package net.aufdemrand.denizen;
import net.aufdemrand.denizen.listeners.AbstractListener;
import net.aufdemrand.denizen.objects.Element;
import net.aufdemrand.denizen.objects.dLocation;
import net.aufdemrand.denizen.objects.dObject;
import net.aufdemrand.denizen.objects.dPlayer;
import net.aufdemrand.denizen.objects.notable.NotableManager;
import net.aufdemrand.denizencore.DenizenCore;
import net.aufdemrand.denizencore.scripts.ScriptHelper;
import net.aufdemrand.denizen.scripts.ScriptRegistry;
import net.aufdemrand.denizen.scripts.containers.ScriptContainer;
import net.aufdemrand.denizen.utilities.DenizenAPI;
import net.aufdemrand.denizen.utilities.command.Command;
import net.aufdemrand.denizen.utilities.command.CommandContext;
import net.aufdemrand.denizen.utilities.command.Paginator;
import net.aufdemrand.denizen.utilities.command.exceptions.CommandException;
import net.aufdemrand.denizen.utilities.command.messaging.Messaging;
import net.aufdemrand.denizen.utilities.debugging.DebugSubmit;
import net.aufdemrand.denizen.utilities.debugging.dB;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitRunnable;
import java.util.*;
public class DenizenCommandHandler {
private final Denizen denizen;
public DenizenCommandHandler(Denizen denizen) { this.denizen = denizen; }
// <--[language]
// @name /denizen submit command
// @group Console Commands
// @description
// Use the '/denizen submit' command with '/denizen debug -r' to record debug output and post
// it online for assisting developers to see.
// To begin recording, simply use '/denizen debug -r'. After that, any debug output sent to the
// console and any player chat will be added to an internal record. Once enabled, you should then
// fire off scripts and events that aren't working fully. Finally, you use the '/denizen submit'
// command to take all the recording information and paste it to an online pastebin hosted by
// the Denizen team. It will give you back a direct link to the full debug output, which you
// can view yourself and send to other helpers without trouble.
// There is no limit to the recording size, to prevent any important information from being trimmed
// away. Be careful not to leave debug recording enabled by accident, as it may eventually begin
// using up large amounts of memory. (The submit command will automatically disable recording,
// or you can instead just use '/denizen debug -r' again.)
// -->
aliases = { "denizen" }, usage = "submit",
desc = "Submits recorded logs triggered by /denizen debug -r", modifiers = { "submit" },
min = 1, max = 3, permission = "denizen.submit")
public void submit(CommandContext args, final CommandSender sender) throws CommandException {
if (!dB.record) {
Messaging.sendError(sender, "Use /denizen debug -r to record debug information to be submitted");
dB.record = false;
Messaging.send(sender, "Submitting...");
final DebugSubmit submit = new DebugSubmit();
submit.recording = dB.Recording.toString();
dB.Recording = new StringBuilder();
BukkitRunnable task = new BukkitRunnable() {
public void run() {
if (!submit.isAlive()) {
if (submit.Result == null) {
Messaging.sendError(sender, "Error while submitting.");
else {
Messaging.send(sender, "Successfully submitted to" + submit.Result);
task.runTaskTimer(DenizenAPI.getCurrentInstance(), 0, 10);
// <--[language]
// @name /denizen debug command
// @group Console Commands
// @description
// Using the /denizen debug command interfaces with Denizen's dBugger to allow control
// over debug messages.
// To enable debugging mode, simply type '/denizen debug'. While debug is enabled, all debuggable
// scripts, and any invoked actions, will output information to the console as they are executed.
// By default, all scripts are debuggable while the dBugger is enabled. To disable a script
// specifically from debugging, simply add the 'debug:' node with a value of 'false' to your script
// container. This is typically used to silence particularly spammy scripts. Any kind of script
// container can be silenced using this method.
// To stop debugging, simply type the '/denizen debug' command again. This must be used without
// any additional options. A message will be sent to show the current status of the dBugger.
// Note: While your server is in 'live production mode', the dBugger should be disabled as your
// server will run slower while outputting debug information.
// There are also several options to further help debugging. To use an option, simply attach them
// to the /denizen debug command. One option, or multiple options can be used. For example: /denizen debug -ce
// '-c' enables/disables color. This is sometimes useful when debugging with a non-color console.
// '-r' enables recording mode. See also: /denizen submit command
// '-e' enables/disables world event timings. While enabled, the dBugger will show all triggered events.
// '-s' enables/disables stacktraces generated by Denizen. We might ask you to enable this when problems arise.
// '-b' enables/disables the ScriptBuilder debug. When enabled, Denizen will show info on script and argument creation.
// Warning: Can be spammy.
// '-n' enables/disables debug trimming. When enabled, messages longer than 512 characters will be 'snipped'.
// The dBugger also allows the targeting of specific scripts by using the '--filter script_name' argument. For
// example: /denizen debug --filter 'my script|my other script' will instruct the dBugger to only debug the
// scripts named 'my script' and 'my other script'. Multiple scripts should be separated by a pipe character (|).
// The --filter argument is cumulative, that is, scripts specified are added to the filter. To add more scripts,
// simply use the command again. To clear the filter, use the -x option. Example: /denizen debug -x
// -->
aliases = { "denizen" }, usage = "debug",
desc = "Toggles debug mode for Denizen.", modifiers = { "debug", "de", "db", "dbug" },
min = 1, max = 5, permission = "denizen.debug", flags = "scebrxo")
public void debug(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender) throws CommandException {
if (args.hasFlag('s')) {
if (!dB.showDebug) dB.toggle();
dB.showStackTraces = !dB.showStackTraces;
Messaging.sendInfo(sender, (dB.showStackTraces ? "Denizen dBugger is now showing caught " +
"exception stack traces." : "Denizen dBugger is now hiding caught stacktraces."));
if (args.hasFlag('c')) {
if (!dB.showDebug) dB.toggle();
dB.showColor = !dB.showColor;
Messaging.sendInfo(sender, (dB.showColor ? "Denizen dBugger is now showing color."
: "Denizen dBugger color has been disabled."));
if (args.hasFlag('o')) {
if (!dB.showDebug) dB.toggle();
dB.debugOverride = !dB.debugOverride;
Messaging.sendInfo(sender, (dB.debugOverride ? "Denizen dBugger is now overriding 'debug: false'."
: "Denizen dBugger override has been disabled."));
if (args.hasFlag('e')) {
if (!dB.showDebug) dB.toggle();
dB.showEventsTrimming = !dB.showEventsTrimming;
Messaging.sendInfo(sender, (dB.showEventsTrimming ? "Denizen dBugger is now logging all " +
"world events." : "Denizen dBugger is now hiding world events."));
} if (args.hasFlag('b')) {
if (!dB.showDebug) dB.toggle();
dB.showScriptBuilder = !dB.showScriptBuilder;
Messaging.sendInfo(sender, (dB.showScriptBuilder ? "Denizen dBugger is now logging the " +
"ScriptBuilder." : "Denizen dBugger is now hiding ScriptBuilder logging."));
} if (args.hasFlag('r')) {
if (!dB.showDebug) dB.toggle();
dB.record = !dB.record;
dB.Recording = new StringBuilder();
Messaging.sendInfo(sender, (dB.record ? "Denizen dBugger is now recording. Use /denizen " +
"submit to finish." : "Denizen dBugger recording disabled."));
} if (args.hasFlag('x')) {
dB.filter = new ArrayList<String>();
Messaging.sendInfo(sender, "Denizen dBugger filter removed.");
} if (args.hasFlag('n')) {
if (!dB.showDebug) dB.toggle();
dB.shouldTrim = !dB.shouldTrim;
Messaging.sendInfo(sender, (dB.shouldTrim ? "Denizen dBugger is now trimming long messages."
: "Denizen dBugger is no longer trimming long messages."));
} if (args.hasValueFlag("filter")) {
if (!dB.showDebug) dB.toggle();
for (String filter : args.getFlag("filter").split("\\|"))
Messaging.sendInfo(sender, "Denizen dBugger filter now: " + dB.filter.toString());
} else if (args.getFlags().isEmpty()) {
Messaging.sendInfo(sender, "Denizen dBugger is now: "
+ (dB.showDebug ? "<a>ENABLED" : "<c>DISABLED"));
aliases = { "denizen" }, usage = "do_nothing",
desc = "Does nothing, for better server command handling", modifiers = { "do_nothing" },
min = 1, max = 3, permission = "denizen.basic")
public void do_nothing(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender) throws CommandException {
// Do nothing
aliases = { "denizen" }, usage = "version",
desc = "Shows the currently loaded version of Denizen.", modifiers = { "version"},
min = 1, max = 3, permission = "denizen.basic")
public void version(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender) throws CommandException {
Messaging.sendInfo(sender, " _/_ _ ._ _ _ ");
Messaging.sendInfo(sender, "(/(-/ )/ /_(-/ ) " + "<7> scriptable NPCs"); // TODO: "It's Scriptable!"?
Messaging.send(sender, "");
Messaging.send(sender, "<7>by: <f>aufdemrand and mcmonkey");
Messaging.send(sender, "<7>version: <f>" + Denizen.versionTag);
aliases = { "denizen" }, usage = "save",
desc = "Saves the current state of Denizen/saves.yml.", modifiers = { "save" },
min = 1, max = 3, permission = "denizen.basic", flags = "s")
public void save(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender) throws CommandException {
Messaging.send(sender, "Denizen/saves.yml saved to disk from memory.");
aliases = { "denizen" }, usage = "listener (--player) --id listener_id --report|cancel|finish",
desc = "Checks/cancels/finishes listeners in progress.", modifiers = { "listener" },
min = 1, max = 3, permission = "denizen.basic", flags = "s")
public void listener(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender) throws CommandException {
dPlayer player = null;
if (sender instanceof Player) player = dPlayer.mirrorBukkitPlayer((Player) sender);
if (args.hasValueFlag("player"))
player = dPlayer.valueOf(args.getFlag("player"));
if (player == null) throw new CommandException("Specified player not online or not found!");
Map<String,AbstractListener> listeners = denizen.getListenerRegistry().getListenersFor(player);
if (listeners == null || listeners.isEmpty()) {
Messaging.send(sender, player.getName() + " has no active listeners.");
if (args.hasValueFlag("report")) {
for (AbstractListener quest : denizen.getListenerRegistry().getListenersFor(player).values())
if (quest.getListenerId().equalsIgnoreCase(args.getFlag("report")))
} else if (args.hasValueFlag("cancel")) {
for (AbstractListener quest : denizen.getListenerRegistry().getListenersFor(player).values())
if (quest.getListenerId().equalsIgnoreCase(args.getFlag("cancel"))) {
Messaging.send(sender, "Cancelling '" + quest.getListenerId() + "' for " + player.getName() + ".");
} else if (args.hasValueFlag("finish")) {
for (AbstractListener quest : denizen.getListenerRegistry().getListenersFor(player).values())
if (quest.getListenerId().equalsIgnoreCase(args.getFlag("finish"))) {
Messaging.send(sender, "Force-finishing '" + quest.getListenerId() + "' for " + player.getName() + ".");
} else if (args.length() > 2 && args.getInteger(1, 0) < 1) {
Messaging.send(sender, "");
Messaging.send(sender, "<f>Use '--report|cancel|finish id' to modify/view a specific quest listener.");
Messaging.send(sender, "<b>Example: /denizen listener --report \"Journey 1\"");
Messaging.send(sender, "");
Paginator paginator = new Paginator();
paginator.header("Active quest listeners for " + player.getName() + ":");
paginator.addLine("<e>Key: <a>Type <b>ID");
if (listeners == null || listeners.isEmpty())
else for (AbstractListener quest : listeners.values())
paginator.addLine("<a>" + quest.getListenerType() + " <b>" + quest.getListenerId());
paginator.sendPage(sender, args.getInteger(1, 1));
// <--[event]
// @Events
// reload scripts
// @Triggers when Denizen scripts are reloaded.
// @Context
// <context.sender> returns the name of the sender who triggered the reload.
// <context.all> returns whether 'reload -a' was used.
// <context.haderror> returns whether there was an error.
// -->
@Command ( aliases = { "denizen" }, usage = "reload (saves|notables|config|scripts|externals) (-a)",
desc = "Reloads various Denizen files from disk to memory.", modifiers = { "reload" },
min = 1, max = 3, permission = "denizen.basic", flags = "a" )
public void reload(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender) throws CommandException {
// Get reload type
if (args.hasFlag('a')) {
Messaging.send(sender, "Denizen/saves.yml, Denizen/notables.yml, Denizen/config.yml, Denizen/scripts/..., and Denizen/externals/... reloaded from disk to memory.");
if (ScriptHelper.hadError()) {
Messaging.sendError(sender, "There was an error loading your scripts, check the console for details!");
List<String> events = new ArrayList<String>();
Map<String, dObject> context = new HashMap<String, dObject>();
events.add("reload scripts");
context.put("all", Element.TRUE);
context.put("sender", new Element(sender.getName()));
context.put("haderror", new Element(ScriptHelper.hadError()));
EventManager.doEvents(events, null, (sender instanceof Player) ? new dPlayer((Player) sender) : null, context);
// Reload a specific item
if (args.length() > 2) {
if (args.getString(1).equalsIgnoreCase("saves")) {
Messaging.send(sender, "Denizen/saves.yml reloaded from disk to memory.");
} else if (args.getString(1).equalsIgnoreCase("notables")) {
Messaging.send(sender, "Denizen/notables.yml reloaded from disk to memory.");
} else if(args.getString(1).equalsIgnoreCase("config")) {
Messaging.send(sender, "Denizen/config.yml reloaded from disk to memory.");
} else if (args.getString(1).equalsIgnoreCase("scripts")) {
Messaging.send(sender, "Denizen/scripts/... reloaded from disk to memory.");
if (ScriptHelper.hadError()) {
Messaging.sendError(sender, "There was an error loading your scripts, check the console for details!");
List<String> events = new ArrayList<String>();
Map<String, dObject> context = new HashMap<String, dObject>();
events.add("reload scripts");
context.put("all", Element.FALSE);
context.put("haderror", new Element(ScriptHelper.hadError()));
context.put("sender", new Element(sender.getName()));
EventManager.doEvents(events, null, (sender instanceof Player) ? new dPlayer((Player) sender) : null, context);
else if (args.getString(1).equalsIgnoreCase("externals")) {
Messaging.send(sender, "Denizen/externals/... reloaded from disk to memory.");
Messaging.send(sender, "");
Messaging.send(sender, "<f>Specify which parts to reload. Valid options are: SAVES, NOTABLES, CONFIG, SCRIPTS, EXTERNALS");
Messaging.send(sender, "<b>Example: /denizen reload scripts");
Messaging.send(sender, "<f>Use '-a' to reload all parts.");
Messaging.send(sender, "");
aliases = { "denizen" }, usage = "scripts (--type assignment|task|...) (--filter string)",
desc = "Lists currently loaded dScripts.", modifiers = { "scripts" },
min = 1, max = 4, permission = "denizen.basic")
public void scripts(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender) throws CommandException {
// Fill arguments
String type = null; if (args.hasValueFlag("type")) type = args.getFlag("type");
String filter = null; if (args.hasValueFlag("filter")) filter = args.getFlag("filter");
// Get script names from the scripts.yml in memory
Set<String> scripts = ScriptRegistry._getScriptNames();
// New Paginator to display script names
Paginator paginator = new Paginator().header("Scripts");
paginator.addLine("<e>Key: <a>Type <b>Name");
// Add scripts to Paginator
for (String script : scripts) {
ScriptContainer scriptContainer = ScriptRegistry.getScriptContainer(script);
// If a --type has been specified...
if (type != null) {
if (scriptContainer.getContainerType().equalsIgnoreCase(type))
if (filter != null) {
if (script.contains(filter.toUpperCase()))
paginator.addLine("<a>" + scriptContainer.getContainerType().substring(0, 3) + " <b>" + script);
else paginator.addLine("<a>" + scriptContainer.getContainerType().substring(0, 3) + " <b>" + script);
// If a --filter has been specified...
} else if (filter != null) {
if (script.contains(filter.toUpperCase()))
paginator.addLine("<a>" + scriptContainer.getContainerType().substring(0, 3) + " <b>" + script);
} else paginator.addLine("<a>" + scriptContainer.getContainerType().substring(0, 3) + " <b>" + script);
// Send the contents of the Paginator to the Player (or Console)
if (!paginator.sendPage(sender, args.getInteger(1, 1)))
throw new CommandException("The page " + args.getInteger(1, 1) + " does not exist.");
aliases = { "notable" }, usage = "add",
desc = "Adds a new notable to your current location", modifiers = { "add", "save" },
// Even though different arguments will be combined into one
// if they are delimited by quotes, their max number is checked
// before that, so it needs to be high
min = 2, max = 20, permission = "denizen.notable.basic")
public void addnotable(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender) throws CommandException {
NotableManager.saveAs(new dLocation(((Player) sender).getLocation()), args.getString(1));
Messaging.send(sender, "Created new notable called " + (args.getString(1)));
aliases = { "notable" }, usage = "list",
desc = "Lists all notable locations", modifiers = { "list" },
min = 1, max = 1, permission = "denizen.notable.basic")
public void listnotable(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender) throws CommandException {
Messaging.send(sender, NotableManager.getAllType(dLocation.class).toString());