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package org.nbphpcouncil.modules.php.yii;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import javax.swing.JComponent;
import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener;
import org.nbphpcouncil.modules.php.yii.preferences.YiiPreferences;
import org.nbphpcouncil.modules.php.yii.ui.options.YiiCustomizerPanel;
import org.nbphpcouncil.modules.php.yii.validators.YiiCustomizerValidator;
import org.netbeans.modules.php.api.phpmodule.PhpModule;
import org.netbeans.modules.php.api.validation.ValidationResult;
import org.netbeans.modules.php.spi.framework.PhpModuleCustomizerExtender;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileObject;
import org.openide.util.HelpCtx;
import org.openide.util.NbBundle;
* @author junichi11
public class YiiPhpModuleCustomizerExtender extends PhpModuleCustomizerExtender {
private YiiCustomizerPanel component;
private final boolean isEnabled;
private final boolean useAutoCreateView;
private final boolean isFallbackToDefaultViews;
private final String systemPath;
private final String applicationPath;
private final String ziiPath;
private final String extPath;
private final String controllersPath;
private final String viewsPath;
private final String themesPath;
private final String messagesPath;
private boolean isValid;
private String errorMessage;
private final PhpModule phpModule;
public YiiPhpModuleCustomizerExtender(PhpModule phpModule) {
this.phpModule = phpModule;
isEnabled = YiiPreferences.isEnabled(phpModule);
useAutoCreateView = YiiPreferences.useAutoCreateView(phpModule);
isFallbackToDefaultViews = YiiPreferences.isFallbackToDefaultViews(phpModule);
systemPath = YiiPreferences.getSystemPath(phpModule);
applicationPath = YiiPreferences.getApplicationPath(phpModule);
ziiPath = YiiPreferences.getZiiPath(phpModule);
extPath = YiiPreferences.getExtPath(phpModule);
controllersPath = YiiPreferences.getControllersPath(phpModule);
viewsPath = YiiPreferences.getViewsPath(phpModule);
themesPath = YiiPreferences.getThemesPath(phpModule);
messagesPath = YiiPreferences.getMessagesPath(phpModule);
public String getDisplayName() {
return Bundle.LBL_Yii();
public void addChangeListener(ChangeListener listener) {
public void removeChangeListener(ChangeListener listener) {
public JComponent getComponent() {
return getPanel();
public HelpCtx getHelp() {
return null;
public boolean isValid() {
return isValid;
public String getErrorMessage() {
return errorMessage;
@NbBundle.Messages("YiiModuleCustomizerExtender.error.source.invalid=Can't find source directory. Project might be broken.")
private void validate() {
YiiCustomizerPanel panel = getPanel();
if (!(panel.isEnabledPlugin())) {
isValid = true;
errorMessage = null;
// source directory
FileObject sourceDirectory = phpModule.getSourceDirectory();
if (sourceDirectory == null) {
// project may be broken
isValid = false;
errorMessage = Bundle.YiiModuleCustomizerExtender_error_source_invalid();
// validate
YiiCustomizerValidator validator = new YiiCustomizerValidator()
.validateDirectory(sourceDirectory, panel.getSystemPath())
.validateDirectory(sourceDirectory, panel.getApplicationPath())
.validateDirectory(sourceDirectory, panel.getZiiPath())
.validateDirectory(sourceDirectory, panel.getExtPath())
.validateDirectory(sourceDirectory, panel.getControllersPath())
.validateDirectory(sourceDirectory, panel.getViewsPath())
.validateDirectory(sourceDirectory, panel.getThemesPath())
.validateDirectory(sourceDirectory, panel.getMessagesPath());
ValidationResult result = validator.getResult();
if (result.hasWarnings()) {
isValid = false;
errorMessage = result.getWarnings().get(0).getMessage();
// no problem
isValid = true;
errorMessage = null;
public EnumSet<Change> save(PhpModule phpModule) {
EnumSet<Change> change = EnumSet.noneOf(Change.class);
boolean isEnabledForPanel = getPanel().isEnabledPlugin();
if (isEnabled != isEnabledForPanel) {
YiiPreferences.setEnabled(phpModule, isEnabledForPanel);
change = EnumSet.of(Change.FRAMEWORK_CHANGE);
if (isEnabledForPanel) {
// paths
String systemPathForPanel = getPanel().getSystemPath();
if (!systemPath.equals(systemPathForPanel)) {
YiiPreferences.setSystemPath(phpModule, systemPathForPanel);
String applicationPathForPanel = getPanel().getApplicationPath();
if (!applicationPath.equals(applicationPathForPanel)) {
YiiPreferences.setApplicationPath(phpModule, applicationPathForPanel);
String ziiPathForPanel = getPanel().getZiiPath();
if (!ziiPath.equals(ziiPathForPanel)) {
YiiPreferences.setZiiPath(phpModule, ziiPathForPanel);
String extPathForPanel = getPanel().getExtPath();
if (!extPath.equals(extPathForPanel)) {
YiiPreferences.setExtPath(phpModule, extPathForPanel);
String controllerPathForPanel = getPanel().getControllersPath();
if (!controllersPath.equals(controllerPathForPanel)) {
YiiPreferences.setControllersPath(phpModule, controllerPathForPanel);
String viewsPathForPanel = getPanel().getViewsPath();
if (!viewsPath.equals(viewsPathForPanel)) {
YiiPreferences.setViewsPath(phpModule, viewsPathForPanel);
String themesPathForPanel = getPanel().getThemesPath();
if (!themesPath.equals(themesPathForPanel)) {
YiiPreferences.setThemesPath(phpModule, themesPathForPanel);
String messagesPathForPanel = getPanel().getMessagesPath();
if (!messagesPath.equals(messagesPathForPanel)) {
YiiPreferences.setMessagesPath(phpModule, messagesPathForPanel);
// init directories
YiiModule yiiModule = YiiModuleFactory.create(phpModule);
if (yiiModule != null) {
boolean useAutoCreateViewForPanel = getPanel().useAutoCreateView();
if (useAutoCreateView != useAutoCreateViewForPanel) {
YiiPreferences.setAutoCreateViewFile(phpModule, useAutoCreateViewForPanel);
boolean isFallbackToDefaultViewsForPanel = getPanel().isFallbackToDefaultViews();
if (isFallbackToDefaultViews != isFallbackToDefaultViewsForPanel) {
YiiPreferences.setFallbackToDefaultViews(phpModule, isFallbackToDefaultViewsForPanel);
return change;
private YiiCustomizerPanel getPanel() {
if (component == null) {
component = new YiiCustomizerPanel();
return component;