* This file is a part of Angry IP Scanner source code,
* see http://www.angryip.org/ for more information.
* Licensed under GPLv2.
package net.azib.ipscan.gui;
import net.azib.ipscan.config.GUIConfig;
import net.azib.ipscan.config.Labels;
import net.azib.ipscan.core.ScanningResult;
import net.azib.ipscan.core.ScanningResult.ResultType;
import net.azib.ipscan.core.ScanningResultList;
import net.azib.ipscan.core.state.ScanningState;
import net.azib.ipscan.core.state.StateMachine;
import net.azib.ipscan.core.state.StateMachine.Transition;
import net.azib.ipscan.core.state.StateTransitionListener;
import net.azib.ipscan.fetchers.CommentFetcher;
import net.azib.ipscan.fetchers.Fetcher;
import net.azib.ipscan.fetchers.FetcherRegistry;
import net.azib.ipscan.fetchers.FetcherRegistryUpdateListener;
import net.azib.ipscan.gui.actions.ColumnsActions;
import net.azib.ipscan.gui.actions.CommandsMenuActions;
import net.azib.ipscan.gui.actions.ScanMenuActions;
import net.azib.ipscan.gui.actions.ToolsActions;
import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Image;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.*;
import java.util.List;
* Table of scanning results.
* @author Anton Keks
public class ResultTable extends Table implements FetcherRegistryUpdateListener, StateTransitionListener {
private ScanningResultList scanningResults;
private GUIConfig guiConfig;
private FetcherRegistry fetcherRegistry;
private Image[] listImages = new Image[ResultType.values().length];
private Listener columnClickListener;
private Listener columnResizeListener;
public ResultTable(Composite parent, GUIConfig guiConfig, FetcherRegistry fetcherRegistry, ScanningResultList scanningResultList, StateMachine stateMachine, ColumnsActions.ColumnClick columnClickListener, ColumnsActions.ColumnResize columnResizeListener) {
this.guiConfig = guiConfig;
this.scanningResults = scanningResultList;
this.fetcherRegistry = fetcherRegistry;
this.columnClickListener = columnClickListener;
this.columnResizeListener = columnResizeListener;
// add columns according to fetchers
// load button images
listImages[ResultType.UNKNOWN.ordinal()] = new Image(null, Labels.getInstance().getImageAsStream("list.unknown.img"));
listImages[ResultType.DEAD.ordinal()] = new Image(null, Labels.getInstance().getImageAsStream("list.dead.img"));
listImages[ResultType.ALIVE.ordinal()] = new Image(null, Labels.getInstance().getImageAsStream("list.alive.img"));
listImages[ResultType.WITH_PORTS.ordinal()] = new Image(null, Labels.getInstance().getImageAsStream("list.addinfo.img"));
addListener(SWT.KeyDown, new CommandsMenuActions.Delete(this, stateMachine));
addListener(SWT.KeyDown, new CommandsMenuActions.CopyIP(this));
addListener(SWT.KeyDown, new ToolsActions.SelectAll(this));
// this one populates table dynamically, taking data from ScanningResultList
addListener(SWT.SetData, new SetDataListener());
// listen to state machine events
* Rebuild column list according to selected fetchers
public void handleUpdateOfSelectedFetchers(FetcherRegistry fetcherRegistry) {
// remove all items (otherwise they will be shown incorrectly)
// remove all columns
for (TableColumn column : getColumns()) {
// add the new selected columns back
for (Fetcher fetcher : fetcherRegistry.getSelectedFetchers()) {
TableColumn tableColumn = new TableColumn(this, SWT.NONE);
tableColumn.setData(fetcher); // this is used in some listeners in ColumnsActions
tableColumn.addListener(SWT.Selection, columnClickListener);
tableColumn.addListener(SWT.Resize, columnResizeListener);
public void updateColumnNames() {
int i = 0;
for (Fetcher fetcher : fetcherRegistry.getSelectedFetchers()) {
protected void checkSubclass() {
// This method is overridden and does nothing in order to
// be able to subclass the Table. We are not going to
// override anything important, so this should be safe (tm)
* Adds the specified results holder to the table and registers it
* in the ScanningResultList instance or just redraws the corresponding row
* if the result is already present.
* <p/>
* Note: this method may be called from any thread.
* @param result
public void addOrUpdateResultRow(final ScanningResult result) {
if (isDisposed())
getDisplay().asyncExec(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if (isDisposed())
if (scanningResults.isRegistered(result)) {
// just redraw the item
int index = scanningResults.update(result);
else {
// first register, then add - otherwise first redraw may fail (the table is virtual)
int index = getItemCount();
scanningResults.registerAtIndex(index, result);
// setItemCount(index+1) - this seems to rebuild TableItems inside, so is slower
new TableItem(ResultTable.this, SWT.NONE);
* Forces all elements to be redrawn
public void updateResults() {
* Changes the specified value
* @param fetcherId
* @param newValue
public void updateResult(int index, String fetcherId, Object newValue) {
int fetcherIndex = fetcherRegistry.getSelectedFetcherIndex(CommentFetcher.ID);
if (fetcherIndex >= 0) {
// update the value in the results
scanningResults.getResult(index).setValue(fetcherIndex, newValue);
// update visual representation
* Returns the currently seelcted resusult
* @return
public ScanningResult getSelectedResult() {
int selectedIndex = getSelectionIndex();
return scanningResults.getResult(selectedIndex);
public void remove(int[] indices) {
// we need to remove the elements from our real storage as well
// TODO: this is VERY slow if there are a lot of items (eg 300k), due to the Control.sort() that is called inside to sort the indices
public void removeAll() {
if (ScanMenuActions.isLoadedFromFile) {
// remove all items from the real storage first
* Resets selected items as if they were just added to the table.
* This is used for removing of any scanned data for rescanning of items.
public void resetSelection() {
int[] selectionIndices = getSelectionIndices();
// clear scanning results
for (int itemNum : selectionIndices) {
// redraw items in the table
* @return the internal ScanningResultList instance, containing the results.
public ScanningResultList getScanningResults() {
return scanningResults;
* This listener is used for displaying the real results in the table, on demand.
final class SetDataListener implements Listener {
public void handleEvent(Event event) {
TableItem item = (TableItem)event.item;
int tableIndex = indexOf(item);
ScanningResult scanningResult = scanningResults.getResult(tableIndex);
List<?> values = scanningResult.getValues();
String[] resultStrings = new String[values.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) {
Object value = values.get(i);
if (value != null)
resultStrings[i] = value.toString();
item.setImage(0, listImages[scanningResult.getType().ordinal()]);
public void transitionTo(ScanningState state, Transition transition) {
// change cursor while scanning
setCursor(getDisplay().getSystemCursor(state == ScanningState.IDLE ? SWT.CURSOR_ARROW : SWT.CURSOR_APPSTARTING));