Package org.xwiki.test.selenium.framework

Source Code of org.xwiki.test.selenium.framework.AbstractXWikiTestCase

* See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional
* information regarding copyright ownership.
* This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
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package org.xwiki.test.selenium.framework;

import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Properties;

import junit.framework.TestCase;

import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.Keys;
import org.openqa.selenium.OutputType;
import org.openqa.selenium.Point;
import org.openqa.selenium.TakesScreenshot;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;
import org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Actions;
import org.openqa.selenium.internal.WrapsDriver;

import com.thoughtworks.selenium.Selenium;
import com.thoughtworks.selenium.SeleniumException;
import com.thoughtworks.selenium.Wait;

* All XWiki Selenium tests must extend this class.
* @version $Id: 49c5282331085688b528e365af7d0112f374b248 $
public abstract class AbstractXWikiTestCase extends TestCase implements SkinExecutor
    public static final String BASEDIR = System.getProperty("basedir");

    public static final String DOC = "selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.";

    private static final int WAIT_TIME = 30000;

    private SkinExecutor skinExecutor;

    private Selenium selenium;

    /** Cached secret token. TODO cache for each user. */
    private static String secretToken = null;

     * @return the {@link WebDriver} instance
    protected WebDriver getDriver()
        return ((WrapsDriver) getSelenium()).getWrappedDriver();

    public void setSkinExecutor(SkinExecutor skinExecutor)
        this.skinExecutor = skinExecutor;

    public SkinExecutor getSkinExecutor()
        if (this.skinExecutor == null) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Skin executor hasn't been initialized. Make sure to wrap " + "your test in a "
                + XWikiTestSuite.class.getName() + " class and call "
                + " addTestSuite(Class testClass, SkinExecutor skinExecutor).");
        return this.skinExecutor;

    public void setSelenium(Selenium selenium)
        this.selenium = selenium;

    public Selenium getSelenium()
        return this.selenium;

    protected void setUp() throws Exception

        // Print test name for easier parsing of Selenium logs
        System.out.println("Test: " + getName());

        if (AbstractXWikiTestCase.secretToken == null) {

        // Reset the mouse position before each test to avoid having hovered elements at the start of the test (e.g.
        // menus that react to mouse hover can hide page elements that the test is going to click on).
        if (!selenium.isElementPresent("//body")) {
            open(getName(), "PageThatDoesNotExist");
        // (0, 0) is sometimes interpreted as (0, -1) which is outside of the window so we're using (1, 1) for now.
        new Actions(getDriver()).moveToElement(getDriver().findElement(By.xpath("//body")), 1, 1).perform();

     * Capture test failures in order to output the HTML for easier debugging + take screenshot.
    public void runBare() throws Throwable
        Throwable exception = null;
        try {
        } catch (Throwable running) {
            exception = running;
            // Take screenshot before the tear down to ensure we take a picture of the real problem.
        } finally {
            try {
            } catch (Throwable tearingDown) {
                if (exception == null)
                    exception = tearingDown;
        if (exception != null)
            throw exception;

    private void takeScreenShot() throws Throwable
        try {
            // Selenium method execution results are logged automatically by Selenium so just calling getHtmlSource
            // is enough to have it in the logs.

            // Create directory where to store screenshots
            String screenshotDir = BASEDIR;
            if (!screenshotDir.endsWith(System.getProperty("file.separator"))) {
                screenshotDir = screenshotDir + System.getProperty("file.separator");
            screenshotDir =
                screenshotDir + "target" + System.getProperty("file.separator") + "selenium-screenshots"
                    + System.getProperty("file.separator");
            new File(screenshotDir).mkdirs();

            // Capture screenshot
            String testName = this.getClass().getName() + "-" + getName();
            File screenshotFile = new File(screenshotDir, testName + ".png");
            FileUtils.copyFile(((TakesScreenshot) getDriver()).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE), screenshotFile);
            throw new Exception(String.format("Screenshot for failing test [%s] saved at [%s]", testName,
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            // Don't throw any exception generated by the debugging steps

    // Convenience methods wrapping Selenium

    public void open(String url)

    public void open(String space, String page)
        open(getUrl(space, page));

    public void open(String space, String page, String action)
        open(getUrl(space, page, action));

    public void open(String space, String page, String action, String queryString)
        open(getUrl(space, page, action, queryString));

    public String getTitle()
        return getSelenium().getTitle();

    public void assertPage(String space, String page)
        assertTrue(getTitle().matches(".*\\(" + space + "." + page + "\\) - XWiki"));

     * Visits the specified page and checks if it exists, coming back to the current page.
     * @param space the space name
     * @param page the page name
     * @return {@code true} if the specified page exists
    public boolean isExistingPage(String space, String page)
        String saveUrl = getSelenium().getLocation();

        open(getUrl(space, page));
        boolean exists = isExistingPage();

        // Restore original URL

        return exists;

     * @return {@code true} if we are on an existing page, {@code false} otherwise
    public boolean isExistingPage()
        return !getSelenium().isTextPresent("The requested document could not be found.");

    public void assertTitle(String title)
        assertEquals(title, getTitle());

    public boolean isElementPresent(String locator)
        return getSelenium().isElementPresent(locator);

    public boolean isLinkPresent(String text)
        return isElementPresent("link=" + text);

    public void clickLinkWithText(String text)
        clickLinkWithText(text, true);

    public void assertTextPresent(String text)
        assertTrue("[" + text + "] isn't present.", getSelenium().isTextPresent(text));

    public void assertTextNotPresent(String text)
        assertFalse("[" + text + "] is present.", getSelenium().isTextPresent(text));

    public void assertElementPresent(String elementLocator)
        assertTrue("[" + elementLocator + "] isn't present.", isElementPresent(elementLocator));

    public void assertElementNotPresent(String elementLocator)
        assertFalse("[" + elementLocator + "] is present.", isElementPresent(elementLocator));

    public void waitPage()

     * @deprecated use {@link #waitPage()} instead
    public void waitPage(int nbMillisecond)

    public void createPage(String space, String page, String content)
        createPage(space, page, content, null);

    public void createPage(String space, String page, String content, String syntax)
        // If the page already exists, delete it first
        deletePage(space, page);
        if (syntax == null) {
            editInWikiEditor(space, page);
        } else {
            editInWikiEditor(space, page, syntax);
        setFieldValue("content", content);

    public void deletePage(String space, String page)
        open(space, page, "delete", "confirm=1");

    public void restorePage(String space, String page)
        open(space, page, "view");
        if (getSelenium().isTextPresent("Restore")) {
            clickLinkWithText("Restore", true);

    public void clickLinkWithLocator(String locator)
        clickLinkWithLocator(locator, true);

    public void clickLinkWithLocator(String locator, boolean wait)
        if (wait) {

    public void clickLinkWithText(String text, boolean wait)
        clickLinkWithLocator("link=" + text, wait);

    public boolean isChecked(String locator)
        return getSelenium().isChecked(locator);

    public String getFieldValue(String fieldName)
        // Note: We could use getSelenium().getvalue() here. However getValue() is stripping spaces
        // and some of our tests verify that there are leading spaces/empty lines.
        return getSelenium().getEval(
            "selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById(\"" + fieldName + "\").value");

    public void setFieldValue(String fieldName, String value)
        getSelenium().type(fieldName, value);

    public void checkField(String locator)

    public void submit()

    public void submit(String locator)

    public void submit(String locator, boolean wait)
        clickLinkWithLocator(locator, wait);

    public void clickLinkWithXPath(String xpath)
        clickLinkWithXPath(xpath, true);

    public void clickLinkWithXPath(String xpath, boolean wait)
        clickLinkWithLocator("xpath=" + xpath, wait);

    public void waitForCondition(String condition)
        getSelenium().waitForCondition(condition, "" + WAIT_TIME);

    public void waitForTextPresent(final String elementLocator, final String expectedValue)
        new Wait()
            public boolean until()
                return getSelenium().getText(elementLocator).equals(expectedValue);
        }.wait(getSelenium().isElementPresent(elementLocator) ? "Element [" + elementLocator + "] not found"
            : "Element [" + elementLocator + "] found but it doesn't have the expected value [" + expectedValue + "]");

    public void waitForTextContains(final String elementLocator, final String containsValue)
        new Wait()
            public boolean until()
                return getSelenium().getText(elementLocator).indexOf(containsValue) > -1;
        }.wait(getSelenium().isElementPresent(elementLocator) ? "Element [" + elementLocator + "] not found"
            : "Element [" + elementLocator + "] found but it doesn't contain the expected value [" + containsValue
                + "]");

    public void waitForBodyContains(final String containsValue)
        new Wait()
            public boolean until()
                try {
                    return getSelenium().getBodyText().indexOf(containsValue) > -1;
                } catch (SeleniumException e) {
                    // The page might not be loaded yet and so the BODY element is missing. Try again later.
                    return false;
        }.wait("Body text doesn't contain the value [" + containsValue + "]");

    public void waitForElement(final String elementLocator)
        new Wait()
            public boolean until()
                return getSelenium().isElementPresent(elementLocator);
        }.wait("element [" + elementLocator + "] not found");

     * Waits until an alert message appears or the timeout expires. You can use {@link Selenium#getAlert()} to assert
     * the alert message afterwards.
    public void waitForAlert()
        new Wait()
            public boolean until()
                return getSelenium().isAlertPresent();
        }.wait("The alert didn't appear.");

     * Waits until a confirmation message appears or the timeout expires. You can use {@link Selenium#getConfirmation()}
     * to assert the confirmation message afterwards.
    public void waitForConfirmation()
        new Wait()
            public boolean until()
                return getSelenium().isConfirmationPresent();
        }.wait("The confirmation didn't appear.");

     * Waits for a notification message of the specified type with the given message to be displayed.
     * @param level the notification type (one of error, warning, done)
     * @param message the notification message
    private void waitForNotificationMessage(String level, String message)
        String xpath = String.format("//div[contains(@class,'xnotification-%s') and contains(.,'%s')]", level, message);
        // In order to improve test speed, clicking on the notification will make it disappear. This also ensures that
        // this method always waits for the last notification message of the specified level.
        try {
            // The notification message may disappear before we get to click on it.
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // Ignore.

    public void waitForNotificationErrorMessage(String message)
        waitForNotificationMessage("error", message);

    public void waitForNotificationWarningMessage(String message)
        waitForNotificationMessage("warning", message);

    public void waitForNotificationSuccessMessage(String message)
        waitForNotificationMessage("done", message);

    public void clickButtonAndContinue(String locator)
        submit(locator, false);

    public void clickEditPage()

    public void clickEditPageInWikiSyntaxEditor()

    public void clickEditPageInWysiwyg()

    public void clickEditPageAccessRights()

    public void clickEditPageInlineForm()

    public void clickDeletePage()

    public void clickCopyPage()

    public void clickShowComments()

    public void clickShowAttachments()

    public void clickShowHistory()

    public void clickShowInformation()

    public void clickEditPreview()

    public void clickEditSaveAndContinue()

    public void clickEditCancelEdition()

    public void clickEditSaveAndView()

     * Clicks on the add property button in the class editor. As a result the specified property is added to the edited
     * class and the class is saved. This method waits for the class to be saved.
    public void clickEditAddProperty()

     * Clicks on the add object button in the object editor. As a result an object of the specified class is added to
     * the edited document and the document is saved. This method waits for the document to be saved.
    public void clickEditAddObject()

    public boolean isAuthenticated()
        return getSkinExecutor().isAuthenticated();

    public boolean isAuthenticated(String username)
        return getSkinExecutor().isAuthenticated(username);

    public boolean isAuthenticationMenuPresent()
        return getSkinExecutor().isAuthenticationMenuPresent();

    public void logout()

    public void login(String username, String password, boolean rememberme)
        getSkinExecutor().login(username, password, rememberme);

    public void loginAsAdmin()

     * If the user is not logged in already and if the specified user page exists, it is logged in. Otherwise the user
     * is registered first and then the login is executed.
     * @param username the user name to login as. If the user is to be created, this will also be used as the user first
     *            name while the user last name will be left blank
     * @param password the password of the user
     * @param rememberMe whether the login should be remembered or not
    public void loginAndRegisterUser(String username, String password, boolean rememberMe)
        if (!isAuthenticationMenuPresent()) {
            // navigate to the main page
            open("Main", "WebHome");

        // if user is already authenticated, don't login
        if (isAuthenticated(username)) {

        // try to go to the user page
        open("XWiki", username);
        // if user page doesn't exist, register the user first
        boolean exists = !getSelenium().isTextPresent("The requested document could not be found.");
        if (!exists) {
            if (isAuthenticated()) {
            fillRegisterForm(username, "", username, password, "");
            // assume registration was done successfully, otherwise the register test should fail too

        login(username, password, rememberMe);

    public void fillRegisterForm(String firstName, String lastName, String username, String password, String email)
        setFieldValue("register_first_name", firstName);
        setFieldValue("register_last_name", lastName);
        setFieldValue("xwikiname", username);
        setFieldValue("register_password", password);
        setFieldValue("register2_password", password);
        setFieldValue("register_email", email);

    public void clickLogin()

    public void clickRegister()

    public String getEditorSyntax()
        return getSkinExecutor().getEditorSyntax();

    public void setEditorSyntax(String syntax)

    public void editInWikiEditor(String space, String page)
        getSkinExecutor().editInWikiEditor(space, page);

    public void editInWikiEditor(String space, String page, String syntax)
        getSkinExecutor().editInWikiEditor(space, page, syntax);

    public void editInWysiwyg(String space, String page)
        getSkinExecutor().editInWysiwyg(space, page);

    public void editInWysiwyg(String space, String page, String syntax)
        getSkinExecutor().editInWysiwyg(space, page, syntax);

    public void clearWysiwygContent()

    public void keyPressAndWait(String element, String keycode) throws InterruptedException
        getSelenium().keyPress(element, keycode);

    public void typeInWysiwyg(String text)

    public void typeInWiki(String text)

    public void typeEnterInWysiwyg()

    public void typeShiftEnterInWysiwyg()

    public void clickWysiwygUnorderedListButton()

    public void clickWysiwygOrderedListButton()

    public void clickWysiwygIndentButton()

    public void clickWysiwygOutdentButton()

    public void clickWikiBoldButton()

    public void clickWikiItalicsButton()

    public void clickWikiUnderlineButton()

    public void clickWikiLinkButton()

    public void clickWikiHRButton()

    public void clickWikiImageButton()

    public void clickWikiSignatureButton()

    public void assertWikiTextGeneratedByWysiwyg(String text)

    public void assertHTMLGeneratedByWysiwyg(String xpath) throws Exception

    public void assertGeneratedHTML(String xpath) throws Exception

    public void openAdministrationPage()

    public void openAdministrationSection(String section)

    public String getUrl(String space, String doc)
        return getUrl(space, doc, "view");

    public String getUrl(String space, String doc, String action)
        return getUrl(space, doc, action, null);

    public String getUrl(String space, String doc, String action, String queryString)
        StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("/xwiki/bin/");

        boolean needToAddSecretToken = !("view".equals(action) || "register".equals(action));
        boolean needToAddQuery = queryString != null && queryString.length() > 0;
        if (needToAddSecretToken || needToAddQuery) {
        if (needToAddSecretToken) {
        if (needToAddQuery) {
        return builder.toString();

    public void pressKeyboardShortcut(String shortcut, boolean withCtrlModifier, boolean withAltModifier,
        boolean withShiftModifier) throws InterruptedException
        getSkinExecutor().pressKeyboardShortcut(shortcut, withCtrlModifier, withAltModifier, withShiftModifier);

     * Set global xwiki configuration options (as if the xwiki.cfg file had been modified). This is useful for testing
     * configuration options.
     * @param configuration the configuration in {@link Properties} format. For example "param1=value2\nparam2=value2"
     * @throws IOException if an error occurs while parsing the configuration
    public void setXWikiConfiguration(String configuration) throws IOException
        Properties properties = new Properties();
        properties.load(new ByteArrayInputStream(configuration.getBytes()));
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();

        // Since we don't have access to the XWiki object from Selenium tests and since we don't want to restart XWiki
        // with a different xwiki.cfg file for each test that requires a configuration change, we use the following
        // trick: We create a document and we access the XWiki object with a Velocity script inside that document.
        for (Entry<Object, Object> param : properties.entrySet()) {
            sb.append("{{velocity}}$xwiki.xWiki.config.setProperty('").append(param.getKey()).append("', '")
        editInWikiEditor("Test", "XWikiConfigurationPageForTest", "xwiki/2.1");
        setFieldValue("content", sb.toString());

    public boolean copyPage(String spaceName, String pageName, String targetSpaceName, String targetPageName)
        return getSkinExecutor().copyPage(spaceName, pageName, targetSpaceName, targetPageName);

     * Waits for the specified live table to load.
     * @param id the live table id
    public void waitForLiveTable(String id)
        waitForElement("//*[@id = '" + id + "-ajax-loader' and @class = 'xwiki-livetable-loader hidden']");

     * (Re)-cache the secret token used for CSRF protection. A user with edit rights on Main.WebHome must be logged in.
     * This method must be called before {@link #getSecretToken()} is called and after each re-login.
     * @since 3.2M1
     * @see #getSecretToken()
    public void recacheSecretToken()
        // the registration form uses secret token
        open("XWiki", "Register", "register");
        AbstractXWikiTestCase.secretToken = getSelenium().getValue("//input[@name='form_token']");
        if (AbstractXWikiTestCase.secretToken == null || AbstractXWikiTestCase.secretToken.length() <= 0) {
            // something is really wrong if this happens
            System.out.println("Warning: Failed to cache anti-CSRF secret token, some tests might fail!");
        // return to the previous page
        if (!getSelenium().getLocation().contains(BASEDIR)) {
            // avoid returning to selenium start page (waitPage() doesn't handle that well)
            open("Main", "WebHome");

     * Get the secret token used for CSRF protection. Remember to call {@link #recacheSecretToken()} first.
     * @return anti-CSRF secret token, or empty string if the token is not cached
     * @since 3.2M1
     * @see #recacheSecretToken()
    public String getSecretToken()
        if (AbstractXWikiTestCase.secretToken == null) {
            System.out.println("Warning: No cached anti-CSRF token found. "
                + "Make sure to call recacheSecretToken() before getSecretToken(), otherwise this test might fail.");
            return "";
        return AbstractXWikiTestCase.secretToken;

     * Drags and drops the source element on top of the target element.
     * @param sourceLocator locates the element to be dragged
     * @param targetLocator locates the element where to drop the dragged element
    public void dragAndDrop(By sourceLocator, By targetLocator)
        // Selenium#dragAndDropToObject(source, target) is not implemented over WebDriver.
        WebDriver driver = getDriver();
        WebElement source = driver.findElement(sourceLocator);
        WebElement target = driver.findElement(targetLocator);
        // Don't click in the middle of the element because it can contain a link.
        new Actions(driver).moveToElement(source, 1, 1).clickAndHold().release(target).perform();

     * Makes sure the specified element is not covered by the floating menu which is displayed at the top of the window.
     * Use this method before clicking on an element that can end up beneath the floating menu.
     * @param locator an element locator
    public void ensureElementIsNotCoveredByFloatingMenu(By locator)
        WebDriver driver = getDriver();
        // First scroll the element into view, if needed, by moving the mouse to the top left corner of the element.
        new Actions(driver).moveToElement(driver.findElement(locator), 0, 0).perform();
        // Then scroll the page up a bit so that the element is not at the top of the window where the floating menu is.

     * Expands the object with the given number of the specified XClass. You need to call this method before editing any
     * of the properties of the specified object using the object editor because the form elements used to edit the
     * object properties have to be visible.
     * @param className the XClass name
     * @param objectNumber the object number
    public void expandObject(String className, int objectNumber)
        String objectContentId = String.format("xobject_%s_%s_content", className, objectNumber);
        if (!getDriver().findElement( {
            // First make sure that the group of objects of the specified class is expanded.
            String objectTitleId = String.format("xobject_%s_%s_title", className, objectNumber);
            WebElement objectTitle = getDriver().findElement(;
            if (!objectTitle.isDisplayed()) {
                // Expand the group of objects of the specified type.
                getDriver().findElement("xclass_%s_title", className))).click();
            // Expand the specified object.

     * @param elementLocator the locator used to get the desired element. e.g."someId")
     * @return true if the element is in the window's viewport, i.e. is scrolled to; false otherwise.
     * @since 6.2
    public boolean isElementInView(By elementLocator)
        Point elementLocation = getDriver().findElement(elementLocator).getLocation();

        int windowXLeft = Integer.parseInt(getSelenium().getEval("window.scrollX"));
        int windowYTop = Integer.parseInt(getSelenium().getEval("window.scrollY"));

        int width = Integer.parseInt(getSelenium().getEval("document.documentElement.clientWidth"));
        int height = Integer.parseInt(getSelenium().getEval("document.documentElement.clientHeight"));

        int windowXRight = windowXLeft + width;
        int windowYBottom = windowYTop + height;

        return (elementLocation.getX() >= windowXLeft && elementLocation.getX() <= windowXRight
            && elementLocation.getY() >= windowYTop && elementLocation.getY() <= windowYBottom);

     * Convenience method.
     * @see #isElementInView(By)
     * @since 6.2
    public void assertElementInView(By elementLocator)
        assertTrue("[" + elementLocator + "] is not in view.", isElementInView(elementLocator));

Related Classes of org.xwiki.test.selenium.framework.AbstractXWikiTestCase

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