Program Name : JComicDownloader
Authors : surveyorK
Last Modified : 2011/10/25
5.04: 修復部分圖片附檔名錯誤的問題。
2.06: 修復集數名稱數字格式化的bug。singlePageDownload
2.04: 修改集數名稱命名機制,將裡面的數字格式化(ex. 第3回 -> 第003回),以方便排序。
2.02: 拿掉轉網址碼的編碼修正
package jcomicdownloader.module;
import java.io.File;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import jcomicdownloader.ComicDownGUI;
import jcomicdownloader.SetUp;
import jcomicdownloader.enums.FileFormatEnum;
import jcomicdownloader.enums.Site;
import jcomicdownloader.tools.Common;
import jcomicdownloader.tools.CommonGUI;
abstract public class ParseOnlineComicSite {
protected int siteID; // 網站編號
protected String siteName; // 網站名稱
protected String pageExtension; // 網頁副檔名
protected int pageCode; // 網頁預設編碼
protected String title;
protected String wholeTitle;
protected String webSite; // web page
protected String[] comicURL; // all comic pic url
protected String[] refers;
//protected String[] novelURLs; // 存放小說的每一頁章節位址
//protected String[] novelTitles; // 存放小說的每一頁章節名稱
protected int totalPage; // how many pages
protected int totalVolume; // how many volumes
protected String indexName; // temp stored file
protected String indexEncodeName; // temp stored file encoding to UTF-8
protected String downloadDirectory;
protected int runMode; // 只分析、只下載或分析加下載
protected String textFilePath; // 小說檔案完整目錄位置,包含檔名(只有下載小說時才有用)
abstract public void setParameters(); // 須取得title和wholeTitle(title可用getTitle())
abstract public void parseComicURL(); // 必須解析出下載位址並傳給comicURL
abstract public boolean isSingleVolumePage( String urlString ); // 檢查是否為單集頁面
abstract public String getAllPageString( String urlString ); // 取得此網址指向的網頁原始碼字串
abstract public String getTitleOnMainPage( String urlString, String allPageString ); // 從主頁面中取得title
abstract public List<List<String>> getVolumeTitleAndUrlOnMainPage( String urlString, String allPageString ); // 從主頁面取得所有集數名稱和位址
abstract public String getMainUrlFromSingleVolumeUrl( String volumeURL ); // 由單集位址轉為全集位址
// 顯示目前解析的漫畫網站名稱
public void printLogo() {
System.out.println( " ______________________________" );
System.out.println( "| " );
System.out.println( "| Run the " + siteName + " module: " );
System.out.println( "|_______________________________\n" );
// 從單集頁面中取得title
public String getTitleOnSingleVolumePage( String urlString ) {
String mainUrlString = getMainUrlFromSingleVolumeUrl( urlString );
return getTitleOnMainPage( mainUrlString, getAllPageString( mainUrlString ) );
public void outputVolumeAndUrlList( List<String> volumeList, List<String> urlList ) {
Common.outputFile( volumeList, SetUp.getTempDirectory(), Common.tempVolumeFileName );
Common.outputFile( urlList, SetUp.getTempDirectory(), Common.tempUrlFileName );
public void showParameters() { // for debug
Common.debugPrintln( "----------" );
Common.debugPrintln( "totalPage = " + totalPage );
Common.debugPrintln( "webSite = " + webSite );
Common.debugPrintln( "----------" );
// 取得暫存檔名稱
public String[] getTempFileNames() {
return new String[]{indexName, indexEncodeName};
public String[] getRefers() {
return refers;
public void setURL( String url ) {
this.webSite = url;
public void setTitle( String title ) {
this.title = title;
public void setWholeTitle( String wholeTitle ) {
this.wholeTitle = wholeTitle;
public void setDownloadDirectory( String downloadDirectory ) {
this.downloadDirectory = downloadDirectory;
public void setRunMode( int runMode ) {
this.runMode = runMode;
public int getRunMode() {
return runMode;
public String[] getComicURL() {
return comicURL;
public int getSiteID() {
return siteID;
public String getTitle() {
return title;
public String getWholeTitle() {
return wholeTitle;
public String getDownloadDirectory() {
return downloadDirectory;
public String getDefaultDownloadDirectory() {
return title + Common.getSlash() + wholeTitle + Common.getSlash();
public void deleteTempFile( String[] tempFileNames ) {
for ( int i = 0; i < tempFileNames.length; i++ ) {
Common.deleteFile( SetUp.getTempDirectory(), tempFileNames[i] );
public String fixSpecialCase( String url ) {
拿掉修正似乎就沒有問題了......奇怪當初怎麼需要修正勒..... //
第一數(%E6%95%B8)要改成第一話(%E8%A9%B1)...不曉得是否為特例... url =
url.replaceAll("%E6%95%B8", "%E8%A9%B1"); //
話(%E6%95%B8)要改成?(%E8%AF%9D)...不曉得是否為特例... url =
url.replaceAll("%A9%B1", "%AF%9D"); //
石黑正?(%EF%BF%BD)要改成石黑正數(%E6%95%B8)...不曉得是否為特例... url =
url.replaceAll("%EF%BF%BD", "%E6%95%B8"); // ex.
* // 數數E6%95%B8%E6%95%B8% 改成繪漢E7%B9%AA%E6%BC%A2% url =
url.replaceAll("E6%95%B8%E6%95%B8%", "E7%B9%AA%E6%BC%A2%");
* // 數瞄(%E6%95%B8%E7%9E%84)改成掃瞄(%E6%8E%83%E7%9E%84) url =
url.replaceAll("%E6%95%B8%E7%9E%84", "%E6%8E%83%E7%9E%84");
* // 117话改為117話 ex. http://kukudm.com/comiclist/774/21545/1.htm //url
= url.replaceAll("%E8%AF%9D", "%E8%A9%B1");
return url;
// 只下載單一張圖片(因應部份網站無法一次解得所有圖片網址,只能每下載一張網頁,從中解析得到網址才下載)
protected void singlePageDownload( String title, String wholeTitle, String url,
int totalPage, int nowPageNumber, int delayTime ) {
singlePageDownload( title, wholeTitle, url, null, totalPage, nowPageNumber,
delayTime, false, "", "", false );
// 只下載單一張圖片,並指定副檔名
protected void singlePageDownload( String title, String wholeTitle, String url, String extension,
int totalPage, int nowPageNumber, int delayTime ) {
singlePageDownload( title, wholeTitle, url, extension, totalPage, nowPageNumber,
delayTime, false, "", "", false );
// 需要用到refer檔頭
protected void singlePageDownloadUsingRefer( String title, String wholeTitle, String url,
int totalPage, int nowPageNumber, int delayTime, String referURL ) {
Common.debugPrintln( "REFER可能沒用: " + referURL );
singlePageDownload( title, wholeTitle, url, null, totalPage, nowPageNumber,
delayTime, false, "", referURL, false );
// 用最簡單的方式下載(不包含cookie) 使用Common.simpleDownloadFile
protected void singlePageDownloadUsingSimple( String title, String wholeTitle, String url,
int totalPage, int nowPageNumber, String referURL ) {
singlePageDownload( title, wholeTitle, url, null, totalPage, nowPageNumber,
0, false, "", referURL, true );
// 用最簡單的方式下載(包含cookie) 使用Common.simpleDownloadFile
protected void singlePageDownloadUsingSimple( String title, String wholeTitle, String url,
int totalPage, int nowPageNumber, String cookieString, String referURL ) {
singlePageDownload( title, wholeTitle, url, null, totalPage, nowPageNumber,
0, true, cookieString, referURL, true );
// 只下載單一張圖片(因應部份網站無法一次解得所有圖片網址,只能每下載一張網頁,從中解析得到網址才下載)
protected void singlePageDownload( String title, String wholeTitle, String url,
String extension, int totalPage, int nowPageNumber, int delayTime, boolean needCookie,
String cookieString, String referURL, boolean simpleDownload ) {
if ( !SetUp.getDownloadPicFile() ) { // 分析後不下載圖檔
if ( wholeTitle == null ) {
CommonGUI.stateBarMainMessage = title + " : ";
else {
CommonGUI.stateBarMainMessage = title + "/" + wholeTitle + " : ";
CommonGUI.stateBarDetailMessage = "共" + totalPage + "頁,第" + ( nowPageNumber ) + "頁下載中";
if ( SetUp.getShowDoneMessageAtSystemTray() && Common.withGUI() ) {
ComicDownGUI.trayIcon.setToolTip( CommonGUI.stateBarMainMessage
+ CommonGUI.stateBarDetailMessage );
String extensionName = "";
if ( extension != null && !extension.equals( "" ) ) { // 若有指定副檔名,優先使用
extensionName = extension;
else if ( url.matches( "(?s).*\\.\\w+" ) ) {
extensionName = url.split( "\\." )[url.split( "\\." ).length - 1]; // 取得圖片附檔名
else {
if ( RunModule.isNovelSite( siteID ) || RunModule.isBlogSite( siteID ) ) {
extensionName = "html"; // 因為是網頁,所以副檔名給html
else {
if ( url.matches( "(?).*\\.png\\?(?).*") ) {
extensionName = "png"; // dm5的圖片位址後面有接參數
else {
extensionName = "jpg"; // 因應WY沒有附檔名,只好都給jpg
NumberFormat formatter = new DecimalFormat( Common.getZero() );
String fileName = formatter.format( nowPageNumber ) + "." + extensionName;
String nextFileName = formatter.format( nowPageNumber + 1 ) + "." + extensionName;
CommonGUI.stateBarDetailMessage += ": [" + fileName + "]";
// 下載第n張之前,先檢查第n+1張圖是否存在,若是則跳下一張
if ( Run.isAlive
&& ( !new File( getDownloadDirectory() + fileName ).exists()
|| !new File( getDownloadDirectory() + nextFileName ).exists() ) ) {
Common.debugPrint( nowPageNumber + " " );
if ( simpleDownload ) {
Common.simpleDownloadFile( url, getDownloadDirectory(), fileName, cookieString, referURL );
else if ( delayTime == 0 ) {
//Common.print( url, getDownloadDirectory(), fileName, needCookie + "", cookieString );
Common.downloadFile( url, getDownloadDirectory(), fileName, needCookie, cookieString, referURL );
else {
Common.slowDownloadFile( url, getDownloadDirectory(), fileName, delayTime, needCookie, cookieString );
// 只下載單一張圖片(因應部份網站無法一次解得所有圖片網址,只能每下載一張網頁,從中解析得到網址才下載),圖片名稱指定
protected void singlePageDownload( String title, String wholeTitle, String url, int totalPage, int nowPageNumber, String fileName, int delayTime, boolean fastMode ) {
singlePageDownload( title, wholeTitle, url, totalPage, nowPageNumber, fileName, delayTime, false, "", "", fastMode );
// 需要設定refer才能下載
protected void singlePageDownload( String title, String wholeTitle, String url, int totalPage, int nowPageNumber, String fileName,
int delayTime, boolean needCookie, String cookieString, String referURL ) {
singlePageDownload( title, wholeTitle, url, totalPage, nowPageNumber, fileName, delayTime, false, "", referURL, false );
protected void singlePageDownload( String title, String wholeTitle, String url, int totalPage, int nowPageNumber, String fileName,
int delayTime, boolean needCookie, String cookieString ) {
singlePageDownload( title, wholeTitle, url, totalPage, nowPageNumber, fileName, delayTime, false, "", "", false );
// 只下載單一張圖片(因應部份網站無法一次解得所有圖片網址,只能每下載一張網頁,從中解析得到網址才下載),圖片名稱指定
protected void singlePageDownload( String title, String wholeTitle, String url, int totalPage, int nowPageNumber, String fileName,
int delayTime, boolean needCookie, String cookieString, String referURL, boolean fastMode ) {
if ( !SetUp.getDownloadPicFile() ) { // 分析後不下載圖檔
if ( wholeTitle == null ) {
CommonGUI.stateBarMainMessage = title + " : ";
else {
CommonGUI.stateBarMainMessage = title + "/" + wholeTitle + " : ";
CommonGUI.stateBarDetailMessage = "共" + totalPage + "頁,第" + ( nowPageNumber ) + "頁下載中";
if ( SetUp.getShowDoneMessageAtSystemTray() && Common.withGUI() ) {
ComicDownGUI.trayIcon.setToolTip( CommonGUI.stateBarMainMessage
+ CommonGUI.stateBarDetailMessage );
CommonGUI.stateBarDetailMessage += ": [" + fileName + "]";
if ( delayTime == 0 ) {
Common.downloadFile( url, getDownloadDirectory(), fileName, needCookie, cookieString, referURL,
fastMode, SetUp.getRetryTimes(), false, false );
else {
Common.slowDownloadFile( url, getDownloadDirectory(), fileName, delayTime, needCookie, cookieString );
// 只下載單一張圖片(因應部份網站無法一次解得所有圖片網址,只能每下載一張網頁,從中解析得到網址才下載),圖片名稱指定
protected void singlePagePost( String title, String wholeTitle, String url,
String queryString, int totalPage, int nowPageNumber, String fileName,
boolean needCookie, String cookieString, String referURL ) {
if ( wholeTitle == null ) {
CommonGUI.stateBarMainMessage = title + " : ";
else {
CommonGUI.stateBarMainMessage = title + "/" + wholeTitle + " : ";
CommonGUI.stateBarDetailMessage = "共" + totalPage + "頁,第" + ( nowPageNumber ) + "頁下載中";
if ( SetUp.getShowDoneMessageAtSystemTray() && Common.withGUI() ) {
ComicDownGUI.trayIcon.setToolTip( CommonGUI.stateBarMainMessage
+ CommonGUI.stateBarDetailMessage );
CommonGUI.stateBarDetailMessage += ": [" + fileName + "]";
Common.downloadPost( url, getDownloadDirectory(),
fileName, false, "", queryString, url );
// 將集數名稱的數字部份格式化(ex. 第3回 -> 第003回),方便排序之用
protected String getVolumeWithFormatNumber( String volume ) {
String formatVolume = "";
try {
int beginIndex = -1;
for ( int i = 0; i < volume.length(); i++ ) {
if ( volume.substring( i, i + 1 ).matches( "\\d" ) ) {
beginIndex = i;
//System.out.println( beginIndex + " -> " + volume );
int endIndex = volume.length();
for ( int i = beginIndex; i < volume.length() && beginIndex >= 0; i++ ) {
if ( volume.substring( i, i + 1 ).matches( "\\D" ) ) {
endIndex = i;
else {
//System.out.println( volume.substring(i,i+1) + " " );
if ( endIndex < 0 || beginIndex < 0 ) {
//System.out.println( "無法格式化: " + volume + " " + beginIndex + " " + endIndex );
formatVolume = volume;
else {
//System.out.println( volume + " " + beginIndex + " " + endIndex + " 數字部份:" + volume.substring( beginIndex, endIndex ) );
String originalNumber = volume.substring( beginIndex, endIndex );
NumberFormat formatter = new DecimalFormat( "000" );
String formatNumber = formatter.format( Integer.parseInt( originalNumber ) );
formatVolume = volume.replaceFirst( originalNumber, formatNumber );
catch ( Exception ex ) {
formatVolume = volume;
Common.hadleErrorMessage( ex, "集數名稱的數字規格化處理發生錯誤" );
return formatVolume;
// 將numeric character references全部還原
public String replaceNCR( String text ) {
int beginIndex = 0;
int endIndex = 0;
// 先將非數字的character references進行替換
text = text.replaceAll( " ", " " );
text = text.replaceAll( """, "\"" );
text = text.replaceAll( "&", "&" );
text = text.replaceAll( "…", "..." );
text = text.replaceAll( ">", ">" );
text = text.replaceAll( "<", "<" );
text = text.replaceAll( "”", "”" );
text = text.replaceAll( "“", "“" );
String ncrString = ""; // 存放numeric character references字串 ex. )
String numberString = ""; // 存放numeric character references的數字部份 ex. 65289
String decode = ""; // 存放已經解碼的字元 ex. )
int times = 0;
while ( true && times < 300 ) {
Common.debugPrint( " " + times ++ );
beginIndex = text.indexOf( "&#", beginIndex );
endIndex = text.indexOf( ";", beginIndex ) + 1;
if ( beginIndex >= 0 && endIndex >= 0 && beginIndex < endIndex ) {
ncrString = text.substring( beginIndex, endIndex );
numberString = ncrString.substring( 2, ncrString.length() - 1 );
//Common.debugPrint( "轉換前:" + ncrString );
if ( numberString.matches( "\\d+" ) ) {
char decodeChar = ( char ) Integer.parseInt( numberString );
decode = String.valueOf( decodeChar );
//Common.debugPrintln( " 轉換後:" + decode );
text = text.replaceAll( ncrString, decode );
else {
return text;
// 將換行tag轉換為換行字元
public String replaceNewLine( String text ) {
text = text.replaceAll( "\r\n", "" ); // 若原始檔為big5編碼,可能換行是採用\r\n的格式(windows換行機制)
text = text.replaceAll( "\n", "" ); // 拿掉非windows換行機制的換行字元
// 開始替換
text = text.replaceAll( "</p><p>", "\r\n\r\n" );
text = text.replaceAll( "<br />", "\r\n" );
text = text.replaceAll( "<br>", "\r\n" );
text = text.replaceAll( "<BR>", "\r\n" );
text = text.replaceAll( "<br[^<>]+>", "\r\n" );
text = text.replaceAll( "</p>", "\r\n" );
text = text.replaceAll( "</P>", "\r\n" );
text = text.replaceAll( "</h1>", "\r\n" );
text = text.replaceAll( "</H1>", "\r\n" );
text = text.replaceAll( "<tr>", "\r\n\r\n" );
text = text.replaceAll( "<TR>", "\r\n\r\n" );
text = text.replaceAll( "<li>", "\r\n\r\n" );
return text;
// 將<img.*>標籤拿掉,只保留其中的圖片網址
public String replaceImg( String text ) {
int start = 0;
int beginIndex = 0;
int endIndex = 0;
String picURL = ""; // 圖片網址
String picName = ""; // 圖片名稱
int times = 0;
int count = 0;
while ( true && times < 40 ) {
//Common.debugPrint( " " + count );
start = beginIndex = text.indexOf( "<img ", beginIndex );
if ( beginIndex >= 0 ) {
beginIndex = text.indexOf( "src=", beginIndex );
beginIndex = text.indexOf( "http", beginIndex );
endIndex = text.indexOf( " ", beginIndex ) - 1;
if ( beginIndex > 0 && endIndex > 0 ) {
picURL = text.substring( beginIndex, endIndex );
System.out.println( picURL + " -> " + picName );
text = text.substring( 0, start ) + "\n" + picURL + "\n" + text.substring( start, text.length() );
beginIndex = endIndex + picURL.length();
else {
beginIndex = start += 10;
else {
return text;
// 拿掉<script 到 </script>之間的內容
public String replaceJS( String text ) {
String scriptFontTag = "<script";
if ( text.indexOf( "<SCRIPT>") > 0 ) {
scriptFontTag = "<script>";
String scriptBackTag = "</script>";
if ( text.indexOf( scriptFontTag ) < 0 ) {
scriptFontTag = scriptFontTag.toUpperCase();
if ( text.indexOf( scriptBackTag ) < 0 ) {
scriptBackTag = scriptBackTag.toUpperCase();
Common.debugPrintln( "拿掉JS: " + scriptFontTag + " " + scriptBackTag );
int beginIndex = 0;
int endIndex = 0;
int times = 0;
while ( true && times < 10 ) {
beginIndex = text.indexOf( scriptFontTag, beginIndex );
endIndex = text.indexOf( scriptBackTag, beginIndex );
endIndex = text.indexOf( ">", endIndex ) + 1;
if ( beginIndex > 0 && endIndex > 0 ) { // 拿掉中間的部份
text = text.substring( 0, beginIndex ) + text.substring( endIndex, text.length() );
else {
return text;
// 拿掉<style 到 </style>之間的內容
public String replaceStyle( String text ) {
int beginIndex = 0;
int endIndex = 0;
int times = 0;
String styleFontTag = "<style";
String styleBackTag = "</style>";
// 若找不到小寫sytle tag 就轉大寫
if ( text.indexOf( styleFontTag ) < 0 ) {
styleFontTag = styleFontTag.toUpperCase();
styleBackTag = styleBackTag.toUpperCase();
while ( true && times < 10 ) {
beginIndex = text.indexOf( styleFontTag, beginIndex );
endIndex = text.indexOf( styleBackTag, beginIndex );
endIndex = text.indexOf( ">", endIndex ) + 1;
if ( beginIndex > 0 && endIndex > 0 ) { // 拿掉中間的部份
text = text.substring( 0, beginIndex ) + text.substring( endIndex, text.length() );
else {
return text;
// 拿掉<!-- 到 -->之間的內容
public String replaceComment( String text ) {
int beginIndex = 0;
int endIndex = 0;
int times = 0;
while ( true && times < 10 ) {
beginIndex = text.indexOf( "<!--", beginIndex );
endIndex = text.indexOf( "-->", beginIndex );
endIndex = text.indexOf( ">", endIndex ) + 1;
if ( beginIndex > 0 && endIndex > 0 ) { // 拿掉中間的部份
text = text.substring( 0, beginIndex ) + text.substring( endIndex, text.length() );
else {
return text;
// 將html的tag拿掉,且將numeric character references還原回原本的字元。
public String replaceProcessToText( String text ) {
Common.debugPrint( "輸出txt格式:" );
text = replaceNCR( text ); // 將numeric character references全部還原
text = replaceNewLine( text ); // 將換行tag轉換為換行字元
text = replaceImg( text ); // 將圖片標籤拿掉,只保留圖片網址
//text = text.replaceAll( "<script[^(scrpit)]+[(/script>)]{1}", "" ); // 拿掉js
text = replaceJS( text ); // 拿掉JS
text = replaceComment( text ); // 拿掉註解
text = replaceStyle( text ); // 拿掉style
text = text.replaceAll( "<[^<>]+>", "" ); // 將所有標籤去除
Common.debugPrintln( "html轉txt處理完畢" );
return text;
public String hadlePicInHtml( String text, String articleTitle )
return hadlePicInHtml( text, articleTitle, "" );
// 下載<img ~ > 標籤裡面的圖片,作編號,並修正text的圖片位址
public String hadlePicInHtml( String text, String articleTitle, String referURL ) {
int beginIndex = 0;
int endIndex = 0;
String[] tempTokens = text.split( "<img" );
String[] picURLs = new String[tempTokens.length - 1];
Common.debugPrintln( articleTitle + " 共有 " + picURLs.length + " 張圖片" );
String downloadDirectory = articleTitle + "_pics" + Common.getSlash();
String oldDownloadDirectory = getDownloadDirectory();
setDownloadDirectory( getDownloadDirectory() + downloadDirectory );
text = text.replaceAll( "data-src", "src" ); // for yam blog .
for ( int i = 0; i < picURLs.length; i ++ ) {
Common.debugPrintln( "TEMP: " + tempTokens[i+1] );
beginIndex = tempTokens[i+1].indexOf( "src=" ) + 4;
beginIndex = Common.getSmallerIndexOfTwoKeyword( tempTokens[i+1], beginIndex, "\"", "'" ) + 1;
endIndex = Common.getSmallerIndexOfTwoKeyword( tempTokens[i+1], beginIndex, "\"", "'" ) + 1;
picURLs[i] = tempTokens[i+1].substring( beginIndex, endIndex ).replaceAll( "\"", "" );
Common.debugPrintln( i + " 解析圖片網址:" + picURLs[i] );
if ( Common.isLegalURL( picURLs[i] ) ) {
beginIndex = picURLs[i].lastIndexOf( "/" ) + 1;
String picName = picURLs[i].substring( beginIndex, picURLs[i].length() );
String extensionName = "";
if ( picName.split( "\\." ).length > 1 ) {
extensionName = picName.split( "\\." )[1];
NumberFormat formatter = new DecimalFormat( Common.getZero() );
String fileName = formatter.format( i ) + "." + extensionName;
// 每解析一個網址就下載一張圖
if ( referURL.matches( "" ) )
singlePageDownload( getTitle(), getWholeTitle() + downloadDirectory, picURLs[i], picURLs.length, i, 0 );
singlePageDownloadUsingSimple( getTitle(), getWholeTitle() + downloadDirectory, picURLs[i], picURLs.length, i, "", referURL );
text = text.replace( picURLs[i], downloadDirectory + fileName ); // 位址取代為下載目錄
setDownloadDirectory( oldDownloadDirectory );
return text;
// 由純文字轉為html格式
public String replaceProcessToHtml( String text ) {
Common.debugPrintln( "輸出html格式:" );
//text = replaceNCR( text ); // 將numeric character references全部還原
text = replaceNewLine( text ); // 將換行tag轉換為換行字元
text = replaceJS( text ); // 拿掉JS
text = replaceStyle( text ); // 拿掉style
//text = text.replaceAll( "<[^(img)|^(a)|^(/a)|^(b)|(/b)]{1}[^<>]+>", "" ); // 將所有標籤去除,只保留圖片標籤和超連結
//text = text.replaceAll( "<[^(img)|^(a)|^(/a)]{1}[^<>]+>", "" ); // 將所有標籤去除,只保留圖片標籤和超連結
//text = text.replaceAll( "</span>|</div>|</wbr>", "" ); // 將多餘的標籤去除
text = text.replaceAll( "\n", "<br>" ); // 將換行符號還原回換行標籤
return text;
// 取得網頁編碼資訊
public String getCharsetInformation() {
return "<meta content='text/html; charset=UTF-8' http-equiv='Content-Type'/>";
// 取得文章前言,提供標題和網址的資訊
public String getInformation( String title, String url ) {
String aheadText = ""; // 文章前言,提供標題和網址的資訊
if ( SetUp.getDefaultTextOutputFormat() == FileFormatEnum.HTML_WITHOUT_PIC ||
SetUp.getDefaultTextOutputFormat() == FileFormatEnum.HTML_WITH_PIC ) {
aheadText = getCharsetInformation(); // 取得網頁編碼資訊
aheadText += "原文標題:" + title.replaceAll( "\\.html", "" ) + "\n";
aheadText += "原文地址:" + "<a href=\"" + url + "\" target=_blank>" + url + "</a>";
aheadText += "<hr>\n";
aheadText = aheadText.replaceAll( "\n", "<br>" );
else {
aheadText += "原文標題:" + title.replaceAll( "\\.txt", "" ) + "\r\n";
aheadText += "原文地址:" + url + "\r\n\r\n";
return aheadText;
// 取得上一層目錄 ex. /media/disk/ -> /media/
public String getParentPath( String path ) {
String tempString = path;
tempString = tempString.substring( 0, tempString.length() - 1 );
int endIndex = tempString.lastIndexOf( Common.getSlash() ) + 1;
return tempString.substring( 0, endIndex ); // 放在外面;
// 建立黑名單,若url為黑名單,則不在下載封面的考慮範圍內
public boolean allowDownloadCoverSite( String url ) {
if ( url.matches( "(?s).*docstoc.com(?s).*" )
|| url.matches( "(?s).*docstoccdn.com(?s).*" )
|| url.matches( "(?s).*reading.cdns.com.tw(?s).*" )
|| url.matches( "(?s).*www.huachenghotel.com(?s).*" )
|| url.matches( "(?s).*sdfilm.com.cn(?s).*" )
|| url.matches( "(?s).*www.zk268.com(?s).*" )
|| url.matches( "(?s).*shangxueba.com(?s).*" )
|| url.matches( "(?s).*ugo1688.com(?s).*" )
|| url.matches( "(?s).*simplecd.org(?s).*" )
|| url.matches( "(?s).*vcimg.com(?s).*" )
|| url.matches( "(?s).*blogcn.com(?s).*" )
|| url.matches( "(?s).*newsworld.cna.com.tw(?s).*" ) ) {
return false;
else {
return true;
// 下載書的封面(由google搜尋取得)
public void downloadCover( String title, String author ) {
String keyword = title.replaceAll( "_", " " );
author = Common.getTraditionalChinese( author );
// 設定封面圖片存放路徑、封面圖片檔名
String storePath = getParentPath( getDownloadDirectory() );
String storeCoverFile = author + "_" + title + ".jpg";
if ( new File( storePath + storeCoverFile ).exists() ) {
Common.debugPrintln( storePath + storeCoverFile + "已經存在,無須下載" );
return; // 如果圖片已存在,那就不用下載了
if ( author != null
&& !"".matches( author )
&& keyword.indexOf( author ) < 0 ) {
keyword += "+" + author; // 有作者資訊,加入到關鍵字裡面
String url = getGooglePicSearchURL( keyword ); // 取得google圖片搜尋title的位址
// 下載此搜尋後的頁面
String tempFile = "search_cover_from_google.html";
Common.downloadFile( url, SetUp.getTempDirectory(), tempFile, false, "", "" );
String allPageString = Common.getFileString( SetUp.getTempDirectory(), tempFile );
// 預設從前n張圖去挑選最適合的封面
int n = 5;
String[] coverStrings = new CommonGUI().getCoverStrings();
int index = SetUp.getCoverSelectAmountIndex();
if ( coverStrings.length > index ) {
n = Integer.parseInt( coverStrings[index].replaceAll( "\\D", "" ) ); // 只取數字的部份
List<String> coverList = getCoverURL( getCoverList( allPageString, n ) );
if ( coverList.size() < 1 || coverList == null ) {
Common.errorReport( "無法取得封面圖片網址" );
// 無法下載就換下一張,直至下載成功或全部測試過為止
for ( int i = 0; i < coverList.size(); i++ ) {
Common.downloadFile( coverList.get( i ),
storePath, storeCoverFile, false, "", "" );
if ( new File( storePath + storeCoverFile ).exists() ) {
// 取得google圖片搜尋title的位址
public String getGooglePicSearchURL( String keyword ) {
if ( keyword.length() > 22 ) {
keyword = keyword.substring( 0, 22 );
String url = "https://www.google.com/search?tbm=isch&q=" + keyword + "&hl=zh-TW&tbm=isch&biw=1600&bih=804"; // &sout=1
url = Common.getFixedChineseURL( url );
//url = Common.getRegularURL( url );
Common.debugPrintln( "圖片搜尋頁面的網址長度:" + url.length() );
return url;
// 從n張圖片資訊中找出最符合條件的封面
public List<String> getCoverURL( List<List<String>> combinationList ) {
List<String> coverList = new ArrayList<String>();
if ( combinationList != null ) {
List<String> urlList = combinationList.get( 0 );
List<String> widthList = combinationList.get( 1 );
List<String> heightList = combinationList.get( 2 );
Common.debugPrintln( "將圖片作排序動作:" );
for ( int j = 0; j < urlList.size(); j++ ) {
int index = 0; // 最終選擇的封面編號
int heightest = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < urlList.size(); i++ ) {
// 只有高度長於寬度的圖片才納入考量,且長寬需小於2000
if ( !urlList.get( i ).equals( Common.NULL )
&& Integer.parseInt( widthList.get( i ) ) <= Integer.parseInt( heightList.get( i ) )
&& Integer.parseInt( widthList.get( i ) ) < 2000
&& Integer.parseInt( heightList.get( i ) ) < 2000 ) {
// 找出高度最長的圖,即最大的圖
if ( heightest < Integer.parseInt( heightList.get( i ) ) ) {
heightest = Integer.parseInt( heightList.get( i ) );
index = i;
// for debug
Common.debugPrintln( index + " " + urlList.get( index ) + " "
+ widthList.get( index ) + " " + heightList.get( index ) );
coverList.add( urlList.get( index ) );
urlList.set( index, Common.NULL );
heightest = 0;
else {
Common.errorReport( "無法獲取封面圖片資訊" );
return coverList;
// 從google搜尋頁面中取得前n張圖片的資料,並挑選最適合的封面圖,回傳其位址
public List<List<String>> getCoverList( String allPageString, int n ) {
List<List<String>> combinationList = new ArrayList<List<String>>();
List<String> urlList = new ArrayList<String>();
List<String> widthList = new ArrayList<String>();
List<String> heightList = new ArrayList<String>();
int beginIndex = 0;
int endIndex = 0;
String tempString = "";
for ( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
// 存入網址
beginIndex = allPageString.indexOf( "imgurl=", beginIndex );
if ( beginIndex < 0 ) {
beginIndex = allPageString.indexOf( "=", beginIndex ) + 1;
endIndex = Common.getSmallerIndexOfTwoKeyword( allPageString, beginIndex, "&", "%3F" );
tempString = allPageString.substring( beginIndex, endIndex );
if ( allowDownloadCoverSite( tempString ) ) {
urlList.add( tempString );
else {
// 存入圖片高度
beginIndex = allPageString.indexOf( ";h=", beginIndex ) + 3;
endIndex = allPageString.indexOf( "&", beginIndex );
heightList.add( allPageString.substring( beginIndex, endIndex ) );
// 存入圖片寬度
beginIndex = allPageString.indexOf( ";w=", beginIndex ) + 3;
endIndex = allPageString.indexOf( "&", beginIndex );
widthList.add( allPageString.substring( beginIndex, endIndex ) );
// for debug
Common.debugPrintln( i + " " + urlList.get( i ) + " " + widthList.get( i ) + " " + heightList.get( i ) );
// 合併存入圖片的位址、寬度和高度
combinationList.add( urlList );
combinationList.add( widthList );
combinationList.add( heightList );
return combinationList;