* This file is a part of Angry IP Scanner source code,
* see http://www.angryip.org/ for more information.
* Licensed under GPLv2.
package net.azib.ipscan.fetchers;
import net.azib.ipscan.config.LoggerFactory;
import net.azib.ipscan.core.ScanningSubject;
import net.azib.ipscan.util.NetBIOSResolver;
import java.net.SocketException;
import java.net.SocketTimeoutException;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import static java.util.logging.Level.WARNING;
* NetBIOSInfoFetcher - gathers NetBIOS info about Windows machines.
* Provided for feature-compatibility with version 2.x
* @author Anton Keks
public class NetBIOSInfoFetcher extends AbstractFetcher {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger();
public String getId() {
return "fetcher.netbios";
public Object scan(ScanningSubject subject) {
NetBIOSResolver netbios = null;
try {
netbios = new NetBIOSResolver(subject.getAdaptedPortTimeout());
String[] names = netbios.resolve(subject.getAddress());
if (names == null) return null;
String computerName = names[0];
String userName = names[1];
String groupName = names[2];
String macAddress = names[3];
return (groupName != null ? groupName + "\\" : "") +
(userName != null ? userName + "@" : "") +
computerName + " [" + macAddress + "]";
catch (SocketTimeoutException e) {
// this is not a derivative of SocketException
return null;
catch (SocketException e) {
// this includes PortUnreachableException
return null;
catch (Exception e) {
// bugs?
LOG.log(WARNING, null, e);
return null;
finally {
if (netbios != null) netbios.close();