Package net.aufdemrand.denizen.npc.traits

Source Code of net.aufdemrand.denizen.npc.traits.FishingTrait

package net.aufdemrand.denizen.npc.traits;

import net.aufdemrand.denizen.utilities.DenizenAPI;
import net.aufdemrand.denizen.utilities.debugging.dB;
import net.aufdemrand.denizencore.utilities.CoreUtilities;
import net.citizensnpcs.api.persistence.Persist;
import net.citizensnpcs.api.trait.Trait;
import net.citizensnpcs.util.PlayerAnimation;
import net.minecraft.server.v1_7_R4.*;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_7_R4.CraftWorld;
import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_7_R4.entity.CraftPlayer;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.entity.Projectile;
import org.bukkit.util.Vector;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

public class FishingTrait extends Trait {

    private static final List junkResults = Arrays.asList(new PossibleFishingResult[]{(new PossibleFishingResult(new ItemStack(Items.LEATHER_BOOTS), 10)).a(0.9F), new PossibleFishingResult(new ItemStack(Items.LEATHER), 10), new PossibleFishingResult(new ItemStack(Items.BONE), 10), new PossibleFishingResult(new ItemStack(Items.POTION), 10), new PossibleFishingResult(new ItemStack(Items.STRING), 5), (new PossibleFishingResult(new ItemStack(Items.FISHING_ROD), 2)).a(0.9F), new PossibleFishingResult(new ItemStack(Items.BOWL), 10), new PossibleFishingResult(new ItemStack(Items.STICK), 5), new PossibleFishingResult(new ItemStack(Items.INK_SACK, 10, 0), 1), new PossibleFishingResult(new ItemStack(Blocks.TRIPWIRE_SOURCE), 10), new PossibleFishingResult(new ItemStack(Items.ROTTEN_FLESH), 10)});
    private static final List treasureResults = Arrays.asList(new PossibleFishingResult[] { new PossibleFishingResult(new ItemStack(Blocks.WATER_LILY), 1), new PossibleFishingResult(new ItemStack(Items.NAME_TAG), 1), new PossibleFishingResult(new ItemStack(Items.SADDLE), 1), (new PossibleFishingResult(new ItemStack(Items.BOW), 1)).a(0.25F).a(), (new PossibleFishingResult(new ItemStack(Items.FISHING_ROD), 1)).a(0.25F).a(), (new PossibleFishingResult(new ItemStack(Items.BOOK), 1)).a()});
    private static final List fishResults = Arrays.asList(new PossibleFishingResult[] { new PossibleFishingResult(new ItemStack(Items.RAW_FISH, 1, EnumFish.COD.a()), 60), new PossibleFishingResult(new ItemStack(Items.RAW_FISH, 1, EnumFish.SALMON.a()), 25), new PossibleFishingResult(new ItemStack(Items.RAW_FISH, 1, EnumFish.CLOWNFISH.a()), 2), new PossibleFishingResult(new ItemStack(Items.RAW_FISH, 1, EnumFish.PUFFERFISH.a()), 13)});

    public static enum CatchType { NONE, DEFAULT, JUNK, TREASURE, FISH }

    private boolean fishing = false;
    @Persist("catch type")
    private CatchType catchType = CatchType.NONE;

    @Persist("fishing spot")
    private Location fishingLocation = null;

    ArrayList<Location> available = new ArrayList<Location>();
    EntityHuman eh = null;
    WorldServer nmsworld = null;
    Location fishingSpot = null;
    EntityFishingHook fishHook = null;
    EntityItem fish = null;

    @Persist("catch chance")
    int catchPercent = 65;

    int reelCount = 100;
    int castCount = 0;

    public void run() {
        if(fish != null) {
            if (fish.getBukkitEntity().getLocation().distance(npc.getBukkitEntity().getLocation()) < 3) {
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) {
        if (!fishing) return;

        if(reelCount == 400) {
            reelCount = 0;
            castCount = 325;

        if(castCount == 400) {
            castCount = 0;

    public void onSpawn() {
        eh = ((CraftPlayer) npc.getBukkitEntity()).getHandle();
        nmsworld = ((CraftWorld) npc.getBukkitEntity().getWorld()).getHandle();

    // <--[action]
    // @Actions
    // start fishing
    // @Triggers when the NPC starts fishing.
    // @Context
    // None
    // -->
     * Makes the NPC fish at the specified location
     * TODO Reimplement variance, so each cast doesn't land in the exact same spot.
     * @param location the location to fish at
    public void startFishing(Location location) {
        DenizenAPI.getDenizenNPC(npc).action("start fishing", null);
        fishingLocation = location.clone();
        fishing = true;

    // <--[action]
    // @Actions
    // stop fishing
    // @Triggers when the NPC stops fishing.
    // @Context
    // None
    // -->
     * Makes the stop fishing.
    public void stopFishing() {
        DenizenAPI.getDenizenNPC(npc).action("stop fishing", null);
        reelCount = 100;
        castCount = 0;
        fishingLocation = null;
        fishing = false;

     * Makes the NPC fish in the nearest water
     * TODO Needs logic for handling that.
    public void startFishing() {
        fishing = true;
        fishingLocation = npc.getBukkitEntity().getLocation();

    // <--[action]
    // @Actions
    // cast fishing rod
    // @Triggers when the NPC casts a fishing rod.
    // @Context
    // None
    // -->
    private void cast() {
        DenizenAPI.getDenizenNPC(npc).action("cast fishing rod", null);

        if(fishingLocation == null) {
            dB.echoError("Fishing location not found!");

        double v = 34;
        double g = 20;
        Location from = null;
        Location to = null;

        fishHook = new EntityFishingHook(nmsworld, eh);
        from = npc.getBukkitEntity().getLocation();
        from = from.add(0,.33,0);
        to = fishingLocation;

        Vector test = to.clone().subtract(from).toVector();
        Double elev = test.getY();
        Double testAngle = launchAngle(from, to, v, elev, g);
        if (testAngle == null) return;
        Double hangtime = hangtime(testAngle, v, elev, g);
        Vector victor = to.clone().subtract(from).toVector();
        Double dist = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(victor.getX(), 2) + Math.pow(victor.getZ(), 2));
        elev = victor.getY();

        if (dist == 0)

        Double launchAngle = launchAngle(from, to, v, elev, g);
        if (launchAngle == null)
        victor.setY(Math.tan(launchAngle) * dist);
        victor = normalizeVector(victor);
        v = v + (.5 * Math.pow(hangtime, 2));
        //Random rand = new Random(1234);
        v = v+ (CoreUtilities.getRandom().nextDouble() - .8)/2;
        victor = victor.multiply(v / 20.0);

        Projectile theHook = (Projectile) fishHook.getBukkitEntity();
        theHook.setVelocity(victor); npc.getBukkitEntity());

    // <--[action]
    // @Actions
    // reel in fishing rod
    // @Triggers when the NPC reels in its fishing rod.
    // @Context
    // None
    // -->
    private void reel() {
        DenizenAPI.getDenizenNPC(npc).action("reel in fishing rod", null);

        int chance = (int)(Math.random()*100);

        } catch(Exception e){}

        if (catchPercent > chance && fishHook != null && catchType != CatchType.NONE) {
            } catch(Exception e) {}
            fish = new EntityItem(nmsworld, fishHook.locX, fishHook.locY, fishHook.locZ, getFishingResult());
            double d5 = npc.getBukkitEntity().getLocation().getX() - fishHook.locX;
            double d6 = npc.getBukkitEntity().getLocation().getY() - fishHook.locY;
            double d7 = npc.getBukkitEntity().getLocation().getZ() - fishHook.locZ;
            double d8 = (double) MathHelper.sqrt(d5 * d5 + d6 * d6 + d7 * d7);
            double d9 = 0.1D;

            fish.motX = d5 * d9;
            fish.motY = d6 * d9 + (double) MathHelper.sqrt(d8) * 0.08D;
            fish.motZ = d7 * d9;
            DenizenAPI.getDenizenNPC(npc).action("catch fish", null);
        } npc.getBukkitEntity());

    public ItemStack getFishingResult() {
        if (catchType == CatchType.DEFAULT) {
            float f = nmsworld.random.nextFloat();
            int i = EnchantmentManager.getLuckEnchantmentLevel(fishHook.owner);
            int j = EnchantmentManager.getLureEnchantmentLevel(fishHook.owner);
            float f1 = 0.1F - (float) i * 0.025F - (float) j * 0.01F;
            float f2 = 0.05F + (float) i * 0.01F - (float) j * 0.01F;

            f1 = MathHelper.a(f1, 0.0F, 1.0F);
            f2 = MathHelper.a(f2, 0.0F, 1.0F);
            if (f < f1)
                return catchRandomJunk();
            else {
                f -= f1;
                if (f < f2)
                    return catchRandomTreasure();
                    return catchRandomFish();
        else if (catchType == CatchType.JUNK)
            return catchRandomJunk();
        else if (catchType == CatchType.TREASURE)
            return catchRandomTreasure();
        else if (catchType == CatchType.FISH)
            return catchRandomFish();
            return null;

    private ItemStack catchRandomJunk() {
        fishHook.owner.a(StatisticList.A, 1);
        return ((PossibleFishingResult) WeightedRandom.a(CoreUtilities.getRandom(), junkResults)).a(CoreUtilities.getRandom());

    private ItemStack catchRandomTreasure() {
        fishHook.owner.a(StatisticList.B, 1);
        return ((PossibleFishingResult) WeightedRandom.a(CoreUtilities.getRandom(), treasureResults)).a(CoreUtilities.getRandom());

    private ItemStack catchRandomFish() {
        //float f3 = f - f2;
        fishHook.owner.a(StatisticList.z, 1);
        return ((PossibleFishingResult) WeightedRandom.a(CoreUtilities.getRandom(), fishResults)).a(CoreUtilities.getRandom());

     * Checks if the NPC is currently fishing
     * @return boolean
    public boolean isFishing() {
        return fishing;

     * Gets the location the NPC is casting to
     * Returns null if the NPC isn't fishing
     * @return Location
    public Location getFishingLocation() {
        return fishingLocation;

    public FishingTrait() {

    public static Double launchAngle(Location from, Location to, double v, double elev, double g){
        Vector victor = from.clone().subtract(to).toVector();
        Double dist =  Math.sqrt(Math.pow(victor.getX(), 2) + Math.pow(victor.getZ(), 2));
        double v2 = Math.pow(v,2);
        double v4 = Math.pow(v,4);
        double derp =  g*(g*Math.pow(dist,2)+2*elev*v2);

        if(v4 < derp)
            return null;
            return Math.atan( (v2-   Math.sqrt(v4 - derp))/(g*dist));

    public static double hangtime(double launchAngle, double v, double elev, double g){
        double a = v * Math.sin(launchAngle);
        double b = -2*g*elev;

        if(Math.pow(a, 2) + b < 0)
            return 0;

        return (a + Math.sqrt(Math.pow(a, 2) + b))  /  g;

    public static Vector normalizeVector(Vector victor){
        double  mag = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(victor.getX(), 2) + Math.pow(victor.getY(), 2+ Math.pow(victor.getZ(), 2));
        if (mag !=0)
            return victor.multiply(1/mag);
        return victor.multiply(0);

    public void setCatchType(CatchType catchType) {
        this.catchType = catchType;

    public void setCatchPercent(int catchPercent) {
        this.catchPercent = catchPercent;

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