// Project ProjectForge Community Edition
// www.projectforge.org
// Copyright (C) 2001-2014 Kai Reinhard (k.reinhard@micromata.de)
// ProjectForge is dual-licensed.
// This community edition is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation; version 3 of the License.
// This community edition is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
// with this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
package org.projectforge.timesheet;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.ObjectUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.Validate;
import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.ToStringBuilder;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.hibernate.Hibernate;
import org.hibernate.Query;
import org.hibernate.criterion.Order;
import org.hibernate.criterion.Restrictions;
import org.projectforge.access.AccessException;
import org.projectforge.access.AccessType;
import org.projectforge.access.OperationType;
import org.projectforge.common.DateHelper;
import org.projectforge.common.DateHolder;
import org.projectforge.common.NumberHelper;
import org.projectforge.core.BaseDao;
import org.projectforge.core.BaseSearchFilter;
import org.projectforge.core.MessageParam;
import org.projectforge.core.OrderDirection;
import org.projectforge.core.QueryFilter;
import org.projectforge.core.UserException;
import org.projectforge.database.SQLHelper;
import org.projectforge.fibu.kost.Kost2DO;
import org.projectforge.fibu.kost.Kost2Dao;
import org.projectforge.task.TaskDO;
import org.projectforge.task.TaskNode;
import org.projectforge.task.TaskStatus;
import org.projectforge.task.TaskTree;
import org.projectforge.task.TimesheetBookingStatus;
import org.projectforge.user.PFUserContext;
import org.projectforge.user.PFUserDO;
import org.projectforge.user.ProjectForgeGroup;
import org.projectforge.user.UserDao;
import org.projectforge.web.timesheet.TimesheetListFilter;
import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Propagation;
import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional;
* @author Kai Reinhard (k.reinhard@micromata.de)
@Transactional(readOnly = true, propagation = Propagation.SUPPORTS)
public class TimesheetDao extends BaseDao<TimesheetDO>
* Maximum allowed duration of time sheets is 14 hours.
public static final long MAXIMUM_DURATION = 1000 * 3600 * 14;
* Internal error message if maximum duration is exceeded.
private static final String MAXIMUM_DURATION_EXCEEDED = "Maximum duration of time sheet exceeded. Maximum is "
+ (MAXIMUM_DURATION / 3600 / 1000)
+ "h!";
private static final String[] ADDITIONAL_SEARCH_FIELDS = new String[] { "user.username", "user.firstname", "user.lastname", "task.title",
"task.taskpath", "kost2.nummer", "kost2.description", "kost2.projekt.name"};
public static final String HIDDEN_FIELD_MARKER = "[...]";
private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(TimesheetDao.class);
private TaskTree taskTree;
private UserDao userDao;
private Kost2Dao kost2Dao;
private final Map<Integer, Set<Integer>> timesheetsWithOverlapByUser = new HashMap<Integer, Set<Integer>>();
public void setTaskTree(final TaskTree taskTree)
this.taskTree = taskTree;
public void setUserDao(final UserDao userDao)
this.userDao = userDao;
public void setKost2Dao(final Kost2Dao kost2Dao)
this.kost2Dao = kost2Dao;
protected String[] getAdditionalSearchFields()
* List of all years with time sheets of the given user: select min(startTime), max(startTime) from t_timesheet where user=?.
* @return
public int[] getYears(final Integer userId)
final List<Object[]> list = getHibernateTemplate().find(
"select min(startTime), max(startTime) from TimesheetDO t where user.id=? and deleted=false", userId);
return SQLHelper.getYears(list);
* @param sheet
* @param userId If null, then task will be set to null;
* @see BaseDao#getOrLoad(Integer)
public void setUser(final TimesheetDO sheet, final Integer userId)
final PFUserDO user = userDao.getOrLoad(userId);
* @param sheet
* @param taskId If null, then task will be set to null;
* @see TaskTree#getTaskById(Integer)
public void setTask(final TimesheetDO sheet, final Integer taskId)
final TaskDO task = taskTree.getTaskById(taskId);
* @param sheet
* @param kost2Id If null, then kost2 will be set to null;
* @see BaseDao#getOrLoad(Integer)
public void setKost2(final TimesheetDO sheet, final Integer kost2Id)
final Kost2DO kost2 = kost2Dao.getOrLoad(kost2Id);
* Gets the available Kost2DO's for the given time sheet. The task must already be assigned to this time sheet.
* @param timesheet
* @return Available list of Kost2DO's or null, if not exist.
public List<Kost2DO> getKost2List(final TimesheetDO timesheet)
if (timesheet == null || timesheet.getTaskId() == null) {
return null;
return taskTree.getKost2List(timesheet.getTaskId());
public QueryFilter buildQueryFilter(final TimesheetFilter filter)
final QueryFilter queryFilter = new QueryFilter(filter);
if (filter.getUserId() != null) {
final PFUserDO user = new PFUserDO();
queryFilter.add(Restrictions.eq("user", user));
if (filter.getStartTime() != null && filter.getStopTime() != null) {
queryFilter.add(Restrictions.between("startTime", filter.getStartTime(), filter.getStopTime()));
} else if (filter.getStartTime() != null) {
queryFilter.add(Restrictions.ge("startTime", filter.getStartTime()));
} else if (filter.getStopTime() != null) {
queryFilter.add(Restrictions.le("startTime", filter.getStopTime()));
if (filter.getTaskId() != null) {
if (filter.isRecursive() == true) {
final TaskNode node = taskTree.getTaskNodeById(filter.getTaskId());
final List<Integer> taskIds = node.getDescendantIds();
queryFilter.add(Restrictions.in("task.id", taskIds));
if (log.isDebugEnabled() == true) {
log.debug("search in tasks: " + taskIds);
} else {
queryFilter.add(Restrictions.eq("task.id", filter.getTaskId()));
if (filter.getOrderType() == OrderDirection.DESC) {
} else {
if (log.isDebugEnabled() == true) {
return queryFilter;
public TimesheetDao()
* @see org.projectforge.core.BaseDao#getListForSearchDao(org.projectforge.core.BaseSearchFilter)
public List<TimesheetDO> getListForSearchDao(final BaseSearchFilter filter)
final TimesheetFilter timesheetFilter = new TimesheetFilter(filter);
if (filter.getModifiedByUserId() == null) {
return getList(timesheetFilter);
* Gets the list filtered by the given filter.
* @param filter
* @return
@Transactional(readOnly = true, propagation = Propagation.SUPPORTS)
public List<TimesheetDO> getList(final BaseSearchFilter filter) throws AccessException
final TimesheetFilter myFilter;
if (filter instanceof TimesheetFilter) {
myFilter = (TimesheetFilter) filter;
} else {
myFilter = new TimesheetFilter(filter);
if (myFilter.getStopTime() != null) {
final DateHolder date = new DateHolder(myFilter.getStopTime());
final QueryFilter queryFilter = buildQueryFilter(myFilter);
List<TimesheetDO> result = getList(queryFilter);
if (result == null) {
return null;
// Check time period overlaps:
for (final TimesheetDO entry : result) {
if (entry.isMarked() == true) {
continue; // Is already marked.
final Set<Integer> overlapSet = getTimesheetsWithTimeoverlap(entry.getUserId());
if (overlapSet.contains(entry.getId()) == true) {
log.info("Overlap of time sheet decteced: " + entry);
if (myFilter.isMarked() == true) {
// Show only time sheets with time period violation (overlap):
final List<TimesheetDO> list = result;
result = new ArrayList<TimesheetDO>();
for (final TimesheetDO entry : list) {
if (entry.isMarked() == true) {
return result;
public List<TimesheetDO> getTimeperiodOverlapList(final TimesheetListFilter actionFilter)
if (actionFilter.getUserId() != null) {
final QueryFilter queryFilter = new QueryFilter(actionFilter);
final Set<Integer> set = getTimesheetsWithTimeoverlap(actionFilter.getUserId());
if (set == null || set.size() == 0) {
// No time sheets with overlap found.
return new ArrayList<TimesheetDO>();
queryFilter.add(Restrictions.in("id", set));
final List<TimesheetDO> result = getList(queryFilter);
for (final TimesheetDO entry : result) {
Collections.sort(result, Collections.reverseOrder());
return result;
return getList(actionFilter);
* Rechecks the time sheet overlaps.
* @see org.projectforge.core.BaseDao#afterSaveOrModify(org.projectforge.core.ExtendedBaseDO)
protected void afterSaveOrModify(final TimesheetDO obj)
if (obj.getUser() != null) {
// Force re-analysis of time sheet overlaps after any modification of time sheets.
* Checks the start and stop time. If seconds or millis is not null, a RuntimeException will be thrown.
* @see org.projectforge.core.BaseDao#onSaveOrModify(org.projectforge.core.ExtendedBaseDO)
protected void onSaveOrModify(final TimesheetDO obj)
validateTimestamp(obj.getStartTime(), "startTime");
validateTimestamp(obj.getStopTime(), "stopTime");
Validate.isTrue(obj.getDuration() >= 60000, "Duration of time sheet must be at minimum 60s!");
Validate.isTrue(obj.getDuration() <= MAXIMUM_DURATION, MAXIMUM_DURATION_EXCEEDED);
Validate.isTrue(obj.getStartTime().before(obj.getStopTime()), "Stop time of time sheet is before start time!");
final List<Kost2DO> kost2List = taskTree.getKost2List(obj.getTaskId());
final Integer kost2Id = obj.getKost2Id();
if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(kost2List) == true) {
Validate.notNull(kost2Id, "Kost2Id must be given for time sheet and given kost2 list!");
boolean kost2IdFound = false;
for (final Kost2DO kost2 : kost2List) {
if (NumberHelper.isEqual(kost2Id, kost2.getId()) == true) {
kost2IdFound = true;
Validate.isTrue(kost2IdFound, "Kost2Id of time sheet is not available in the task's kost2 list!");
} else {
Validate.isTrue(kost2Id == null, "Kost2Id can't be given for task without any kost2 entries!");
protected void onChange(final TimesheetDO obj, final TimesheetDO dbObj)
if (obj.getTaskId().compareTo(dbObj.getTaskId()) != 0) {
* @see org.projectforge.core.BaseDao#prepareHibernateSearch(org.projectforge.core.ExtendedBaseDO, org.projectforge.access.OperationType)
protected void prepareHibernateSearch(final TimesheetDO obj, final OperationType operationType)
final PFUserDO user = obj.getUser();
if (user != null && Hibernate.isInitialized(user) == false) {
final TaskDO task = obj.getTask();
if (task != null && Hibernate.isInitialized(task) == false) {
private void validateTimestamp(final Date date, final String name)
if (date == null) {
final Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
Validate.isTrue(cal.get(Calendar.MILLISECOND) == 0, "Millis of " + name + " is not 0!");
Validate.isTrue(cal.get(Calendar.SECOND) == 0, "Seconds of " + name + " is not 0!");
final int m = cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE);
Validate.isTrue(m == 0 || m == 15 || m == 30 || m == 45, "Minutes of " + name + " must be 0, 15, 30 or 45");
* Analyses all time sheets of the user and detects any collision (overlap) of the user's time sheets. The result will be cached and the
* duration of a new analysis is only a few milliseconds!
* @param user
* @return
public Set<Integer> getTimesheetsWithTimeoverlap(final Integer userId)
final PFUserDO user = userGroupCache.getUser(userId);
synchronized (timesheetsWithOverlapByUser) {
if (timesheetsWithOverlapByUser.get(userId) != null) {
return timesheetsWithOverlapByUser.get((userId));
// log.info("Getting time sheet overlaps for user: " + user.getUsername());
final Set<Integer> result = new HashSet<Integer>();
final QueryFilter queryFilter = new QueryFilter();
queryFilter.add(Restrictions.eq("user", user));
final List<TimesheetDO> list = getList(queryFilter);
long endTime = 0;
TimesheetDO lastEntry = null;
for (final TimesheetDO entry : list) {
if (entry.getStartTime().getTime() < endTime) {
// Time collision!
if (lastEntry != null) { // Only for first iteration
result.add(lastEntry.getId()); // Also collision for last entry.
endTime = entry.getStopTime().getTime();
lastEntry = entry;
timesheetsWithOverlapByUser.put(user.getId(), result);
if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(result) == true) {
log.info("Time sheet overlaps for user '" + user.getUsername() + "': " + result);
return result;
* Deletes any existing time sheet overlap analysis and forces therefore a new analysis before next time sheet list selection. (The
* analysis will not be started inside this method!)
* @param userId
public void recheckTimesheetOverlap(final Integer userId)
* Checks if the time sheet overlaps with another time sheet of the same user. Should be checked on every insert or update (also
* undelete). For time collision detection deleted time sheets are ignored.
* @return The existing time sheet with the time period collision.
public boolean hasTimeOverlap(final TimesheetDO timesheet, final boolean throwException)
final QueryFilter queryFilter = new QueryFilter();
queryFilter.add(Restrictions.eq("user", timesheet.getUser()));
queryFilter.add(Restrictions.lt("startTime", timesheet.getStopTime()));
queryFilter.add(Restrictions.gt("stopTime", timesheet.getStartTime()));
if (timesheet.getId() != null) {
// Update time sheet, do not compare with itself.
queryFilter.add(Restrictions.ne("id", timesheet.getId()));
final List<TimesheetDO> list = getList(queryFilter);
if (list != null && list.size() > 0) {
final TimesheetDO ts = list.get(0);
if (throwException == true) {
log.info("Time sheet collision detected of time sheet " + timesheet + " with existing time sheet " + ts);
final String startTime = DateHelper.formatIsoTimestamp(ts.getStartTime());
final String stopTime = DateHelper.formatIsoTimestamp(ts.getStopTime());
throw new UserException("timesheet.error.timeperiodOverlapDetection", new MessageParam(ts.getId()), new MessageParam(startTime),
new MessageParam(stopTime));
return true;
return false;
* return Always true, no generic select access needed for address objects.
* @see org.projectforge.core.BaseDao#hasSelectAccess()
public boolean hasSelectAccess(final PFUserDO user, final boolean throwException)
return true;
public boolean hasAccess(final PFUserDO user, final TimesheetDO obj, final TimesheetDO oldObj, final OperationType operationType,
final boolean throwException)
if (accessChecker.userEquals(user, obj.getUser()) == true) {
// Own time sheet
if (accessChecker.hasPermission(user, obj.getTaskId(), AccessType.OWN_TIMESHEETS, operationType, throwException) == false) {
return false;
} else {
// Foreign time sheet
if (accessChecker.isUserMemberOfGroup(user, ProjectForgeGroup.FINANCE_GROUP) == true) {
return true;
if (accessChecker.hasPermission(user, obj.getTaskId(), AccessType.TIMESHEETS, operationType, throwException) == false) {
return false;
if (operationType == OperationType.DELETE) {
// UPDATE and INSERT is already checked, SELECT will be ignored.
final boolean result = checkTimesheetProtection(user, obj, null, operationType, throwException);
return result;
return true;
* User can always see his own time sheets. But if he has no access then the location and description values are hidden (empty strings).
* @see org.projectforge.core.BaseDao#hasSelectAccess(PFUserDO, org.projectforge.core.ExtendedBaseDO, boolean)
public boolean hasSelectAccess(final PFUserDO user, final TimesheetDO obj, final boolean throwException)
if (hasAccess(user, obj, null, OperationType.SELECT, false) == false) {
// User has no access by definition.
if (accessChecker.userEquals(user, obj.getUser()) == true
|| accessChecker.isUserMemberOfGroup(user, ProjectForgeGroup.PROJECT_MANAGER) == true) {
if (accessChecker.userEquals(user, obj.getUser()) == false) {
// Check protection of privacy for foreign time sheets:
final List<TaskNode> pathToRoot = taskTree.getPathToRoot(obj.getTaskId());
for (final TaskNode node : pathToRoot) {
if (node.getTask().isProtectionOfPrivacy() == true) {
return false;
// An user should see his own time sheets, but the values should be hidden.
// A project manager should also see all time sheets, but the values should be hidden.
log.debug("User has no access to own time sheet (or project manager): " + obj);
return true;
return super.hasSelectAccess(user, obj, throwException);
public boolean hasHistoryAccess(final PFUserDO user, final TimesheetDO obj, final boolean throwException)
return hasAccess(user, obj, null, OperationType.SELECT, throwException);
* @see org.projectforge.core.BaseDao#hasUpdateAccess(Object, Object)
public boolean hasUpdateAccess(final PFUserDO user, final TimesheetDO obj, final TimesheetDO dbObj, final boolean throwException)
if (hasAccess(user, obj, dbObj, OperationType.UPDATE, throwException) == false) {
return false;
if (dbObj.getUserId().equals(obj.getUserId()) == false) {
// User changes the owner of the time sheet:
if (hasAccess(user, dbObj, null, OperationType.DELETE, throwException) == false) {
// Deleting of time sheet of another user is not allowed.
return false;
if (dbObj.getTaskId().equals(obj.getTaskId()) == false) {
// User moves the object to another task:
if (hasAccess(user, obj, null, OperationType.INSERT, throwException) == false) {
// Inserting of object under new task not allowed.
return false;
if (hasAccess(user, dbObj, null, OperationType.DELETE, throwException) == false) {
// Deleting of object under old task not allowed.
return false;
if (hasTimeOverlap(obj, throwException) == true) {
return false;
boolean result = checkTimesheetProtection(user, obj, dbObj, OperationType.UPDATE, throwException);
if (result == true) {
result = checkTaskBookable(obj, dbObj, OperationType.UPDATE, throwException);
return result;
public boolean hasInsertAccess(final PFUserDO user, final TimesheetDO obj, final boolean throwException)
if (hasAccess(user, obj, null, OperationType.INSERT, throwException) == false) {
return false;
if (hasTimeOverlap(obj, throwException) == true) {
return false;
boolean result = checkTimesheetProtection(user, obj, null, OperationType.INSERT, throwException);
if (result == true) {
result = checkTaskBookable(obj, null, OperationType.INSERT, throwException);
return result;
* Checks whether the time sheet is book-able or not. The checks are:
* <ol>
* <li>Only for update mode: If the time sheet is unmodified in start and stop time, kost2, task and user then return true without further
* checking.</li>
* <li>Is the task or any of the ancestor tasks closed or deleted?</li>
* <li>Has the task or any of the ancestor tasks the TimesheetBookingStatus.TREE_CLOSED?</li>
* <li>Is the task not a leaf node and has this task or ancestor task the booking status ONLY_LEAFS?</li>
* <li>Does any of the descendant task node has an assigned order position?</li>
* </ol>
* @param timesheet The time sheet to insert or update.
* @param oldTimesheet The origin time sheet from the data base (could be null, if no update is done).
* @param operationType
* @param throwException
* @return True if none of the rules above matches.
public boolean checkTaskBookable(final TimesheetDO timesheet, final TimesheetDO oldTimesheet, final OperationType operationType,
final boolean throwException)
if (operationType == OperationType.UPDATE) {
if (timesheet.getStartTime().getTime() == oldTimesheet.getStartTime().getTime()
&& timesheet.getStopTime().getTime() == oldTimesheet.getStopTime().getTime()
&& ObjectUtils.equals(timesheet.getKost2Id(), oldTimesheet.getKost2Id()) == true
&& ObjectUtils.equals(timesheet.getTaskId(), oldTimesheet.getTaskId()) == true
&& ObjectUtils.equals(timesheet.getUserId(), oldTimesheet.getUserId()) == true) {
// Only minor fields are modified (description, location etc.).
return true;
final TaskNode taskNode = taskTree.getTaskNodeById(timesheet.getTaskId());
// 1. Is the task or any of the ancestor tasks closed, deleted or has the booking status TREE_CLOSED?
TaskNode node = taskNode;
do {
final TaskDO task = node.getTask();
String errorMessage = null;
if (task.isDeleted() == true) {
errorMessage = "timesheet.error.taskNotBookable.taskDeleted";
} else if (task.getStatus().isIn(TaskStatus.O, TaskStatus.N) == false) {
errorMessage = "timesheet.error.taskNotBookable.taskNotOpened";
} else if (task.getTimesheetBookingStatus() == TimesheetBookingStatus.TREE_CLOSED) {
errorMessage = "timesheet.error.taskNotBookable.treeClosedForBooking";
if (errorMessage != null) {
if (throwException == true) {
throw new AccessException(errorMessage, task.getTitle() + " (#" + task.getId() + ")");
return false;
node = node.getParent();
} while (node != null);
// 2. Has the task the booking status NO_BOOKING?
TimesheetBookingStatus bookingStatus = taskNode.getTask().getTimesheetBookingStatus();
node = taskNode;
while (bookingStatus == TimesheetBookingStatus.INHERIT && node.getParent() != null) {
node = node.getParent();
bookingStatus = node.getTask().getTimesheetBookingStatus();
if (bookingStatus == TimesheetBookingStatus.NO_BOOKING) {
if (throwException == true) {
throw new AccessException("timesheet.error.taskNotBookable.taskClosedForBooking", taskNode.getTask().getTitle()
+ " (#"
+ taskNode.getId()
+ ")");
return false;
if (taskNode.hasChilds() == true) {
// 3. Is the task not a leaf node and has this task or ancestor task the booking status ONLY_LEAFS?
node = taskNode;
do {
final TaskDO task = node.getTask();
if (task.getTimesheetBookingStatus() == TimesheetBookingStatus.ONLY_LEAFS) {
if (throwException == true) {
throw new AccessException("timesheet.error.taskNotBookable.onlyLeafsAllowedForBooking", taskNode.getTask().getTitle()
+ " (#"
+ taskNode.getId()
+ ")");
return false;
node = node.getParent();
} while (node != null);
// 4. Does any of the descendant task node has an assigned order position?
for (final TaskNode child : taskNode.getChilds()) {
if (taskTree.hasOrderPositions(child.getId(), true) == true) {
if (throwException == true) {
throw new AccessException("timesheet.error.taskNotBookable.orderPositionsFoundInSubTasks", taskNode.getTask().getTitle()
+ " (#"
+ taskNode.getId()
+ ")");
return false;
return true;
* Checks if there exists any time sheet protection on the corresponding task or one of the ancestor tasks. If the times sheet is
* protected and the duration of this time sheet is modified, and AccessException will be thrown. <br/>
* Checks insert, update and delete operations. If an existing time sheet has to be modified, the check will only be done, if any
* modifications of the time stamps is done (e. g. descriptions of the task are allowed if the start and stop time is untouched).
* @param timesheet
* @param oldTimesheet (null for delete and insert)
* @param throwException If true and the time sheet protection is violated then an AccessException will be thrown.
* @return true, if no time sheet protection is violated or if the logged in user is member of the finance group.
* @see ProjectForgeGroup#FINANCE_GROUP
public boolean checkTimesheetProtection(final PFUserDO user, final TimesheetDO timesheet, final TimesheetDO oldTimesheet,
final OperationType operationType, final boolean throwException)
if (accessChecker.isUserMemberOfGroup(user, ProjectForgeGroup.FINANCE_GROUP) == true
&& accessChecker.userEquals(user, timesheet.getUser()) == false) {
// Member of financial group are able to book foreign time sheets.
return true;
if (operationType == OperationType.UPDATE) {
if (timesheet.getStartTime().getTime() == oldTimesheet.getStartTime().getTime()
&& timesheet.getStopTime().getTime() == oldTimesheet.getStopTime().getTime()
&& ObjectUtils.equals(timesheet.getKost2Id(), oldTimesheet.getKost2Id()) == true) {
return true;
final TaskNode taskNode = taskTree.getTaskNodeById(timesheet.getTaskId());
final List<TaskNode> list = taskNode.getPathToRoot();
list.add(0, taskTree.getRootTaskNode());
for (final TaskNode node : list) {
final Date date = node.getTask().getProtectTimesheetsUntil();
if (date == null) {
final DateHolder dh = new DateHolder(date);
if (timesheet.getStartTime().before(dh.getDate()) == true) {
if (throwException == true) {
throw new AccessException("timesheet.error.timesheetProtectionVioloation", node.getTask().getTitle()
+ " (#"
+ node.getTaskId()
+ ")", DateHelper.formatIsoDate(dh.getDate()));
return false;
return true;
* Get all locations of the user's time sheet (not deleted ones) with modification date within last year.
* @param searchString
public List<String> getLocationAutocompletion(final String searchString)
if (StringUtils.isBlank(searchString) == true) {
return null;
final String s = "select distinct location from "
+ clazz.getSimpleName()
+ " t where deleted=false and t.user.id = ? and lastUpdate > ? and lower(t.location) like ?) order by t.location";
final Query query = getSession().createQuery(s);
query.setInteger(0, PFUserContext.getUser().getId());
final DateHolder dh = new DateHolder();
dh.add(Calendar.YEAR, -1);
query.setDate(1, dh.getDate());
query.setString(2, "%" + StringUtils.lowerCase(searchString) + "%");
final List<String> list = query.list();
return list;
* Get all locations of the user's time sheet (not deleted ones) with modification date within last year.
* @param maxResults Limit the result to the recent locations.
* @return result as Json object.
public Collection<String> getRecentLocation(final int maxResults)
log.info("Get recent locations from the database.");
final String s = "select location from "
+ (clazz.getSimpleName() + " t where deleted=false and t.user.id = ? and lastUpdate > ? and t.location != null and t.location != '' order by t.lastUpdate desc");
final Query query = getSession().createQuery(s);
query.setInteger(0, PFUserContext.getUser().getId());
final DateHolder dh = new DateHolder();
dh.add(Calendar.YEAR, -1);
query.setDate(1, dh.getDate());
final List<Object> list = query.list();
int counter = 0;
final List<String> res = new ArrayList<String>();
for (final Object loc : list) {
if (res.contains(loc) == true) {
res.add((String) loc);
if (++counter >= maxResults) {
return res;
protected Object prepareMassUpdateStore(final List<TimesheetDO> list, final TimesheetDO master)
if (master.getTaskId() != null) {
return getKost2List(master);
return null;
private boolean contains(final List<Kost2DO> kost2List, final Integer kost2Id)
for (final Kost2DO entry : kost2List) {
if (kost2Id.compareTo(entry.getId()) == 0) {
return true;
return false;
protected boolean massUpdateEntry(final TimesheetDO entry, final TimesheetDO master, final Object store)
if (store != null) {
final List<Kost2DO> kost2List = (List<Kost2DO>) store;
if (master.getKost2Id() != null) {
if (contains(kost2List, master.getKost2Id()) == false) {
log.info("Mass update not possible for time sheet (destination task does not support given kost2 id): " + entry);
return false;
setKost2(entry, master.getKost2Id());
} else if (entry.getKost2Id() == null) {
log.info("Mass update not possible for time sheet (destination task requires kost2): " + entry);
return false;
} else {
if (contains(kost2List, entry.getKost2Id()) == false) {
// Try to convert kost2 ids from old project to new project.
boolean success = false;
for (final Kost2DO kost2 : kost2List) {
if (kost2.getKost2ArtId().compareTo(entry.getKost2().getKost2ArtId()) == 0) {
success = true; // found.
if (success == false) {
log.info("Mass update not possible for time sheet (destination task have multiple kost2 entries and no correspondent kost2 art): "
+ entry);
return false;
if (master.getTaskId() != null) {
setTask(entry, master.getTaskId());
if (master.getKost2Id() != null) {
setKost2(entry, master.getKost2Id());
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(master.getLocation()) == true) {
return true;
public TimesheetDO newInstance()
return new TimesheetDO();
* @see org.projectforge.core.BaseDao#useOwnCriteriaCacheRegion()
protected boolean useOwnCriteriaCacheRegion()
return true;