* Helper to store and retrieve global and per project preferences.
package org.netbeans.modules.php.drupaldevel;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.prefs.Preferences;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import org.openide.modules.InstalledFileLocator;
import org.openide.util.NbPreferences;
import org.netbeans.api.project.ProjectUtils;
import org.netbeans.api.project.Project;
import org.netbeans.api.project.SourceGroup;
import org.netbeans.api.project.Sources;
* @author Jamie Holly <jamie@hollyit.net>
public final class DrupalDevelPreferences {
private static final String DRUPAL_VERSION = "version"; // NOI18N
private static final String DRUPAL_LIBRARY_PATH = "librarypath"; // NOI18N
private static final String DRUPAL_DRUSH_PATH = "drushpath"; // NOI18N
private static final String DRUPAL_PATH = "drupalpath"; // NOI18N
private static final String DRUPAL_DEFAULT_VERSION = "6"; // NOI18N
private DrupalDevelPreferences() {
* Retrieves the Drupal version for a specific module. If the version is not found
* then the global default version is returned
* @param phpModule the phpModule to retrieve the version for
* @return a string containing the Drupal version
public static String getDrupalVersion(Project phpModule) {
Preferences preferences = getPreferences(phpModule);
String drupalVersion = preferences.get(DRUPAL_VERSION, "");
if (drupalVersion.equals("") || drupalVersion.equals("Default")) {
drupalVersion = getDefaultDrupalVersion();
return drupalVersion;
* Returns the global default Drupal version as set in the options window.
* If that option is not set then the hard coded default version is returned
* @return A string containing the default Drupal version
public static String getDefaultDrupalVersion() {
String version = NbPreferences.forModule(DrupalDevelTool.class).get("drupalVersion", "");
if (version.equals("")) {
return version;
* Stores the project specific Drupal version in private.properties file of the project
* @param phpModule The phpModule the setting applies to
* @param drupalVersion A string containing the numeric Drupal version.
public static void setDrupalVersion(Project phpModule, String drupalVersion) {
getPreferences(phpModule).put(DRUPAL_VERSION, drupalVersion);
* Stores the global default Drupal version as defined in the options window
* @param drupalVersion A string containing the numeric Drupal version.
public static void setDefaultDrupalVersion(String drupalVersion) {
NbPreferences.forModule(DrupalDevelTool.class).put("drupalVersion", drupalVersion);
* Helper function to return the preference for a PHP project
* @param phpModule the phpModule to retrieve the preference for
* @return the Preference or null if not set.
private static Preferences getPreferences(Project phpModule) {
try {
return ProjectUtils.getPreferences(phpModule, DrupalDevelPreferences.class, false);
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
* Returns the default library path as set in the options window. If the library path
* is not set or is invalid then the default cluster files are used.
* @return A string containing the absolute path to the library files.
public static String getDefaultLibraryPath() {
String path = NbPreferences.forModule(DrupalDevelTool.class).get("drupalLibraryPath", "");
File f = new File(path);
return path;
* Retrieves the cluster installation library path
* @return a string containing the absolute path to the cluster library
public static String libraryInstallPath() {
File emulatorBinary = InstalledFileLocator.getDefault().locate(
"DrupalDevel", "org.netbeans.modules.php.dupaldevel", false);
String path = emulatorBinary.getAbsolutePath();
return path;
* Stores the system wide library path as defined under the options window
* @param path A string containing the absolute path to the library
public static void setDefaultLibraryPath(String path) {
NbPreferences.forModule(DrupalDevelTool.class).put("drupalLibraryPath", path);
* Retrieve the library path for a given project or the global default if the library
* path is not set in the project properties window.
* @param phpModule The phpModule to perform the lookup on
* @return A string containing the absolute path to the library files.
public static String getLibraryPath(Project phpModule) {
return getLibraryPath(phpModule, true);
public static String getLibraryPath(Project phpModule, Boolean includeDefault) {
Preferences preferences = getPreferences(phpModule);
String drupalVersion = preferences.get(DRUPAL_LIBRARY_PATH, "");
if (includeDefault && (drupalVersion.isEmpty() || drupalVersion.equals(""))) {
drupalVersion = getDefaultLibraryPath();
return drupalVersion;
* Sets the projects library path in the project's private.properties file
* @param phpModule the phpModule to save the setting with
* @param path A string containing the absolute path to the library
public static void setLibraryPath(Project phpModule, String path) {
getPreferences(phpModule).put(DRUPAL_LIBRARY_PATH, path);
* A helper function searching for key items required in a library path.
* @param path A string containing the absolute path to the library
* @return TRUE if the library is valid, otherwise returns FALSE;
public static Boolean validateLibraryPath(String path) {
Boolean hasCode = false;
Boolean hasFiles = false;
ArrayList items = libraryParser.parseTree(path);
for (int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) {
String item = items.get(i).toString();
if (item.equals("code")) {
hasCode = true;
if (item.equals("files")) {
hasFiles = true;
return hasCode && hasFiles;
* Sets the projects library path in the project's private.properties file
* @param phpModule the phpModule to save the setting with
* @param path A string containing the absolute path to the library
public static void setDrushPath(String path) {
NbPreferences.forModule(DrupalDevelTool.class).put("drupalDrushPath", path);
* Retrieve the library path for a given project or the global default if the library
* path is not set in the project properties window.
* @param phpModule The phpModule to perform the lookup on
* @return A string containing the absolute path to the library files.
public static String getDrushPath() {
String path = NbPreferences.forModule(DrupalDevelTool.class).get("drupalDrushPath", "");
return path;
* A helper function searching for key items required in a library path.
* @param path A string containing the absolute path to the library
* @return TRUE if the library is valid, otherwise returns FALSE;
public static Boolean validateDrushPath(String path) {
Boolean hasCode = false;
File list = new File(path);
File[] children = list.listFiles();
ArrayList items = libraryParser.parseTree(path);
if (children != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
if (children[i].getName().equals("drush")) {
hasCode = true;
return hasCode;
public static String getDrushIncludePath() {
File emulatorBinary = InstalledFileLocator.getDefault().locate(
"NBDrush", "org.netbeans.modules.php.dupaldevel", false);
String path = emulatorBinary.getAbsolutePath();
return path;
* Retrieve the library path for a given project or the global default if the library
* path is not set in the project properties window.
* @param phpModule The phpModule to perform the lookup on
* @return A string containing the absolute path to the library files.
public static String getDrupalPath(Project phpModule) {
Preferences preferences = getPreferences(phpModule);
String drupalVersion = preferences.get(DRUPAL_PATH, "");
return drupalVersion;
* Sets the projects library path in the project's private.properties file
* @param phpModule the phpModule to save the setting with
* @param path A string containing the absolute path to the library
public static void setDrupalPath(Project phpModule, String path) {
getPreferences(phpModule).put(DRUPAL_PATH, path);
public static String getSourceDirectory(Project project) {
String path = "";
Sources sources = (Sources) project.getLookup().lookup(Sources.class);
SourceGroup[] groups = sources.getSourceGroups(Sources.TYPE_GENERIC);
for (int i=0; i<groups.length; i++){
if (groups[i].getName().equals("${src.dir}")){
path = groups[i].getRootFolder().getPath();
return path;