package net.pms.configuration;
import com.sun.jna.Platform;
import net.pms.Messages;
import net.pms.PMS;
import net.pms.dlna.DLNAMediaInfo;
import net.pms.dlna.LibMediaInfoParser;
import net.pms.dlna.RootFolder;
import net.pms.formats.Format;
import net.pms.util.PropertiesUtil;
import org.apache.commons.configuration.ConfigurationException;
import org.apache.commons.configuration.PropertiesConfiguration;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
public class RendererConfiguration {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RendererConfiguration.class);
private static ArrayList<RendererConfiguration> rendererConfs;
private static PmsConfiguration pmsConfiguration;
private static RendererConfiguration defaultConf;
private static Map<InetAddress, RendererConfiguration> addressAssociation = new HashMap<InetAddress, RendererConfiguration>();
private RootFolder rootFolder;
private final PropertiesConfiguration configuration;
private final ConfigurationReader configurationReader;
private FormatConfiguration formatConfiguration;
private int rank;
/** Holds mime type aliases */
private final Map<String, String> mimes;
private final Map<String, String> DLNAPN;
// property values
private static final String DEPRECATED_MPEGPSAC3 = "MPEGAC3"; // XXX deprecated: old name with missing container
private static final String LPCM = "LPCM";
private static final String MP3 = "MP3";
// TODO (breaking change): rename MPEG2PS
private static final String MPEGPSAC3 = "MPEGPSAC3";
// TODO (breaking change): rename MPEG2TS
private static final String MPEGTSAC3 = "MPEGTSAC3";
private static final String H264TSAC3 = "H264TSAC3";
private static final String WAV = "WAV";
private static final String WMV = "WMV";
// property names
private static final String AUDIO = "Audio";
private static final String AUTO_EXIF_ROTATE = "AutoExifRotate";
private static final String BYTE_TO_TIMESEEK_REWIND_SECONDS = "ByteToTimeseekRewindSeconds"; // Ditlew
private static final String CBR_VIDEO_BITRATE = "CBRVideoBitrate"; // Ditlew
private static final String CHUNKED_TRANSFER = "ChunkedTransfer";
private static final String CUSTOM_MENCODER_OPTIONS = "CustomMencoderOptions";
private static final String CUSTOM_MENCODER_MPEG2_OPTIONS = "CustomMencoderQualitySettings"; // TODO (breaking change): value should be CustomMEncoderMPEG2Options
private static final String DEFAULT_VBV_BUFSIZE = "DefaultVBVBufSize";
private static final String DLNA_LOCALIZATION_REQUIRED = "DLNALocalizationRequired";
private static final String DLNA_ORGPN_USE = "DLNAOrgPN";
private static final String DLNA_PN_CHANGES = "DLNAProfileChanges";
private static final String DLNA_TREE_HACK = "CreateDLNATreeFaster";
private static final String FORCE_JPG_THUMBNAILS = "ForceJPGThumbnails"; // Sony devices require JPG thumbnails
private static final String H264_L41_LIMITED = "H264Level41Limited";
private static final String IMAGE = "Image";
private static final String LONG_FILENAME_FORMAT = "LongFilenameFormat";
private static final String KEEP_PAD_VIDEO_WITH_BLACK_BORDERS = "PadVideoWithBlackBordersTo169AR";
private static final String MAX_VIDEO_BITRATE = "MaxVideoBitrateMbps";
private static final String MAX_VIDEO_HEIGHT = "MaxVideoHeight";
private static final String MAX_VIDEO_WIDTH = "MaxVideoWidth";
private static final String MEDIAPARSERV2 = "MediaInfo";
private static final String MEDIAPARSERV2_THUMB = "MediaParserV2_ThumbnailGeneration";
private static final String MIME_TYPES_CHANGES = "MimeTypesChanges";
private static final String MUX_DTS_TO_MPEG = "MuxDTSToMpeg";
private static final String MUX_H264_WITH_MPEGTS = "MuxH264ToMpegTS";
private static final String MUX_LPCM_TO_MPEG = "MuxLPCMToMpeg";
private static final String RENDERER_ICON = "RendererIcon";
private static final String RENDERER_NAME = "RendererName";
private static final String RESCALE_BY_RENDERER = "RescaleByRenderer";
private static final String SEEK_BY_TIME = "SeekByTime";
private static final String SHORT_FILENAME_FORMAT = "ShortFilenameFormat";
private static final String SHOW_AUDIO_METADATA = "ShowAudioMetadata";
private static final String SHOW_DVD_TITLE_DURATION = "ShowDVDTitleDuration"; // Ditlew
private static final String SHOW_SUB_METADATA = "ShowSubMetadata";
private static final String STREAM_EXT = "StreamExtensions";
private static final String SUBTITLE_HTTP_HEADER = "SubtitleHttpHeader";
private static final String SUPPORTED = "Supported";
private static final String THUMBNAIL_AS_RESOURCE = "ThumbnailAsResource";
private static final String TRANSCODE_AUDIO_441KHZ = "TranscodeAudioTo441kHz";
private static final String TRANSCODE_AUDIO = "TranscodeAudio";
private static final String TRANSCODED_SIZE = "TranscodedVideoFileSize";
private static final String TRANSCODE_EXT = "TranscodeExtensions";
private static final String TRANSCODE_FAST_START = "TranscodeFastStart";
private static final String TRANSCODE_VIDEO = "TranscodeVideo";
private static final String USER_AGENT_ADDITIONAL_HEADER = "UserAgentAdditionalHeader";
private static final String USER_AGENT_ADDITIONAL_SEARCH = "UserAgentAdditionalHeaderSearch";
private static final String USER_AGENT = "UserAgentSearch";
private static final String USE_SAME_EXTENSION = "UseSameExtension";
private static final String VIDEO = "Video";
private static final String WRAP_DTS_INTO_PCM = "WrapDTSIntoPCM";
private static final String CUSTOM_FFMPEG_OPTIONS = "CustomFFmpegOptions";
private static final String OVERRIDE_VF = "OverrideVideoFilter";
public static RendererConfiguration getDefaultConf() {
return defaultConf;
* Load all renderer configuration files and set up the default renderer.
* @param pmsConf
public static void loadRendererConfigurations(PmsConfiguration pmsConf) {
pmsConfiguration = pmsConf;
rendererConfs = new ArrayList<RendererConfiguration>();
try {
defaultConf = new RendererConfiguration();
} catch (ConfigurationException e) {
logger.debug("Caught exception", e);
File renderersDir = getRenderersDir();
if (renderersDir != null) {"Loading renderer configurations from " + renderersDir.getAbsolutePath());
File[] confs = renderersDir.listFiles();
int rank = 1;
for (File f : confs) {
if (f.getName().endsWith(".conf")) {
try {"Loading configuration file: {}", f.getName());
RendererConfiguration r = new RendererConfiguration(f);
r.rank = rank++;
} catch (ConfigurationException ce) {"Error in loading configuration of: {}", f.getAbsolutePath());
if (rendererConfs.size() > 0) {
// See if a different default configuration was configured
String rendererFallback = pmsConfiguration.getRendererDefault();
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(rendererFallback)) {
RendererConfiguration fallbackConf = getRendererConfigurationByName(rendererFallback);
if (fallbackConf != null) {
// A valid fallback configuration was set, use it as default.
defaultConf = fallbackConf;
private int getInt(String key, int def) {
return configurationReader.getInt(key, def);
private long getLong(String key, int def) {
return configurationReader.getLong(key, def);
private boolean getBoolean(String key, boolean def) {
return configurationReader.getBoolean(key, def);
* Return the <code>String</code> value for a given configuration key if the
* value is non-blank (i.e. not null, not an empty string, not all whitespace).
* Otherwise return the supplied default value.
* The value is returned with leading and trailing whitespace removed in both cases.
* @param key The key to look up.
* @param def The default value to return when no valid key value can be found.
* @return The value configured for the key.
private String getString(String key, String def) {
return configurationReader.getString(key, def);
* Returns the list of all renderer configurations.
* @return The list of all configurations.
public static ArrayList<RendererConfiguration> getAllRendererConfigurations() {
return rendererConfs;
protected static File getRenderersDir() {
final String[] pathList = PropertiesUtil.getProjectProperties().get("project.renderers.dir").split(",");
for (String path : pathList) {
if (path.trim().length() > 0) {
File file = new File(path.trim());
if (file.isDirectory()) {
if (file.canRead()) {
return file;
} else {
logger.warn("Can't read directory: {}", file.getAbsolutePath());
return null;
public static void resetAllRenderers() {
for (RendererConfiguration rc : rendererConfs) {
rc.rootFolder = null;
public RootFolder getRootFolder() {
if (rootFolder == null) {
rootFolder = new RootFolder();
if (pmsConfiguration.getUseCache()) {
return rootFolder;
* Associate an IP address with this renderer. The association will
* persist between requests, allowing the renderer to be recognized
* by its address in later requests.
* @param sa The IP address to associate.
* @see #getRendererConfigurationBySocketAddress(InetAddress)
public void associateIP(InetAddress sa) {
addressAssociation.put(sa, this);
SpeedStats.getInstance().getSpeedInMBits(sa, getRendererName());
* Tries to find a matching renderer based on the configuration setting
* for forced IP address and renderer combinations. If there is no
* match, the address is looked up in the address association map which
* contains a mapping of previously encountered IP addresses and their
* renderers.
* @param inetAddress The IP address to look up.
* @return A renderer configuration or null if none can be found.
public static RendererConfiguration getRendererConfigurationBySocketAddress(InetAddress inetAddress) {
// First see if a renderer is forced for this address.
String forced = pmsConfiguration.getRendererForceIp();
if (forced != null && !"".equals(forced)) {
for (String tuple : forced.split(",")) {
if (tuple.indexOf("@") > -1) {
String name = tuple.split("@")[0];
String ip = tuple.split("@")[1];
// Sanity checks on the strings
if (!"".equals(name) && !"".equals(ip)) {
IpFilter filter = new IpFilter(ip);
if (filter.isMatch(inetAddress)) {
RendererConfiguration renderer = getRendererConfigurationByName(name);
if (renderer != null) {
logger.trace("Forcing renderer match to \"" + renderer.getRendererName() + "\" based on forced IP address configuration");
addressAssociation.put(inetAddress, renderer);
return renderer;
return addressAssociation.get(inetAddress);
* Tries to find a matching renderer configuration based on a request
* header line with a User-Agent header. These matches are made using
* the "UserAgentSearch" configuration option in a renderer.conf.
* Returns the matched configuration or <code>null</code> if no match
* could be found.
* @param userAgentString The request header line.
* @return The matching renderer configuration or <code>null</code>.
public static RendererConfiguration getRendererConfigurationByUA(String userAgentString) {
if (pmsConfiguration.isRendererForceDefault()) {
// Force default renderer
logger.trace("Forcing renderer match to \"" + defaultConf.getRendererName() + "\"");
return manageRendererMatch(defaultConf);
} else {
// Try to find a match
for (RendererConfiguration r : rendererConfs) {
if (r.matchUserAgent(userAgentString)) {
return manageRendererMatch(r);
return null;
private static RendererConfiguration manageRendererMatch(RendererConfiguration r) {
if (addressAssociation.values().contains(r)) {
// FIXME: This cannot ever ever happen because of how renderer matching
// is implemented in RequestHandler and RequestHandlerV2. The first header
// match will associate the IP address with the renderer and from then on
// all other requests from the same IP address will be recognized based on
// that association. Headers will be ignored and unfortunately they happen
// to be the only way to get here."Another renderer like " + r.getRendererName() + " was found!");
return r;
* Tries to find a matching renderer configuration based on a request
* header line with an additional, non-User-Agent header. These matches
* are made based on the "UserAgentAdditionalHeader" and
* "UserAgentAdditionalHeaderSearch" configuration options in a
* renderer.conf. Returns the matched configuration or <code>null</code>
* if no match could be found.
* @param header The request header line.
* @return The matching renderer configuration or <code>null</code>.
public static RendererConfiguration getRendererConfigurationByUAAHH(String header) {
if (pmsConfiguration.isRendererForceDefault()) {
// Force default renderer
logger.trace("Forcing renderer match to \"" + defaultConf.getRendererName() + "\"");
return manageRendererMatch(defaultConf);
} else {
// Try to find a match
for (RendererConfiguration r : rendererConfs) {
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(r.getUserAgentAdditionalHttpHeader()) && header.startsWith(r.getUserAgentAdditionalHttpHeader())) {
String value = header.substring(header.indexOf(":", r.getUserAgentAdditionalHttpHeader().length()) + 1);
if (r.matchAdditionalUserAgent(value)) {
return manageRendererMatch(r);
return null;
* Tries to find a matching renderer configuration based on the name of
* the renderer. Returns true if the provided name is equal to or a
* substring of the renderer name defined in a configuration, where case
* does not matter.
* @param name The renderer name to match.
* @return The matching renderer configuration or <code>null</code>
* @since 1.50.1
public static RendererConfiguration getRendererConfigurationByName(String name) {
for (RendererConfiguration conf : rendererConfs) {
if (conf.getRendererName().toLowerCase().contains(name.toLowerCase())) {
return conf;
return null;
public FormatConfiguration getFormatConfiguration() {
return formatConfiguration;
public int getRank() {
return rank;
// FIXME These 'is' methods should disappear. Use feature detection instead.
public boolean isXBOX() {
return getRendererName().toUpperCase().contains("XBOX");
public boolean isXBMC() {
return getRendererName().toUpperCase().contains("XBMC");
public boolean isPS3() {
return getRendererName().toUpperCase().contains("PLAYSTATION") || getRendererName().toUpperCase().contains("PS3");
public boolean isBRAVIA() {
return getRendererName().toUpperCase().contains("BRAVIA");
public boolean isFDSSDP() {
return getRendererName().toUpperCase().contains("FDSSDP");
// Ditlew
public int getByteToTimeseekRewindSeconds() {
// Ditlew
public int getCBRVideoBitrate() {
return getInt(CBR_VIDEO_BITRATE, 0);
// Ditlew
public boolean isShowDVDTitleDuration() {
return getBoolean(SHOW_DVD_TITLE_DURATION, false);
private RendererConfiguration() throws ConfigurationException {
public RendererConfiguration(File f) throws ConfigurationException {
configuration = new PropertiesConfiguration();
// false: don't log overrides (every renderer conf
// overrides multiple settings)
configurationReader = new ConfigurationReader(configuration, false);
configuration.setListDelimiter((char) 0);
if (f != null) {
mimes = new HashMap<String, String>();
String mimeTypes = getString(MIME_TYPES_CHANGES, null);
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(mimeTypes)) {
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(mimeTypes, "|");
while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
String mime_change = st.nextToken().trim();
int equals = mime_change.indexOf("=");
if (equals > -1) {
String old = mime_change.substring(0, equals).trim().toLowerCase();
String nw = mime_change.substring(equals + 1).trim().toLowerCase();
mimes.put(old, nw);
DLNAPN = new HashMap<String, String>();
String DLNAPNchanges = getString(DLNA_PN_CHANGES, null);
if (DLNAPNchanges != null) {
logger.trace("Config DLNAPNchanges: " + DLNAPNchanges);
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(DLNAPNchanges)) {
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(DLNAPNchanges, "|");
while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
String DLNAPN_change = st.nextToken().trim();
int equals = DLNAPN_change.indexOf("=");
if (equals > -1) {
String old = DLNAPN_change.substring(0, equals).trim().toUpperCase();
String nw = DLNAPN_change.substring(equals + 1).trim().toUpperCase();
DLNAPN.put(old, nw);
if (f == null) {
// the default renderer supports everything!
configuration.addProperty(MEDIAPARSERV2, true);
configuration.addProperty(MEDIAPARSERV2_THUMB, true);
configuration.addProperty(SUPPORTED, "f:.+");
if (isMediaParserV2()) {
formatConfiguration = new FormatConfiguration(configuration.getList(SUPPORTED));
public String getDLNAPN(String old) {
if (DLNAPN.containsKey(old)) {
return DLNAPN.get(old);
return old;
public boolean supportsFormat(Format f) {
switch (f.getType()) {
case Format.VIDEO:
return isVideoSupported();
case Format.AUDIO:
return isAudioSupported();
case Format.IMAGE:
return isImageSupported();
return false;
public boolean isVideoSupported() {
return getBoolean(VIDEO, true);
public boolean isAudioSupported() {
return getBoolean(AUDIO, true);
public boolean isImageSupported() {
return getBoolean(IMAGE, true);
public boolean isTranscodeToWMV() {
return getVideoTranscode().equals(WMV);
public boolean isTranscodeToAC3() {
return isTranscodeToMPEGPSAC3() || isTranscodeToMPEGTSAC3() || isTranscodeToH264TSAC3();
public boolean isTranscodeToMPEGPSAC3() {
String videoTranscode = getVideoTranscode();
return videoTranscode.equals(MPEGPSAC3) || videoTranscode.equals(DEPRECATED_MPEGPSAC3);
public boolean isTranscodeToMPEGTSAC3() {
return getVideoTranscode().equals(MPEGTSAC3);
public boolean isTranscodeToH264TSAC3() {
return getVideoTranscode().equals(H264TSAC3);
public boolean isAutoRotateBasedOnExif() {
return getBoolean(AUTO_EXIF_ROTATE, false);
public boolean isTranscodeToMP3() {
return getAudioTranscode().equals(MP3);
public boolean isTranscodeToLPCM() {
return getAudioTranscode().equals(LPCM);
public boolean isTranscodeToWAV() {
return getAudioTranscode().equals(WAV);
public boolean isTranscodeAudioTo441() {
return getBoolean(TRANSCODE_AUDIO_441KHZ, false);
public boolean isH264Level41Limited() {
return getBoolean(H264_L41_LIMITED, false);
public boolean isTranscodeFastStart() {
return getBoolean(TRANSCODE_FAST_START, false);
public boolean isDLNALocalizationRequired() {
return getBoolean(DLNA_LOCALIZATION_REQUIRED, false);
* Determine the mime type specific for this renderer, given a generic mime
* type. This translation takes into account all configured "Supported"
* lines and mime type aliases for this renderer.
* @param matchedMimeType
* The mime type to look up. Special values are
* <code>HTTPResource.VIDEO_TRANSCODE</code> and
* <code>HTTPResource.AUDIO_TRANSCODE</code>, which will be
* translated to the mime type of the transcoding profile
* configured for this renderer.
* @return The mime type.
public String getMimeType(String mimeType) {
if (mimeType == null) {
return null;
String matchedMimeType = null;
if (isMediaParserV2()) {
// Use the supported information in the configuration to determine the transcoding mime type.
if (HTTPResource.VIDEO_TRANSCODE.equals(mimeType)) {
if (isTranscodeToMPEGTSAC3()) {
matchedMimeType = getFormatConfiguration().match(FormatConfiguration.MPEGTS, FormatConfiguration.MPEG2, FormatConfiguration.AC3);
} else if (isTranscodeToWMV()) {
matchedMimeType = getFormatConfiguration().match(FormatConfiguration.WMV, FormatConfiguration.WMV, FormatConfiguration.WMA);
} else {
// Default video transcoding mime type
matchedMimeType = getFormatConfiguration().match(FormatConfiguration.MPEGPS, FormatConfiguration.MPEG2, FormatConfiguration.AC3);
} else if (HTTPResource.AUDIO_TRANSCODE.equals(mimeType)) {
if (isTranscodeToWAV()) {
matchedMimeType = getFormatConfiguration().match(FormatConfiguration.WAV, null, null);
} else if (isTranscodeToMP3()) {
matchedMimeType = getFormatConfiguration().match(FormatConfiguration.MP3, null, null);
} else {
// Default audio transcoding mime type
matchedMimeType = getFormatConfiguration().match(FormatConfiguration.LPCM, null, null);
if (matchedMimeType != null) {
if (isTranscodeAudioTo441()) {
matchedMimeType += ";rate=44100;channels=2";
} else {
matchedMimeType += ";rate=48000;channels=2";
if (matchedMimeType != null) {
return matchedMimeType;
} else {
// Return the mime type as it was determined by MediaParserV2.
return mimeType;
// No match found, try without media parser v2
if (HTTPResource.VIDEO_TRANSCODE.equals(mimeType)) {
if (isTranscodeToWMV()) {
matchedMimeType = HTTPResource.WMV_TYPEMIME;
} else {
// Default video transcoding mime type
matchedMimeType = HTTPResource.MPEG_TYPEMIME;
} else if (HTTPResource.AUDIO_TRANSCODE.equals(mimeType)) {
if (isTranscodeToWAV()) {
matchedMimeType = HTTPResource.AUDIO_WAV_TYPEMIME;
} else if (isTranscodeToMP3()) {
matchedMimeType = HTTPResource.AUDIO_MP3_TYPEMIME;
} else {
// Default audio transcoding mime type
matchedMimeType = HTTPResource.AUDIO_LPCM_TYPEMIME;
if (isTranscodeAudioTo441()) {
matchedMimeType += ";rate=44100;channels=2";
} else {
matchedMimeType += ";rate=48000;channels=2";
if (matchedMimeType == null) {
matchedMimeType = mimeType;
// Apply renderer specific mime type aliases
if (mimes.containsKey(matchedMimeType)) {
return mimes.get(matchedMimeType);
return matchedMimeType;
* Pattern match a user agent header string to the "UserAgentSearch"
* expression for this renderer. Will return false when the pattern is
* empty or when no match can be made.
* @param header The header containing the user agent.
* @return True if the pattern matches.
public boolean matchUserAgent(String header) {
String userAgent = getUserAgent();
Pattern userAgentPattern;
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(userAgent)) {
userAgentPattern = Pattern.compile(userAgent, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
return userAgentPattern.matcher(header).find();
} else {
return false;
* Pattern match a header string to the "UserAgentAdditionalHeaderSearch"
* expression for this renderer. Will return false when the pattern is
* empty or when no match can be made.
* @param header The additional header string.
* @return True if the pattern matches.
public boolean matchAdditionalUserAgent(String header) {
String userAgentAdditionalHeader = getUserAgentAdditionalHttpHeaderSearch();
Pattern userAgentAddtionalPattern;
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(userAgentAdditionalHeader)) {
userAgentAddtionalPattern = Pattern.compile(userAgentAdditionalHeader, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
return userAgentAddtionalPattern.matcher(header).find();
} else {
return false;
* Returns the pattern to match the User-Agent header to as defined in the
* renderer configuration. Default value is "".
* @return The User-Agent search pattern.
public String getUserAgent() {
return getString(USER_AGENT, "");
* RendererName: Determines the name that is displayed in the PMS user
* interface when this renderer connects. Default value is "Unknown
* renderer".
* @return The renderer name.
public String getRendererName() {
return getString(RENDERER_NAME, Messages.getString("PMS.17"));
* Returns the icon to use for displaying this renderer in PMS as defined
* in the renderer configurations. Default value is "unknown.png".
* @return The renderer icon.
public String getRendererIcon() {
return getString(RENDERER_ICON, "unknown.png");
* LongFilenameFormat: Determines how media file names are formatted outside the
* #--TRANSCODE--# folder. Supported formatting options are described in
* the PMS.conf entry for filename_format_long.
* @return The format for file names outside the #--TRANSCODE--# folder,
* or {@link PmsConfiguration#getLongFilenameFormat()} if not set.
public String getLongFilenameFormat() {
return getString(LONG_FILENAME_FORMAT, pmsConfiguration.getLongFilenameFormat());
* ShortFilenameFormat: Determines how media file names are formatted inside the
* #--TRANSCODE--# folder. Supported formatting options are described in
* the PMS.conf entry for filename_format_short.
* @return The format for file names in the #--TRANSCODE--# folder,
* or {@link PmsConfiguration#getShortFilenameFormat()} if not set.
public String getShortFilenameFormat() {
return getString(SHORT_FILENAME_FORMAT, pmsConfiguration.getShortFilenameFormat());
* Returns the the name of an additional HTTP header whose value should
* be matched with the additional header search pattern. The header name
* must be an exact match (read: the header has to start with the exact
* same case sensitive string). The default value is <code>null</code>.
* @return The additional HTTP header name.
public String getUserAgentAdditionalHttpHeader() {
return getString(USER_AGENT_ADDITIONAL_HEADER, null);
* Returns the pattern to match additional headers to as defined in the
* renderer configuration. Default value is "".
* @return The User-Agent search pattern.
public String getUserAgentAdditionalHttpHeaderSearch() {
public String getUseSameExtension(String displayName) {
String s = getString(USE_SAME_EXTENSION, null);
if (s != null) {
s = displayName + "." + s;
} else {
s = displayName;
return s;
* Returns true if SeekByTime is set to "true" or "exclusive", false otherwise.
* Default value is false.
* @return true if the renderer supports seek-by-time, false otherwise.
public boolean isSeekByTime() {
return isSeekByTimeExclusive() || getBoolean(SEEK_BY_TIME, false);
* Returns true if SeekByTime is set to "exclusive", false otherwise.
* Default value is false.
* @return true if the renderer supports seek-by-time exclusively
* (i.e. not in conjunction with seek-by-byte), false otherwise.
public boolean isSeekByTimeExclusive() {
return getString(SEEK_BY_TIME, "").equalsIgnoreCase("exclusive");
public boolean isMuxH264MpegTS() {
boolean muxCompatible = getBoolean(MUX_H264_WITH_MPEGTS, true);
if (isMediaParserV2()) {
muxCompatible = getFormatConfiguration().match(FormatConfiguration.MPEGTS, FormatConfiguration.H264, null) != null;
if (Platform.isMac() && System.getProperty("os.version") != null && System.getProperty("os.version").contains("10.4.")) {
muxCompatible = false; // no tsMuxeR for 10.4 (yet?)
return muxCompatible;
public boolean isDTSPlayable() {
return isMuxDTSToMpeg() || (isWrapDTSIntoPCM() && isMuxLPCMToMpeg());
public boolean isMuxDTSToMpeg() {
if (isMediaParserV2()) {
return getFormatConfiguration().isDTSSupported();
return getBoolean(MUX_DTS_TO_MPEG, false);
public boolean isWrapDTSIntoPCM() {
return getBoolean(WRAP_DTS_INTO_PCM, true);
public boolean isLPCMPlayable() {
return isMuxLPCMToMpeg();
public boolean isMuxLPCMToMpeg() {
if (isMediaParserV2()) {
return getFormatConfiguration().isLPCMSupported();
return getBoolean(MUX_LPCM_TO_MPEG, true);
public boolean isMpeg2Supported() {
if (isMediaParserV2()) {
return getFormatConfiguration().isMpeg2Supported();
return isPS3();
* Returns the codec to use for video transcoding for this renderer as
* defined in the renderer configuration. Default value is "MPEGPSAC3".
* @return The codec name.
public String getVideoTranscode() {
* Returns the codec to use for audio transcoding for this renderer as
* defined in the renderer configuration. Default value is "LPCM".
* @return The codec name.
public String getAudioTranscode() {
return getString(TRANSCODE_AUDIO, LPCM);
* Returns whether or not to use the default DVD buffer size for this
* renderer as defined in the renderer configuration. Default is false.
* @return True if the default size should be used.
public boolean isDefaultVBVSize() {
return getBoolean(DEFAULT_VBV_BUFSIZE, false);
* Returns the maximum bitrate (in megabits-per-second) supported by the media renderer as defined
* in the renderer configuration. The default value is <code>null</code>.
* @return The bitrate.
// TODO this should return an integer and the units should be bits-per-second
public String getMaxVideoBitrate() {
return getString(MAX_VIDEO_BITRATE, null);
public String getCustomMencoderQualitySettings() {
return getCustomMEncoderMPEG2Options();
* Returns the override settings for MEncoder quality settings as
* defined in the renderer configuration. The default value is "".
* @return The MEncoder quality settings.
public String getCustomMEncoderMPEG2Options() {
return getString(CUSTOM_MENCODER_MPEG2_OPTIONS, "");
* Converts the getCustomMencoderQualitySettings() from MEncoder's format to FFmpeg's.
* @return The FFmpeg quality settings.
public String getCustomFFmpegMPEG2Options() {
String mpegSettings = getCustomMEncoderMPEG2Options();
String mpegSettingsArray[] = mpegSettings.split(":");
String pairArray[];
String returnString = "";
for (String pair : mpegSettingsArray) {
pairArray = pair.split("=");
if ("keyint".equals(pairArray[0])) {
returnString += "-g " + pairArray[1] + " ";
} else if ("vqscale".equals(pairArray[0])) {
returnString += "-q:v " + pairArray[1] + " ";
} else if ("vqmin".equals(pairArray[0])) {
returnString += "-qmin " + pairArray[1] + " ";
} else if ("vqmax".equals(pairArray[0])) {
returnString += "-qmax " + pairArray[1] + " ";
return returnString;
* Returns the override settings for MEncoder custom options in PMS as
* defined in the renderer configuration. The default value is "".
* @return The MEncoder custom options.
public String getCustomMencoderOptions() {
return getString(CUSTOM_MENCODER_OPTIONS, "");
* Returns the maximum video width supported by the renderer as defined in
* the renderer configuration. The default value 0 means unlimited.
* @return The maximum video width.
public int getMaxVideoWidth() {
// FIXME why is this 1920 if the default value is 0 (unlimited)?
// XXX we should also require width and height to both be 0 or both be > 0
return getInt(MAX_VIDEO_WIDTH, 1920);
* Returns the maximum video height supported by the renderer as defined
* in the renderer configuration. The default value 0 means unlimited.
* @return The maximum video height.
public int getMaxVideoHeight() {
// FIXME why is this 1080 if the default value is 0 (unlimited)?
// XXX we should also require width and height to both be 0 or both be > 0
return getInt(MAX_VIDEO_HEIGHT, 1080);
* Returns <code>true</code> if the renderer has a maximum supported width
* or height, <code>false</code> otherwise.
* @return boolean indicating whether the renderer may need videos to be resized.
public boolean isVideoRescale() {
return getMaxVideoWidth() > 0 && getMaxVideoHeight() > 0;
public boolean isDLNAOrgPNUsed() {
return getBoolean(DLNA_ORGPN_USE, true);
* Returns whether or not to use the "res" element instead of the "albumArtURI"
* element for thumbnails in DLNA reponses. E.g. Samsung 2012 models do not
* recognize the "albumArtURI" element. Default value is <code>false</code>.
* @return True if the "res" element should be used, false otherwise.
public boolean getThumbNailAsResource() {
return getBoolean(THUMBNAIL_AS_RESOURCE, false);
* Returns the comma separated list of file extensions that are forced to
* be transcoded and never streamed, as defined in the renderer
* configuration. Default value is "".
* @return The file extensions.
public String getTranscodedExtensions() {
return getString(TRANSCODE_EXT, "");
* Returns the comma separated list of file extensions that are forced to
* be streamed and never transcoded, as defined in the renderer
* configuration. Default value is "".
* @return The file extensions.
public String getStreamedExtensions() {
return getString(STREAM_EXT, "");
* Returns the size to report back to the renderer when transcoding media
* as defined in the renderer configuration. Default value is 0.
* @return The size to report.
public long getTranscodedSize() {
return getLong(TRANSCODED_SIZE, 0);
* Some devices (e.g. Samsung) recognize a custom HTTP header for retrieving
* the contents of a subtitles file. This method will return the name of that
* custom HTTP header, or "" if no such header exists. Default value is "".
* @return The name of the custom HTTP header.
public String getSubtitleHttpHeader() {
return getString(SUBTITLE_HTTP_HEADER, "");
public String toString() {
return getRendererName();
public boolean isMediaParserV2() {
return getBoolean(MEDIAPARSERV2, false) && LibMediaInfoParser.isValid();
public boolean isMediaParserV2ThumbnailGeneration() {
return getBoolean(MEDIAPARSERV2_THUMB, false) && LibMediaInfoParser.isValid();
public boolean isForceJPGThumbnails() {
return (getBoolean(FORCE_JPG_THUMBNAILS, false) && LibMediaInfoParser.isValid()) || isBRAVIA();
public boolean isShowAudioMetadata() {
return getBoolean(SHOW_AUDIO_METADATA, true);
public boolean isShowSubMetadata() {
return getBoolean(SHOW_SUB_METADATA, true);
public boolean isDLNATreeHack() {
return getBoolean(DLNA_TREE_HACK, false) && LibMediaInfoParser.isValid();
* Returns whether or not to omit sending a content length header when the
* length is unknown, as defined in the renderer configuration. Default
* value is false.
* <p>
* Some renderers are particular about the "Content-Length" headers in
* requests (e.g. Sony blu-ray players). By default, PMS will send a
* "Content-Length" that refers to the total media size, even if the exact
* length is unknown.
* @return True if sending the content length header should be omitted.
public boolean isChunkedTransfer() {
return getBoolean(CHUNKED_TRANSFER, false);
* Returns whether or not the renderer can handle the given format
* natively, based on its configuration in the renderer.conf. If it can
* handle a format natively, content can be streamed to the renderer. If
* not, content should be transcoded before sending it to the renderer.
* @param mediainfo The {@link DLNAMediaInfo} information parsed from the
* media file.
* @param format The {@link Format} to test compatibility for.
* @return True if the renderer natively supports the format, false
* otherwise.
public boolean isCompatible(DLNAMediaInfo mediainfo, Format format) {
// Use the configured "Supported" lines in the renderer.conf
// to see if any of them match the MediaInfo library
if (isMediaParserV2() && mediainfo != null && getFormatConfiguration().match(mediainfo) != null) {
return true;
if (format != null) {
String noTranscode = "";
if (PMS.getConfiguration() != null) {
noTranscode = PMS.getConfiguration().getDisableTranscodeForExtensions();
// Is the format among the ones to be streamed?
return format.skip(noTranscode, getStreamedExtensions());
} else {
// Not natively supported.
return false;
public String getCustomFFmpegOptions() {
return getString(CUSTOM_FFMPEG_OPTIONS, "");
* Some renderers like Panasonic TV internally rescale the video.
* This option forces MEncoder and FFmpeg to pad video with black borders to 16:9 AR.
* @return True if MEncoder and FFmpeg should pad video with black borders. Default value is false.
public boolean isPadVideoWithBlackBordersTo169AR() {
return getBoolean(KEEP_PAD_VIDEO_WITH_BLACK_BORDERS, false);
* Normally the renderer is responsible for video rescaling to output (TV) resolution.
* If this option is false then PMS will do rescaling.
* It can make better video quality but the CPU and bandwidth are more utilised and can produce jerking video on WiFi.
* Works only for FFmpeg and together with PadVideoWithBlackBordersTo169AR.
* @return True if the renderer is capable of rescaling video. Default value is true.
public boolean isRescaleByRenderer() {
return getBoolean(RESCALE_BY_RENDERER, true);
public String getFFmpegVideoFilterOverride() {
return getString(OVERRIDE_VF, null);
* Reset gathered information on IP address associations with renderers.
protected static void resetAddressAssociation() {
addressAssociation = new HashMap<InetAddress, RendererConfiguration>();