhones
                .hasNext();) {
            SingleHMM hmm =;
            if (hmm == null)
            String name = hmm.getBaseName();
            String left = hmm.getLeft();
            String right = hmm.getRight();

                // diphones are transformed into triphones with SIL context, as
                // it looks
                // like S4 do not support diphones
                if (left.equals("-"))
                    left = "SIL";
                if (right.equals("-"))
                    right = "SIL";
                String s = left + ' ' + name + ' ' + right;
                if (HMMdejavu.contains(s)) {
                    // this may happen when a diphone is transformed into a
                    // triphone with SIL

            // TODO: For this moment we don't know if the HMMS are in the end or
            // not
            String position = "i";
            int tmat = hmm.trIdx;

            numStatePerHMM = hmm.getNstates();
            int[] stid = new int[hmm.getNbEmittingStates()];

            int j = 0;
            for (int ii = 0; ii < numStatePerHMM; ii++) {
                if (hmm.isEmitting(ii)) {
                    HMMState s = hmm.getState(ii);
                    stid[j] = htkModels.hmmsHTK.getStateIdx(s);
                    // assert stid[j] >= 0 && stid[j] <
                    // numContextIndependentTiedState;

            if (useCDUnits) {
                Unit unit;
                String unitName = (name + ' ' + left + ' ' + right);

                if (unitName.equals(lastUnitName)) {
                    unit = lastUnit;
                } else {
                    Unit[] leftContext = new Unit[1];
                    leftContext[0] = contextIndependentUnits.get(left);

                    Unit[] rightContext = new Unit[1];
                    rightContext[0] = contextIndependentUnits.get(right);

                    Context context = LeftRightContext.get(leftContext,
                    unit = unitManager.getUnit(name, false, context);
                lastUnitName = unitName;
                lastUnit = unit;

                if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
                    logger.fine("Loaded " + unit);

                float[][] transitionMatrix = matrixPool.get(tmat);

                SenoneSequence ss = lastSenoneSequence;
                if (ss == null || !sameSenoneSequence(stid, lastStid)) {
                    ss = getSenoneSequence(stid);
                lastSenoneSequence = ss;
                lastStid = stid;

                HMM hmm2 = new SenoneHMM(unit, ss, transitionMatrix,

     * Returns true if the given senone sequence IDs are the same.
     * @return true if the given senone sequence IDs are the same, false
     *         otherwise
    protected boolean sameSenoneSequence(int[] ssid1, int[] ssid2) {
        if (ssid1.length == ssid2.length) {
            for (int i = 0; i < ssid1.length; i++) {
                if (ssid1[i] != ssid2[i]) {
                    return false;
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

     * Gets the senone sequence representing the given senones.
     * @param stateId is the array of senone state ids
     * @return the senone sequence associated with the states
    protected SenoneSequence getSenoneSequence(int[] stateId) {
        Senone[] senones = new Senone[stateId.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < stateId.length; i++) {
            senones[i] = senonePool.get(stateId[i]);
        return new SenoneSequence(senones);

    public Pool<float[]> getMeansPool() {
        return meansPool;

    public Pool<float[][]> getMeansTransformationMatrixPool() {
        return meanTransformationMatrixPool;

    public Pool<float[]> getMeansTransformationVectorPool() {
        return meanTransformationVectorPool;

    public Pool<float[]> getVariancePool() {
        return variancePool;

    public Pool<float[][]> getVarianceTransformationMatrixPool() {
        return varianceTransformationMatrixPool;

    public Pool<float[]> getVarianceTransformationVectorPool() {
        return varianceTransformationVectorPool;

    public Pool<float[]> getMixtureWeightPool() {
        return mixtureWeightsPool;

    public Pool<float[][]> getTransitionMatrixPool() {
        return matrixPool;

    public float[][] getTransformMatrix() {
        return null;

    public Pool<Senone> getSenonePool() {
        return senonePool;

    public int getLeftContextSize() {
        return CONTEXT_SIZE;

    public int getRightContextSize() {
        return CONTEXT_SIZE;

    public HMMManager getHMMManager() {
        return hmmManager;

    public void logInfo() {"HTKLoader");
        if (meanTransformationMatrixPool != null)
        if (meanTransformationVectorPool != null)
        if (varianceTransformationMatrixPool != null)
        if (varianceTransformationVectorPool != null)

        senonePool.logInfo(logger);"Context Independent Unit Entries: "
                + contextIndependentUnits.size());

    class HTKStruct {

        HMMSet hmmsHTK;

        public void load(String name) {
            System.err.println("HTK loading...");
            hmmsHTK = new HMMSet();
            // TODO: Is tied list useful for sphinx4
            // hmmsHTK.loadTiedList(name + ".tiedlist");
            System.err.println("HTK loading finished");

        int getNumStates() {
            return hmmsHTK.getNstates();

        int getGMMSize() {
            GMMDiag gmm = hmmsHTK.gmms.get(0);
            return gmm.getNgauss();

        int getNcoefs() {
            GMMDiag gmm = hmmsHTK.gmms.get(0);
            return gmm.getNcoefs();

        int getNumHMMs() {
            return hmmsHTK.getNhmms();

        public Pool<float[]> htkMeans(String path) {
            Pool<float[]> pool = new Pool<float[]>(path);
            // Suppose this is the number of shared states
            int numStates = getNumStates();
            int numStreams = 1;
            int numGaussiansPerState = getGMMSize();
            pool.setFeature(NUM_SENONES, numStates);
            pool.setFeature(NUM_STREAMS, numStreams);
            pool.setFeature(NUM_GAUSSIANS_PER_STATE, numGaussiansPerState);
            int ncoefs = getNcoefs();
            for (int i = 0; i < numStates; i++) {
                GMMDiag gmm = hmmsHTK.gmms.get(i);
                for (int j = 0; j < numGaussiansPerState; j++) {
                    float[] density = new float[ncoefs];
                    for (int k = 0; k < ncoefs; k++) {
                        density[k] = gmm.getMean(j, k);
                    int id = i * numGaussiansPerState + j;
                    // the order of the means is the order in the HMMSet.gmms
                    // vector which is the order of appearance in the MMF file
                    pool.put(id, density);
            return pool;

        public Pool<float[]> htkVars(String path, float floor) {
            Pool<float[]> pool = new Pool<float[]>(path);
            int numStates = getNumStates();
            int numStreams = 1;
            int numGaussiansPerState = getGMMSize();
            pool.setFeature(NUM_SENONES, numStates);
            pool.setFeature(NUM_STREAMS, numStreams);
            pool.setFeature(NUM_GAUSSIANS_PER_STATE, numGaussiansPerState);
            int ncoefs = getNcoefs();
            for (int i = 0; i < numStates; i++) {
                GMMDiag gmm = hmmsHTK.gmms.get(i);
                for (int j = 0; j < numGaussiansPerState; j++) {
                    float[] vars = new float[ncoefs];
                    for (int k = 0; k < ncoefs; k++) {
                        // TODO: check: shall we put inverse vars here ?
                        vars[k] = gmm.getVar(j, k);
                    Utilities.floorData(vars, varianceFloor);
                    int id = i * numGaussiansPerState + j;
                    // the order of the vars is the order in the HMMSet.gmms
                    // vector which is the order of appearance in the MMF file
                    pool.put(id, vars);
            return pool;

        public Pool<float[]> htkWeights(String path, float floor) {
            Pool<float[]> pool = new Pool<float[]>(path);
            int numStates = getNumStates();
            int numStreams = 1;
            int numGaussiansPerState = getGMMSize();
            pool.setFeature(NUM_SENONES, numStates);
            pool.setFeature(NUM_STREAMS, numStreams);
            pool.setFeature(NUM_GAUSSIANS_PER_STATE, numGaussiansPerState);
            for (int i = 0; i < numStates; i++) {
                GMMDiag gmm = hmmsHTK.gmms.get(i);
                float[] logWeights = new float[numGaussiansPerState];
                for (int j = 0; j < numGaussiansPerState; j++) {
                    logWeights[j] = gmm.getWeight(j);
                Utilities.floorData(logWeights, mixtureWeightFloor);
                // the order of the weights is the order in the HMMSet.gmms
                // vector which is the order of appearance in the MMF file
                pool.put(i, logWeights);
            return pool;

        public Pool<float[][]> htkTrans(String path) {
            Pool<float[][]> pool = new Pool<float[][]>(path);
            int numMatrices = getNumHMMs();
            int i = 0;

             * the order of the transitions is first, the order of the trans
             * macro, and then the order of the trans in the HMMs... in other
             * words, this is simply the order of the trans in the MMF !

            // tied-trans
            if (hmmsHTK.transitions != null)
                for (; i < hmmsHTK.transitions.size(); i++) {
                    float[][] tr = hmmsHTK.transitions.get(i);
                    float[][] tmat = new float[tr.length][tr[0].length];
                    for (int j = 0; j < tmat.length; j++)
                        for (int k = 0; k < tmat[j].length; k++) {
                            tmat[j][k] = logMath.linearToLog(tr[j][k]);
                    pool.put(i, tmat);

            // untied-trans
            for (int l = 0; l < numMatrices; l++) {
                SingleHMM hmm = hmmsHTK.getHMM(l);
                if (hmm.trans != null) {
                    float[][] tr = hmm.trans;
                    float[][] tmat = new float[tr.length][tr[0].length];
                    for (int j = 0; j < tmat.length; j++)
                        for (int k = 0; k < tmat[j].length; k++) {
                            tmat[j][k] = logMath.linearToLog(tr[j][k]);
                    hmm.trIdx = i;
                    pool.put(i++, tmat);
                } else {
                    // The index in the pool is the same as the index in the
                    // macros
                    hmm.trIdx = hmm.getTransIdx();
            return pool;

    public void update(Transform transform, ClusteredDensityFileData clusters) {
        // TODO not implemented yet

Related Classes of edu.cmu.sphinx.linguist.acoustic.tiedstate.HTKLoader

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