* Licensed to Odiago, Inc. under one or more contributor license
* agreements. See the NOTICE.txt file distributed with this work for
* additional information regarding copyright ownership. Odiago, Inc.
* licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package com.odiago.flumebase.lang;
import java.util.List;
import com.odiago.flumebase.parser.AliasedExpr;
import com.odiago.flumebase.parser.BinExpr;
import com.odiago.flumebase.parser.CreateStreamStmt;
import com.odiago.flumebase.parser.ExplainStmt;
import com.odiago.flumebase.parser.Expr;
import com.odiago.flumebase.parser.FnCallExpr;
import com.odiago.flumebase.parser.GroupBy;
import com.odiago.flumebase.parser.JoinedSource;
import com.odiago.flumebase.parser.RangeSpec;
import com.odiago.flumebase.parser.SQLStatement;
import com.odiago.flumebase.parser.SelectStmt;
import com.odiago.flumebase.parser.UnaryExpr;
import com.odiago.flumebase.parser.WindowDef;
import com.odiago.flumebase.parser.WindowSpec;
* TreeWalkVisitor comes with default visit() methods that visit all children of a given
* node. Subclasses should call super.visit() when they want recursion to occur.
public abstract class TreeWalkVisitor extends Visitor {
* Method called before visiting each item in the tree (except the root).
protected void before(SQLStatement parent, SQLStatement child) throws VisitException {
* Method called after visiting each item in the tree (except the root).
protected void after(SQLStatement parent, SQLStatement child) throws VisitException {
* Replace all instances of AST element 'oldChild' under 'parent' with
* 'newChild'. Comparison is done with == (not equals()).
protected void replace(SQLStatement parent, SQLStatement oldChild, SQLStatement newChild)
throws VisitException {
new ReplaceVisitor(oldChild, newChild).visit(parent);
protected void visit(CreateStreamStmt s) throws VisitException {
before(s, s.getFormatSpec());
after(s, s.getFormatSpec());
protected void visit(SelectStmt s) throws VisitException {
List<AliasedExpr> exprs = s.getSelectExprs();
for (int i = 0; i < exprs.size(); i++) {
AliasedExpr e = exprs.get(i);
before(s, e);
after(s, e);
before(s, s.getSource());
after(s, s.getSource());
Expr where = s.getWhereConditions();
if (null != where) {
before(s, where);
after(s, where);
GroupBy groupBy = s.getGroupBy();
if (null != groupBy) {
before(s, groupBy);
after(s, groupBy);
Expr aggregateOver = s.getWindowOver();
if (null != aggregateOver) {
before(s, aggregateOver);
after(s, aggregateOver);
Expr having = s.getHaving();
if (null != having) {
before(s, having);
after(s, having);
List<WindowDef> windowDefs = s.getWindowDefs();
if (null != windowDefs) {
for (int i = 0; i < windowDefs.size(); i++) {
WindowDef def = windowDefs.get(i);
before(s, def);
after(s, def);
protected void visit(ExplainStmt s) throws VisitException {
before(s, s.getChildStmt());
after(s, s.getChildStmt());
protected void visit(BinExpr e) throws VisitException {
before(e, e.getLeftExpr());
after(e, e.getLeftExpr());
before(e, e.getRightExpr());
after(e, e.getRightExpr());
protected void visit(FnCallExpr e) throws VisitException {
List<Expr> args = e.getArgExpressions();
if (null != args) {
for (int i = 0; i < args.size(); i++) {
Expr ae = args.get(i);
before(e, ae);
after(e, ae);
protected void visit(UnaryExpr e) throws VisitException {
before(e, e.getSubExpr());
after(e, e.getSubExpr());
protected void visit(AliasedExpr e) throws VisitException {
before(e, e.getExpr());
after(e, e.getExpr());
protected void visit(WindowDef e) throws VisitException {
before(e, e.getWindowSpec());
after(e, e.getWindowSpec());
protected void visit(WindowSpec e) throws VisitException {
before(e, e.getRangeSpec());
after(e, e.getRangeSpec());
protected void visit(RangeSpec e) throws VisitException {
before(e, e.getPrevSize());
after(e, e.getPrevSize());
before(e, e.getAfterSize());
after(e, e.getAfterSize());
protected void visit(JoinedSource s) throws VisitException {
before(s, s.getLeft());
after(s, s.getLeft());
before(s, s.getRight());
after(s, s.getRight());
before(s, s.getJoinExpr());
after(s, s.getJoinExpr());
before(s, s.getWindowExpr());
after(s, s.getWindowExpr());