// Project ProjectForge Community Edition
// www.projectforge.org
// Copyright (C) 2001-2014 Kai Reinhard (k.reinhard@micromata.de)
// ProjectForge is dual-licensed.
// This community edition is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation; version 3 of the License.
// This community edition is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
// with this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
package org.projectforge.gantt;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.projectforge.common.DateHolder;
import org.projectforge.export.SVGColor;
import org.projectforge.export.SVGHelper;
import org.projectforge.export.SVGHelper.ArrowDirection;
import org.projectforge.xml.stream.XmlObject;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
@XmlObject(alias = "ganttChart")
public class GanttChart
private static final org.apache.log4j.Logger log = org.apache.log4j.Logger.getLogger(GanttChart.class);
private String name;
private GanttChartStyle style;
private GanttChartSettings settings;
private Date fromDate;
private Date toDate;
private transient Date calculatedStartDate;
private transient Date calculatedEndDate;
private transient int fromToDays = -1;
private transient double height;
private GanttTask rootNode;
private transient String fontFamily = "Helvetica";
private transient Map<GanttTask, ObjectInfo> objectMap = new HashMap<GanttTask, ObjectInfo>();
private class ObjectInfo
final Date fromDate;
final Date toDate;
final double x1;
final double x2;
final int row;
final double y;
ObjectInfo(final GanttTask node, final int row)
this.fromDate = GanttUtils.getCalculatedStartDate(node);
this.toDate = GanttUtils.getCalculatedEndDate(node);
if (fromDate != null) {
this.x1 = getXValue(fromDate);
} else {
x1 = 0;
if (toDate != null) {
this.x2 = getXValue(toDate);
} else {
x2 = 0;
this.row = row;
this.y = style.getYScale() * row;
boolean isNaN()
return fromDate == null || toDate == null;
boolean isVisible()
return this.row >= 0;
public GanttChart()
this.style = new GanttChartStyle();
this.settings = new GanttChartSettings();
public GanttChart(final GanttTask rootNode, final GanttChartStyle style, final GanttChartSettings settings, final String name)
this.rootNode = rootNode;
this.style = style;
this.settings = settings;
this.name = name;
public GanttChart setFontFamily(String fontFamily)
this.fontFamily = fontFamily;
return this;
private ObjectInfo getObjectInfo(final GanttTask node)
ObjectInfo taskInfo = objectMap.get(node);
if (taskInfo != null) {
return taskInfo;
taskInfo = new ObjectInfo(node, -1);
objectMap.put(node, taskInfo);
return taskInfo;
public int getWidth()
return style.getWidth();
* The earliest date of all contained tasks.
public Date getCalculatedStartDate()
return calculatedStartDate;
* The latest date of all contained tasks.
public Date getCalculatedEndDate()
return calculatedEndDate;
public GanttTask getRootNode()
return rootNode;
* Usage:
* <pre>
* final BatikImage ganttImage = new BatikImage("ganttTest", ganttDiagram.create(), 800);
* body.add(ganttImage);
* </pre>
* @return The SVG DOM model for this Gantt diagram.
public Document create()
if (rootNode == null || rootNode.getChildren() == null) {
return null;
int row = 0;
final Collection<GanttTask> allVisibleGanttObjects = recalculate();
if (settings.getFromDate() != null) {
fromDate = settings.getFromDate();
if (settings.getToDate() != null) {
toDate = settings.getToDate();
if (fromDate == null) {
fromDate = new DateHolder().setBeginOfDay().setHourOfDay(8).getDate();
if (toDate == null) {
toDate = new DateHolder().setBeginOfDay().setHourOfDay(8).add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 30).getDate();
for (final GanttTask node : allVisibleGanttObjects) {
final ObjectInfo taskInfo = new ObjectInfo(node, row++);
objectMap.put(node, taskInfo);
height = style.getYScale() * row + GanttChartStyle.HEAD_HEIGHT;
final Document doc = SVGHelper.createDocument(style.getWidth(), height);
final Element root = doc.getDocumentElement();
Element e, g1, g2, g3;
if (getDiagramWidth() < 0) {
g1 = SVGHelper.createElement(doc, "g", "font-size", "9pt");
g1.appendChild(SVGHelper.createText(doc, 0, 0, "TO SMALL"));
return doc;
// Defs
e = SVGHelper.createElement(doc, "defs");
e.appendChild(SVGHelper.createElement(doc, "path", SVGColor.DARK_RED, "d", "M 0 0 L "
+ " 0 L 0 "
+ " z", "id", "redLeftArrow"));
e.appendChild(SVGHelper.createElement(doc, "path", SVGColor.DARK_RED, "d", "M 0 0 L "
+ " 0 L "
+ " "
+ " z", "id", "redRightArrow"));
e.appendChild(SVGHelper.createElement(doc, "path", SVGColor.BLACK, "d", "M -5 0 L 0 5 L 5 0 L 0 -5 z", "id", "diamond"));
e = SVGHelper.createElement(doc, "defs");
g1 = SVGHelper.createElement(doc, "g", "transform", "translate(5,20)");
if (fontFamily != null) {
g2 = SVGHelper.createElement(doc, "g", "font-family", fontFamily, "font-size", "9pt");
} else {
g2 = SVGHelper.createElement(doc, "g", "font-size", "9pt");
if (style.getWorkPackageLabelWidth() > 0) {
g2.appendChild(SVGHelper.createText(doc, 0, 0, "WP"));
g2.appendChild(SVGHelper.createText(doc, 0, 20, "Code"));
g2.appendChild(SVGHelper.createText(doc, style.getWorkPackageLabelWidth(), 10, settings.getTitle()));
} else {
g2.appendChild(SVGHelper.createText(doc, 0, 10, settings.getTitle()));
// labelbar
if (fontFamily != null) {
g1 = SVGHelper.createElement(doc, "g", "transform", "translate(" + style.getTotalLabelWidth() + ",20)", "text-anchor", "middle",
"font-family", fontFamily, "font-size", "9pt");
} else {
g1 = SVGHelper.createElement(doc, "g", "transform", "translate(" + style.getTotalLabelWidth() + ",20)", "text-anchor", "middle",
"font-size", "9pt");
final Element diagram = SVGHelper.createElement(doc, "g", "transform", "translate("
+ style.getTotalLabelWidth()
+ ","
+ GanttChartStyle.HEAD_HEIGHT
+ ")");
final Element grid = SVGHelper.createElement(doc, "g", "stroke", "gray", "stroke-width", "1");// , "stroke-dasharray", "5,5");
final GanttChartXLabelBarRenderer xLabelBarRenderer = new GanttChartXLabelBarRenderer(fromDate, toDate, getDiagramWidth(), style);
xLabelBarRenderer.draw(doc, g1, grid, getDiagramHeight());
// Show today line, if configured.
if (style.isShowToday() == true) {
final DateHolder today = new DateHolder();
if (today.isBetween(fromDate, toDate) == true) {
diagram.appendChild(SVGHelper.createLine(doc, getXValue(today.getDate()), 0, getXValue(today.getDate()), getDiagramHeight(),
SVGColor.RED, "stroke-width", "2"));
// Task descriptions:
if (fontFamily != null) {
g1 = SVGHelper.createElement(doc, "g", "transform", "translate(5,65)", "font-family", fontFamily, "font-size", "9pt");
} else {
g1 = SVGHelper.createElement(doc, "g", "transform", "translate(5,65)", "font-size", "9pt");
drawGanttObjects(doc, g1, diagram, grid, allVisibleGanttObjects);
g2 = SVGHelper.createElement(doc, "g", "transform", "translate(5,0)");
if (fontFamily != null) {
g3 = SVGHelper.createElement(doc, "g", "font-family", fontFamily, "font-size", "9pt");
} else {
g3 = SVGHelper.createElement(doc, "g", "font-size", "9pt");
// diagram.appendChild(SVGHelper.createUse(doc, "#diamond", 100, 15.5 * style.getYScale()));
// diagram.appendChild(SVGHelper.createRect(doc, 110, 15 * style.getYScale() + 2, 140, 16, "white"));
// diagram.appendChild(SVGHelper.createText(doc, 110, 15.5 * style.getYScale() + 5, "This is a nonsens milestone.", "fill", "gray",
// "font-size", "8pt"));
g1 = SVGHelper.createElement(doc, "g", "transform", "translate(265,65)");
g1 = SVGHelper.createElement(doc, "g", "stroke", SVGColor.BLACK.getName());
// Show outline of canvas using 'rect' element. -->
g1.appendChild(SVGHelper.createRect(doc, 0, 0, style.getWidth(), height, "none", "stroke-width", "2"));
// Horizontal line after head row.
g1.appendChild(SVGHelper.createLine(doc, 0, 50, style.getWidth(), 50, "stroke-width", "2"));
// Vertical line between Description and bar charts.
g1.appendChild(SVGHelper.createLine(doc, style.getTotalLabelWidth(), 50, style.getTotalLabelWidth(), height, "stroke-width", "2"));
return doc;
* Recalculates all start and end dates of all nodes and the earliest calculated start date and latest calculated end date.
* @return All visible nodes.
public Collection<GanttTask> recalculate()
fromDate = toDate = null;
final Collection<GanttTask> allVisibleGanttObjects = getAllVisibleGanttObjects(new ArrayList<GanttTask>(), rootNode);
for (final GanttTask node : allVisibleGanttObjects) {
Date periodStart = GanttUtils.getCalculatedStartDate(node);
Date periodEnd = GanttUtils.getCalculatedEndDate(node);
if (periodEnd == null) {
periodEnd = periodStart;
} else if (periodStart == null) {
periodStart = periodEnd;
if (fromDate == null) {
fromDate = periodStart;
} else if (periodStart != null && fromDate.after(periodStart) == true) {
fromDate = periodStart;
if (toDate == null) {
toDate = periodEnd;
} else if (periodEnd != null && toDate.before(periodEnd) == true) {
toDate = periodEnd;
this.calculatedStartDate = fromDate;
this.calculatedEndDate = toDate;
return allVisibleGanttObjects;
private void drawGanttObjects(final Document doc, final Element g, final Element diagram, final Element grid,
final Collection<GanttTask> allVisibleGanttObjects)
if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(rootNode.getChildren()) == true) {
boolean first = true;
for (final GanttTask node : allVisibleGanttObjects) {
if (node.isVisible() == false) {
final ObjectInfo taskInfo = getObjectInfo(node);
drawLabel(node, doc, g);
GanttObjectType type = node.getType();
if (type == null) {
if (node.hasDuration() == false) {
type = GanttObjectType.MILESTONE;
} else {
type = GanttObjectType.ACTIVITY;
if (node.getChildren() != null) {
for (final GanttTask child : node.getChildren()) {
if (child.isVisible() == true) {
type = GanttObjectType.SUMMARY;
} else {
if (type == GanttObjectType.MILESTONE == true && node.hasDuration() == true) {
// Milestones can't have durations. Change it to a normal activity.
type = GanttObjectType.ACTIVITY;
if (type == GanttObjectType.MILESTONE) {
// Type milestone and node has no duration.
drawMilestone(node, doc, diagram);
} else if (type == GanttObjectType.ACTIVITY) {
drawActivity(node, doc, diagram);
} else if (type == GanttObjectType.SUMMARY) {
drawSummary(node, doc, diagram);
} else {
log.error("Unsupported type: " + node.getType());
if (first == true) {
first = false;
} else {
grid.appendChild(SVGHelper.createLine(doc, 0, taskInfo.y, getDiagramWidth(), taskInfo.y));
private Collection<GanttTask> getAllVisibleGanttObjects(final Collection<GanttTask> col, final GanttTask node)
if (node != rootNode) {
if (node.isVisible() == true) {
if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(node.getChildren()) == true) {
return col;
for (final GanttTask child : node.getChildren()) {
getAllVisibleGanttObjects(col, child);
return col;
private void drawLabel(final GanttTask node, final Document doc, final Element labels)
int indent = 0;
GanttTask n = node;
while (true) {
n = rootNode.findParent(n.getId());
if (n == rootNode || n == null) {
if (n.isVisible() == true) {
final ObjectInfo taskInfo = getObjectInfo(node);
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(node.getWorkpackageCode()) == true && style.getWorkPackageLabelWidth() > 0) {
labels.appendChild(SVGHelper.createText(doc, 0 + indent * 5, taskInfo.y, node.getWorkpackageCode()));
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(node.getTitle()) == true) {
labels.appendChild(SVGHelper.createText(doc, style.getWorkPackageLabelWidth() + indent * 10, taskInfo.y, node.getTitle()));
private void drawSummary(final GanttTask node, final Document doc, final Element diagram)
final ObjectInfo taskInfo = getObjectInfo(node);
if (log.isDebugEnabled() == true) {
log.debug("Task added: fromDate=" + taskInfo.fromDate + " (x=" + taskInfo.x1 + "), toDate=" + taskInfo.toDate + " (x=" + taskInfo.x2);
double x1 = taskInfo.x1;
double x2 = taskInfo.x2;
double diagramWidth = getDiagramWidth();
if (x2 - GanttChartStyle.SUMMARY_ARROW_SIZE < 0 || x1 > diagramWidth) {
boolean drawLeftArrow = true;
boolean drawRightArrow = true;
if (x1 < 0) {
x1 = 0;
drawLeftArrow = false;
if (x2 > diagramWidth) {
x2 = diagramWidth;
drawRightArrow = false;
final double width = (x2 - x1);
if (width <= 0) {
diagram.appendChild(SVGHelper.createRect(doc, x1, taskInfo.y + 0.2 * style.getActivityHeight(), width, 0.8 * style.getActivityHeight(),
SVGColor.DARK_RED, "stroke", "none"));
if (drawLeftArrow == true) {
diagram.appendChild(SVGHelper.createUse(doc, "#redLeftArrow", taskInfo.x1, taskInfo.y + style.getActivityHeight()));
if (drawRightArrow == true) {
diagram.appendChild(SVGHelper.createUse(doc, "#redRightArrow", (taskInfo.x2 - GanttChartStyle.SUMMARY_ARROW_SIZE), taskInfo.y
+ style.getActivityHeight()));
drawDependency(node, GanttObjectType.SUMMARY, doc, diagram);
private void drawActivity(final GanttTask node, final Document doc, final Element diagram)
final ObjectInfo taskInfo = getObjectInfo(node);
if (taskInfo.isNaN() == true) {
// No start and end date given, do nothing:
if (log.isDebugEnabled() == true) {
log.debug("Activity added: fromDate="
+ taskInfo.fromDate
+ " (x="
+ taskInfo.x1
+ "), toDate="
+ taskInfo.toDate
+ " (x="
+ taskInfo.x2
+ ")");
if (taskInfo.x2 < taskInfo.x1) {
log.error("Oups, x2 < x1?: " + node);
double x1 = taskInfo.x1;
double x2 = taskInfo.x2;
double diagramWidth = getDiagramWidth();
if (x2 < 0 || x1 > diagramWidth) {
if (x1 < 0) {
x1 = 0;
if (x2 > diagramWidth) {
x2 = diagramWidth;
final double width = (x2 - x1);
if (width <= 0) {
final double y = taskInfo.y + style.getActivityHeight() / 2;
final double height = style.getActivityHeight();
if (style.isShowCompletion() == true) {
Integer completion = node.getProgress();
if (completion == null || completion < 0) {
completion = 0;
} else if (completion > 100) {
completion = 100;
final double width1 = width * completion / 100;
final double width2 = width - width1;
if (width1 > 0) {
diagram.appendChild(SVGHelper.createRect(doc, x1, y, width1, height, SVGColor.DARK_BLUE, SVGColor.DARK_BLUE));
if (width2 > 0) {
diagram.appendChild(SVGHelper.createRect(doc, x1 + width1, y, width2, height, SVGColor.LIGHT_BLUE, SVGColor.DARK_BLUE));
} else {
diagram.appendChild(SVGHelper.createRect(doc, x1, y, width, height, SVGColor.DARK_BLUE, SVGColor.NONE));
drawDependency(node, GanttObjectType.ACTIVITY, doc, diagram);
private void drawMilestone(final GanttTask node, final Document doc, final Element diagram)
final ObjectInfo taskInfo = getObjectInfo(node);
final Date date = taskInfo.fromDate != null ? taskInfo.fromDate : taskInfo.toDate;
if (date == null) {
// Neither start nor end date given, do nothing:
final double x = getXValue(date);
if (x < 0 || x > getDiagramWidth()) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled() == true) {
log.debug("Milestone added: date=" + date + " (x=" + x + ")");
diagram.appendChild(SVGHelper.createUse(doc, "#diamond", x, taskInfo.y + style.getYScale() / 2));
drawDependency(node, GanttObjectType.MILESTONE, doc, diagram);
private void drawDependency(final GanttTask node, final GanttObjectType objectType, final Document doc, final Element diagram)
final ObjectInfo taskInfo = getObjectInfo(node);
if (node.getPredecessor() != null) {
final double dist;
if (objectType == GanttObjectType.MILESTONE) {
dist = 5;
} else {
dist = 1;
final ObjectInfo depObjectInfo = getObjectInfo(node.getPredecessor());
if (depObjectInfo.isVisible() == true) {
final GanttRelationType type = node.getRelationType() != null ? node.getRelationType() : GanttRelationType.FINISH_START;
final double depX1;
final double depX2;
final double depY1 = depObjectInfo.y + style.getActivityHeight();
final double depY2 = taskInfo.y + style.getActivityHeight();
if (type == GanttRelationType.START_START) {
depX1 = depObjectInfo.x1;
depX2 = taskInfo.x1;
} else if (type == GanttRelationType.START_FINISH) {
depX1 = depObjectInfo.x1;
depX2 = taskInfo.x2;
} else if (type == GanttRelationType.FINISH_START) {
depX1 = depObjectInfo.x2;
depX2 = taskInfo.x1;
} else {
depX1 = depObjectInfo.x2;
depX2 = taskInfo.x2;
double diagramWidth = getDiagramWidth();
if (depX1 > 0 && depX1 < diagramWidth && depX2 > 0 && depX2 < diagramWidth) {
diagram.appendChild(SVGHelper.createPath(doc, SVGColor.NONE, 1, SVGColor.BLACK, SVGHelper.drawHorizontalConnectionLine(type,
depX1, depY1, depX2, depY2, style.getArrowMinXDist() + dist)));
if (type.isIn(GanttRelationType.FINISH_START, GanttRelationType.START_START) == true) {
diagram.appendChild(SVGHelper.createPath(doc, SVGColor.BLACK, 1, SVGColor.BLACK, SVGHelper.drawArrow(ArrowDirection.RIGHT,
depX2 - dist, depY2, style.getArrowSize())));
} else {
diagram.appendChild(SVGHelper.createPath(doc, SVGColor.BLACK, 1, SVGColor.BLACK, SVGHelper.drawArrow(ArrowDirection.LEFT, depX2
+ dist
/ 2, depY2, style.getArrowSize())));
} else if (log.isDebugEnabled() == true) {
log.debug("Depend on task is invisible, so cannot draw dependency.");
private double getDiagramWidth()
return style.getWidth() - style.getTotalLabelWidth();
private double getDiagramHeight()
return height - GanttChartStyle.HEAD_HEIGHT;
private double getXValue(final Date date)
if (date == null) {
return 0.0;
final DateHolder dh = new DateHolder(fromDate);
final int days = dh.daysBetween(date);
final int fromToDays = getFromToDays();
if (fromToDays == 0) {
return 0;
final int hourOfDay = new DateHolder(date).getHourOfDay();
return this.getDiagramWidth() * (days * 24 + hourOfDay) / (fromToDays * 24);
private int getFromToDays()
if (fromToDays < 0) {
final DateHolder dh = new DateHolder(fromDate);
fromToDays = dh.daysBetween(toDate);
return fromToDays;