package net.jumperz.mongo;
import com.mongodb.*;
import com.mongodb.util.*;
import com.mongodb.ServerAddress.*;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.text.*;
import java.util.*;
import org.bson.types.Code;
import org.bson.types.ObjectId;
import org.bson.types.Symbol;
import net.jumperz.sql.MSqlUtil;
import net.jumperz.util.*;
public class MMongoUtil
public static final String INC = "$inc";
public static final String SET = "$set";
public static final String OR = "$or";
public static final String MATCH = "$match";
public static final String GROUP = "$group";
public static final String PROJECT = "$project";
public static final String SORT = "$sort";
public static final String UNWIND = "$unwind";
public static final String LIMIT = "$limit";
public static final String ADDTOSET = "$addToSet";
private static final int MAX_COUNT = 320000;
//private static final String skipMatch = "\\.\\s*(skip\\s*\\(\\s*[0-9]+\\s*\\))(:?\\W+limit[^a-zA-Z]*)*$";
//private static final String limitMatch = "\\.\\s*(limit\\s*\\(\\s*[0-9]+\\s*\\))(:?\\W+skip[^a-zA-Z]*)*$";
public static BasicDBObject parseFindQuery2( DB db, String findQueryStr )
throws IOException
String collName = getCollNameFromAction( findQueryStr, "find" );
findQueryStr = findQueryStr.replaceFirst( "db." + collName, "a" );
String jsStr = MStreamUtil.streamToString( MStreamUtil.getResourceStream( "net/jumperz/mongo/parseFindQuery.txt" ) );
jsStr = jsStr.replaceFirst( "//_QUERY_", findQueryStr );
//System.out.println( jsStr );
BasicDBObject result = ( BasicDBObject )db.eval( jsStr, null );
result.remove( "find" );
result.remove( "limit" );
result.remove( "skip" );
//System.out.println( result );
return result;
public static MFindQuery getNextItemsQuery( DB db, MFindQuery fq, int maxFindResults )
int skip = fq.getSkipArg();
int limit = fq.getLimitArg();
if( limit == -1 )
limit = maxFindResults;
else if( maxFindResults < limit )
limit = maxFindResults;
if( skip <= 0 )
skip = limit;
skip += limit;
MFindQuery nextQuery = ( MFindQuery )fq.clone();
nextQuery.setSkipArg( skip );
nextQuery.setLimitArg( limit );
return nextQuery;
public static MFindQuery getPrevItemsQuery( DB db, MFindQuery fq, int maxFindResults )
int skip = fq.getSkipArg();
int limit = fq.getLimitArg();
if( limit == -1 )
limit = maxFindResults;
if( skip <= 0 )
return null; //noop
MFindQuery prevQuery = ( MFindQuery )fq.clone();
if( skip >= limit )
prevQuery.setSkipArg( skip - limit );
prevQuery.setSkipArg( -1 );
return prevQuery;
public static BasicDBList parseJsonToArray( DB db, String jsonStr )
int index1 = jsonStr.indexOf( '{' );
int index2 = jsonStr.indexOf( '[' );
if( index1 == -1 )
//invalid json
return new BasicDBList();
if( index2 == -1 )
jsonStr = "[" + jsonStr + "]";
if( index2 < index1 )
//array do nothing
jsonStr = "[" + jsonStr + "]";
jsonStr = jsonStr.replaceAll( "\n|\r|\t", "" );
Object o = db.eval( jsonStr, null );
return ( BasicDBList )o;
public static MFindQuery parseFindQuery( DB db, String findQueryStr )
throws IOException
final String _origStr = findQueryStr;
String collName = getCollNameFromAction( findQueryStr, "find" );
if( _origStr.startsWith( "db." + collName ) )
findQueryStr = findQueryStr.replaceFirst( "db." + collName, "a" );
else if( _origStr.startsWith( "db[" ) )
findQueryStr = findQueryStr.replaceFirst( "[^\\]]+\\]", "a" );
String jsStr = MStreamUtil.streamToString( MStreamUtil.getResourceStream( "net/jumperz/mongo/parseFindQuery.txt" ) );
jsStr = MStringUtil.replaceFirst( jsStr, "//_QUERY_", findQueryStr );
//System.out.println( jsStr );
BasicDBObject result = ( BasicDBObject )db.eval( jsStr, null );
result.remove( "find" );
result.remove( "limit" );
result.remove( "skip" );
result.remove( "sort" );
//System.out.println( result );
MFindQuery fq = new MFindQuery( _origStr, result.toMap() );
fq.setCollName( collName );
return fq;
public static String findQueryToString( DB db, MFindQuery fq )
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
buf.append( "db." );
buf.append( fq.getCollName() );
buf.append( ".find(" );
String findArgJson = MRegEx.getMatch( "^\\[(.*)\\]$", toJson( db, fq.getFindArg(), true ) );
buf.append( findArgJson );
buf.append( ")" );
List invoked = fq.getInvokedFunctionNameList();
for( int i = 0; i < invoked.size(); ++i )
String functionName = ( String )invoked.get( i );
if( functionName.equals( "skip" ) )
buf.append( ".skip( " );
buf.append( fq.getSkipArg() );
buf.append( " )" );
else if( functionName.equals( "limit" ) )
buf.append( ".limit( " );
buf.append( fq.getLimitArg() );
buf.append( " )" );
else if( functionName.equals( "sort" ) )
buf.append( ".sort( " );
buf.append( toJson( db, fq.getSortArg() ) );
buf.append( " )" );
return buf.toString();
public static String toJson( DB db, Object obj, boolean removeCRLFandTAG )
String s = toJson( db, obj );
if( removeCRLFandTAG )
s = s.replaceAll( "\r", "" );
s = s.replaceAll( "\n", "" );
s = s.replaceAll( "\t", "" );
return s;
public static String toJson( DB db, Object obj )
//check class
if( obj instanceof Map
|| obj instanceof List
return ( String )db.eval( "tojson(arguments[0])", new Object[]{ obj } ) ;
return "type error";
public static int[] getPrevValue( int skip, int limit )
db.test.find().skip( 100 ).limit( 30 );
db.test.find().skip( 70 ).limit( 30 );
db.test.find().skip( 40 ).limit( 30 );
db.test.find().skip( 10 ).limit( 30 );
db.test.find().limit( 30 );
int[] array = new int[ 2 ];
if( skip < limit )
array[ 0 ] = -1;
array[ 1 ] = limit;
array[ 0 ] = skip - limit;
array[ 1 ] = limit;
return array;
public static String setSkipValue( String actionStr, int skip )
String match = MRegEx.getMatch( skipMatch , actionStr );
if( match.length() == 0 )
return actionStr;
return "";
public static int getSkipFromFindQuery( String actionStr )
String match = MRegEx.getMatch( skipMatch , actionStr );
if( match.length() > 0 )
return MStringUtil.parseInt( MRegEx.getMatch( "[0-9]+", match ) );
return -1;
public static int getLimitFromFindQuery( String actionStr )
String match = MRegEx.getMatch( limitMatch, actionStr );
if( match.length() > 0 )
return MStringUtil.parseInt( MRegEx.getMatch( "[0-9]+", match ) );
return -1;
public static Object getValueByCurrentType( String value, Class currentType )
//throws Exception
//test code is in
if( currentType == Double.class )
return new Double( value );
catch( Exception e )
if( value.matches( "^-?[0-9]+$" ) )
return new Long( value );
throw e;
else if( currentType == String.class )
return value;
else if( currentType == Integer.class )
return parseValue( value );
else if( currentType == Date.class )
DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat( "EEE MMM d HH:mm:ss z yyyy", Locale.ENGLISH );
return df.parse( value );
else if( currentType == Boolean.class )
if( MStringUtil.meansTrue( value ) )
return new Boolean( true );
return parseValue( value );
else if( currentType == ObjectId.class )
return new ObjectId( value );
else if( currentType == Long.class )
return new Long( value );
else if( currentType == Code.class )
return new Code( value );
else if( currentType == java.util.regex.Pattern.class )
return java.util.regex.Pattern.compile( value );
catch( Exception e )
return parseValue( value );
else if( currentType == org.bson.types.Symbol.class )
return new Symbol( value );
return parseValue( value );
catch( Exception e )
return parseValue( value );
private static Object parseValue( String value )
if( value.matches( "^-?[0-9]+$" ) )
return new Integer( value );
catch( Exception e )
return new Double( value );
catch( Exception e )
return new Long( value );
catch( Exception e )
return JSON.parse( value );
catch( Exception e )
return value;
public static java.util.List getNameListFromDataList( java.util.List dataList )
java.util.List nameList = new ArrayList();
for( int i = 0; i < dataList.size(); ++i )
Map data = ( ( BasicDBObject )dataList.get( i ) ).toMap();
Iterator p = data.keySet().iterator();
while( p.hasNext() )
String key = ( String );
if( !nameList.contains( key ) )
nameList.add( key );
// move "_id" to the front
if( nameList.contains( "_id" ) )
if( !nameList.get( 0 ).equals( "_id" ) )
nameList.remove( "_id" );
List tmpList = new ArrayList();
tmpList.add( "_id" );
tmpList.addAll( nameList );
nameList = tmpList;
return nameList;
public static String getCollNameFromAction( String actionStr, String actionName )
if( actionStr.matches( "^db\\[\\s*'.*" ) )
String s = MRegEx.getMatch( "^[^']+'([^']+)'", actionStr );
return s;
//db.service.find() -> service
return MRegEx.getMatchIgnoreCase( "^db\\.([^\\(]+)\\." + actionName + "\\(", actionStr );
public static String getArgStrFromAction( String actionStr, String actionName )
//check skip
String skipStr = MRegEx.getMatch( skipMatch, actionStr );
if( skipStr.length() > 0 )
actionStr = actionStr.replaceFirst( skipMatch, "" );
String limitStr = MRegEx.getMatch( limitMatch, actionStr );
if( limitStr.length() > 0 )
actionStr = actionStr.replaceFirst( limitMatch, "" );
return MRegEx.getMatchIgnoreCase( "^db\\.[^\\(]+\\." + actionName + "\\((.*)\\)$", actionStr );
public static BasicDBList getListFromAction( String actionStr, String actionName )
String queryStr = getArgStrFromAction( actionStr, actionName );
BasicDBObject data = ( BasicDBObject ) JSON.parse( "{'dummy':[" + queryStr + "]}");
return ( BasicDBList )data.get( "dummy" );
public static Mongo getMongo( File file, String prefix )
throws IOException
MProperties prop = new MProperties();
prop.load( new FileInputStream( file ) );
String configStr = prop.getProperty( prefix + ".mongo" );
return getReplMongo( configStr );
private static Map dbo2jsm( DBObject data )
Map jsMap = new MJSMap();
Iterator p = data.keySet().iterator();
while( p.hasNext() )
String key = ( String );
Object value = data.get( key );
if( value instanceof Boolean )
Boolean b = ( Boolean )value;
if( b.booleanValue() )
value = "t";
value = "f";
if( !key.equals( "_id" ) )
jsMap.put( key, value );
return jsMap;
* MSqlUtil�̏o�͂ł���MJSMap�Ɠ����悤�ȃf�[�^���o�͂��邽�߂̊�
* _id�͍폜�����
public static List getJSList( DBCursor cursor )
List list = getList( cursor );
List list2 = new ArrayList();
for( int i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i )
DBObject data = ( DBObject )list.get( i );
list2.add( dbo2jsm( data ) );
return list2;
public static List getList( DBCursor cursor )
int count = 0;
List list = new ArrayList();
while( cursor.hasNext() )
list.add( );
if( count == MAX_COUNT )
return list;
close( cursor );
public static void close( DBCursor cursor )
if( cursor != null )
catch( Exception ignored )
public static Connection copyToTable( Connection conn, DBCursor cursor, String tableName )
throws SQLException
* cursor�̃f�[�^�����ɃC���������̃f�[�^�x�[�X�����
* cursor��0���̏ꍇ�͍쐬����Ȃ�
boolean tableCreated = false;
List columnNameList = null;
while( cursor.hasNext() )
DBObject data =;
if( !tableCreated )
columnNameList = createTable( conn, data, tableName );
tableCreated = true;
MObjectArray args = new MObjectArray();
for( int i = 0; i < columnNameList.size(); ++i )
args.add( dateToTs( data.get( ( String )columnNameList.get( i ) ) ) );
MSqlUtil.executeUpdate2( conn, "insert into " + tableName + " values( ??? );", args );
//debug System.out.println( MSqlUtil.getList( conn, "select * from " + tableName ) );
return conn;
private static Object dateToTs( Object value )
if( value instanceof java.util.Date )
java.util.Date date = ( java.util.Date )value;
long time = date.getTime();
Timestamp ts = new Timestamp( time );
value = ts;
return value;
public static Connection copyToTable( DBCursor cursor, String tableName )
throws SQLException
Connection conn = MSqlUtil.getConnection( "jdbc:h2:mem:", "sa", "" );
return copyToTable( conn, cursor, tableName );
private static List createTable( Connection conn, DBObject data, String tableName )
throws SQLException
List columnNameList = new ArrayList();
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
buf.append( "create table " );
buf.append( tableName );
buf.append( " (" );
Map map = data.toMap();
map.remove( "_id" );
Iterator p = map.keySet().iterator();
boolean isFirst = true;
while( p.hasNext() )
String key = ( String );
columnNameList.add( key );
Object value = map.get( key );
String type = "";
if( value instanceof String )
type = "text";
else if( value instanceof Integer || value instanceof Double )
type = "int";
else if( value instanceof java.util.Date )
type = "timestamp";
else if( value instanceof Boolean )
type = "boolean";
if( isFirst )
buf.append( "\n" );
isFirst = false;
buf.append( ",\n" );
buf.append( key );
buf.append( "\t" );
buf.append( type );
buf.append( ");" );
String sql1 = buf.toString();
MSqlUtil.executeUpdate( conn, sql1 );
catch( Exception e )
return columnNameList;
public static DBCursor asc( DBCursor cursor, String orderBy )
return cursor.sort( new BasicDBObject( orderBy, new Integer( 1 ) ) );
public static DBCursor desc( DBCursor cursor, String orderBy )
return cursor.sort( new BasicDBObject( orderBy, new Integer( -1 ) ) );
public static List getJSList( DBCollection coll )
return getJSList( coll.find() );
public static List getList( DBCollection coll )
return getList( coll.find() );
public static List getJSList( DBCollection coll, String key, Object value )
DBObject query = new BasicDBObject( key, value );
DBCursor cursor = coll.find( query );
return getJSList( cursor );
public static List getSimpleList( DBCollection coll, String key, Object value, String fieldName )
DBObject query = new BasicDBObject( key, value );
DBCursor cursor = coll.find( query );
List list = new ArrayList();
while( cursor.hasNext() )
DBObject obj =;
list.add( obj.get( fieldName ) );
return list;
public static List getList( DBCollection coll, String key, Object value, String fieldName )
DBObject query = new BasicDBObject( key, value );
DBObject keys = new BasicDBObject( fieldName, new Integer( 1 ) );
DBCursor cursor = coll.find( query, keys );
List list = new ArrayList();
while( cursor.hasNext() )
list.add( );
return list;
public static List getList( DBCollection coll, String key, Object value )
DBObject query = new BasicDBObject( key, value );
DBCursor cursor = coll.find( query );
List list = new ArrayList();
while( cursor.hasNext() )
list.add( );
return list;
public static String getOneString( DBCollection coll, String key, Object value, String fieldName )
DBObject obj = getOne( coll, key, value );
if( obj.containsField( fieldName ) )
return ( String )obj.get( fieldName );
return "";
public static Map getOneJSMap( DBCollection coll, String key, Object value )
return dbo2jsm( getOne( coll, key, value ) );
public static DBObject getOne( DBCollection coll, String key, Object value )
DBObject query = new BasicDBObject( key, value );
DBObject result = coll.findOne( query );
if( result != null )
return result;
return new BasicDBObject();
public static List getJoinResult( String joinKey, DBCursor cursor1, DBCursor cursor2 )
DBCursor cursor = cursor1;
List resultList = new ArrayList();
Map tmpMap = new HashMap();
while( cursor.hasNext() )
Map map1 = ( ( DBObject ) ).toMap();
tmpMap.put( map1.get( joinKey ), map1 );
cursor = cursor2;
while( cursor.hasNext() )
Map map2 = ( ( DBObject ) ).toMap();
Map map1 = ( Map )tmpMap.get( map2.get( joinKey ) );
if( map1 != null )
map1.putAll( map2 );
resultList.add( map1 );
return resultList;
close( cursor1 );
close( cursor2 );
public static List getJoinResult( String joinKey, DBCollection coll1, DBCollection coll2 )
List resultList = new ArrayList();
Map tmpMap = new HashMap();
DBCursor cursor = coll1.find();
while( cursor.hasNext() )
Map map1 = ( ( DBObject ) ).toMap();
tmpMap.put( map1.get( joinKey ), map1 );
cursor = coll2.find();
while( cursor.hasNext() )
Map map2 = ( ( DBObject ) ).toMap();
Map map1 = ( Map )tmpMap.get( map2.get( joinKey ) );
if( map1 != null )
map1.putAll( map2 );
resultList.add( map1 );
return resultList;
public static int getFirstInt( DBCollection coll, String key )
return getFirstInt( coll, key, 0 );
public static int getFirstInt( DBCollection coll, String key, int defaultValue )
Object obj = coll.findOne();
if( obj == null )
return defaultValue;
obj = ( ( DBObject )obj ).get( key );
if( obj == null )
return defaultValue;
if( obj instanceof Double )
Double limitDouble = ( Double )obj;
return (int)limitDouble.longValue();
Integer limitInt = ( Integer )obj;
return limitInt.intValue();
public static Mongo getReplMongo( String mongoStr )
throws UnknownHostException
return getReplMongo( mongoStr, null );
public static Mongo getReplMongo( String mongoStr, MongoOptions options )
throws UnknownHostException
if( mongoStr == null || mongoStr.equals( "" ) )
mongoStr = "";
List addrList = new ArrayList();
String[] array = mongoStr.split( "," );
for( int i = 0; i < array.length; ++i )
int port = 27017;
String host = "";
int index = array[ i ].indexOf( ":" );
if( index == -1 )
host = array[ i ];
host = array[ i ].substring( 0, index );
port = MStringUtil.parseInt( array[ i ].substring( index ), 27017 );
addrList.add( new ServerAddress( host, port ) );
if( options == null )
return new Mongo( addrList );
return new Mongo( addrList, options );
public static void main( String[] args )
throws Exception
getReplMongo( "" );
getReplMongo( ",, mongohost" );
private static void debug( Object o )
System.err.println( o );
public static WriteResult updateOne( DBCollection coll, String queryKey, Object queryValue, String updateKey, boolean updateValue )
return updateOne( coll, queryKey, queryValue, updateKey, new Boolean( updateValue ) );
* queryKey1 = queryValue1�̃h�L�������g��updateKey1���ڂ̒l��updateValue1�ɂ���B
* multi=false
public static WriteResult updateOne( DBCollection coll, String queryKey, Object queryValue, String updateKey1, Object updateValue1, String updateKey2, Object updateValue2 )
DBObject query = new BasicDBObject( queryKey, queryValue );
DBObject setValue = new BasicDBObject();
setValue.put( updateKey1, updateValue1 );
setValue.put( updateKey2, updateValue2 );
DBObject newObj = new BasicDBObject( MMongoUtil.SET, setValue );
return coll.update( query, newObj, false, false, WriteConcern.SAFE );
public static WriteResult updateOne( DBCollection coll, String queryKey, Object queryValue, String updateKey1, Object updateValue1, String updateKey2, Object updateValue2, String updateKey3, Object updateValue3 )
DBObject query = new BasicDBObject( queryKey, queryValue );
DBObject setValue = new BasicDBObject();
setValue.put( updateKey1, updateValue1 );
setValue.put( updateKey2, updateValue2 );
setValue.put( updateKey3, updateValue3 );
DBObject newObj = new BasicDBObject( MMongoUtil.SET, setValue );
return coll.update( query, newObj, false, false, WriteConcern.SAFE );
public static WriteResult updateMulti( DBCollection coll, String queryKey, Object queryValue, String updateKey1, Object updateValue1, String updateKey2, Object updateValue2 )
DBObject setObj = new BasicDBObject();
setObj.put( updateKey1, updateValue1 );
setObj.put( updateKey2, updateValue2 );
DBObject newObj = new BasicDBObject( MMongoUtil.SET, setObj );
return coll.update( new BasicDBObject( queryKey, queryValue ), newObj, false, true, WriteConcern.SAFE );
public static WriteResult updateMulti( DBCollection coll, DBObject query, String updateKey1, Object updateValue1, String updateKey2, Object updateValue2 )
DBObject setObj = new BasicDBObject();
setObj.put( updateKey1, updateValue1 );
setObj.put( updateKey2, updateValue2 );
DBObject newObj = new BasicDBObject( MMongoUtil.SET, setObj );
return coll.update( query, newObj, false, true, WriteConcern.SAFE );
public static WriteResult updateMulti( DBCollection coll, DBObject query, String updateKey, Object updateValue )
DBObject newObj = new BasicDBObject( MMongoUtil.SET, new BasicDBObject( updateKey, updateValue ) );
return coll.update( query, newObj, false, true, WriteConcern.SAFE );
public static WriteResult updateMulti( DBCollection coll, String queryKey, Object queryValue, String updateKey, Object updateValue )
DBObject newObj = new BasicDBObject( MMongoUtil.SET, new BasicDBObject( updateKey, updateValue ) );
return coll.update( new BasicDBObject( queryKey, queryValue ), newObj, false, true, WriteConcern.SAFE );
public static WriteResult updateOne( DBCollection coll, String queryKey, Object queryValue, String updateKey, Object updateValue )
DBObject query = new BasicDBObject( queryKey, queryValue );
DBObject newObj = new BasicDBObject( MMongoUtil.SET, new BasicDBObject( updateKey, updateValue ) );
return coll.update( query, newObj, false, false, WriteConcern.SAFE );
public static WriteResult updateOne( DB db, String collName, String queryKey, Object queryValue, String updateKey, boolean updateValue )
return updateOne( db.getCollection( collName ), queryKey, queryValue, updateKey, updateValue );
public static WriteResult updateOne( DB db, String collName, String queryKey, Object queryValue, String updateKey, Object updateValue )
return updateOne( db.getCollection( collName ), queryKey, queryValue, updateKey, updateValue );
public static void GTE( DBObject ref, String key, int value )
ref.put( key, new BasicDBObject( QueryOperators.GTE, new Integer( value ) ) );
public static int getCount( DBCollection coll, String key1, Object value1, String key2, Object value2, String key3, Object value3 )
DBObject query = new BasicDBObject( key1, value1 );
query.put( key2, value2 );
query.put( key3, value3 );
return (int)coll.getCount( query );
public static int getCount( DBCollection coll, String key1, Object value1, String key2, Object value2 )
DBObject query = new BasicDBObject( key1, value1 );
query.put( key2, value2 );
return (int)coll.getCount( query );
public static int getCount( DBCollection coll, String key, Object value )
return (int)coll.getCount( new BasicDBObject( key, value ) );