package collide.shared.manifest;
import static xapi.util.X_String.join;
import xapi.gwtc.api.GwtManifest;
import xapi.log.X_Log;
import elemental.util.ArrayOf;
import elemental.util.ArrayOfString;
import elemental.util.Collections;
import elemental.util.MapFromStringTo;
public class CollideManifest {
protected static final char separator = '\t';// use tabs as separator, so spaces can be used within items.
protected static final String gwtEntry = "gwt"+separator;
protected static final String gwtc = "gwtc\n";
public static class GwtEntry {
public final String[] modules;
public final String[] sources;
public final String[] dependencies;
public GwtEntry(String modules, String sourcepath, String classpath, String extra) {
this.modules = modules.split("\\s+");
sources = sourcepath.split(";");// We use ; for path, so : can be used for maven artifacts
dependencies = classpath.split(";");
public String toString() {
return gwtEntry+join(" ", modules)+separator+join(";", sources)+separator+join(";", dependencies);
ArrayOf<GwtEntry> gwtEntries = Collections.arrayOf();
MapFromStringTo<GwtManifest> gwtcEntries = Collections.mapFromStringTo();
public CollideManifest(String raw) {
protected void parse(String raw) {
if (raw.length()==0)return;
for (String cmd : raw.split("\n")) {
public void addEntry(String cmd) {
cmd = cmd.replaceAll("\\s*$", "");
if (cmd.startsWith(gwtEntry)) {
public void addGwtEntry(GwtEntry cmd) {
for (int i = gwtEntries.length();i --> 0;){
if (equal(gwtEntries.get(i).modules, cmd.modules)) {
private boolean equal(String[] arr1, String[] arr2) {
int i = arr1.length;
if (i != arr2.length)
return false;
for (;i-->0;)
if (!arr1[i].equals(arr2[i]))
return false;
return true;
protected void parseGwtEntry(String entry) {
int from = entry.indexOf(separator);
if (from == -1 && bail("gwt-module",entry))
String modules = entry.substring(0, from);
int to = entry.indexOf(separator, ++from);
if (to == -1 && bail("gwt-sourcepath",entry))
String sourcepath = entry.substring(from, to);
from = to+1; // keep the syntax sane
to = entry.indexOf(separator, from);
String classpath;
String extra = "";
if (to == -1) {
if (from == entry.length()){
classpath = entry.substring(from);
} else {
classpath = entry.substring(from, to);
to = entry.indexOf(separator, to+1);
if (to != -1 && to < entry.length()) {
extra = entry.substring(to+1);
// There's some extra data to append
addGwtEntry(new GwtEntry(modules, sourcepath, classpath, extra));
private boolean bail(String type, String entry) {
X_Log.error("Invalid " +type+" entry: "+entry);
return true;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0, m = gwtEntries.length(); i < m; i++) {
ArrayOfString keys = gwtcEntries.keys();
for (int i = 0, m = keys.length(); i < m; i++) {
return b.toString();
public ArrayOf<GwtEntry> getGwtEntries() {
return gwtEntries.concat(Collections.<GwtEntry>arrayOf());
public void addGwtc(GwtManifest gwtc) {
gwtcEntries.put(gwtc.getModuleName(), gwtc);