// Copyright 2012 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package collide.client.filetree;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import collide.client.filetree.FileTreeModelNetworkController.OutgoingController;
import collide.client.treeview.TreeNodeElement;
import com.google.collide.client.bootstrap.BootstrapSession;
import com.google.collide.client.util.PathUtil;
import com.google.collide.client.util.logging.Log;
import com.google.collide.dto.DirInfo;
import com.google.collide.dto.Mutation;
import com.google.collide.dto.ServerError.FailureReason;
import com.google.collide.dto.WorkspaceTreeUpdate;
import com.google.collide.dto.client.DtoClientImpls.DirInfoImpl;
import com.google.collide.dto.client.DtoClientImpls.WorkspaceTreeUpdateImpl;
import com.google.collide.json.client.JsoArray;
import com.google.collide.json.shared.JsonArray;
import com.google.collide.shared.util.JsonCollections;
import com.google.collide.shared.util.StringUtils;
import com.google.common.base.Preconditions;
* Public API for interacting with the client side workspace file tree model.
* Also exposes callbacks for mutations that have been applied to the model.
* If you want to mutate the workspace file tree, which is a tree of
* {@link FileTreeNode}'s you need to go through here.
public class FileTreeModel {
* Callback interface for requesting the root node, potentially
* asynchronously.
public interface RootNodeRequestCallback {
void onRootNodeAvailable(FileTreeNode root);
* Callback interface for requesting a node, potentially asynchronously.
public interface NodeRequestCallback {
void onNodeAvailable(FileTreeNode node);
* Called if the node does not exist.
void onNodeUnavailable();
* Called if an error occurs while loading the node.
void onError(FailureReason reason);
* Callback interface for getting notified about changes to the workspace tree
* model that have been applied by the FileTreeController.
public interface TreeModelChangeListener {
* Notification that a node was added.
void onNodeAdded(PathUtil parentDirPath, FileTreeNode newNode);
* Notification that a node was moved/renamed.
* @param oldPath the old node path
* @param node the node that was moved, or null if the old path is not loaded. If both the old
* path and the new path are loaded, node == newNode and node's parent will be the target
* directory of the new path. If the new path is not loaded, node is the node that was in
* the old path.
* @param newPath the new node path
* @param newNode the new node, or null if the target directory is not loaded
void onNodeMoved(PathUtil oldPath, FileTreeNode node, PathUtil newPath, FileTreeNode newNode);
* Notification that a set of nodes was removed.
* @param oldNodes a list of nodes that we removed. Every node will still have its parent filled
void onNodesRemoved(JsonArray<FileTreeNode> oldNodes);
* Notification that a node was replaced (can be either a file or directory).
* @param oldNode the existing node that used to be in the file tree, or null if the workspace
* root is being set for the first time
* @param newNode the node that replaces the {@code oldNode}. This will be the same
* {@link FileTreeNode#getNodeType()} as the node it is replacing.
void onNodeReplaced(@Nullable FileTreeNode oldNode, FileTreeNode newNode);
* A {@link TreeModelChangeListener} which does not perform any operations in
* response to an event. Its only purpose is to allow clients to only override
* the events matter to them.
public abstract static class AbstractTreeModelChangeListener implements TreeModelChangeListener {
public void onNodeAdded(PathUtil parentDirPath, FileTreeNode newNode) {
// intentional no-op, clients should override if needed
public void onNodeMoved(
PathUtil oldPath, FileTreeNode node, PathUtil newPath, FileTreeNode newNode) {
// intentional no-op, clients should override if needed
public void onNodesRemoved(JsonArray<FileTreeNode> oldNodes) {
// intentional no-op, clients should override if needed
public void onNodeReplaced(FileTreeNode oldDir, FileTreeNode newDir) {
// intentional no-op, clients should override if needed
* A {@link TreeModelChangeListener} that performs the exact same action in
* response to any and all tree mutations.
public abstract static class BasicTreeModelChangeListener implements TreeModelChangeListener {
public abstract void onTreeModelChange();
public void onNodeAdded(PathUtil parentDirPath, FileTreeNode newNode) {
public void onNodeMoved(
PathUtil oldPath, FileTreeNode node, PathUtil newPath, FileTreeNode newNode) {
public void onNodesRemoved(JsonArray<FileTreeNode> oldNodes) {
public void onNodeReplaced(FileTreeNode oldDir, FileTreeNode newDir) {
private interface ChangeDispatcher {
void dispatch(TreeModelChangeListener changeListener);
private final JsoArray<TreeModelChangeListener> modelChangeListeners = JsoArray.create();
private final OutgoingController outgoingNetworkController;
private FileTreeNode workspaceRoot;
private boolean disableChangeNotifications;
* Tree revision that corresponds to the revision of the last
* successfully applied tree mutation that this client is aware of.
private String lastAppliedTreeMutationRevision = "0";
public FileTreeModel(
FileTreeModelNetworkController.OutgoingController outgoingNetworkController) {
this.outgoingNetworkController = outgoingNetworkController;
* Adds a node to our model by path.
public void addNode(PathUtil path, final FileTreeNode newNode, String workspaceRootId) {
if (workspaceRoot == null) {
// TODO: queue up this add?
Log.warn(getClass(), "Attempting to add a node before the root is set", path);
// Find the parent directory of the node.
final PathUtil parentDirPath = PathUtil.createExcludingLastN(path, 1);
FileTreeNode parentDir = getWorkspaceRoot().findChildNode(parentDirPath);
if (parentDir != null && parentDir.isComplete()) {
// The parent directory is complete, so add the node.
addNode(parentDir, newNode, workspaceRootId);
} else {
// The parent directory isn't complete, so do not add the node to the model, but update the
// workspace root id.
* Adds a node to the model under the specified parent node.
public void addNode(FileTreeNode parentDir, FileTreeNode childNode, String workspaceRootId) {
addNodeNoDispatch(parentDir, childNode);
dispatchAddNode(parentDir, childNode, workspaceRootId);
private void addNodeNoDispatch(final FileTreeNode parentDir, final FileTreeNode childNode) {
if (parentDir == null) {
Log.error(getClass(), "Trying to add a child to a null parent!", childNode);
Log.debug(getClass(), "Adding ", childNode, " - to - ", parentDir);
* Manually dispatch that a node was added.
void dispatchAddNode(
final FileTreeNode parentDir, final FileTreeNode childNode, final String workspaceRootId) {
dispatchModelChange(new ChangeDispatcher() {
public void dispatch(TreeModelChangeListener changeListener) {
changeListener.onNodeAdded(parentDir.getNodePath(), childNode);
}, workspaceRootId);
* Moves/renames a node in the model.
public void moveNode(
final PathUtil oldPath, final PathUtil newPath, final String workspaceRootId) {
if (workspaceRoot == null) {
// TODO: queue up this move?
Log.warn(getClass(), "Attempting to move a node before the root is set", oldPath);
// Remove the node from its old path if the old directory is complete.
final FileTreeNode oldNode = workspaceRoot.findChildNode(oldPath);
if (oldNode == null) {
* No node found at the old path - either it isn't loaded, or we optimistically updated
* already. Verify that one of those is the case.
Preconditions.checkState(workspaceRoot.findClosestChildNode(oldPath) != null ||
workspaceRoot.findChildNode(newPath) != null);
} else {
// Apply the new root id.
// Prepare a callback that will dispatch the onNodeMove event to listeners.
NodeRequestCallback callback = new NodeRequestCallback() {
public void onNodeAvailable(FileTreeNode newNode) {
* If we had to request the target directory, replace the target node with the oldNode to
* ensure that all properties (such as the rendered node and the fileEditSessionKey) are
* copied over correctly.
if (oldNode != null && newNode != null && newNode != oldNode) {
newNode = oldNode;
// Dispatch a change event.
final FileTreeNode finalNewNode = newNode;
dispatchModelChange(new ChangeDispatcher() {
public void dispatch(TreeModelChangeListener changeListener) {
changeListener.onNodeMoved(oldPath, oldNode, newPath, finalNewNode);
}, workspaceRootId);
public void onNodeUnavailable() {
// The node should be available because we are requesting the node using the root ID
// immediately after the move.
"Could not find moved node using the workspace root ID immediately after the move");
public void onError(FailureReason reason) {
// Error already logged.
// Request the target directory.
final PathUtil parentDirPath = PathUtil.createExcludingLastN(newPath, 1);
FileTreeNode parentDir = workspaceRoot.findChildNode(parentDirPath);
if (parentDir == null || !parentDir.isComplete()) {
if (oldNode == null) {
// Early exit if neither the old node nor the target directory is loaded.
} else {
// If the parent directory was not loaded, don't bother loading it.
} else {
if (oldNode == null) {
// The old node doesn't exist, so we need to force a refresh of the target directory's
// children by marking the target directory incomplete.
DirInfoImpl parentDirView = parentDir.cast();
} else {
// The old node exists and the target directory is loaded, so add the node to the target.
// Request the new node.
requestWorkspaceNode(newPath, callback);
* Removes a node from the model.
* @param toDelete the {@link FileTreeNode} we want to remove.
* @param workspaceRootId the new file tree revision
* @return the node that was deleted from the model. This will return
* {@code null} if the input node is null or if the input node does
* not have a parent. Meaning if the input node is the root, this
* method will return {@code null}.
public FileTreeNode removeNode(final FileTreeNode toDelete, String workspaceRootId) {
// If we found a node at the specified path, then remove it.
if (deleteNodeNoDispatch(toDelete)) {
final JsonArray<FileTreeNode> deletedNode = JsonCollections.createArray(toDelete);
dispatchModelChange(new ChangeDispatcher() {
public void dispatch(TreeModelChangeListener changeListener) {
}, workspaceRootId);
return toDelete;
return null;
* Removes a set of nodes from the model.
* @param toDelete the {@link PathUtil}s for the nodes we want to remove.
* @param workspaceRootId the new file tree revision
* @return the nodes that were deleted from the model. This will return an
* empty list if we try to add a node before we have a root node set,
* or if the specified path does not exist..
public JsonArray<FileTreeNode> removeNodes(
final JsonArray<PathUtil> toDelete, String workspaceRootId) {
if (workspaceRoot == null) {
// TODO: queue up this remove?
Log.warn(getClass(), "Attempting to remove nodes before the root is set");
return null;
final JsonArray<FileTreeNode> deletedNodes = JsonCollections.createArray();
for (int i = 0; i < toDelete.size(); i++) {
FileTreeNode node = workspaceRoot.findChildNode(toDelete.get(i));
if (deleteNodeNoDispatch(node)) {
if (deletedNodes.size() == 0) {
// if none of the nodes created a need to update the UI, just return an
// empty list.
return deletedNodes;
dispatchModelChange(new ChangeDispatcher() {
public void dispatch(TreeModelChangeListener changeListener) {
}, workspaceRootId);
return deletedNodes;
* Deletes a single node (does not update the UI).
private boolean deleteNodeNoDispatch(FileTreeNode node) {
if (node == null || node.getParent() == null) {
return false;
FileTreeNode parent = node.getParent();
// Guard against someone installing a node of the same name in the parent
// (meaning we are already gone.
if (!node.equals(parent.getChildNode(node.getName()))) {
// This means that the node we are removing from the tree is already
// effectively removed from where it thinks it is.
return false;
return true;
* Replaces either the root node for this tree model, or replaces an existing directory node, or
* replaces an existing file node.
public void replaceNode(PathUtil path, final FileTreeNode newNode, String workspaceRootId) {
if (newNode == null) {
if (PathUtil.WORKSPACE_ROOT.equals(path)) {
// Install the workspace root.
final FileTreeNode oldDir = workspaceRoot;
workspaceRoot = newNode;
dispatchModelChange(new ChangeDispatcher() {
public void dispatch(TreeModelChangeListener changeListener) {
changeListener.onNodeReplaced(oldDir, newNode);
}, workspaceRootId);
} else {
// Patch the model if there is one.
if (workspaceRoot != null) {
final FileTreeNode nodeToReplace = workspaceRoot.findChildNode(path);
// Note. We do not support patching subtrees that don't already
// exist. This subtree must have already existed, or have been
// preceded by an ADD or COPY mutation.
if (nodeToReplace == null) {
dispatchModelChange(new ChangeDispatcher() {
public void dispatch(TreeModelChangeListener changeListener) {
changeListener.onNodeReplaced(nodeToReplace, newNode);
}, workspaceRootId);
* @return the current value of the workspaceRoot. Potentially {@code null} if
* the model has not yet been populated.
public FileTreeNode getWorkspaceRoot() {
return workspaceRoot;
* Asks for the root node, potentially asynchronously if the model is not yet
* populated. If the root node is already available then the callback will be
* invoked synchronously.
public void requestWorkspaceRoot(final RootNodeRequestCallback callback) {
FileTreeNode rootNode = getWorkspaceRoot();
if (rootNode == null) {
// Wait for the model to be populated.
addModelChangeListener(new AbstractTreeModelChangeListener() {
public void onNodeReplaced(FileTreeNode oldNode, FileTreeNode newNode) {
"Unexpected non-workspace root subtree replaced before workspace root was replaced: "
+ newNode.toString());
// Should be resilient to concurrent modification!
* Adds a {@link TreeModelChangeListener} to be notified of mutations applied
* by the FileTreeController to the underlying workspace file tree model.
* @param modelChangeListener the listener we are adding
public void addModelChangeListener(TreeModelChangeListener modelChangeListener) {
* Removes a {@link TreeModelChangeListener} from the set of listeners
* subscribed to model changes.
public void removeModelChangeListener(TreeModelChangeListener modelChangeListener) {
public void setDisableChangeNotifications(boolean disable) {
this.disableChangeNotifications = disable;
private void dispatchModelChange(ChangeDispatcher dispatcher, String workspaceRootId) {
// Update the tracked tip ID.
if (disableChangeNotifications) {
JsoArray<TreeModelChangeListener> copy = modelChangeListeners.slice(
0, modelChangeListeners.size());
for (int i = 0, n = copy.size(); i < n; i++) {
* @return the file tree revision associated with the last seen Tree mutation.
public String getLastAppliedTreeMutationRevision() {
return lastAppliedTreeMutationRevision;
* Bumps the tracked Root ID for the last applied tree mutation, if the
* version happens to be larger than the version we are tracking.
public void maybeSetLastAppliedTreeMutationRevision(String lastAppliedTreeMutationRevision) {
// TODO: Ensure numeric comparison survives ID obfuscation.
try {
long newRevision = StringUtils.toLong(lastAppliedTreeMutationRevision);
long lastRevision = StringUtils.toLong(this.lastAppliedTreeMutationRevision);
this.lastAppliedTreeMutationRevision = (newRevision > lastRevision)
? lastAppliedTreeMutationRevision : this.lastAppliedTreeMutationRevision;
// TODO: this should be monotonically increasing; if it's not, we missed an update.
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
Log.error(getClass(), "Root ID is not a numeric long!", lastAppliedTreeMutationRevision);
* Folks that want to mutate the file tree should obtain a skeletal {@link WorkspaceTreeUpdate}
* using this factory method.
public WorkspaceTreeUpdateImpl makeEmptyTreeUpdate() {
if (this.lastAppliedTreeMutationRevision == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Attempted to mutate the tree before the workspace file tree was loaded at least once!");
return WorkspaceTreeUpdateImpl.make()
* Calculates the list of expanded paths. The list only contains the paths of the deepest expanded
* directories. Parent directories are assumed to be open as well.
* @return the list of expanded paths, or null if the workspace root is not loaded
public JsoArray<String> calculateExpandedPaths() {
// Early exit if the root isn't loaded yet.
if (workspaceRoot == null) {
return null;
// Walk the tree looking for expanded paths.
JsoArray<String> expandedPaths = JsoArray.create();
calculateExpandedPathsRecursive(workspaceRoot, expandedPaths);
return expandedPaths;
* Calculates the list of expanded paths beneath the specified node and adds them to expanded
* path. If none of the children
* @param node the directory containing the expanded paths
* @param expandedPaths the running list of expanded paths
private void calculateExpandedPathsRecursive(FileTreeNode node, JsoArray<String> expandedPaths) {
assert node.isDirectory() : "node must be a directory";
// Check if the directory is expanded. The root is always expanded.
if (node != workspaceRoot) {
TreeNodeElement<FileTreeNode> dirElem = node.getRenderedTreeNode();
if (!dirElem.isOpen()) {
// Recursively search for expanded subdirectories.
int expandedPathsCount = expandedPaths.size();
DirInfoImpl dir = node.cast();
JsonArray<DirInfo> subDirs = dir.getSubDirectories();
if (subDirs != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < subDirs.size(); i++) {
DirInfo subDir = subDirs.get(i);
calculateExpandedPathsRecursive((FileTreeNode) subDir, expandedPaths);
// Add this directory if none of its descendants were added.
if (expandedPathsCount == expandedPaths.size()) {
* Asks for the node at the specified path, potentially asynchronously if the model does not yet
* contain the node. If the node is already available then the callback will be invoked
* synchronously.
* @param path the path to the node, which must be a file (not a directory)
* @param callback the callback to invoke when the node is ready
public void requestWorkspaceNode(final PathUtil path, final NodeRequestCallback callback) {
outgoingNetworkController.requestWorkspaceNode(this, path, callback);
* Asks for the children of the specified node.
* @param node a directory node
* @param callback an optional callback that will be notified once the children are fetched. If
* null, this method will alert the user if there was an error
public void requestDirectoryChildren(FileTreeNode node,
@Nullable final NodeRequestCallback callback) {
outgoingNetworkController.requestDirectoryChildren(this, node, callback);