* Copyright 2011 The Closure Compiler Authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.google.javascript.jscomp;
import com.google.common.collect.Iterables;
import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
import com.google.javascript.jscomp.SymbolTable.Reference;
import com.google.javascript.jscomp.SymbolTable.Symbol;
import com.google.javascript.jscomp.SymbolTable.SymbolScope;
import com.google.javascript.rhino.Token;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import java.util.List;
* @author nicksantos@google.com (Nick Santos)
public class SymbolTableTest extends TestCase {
private static final String EXTERNS = CompilerTypeTestCase.DEFAULT_EXTERNS +
"\nfunction customExternFn(customExternArg) {}";
public void testGlobalVar() throws Exception {
SymbolTable table = createSymbolTable(
"/** @type {number} */ var x = 5;");
assertNull(getGlobalVar(table, "y"));
assertNotNull(getGlobalVar(table, "x"));
assertEquals("number", getGlobalVar(table, "x").getType().toString());
assertEquals(1, getVars(table).size());
public void testGlobalThisReferences() throws Exception {
SymbolTable table = createSymbolTable(
"var x = this; function f() { return this + this + this; }");
Symbol global = getGlobalVar(table, "*global*");
List<Reference> refs = Lists.newArrayList(table.getReferences(global));
assertEquals(1, refs.size());
public void testGlobalThisPropertyReferences() throws Exception {
SymbolTable table = createSymbolTable(
"/** @constructor */ function Foo() {} this.Foo;");
Symbol foo = getGlobalVar(table, "Foo");
List<Reference> refs = Lists.newArrayList(table.getReferences(foo));
assertEquals(2, refs.size());
public void testGlobalVarReferences() throws Exception {
SymbolTable table = createSymbolTable(
"/** @type {number} */ var x = 5; x = 6;");
Symbol x = getGlobalVar(table, "x");
List<Reference> refs = Lists.newArrayList(table.getReferences(x));
assertEquals(2, refs.size());
assertEquals(x.getDeclaration(), refs.get(0));
assertEquals(Token.VAR, refs.get(0).getNode().getParent().getType());
assertEquals(Token.ASSIGN, refs.get(1).getNode().getParent().getType());
public void testLocalVarReferences() throws Exception {
SymbolTable table = createSymbolTable(
"function f(x) { return x; }");
Symbol x = getLocalVar(table, "x");
List<Reference> refs = Lists.newArrayList(table.getReferences(x));
assertEquals(2, refs.size());
assertEquals(x.getDeclaration(), refs.get(0));
assertEquals(Token.LP, refs.get(0).getNode().getParent().getType());
assertEquals(Token.RETURN, refs.get(1).getNode().getParent().getType());
public void testLocalThisReferences() throws Exception {
SymbolTable table = createSymbolTable(
"/** @constructor */ function F() { this.foo = 3; this.bar = 5; }");
Symbol t = getGlobalVar(table, "F.this");
List<Reference> refs = Lists.newArrayList(table.getReferences(t));
assertEquals(2, refs.size());
public void testLocalThisReferences2() throws Exception {
SymbolTable table = createSymbolTable(
"/** @constructor */ function F() {}" +
"/** doc */ F.prototype.baz = " +
" function() { this.foo = 3; this.bar = 5; };");
Symbol t = getGlobalVar(table, "F.prototype.baz.this");
List<Reference> refs = Lists.newArrayList(table.getReferences(t));
assertEquals(2, refs.size());
public void testNamespacedReferences() throws Exception {
// Because the type of goog is anonymous, we build its properties into
// the global scope.
SymbolTable table = createSymbolTable(
"var goog = {};" +
"goog.dom = {};" +
"goog.dom.DomHelper = function(){};");
Symbol goog = getGlobalVar(table, "goog");
assertEquals(3, Iterables.size(table.getReferences(goog)));
Symbol googDom = getGlobalVar(table, "goog.dom");
assertEquals(2, Iterables.size(table.getReferences(googDom)));
Symbol googDomHelper = getGlobalVar(table, "goog.dom.DomHelper");
assertEquals(1, Iterables.size(table.getReferences(googDomHelper)));
public void testRemovalOfNamespacedReferencesOfProperties()
throws Exception {
SymbolTable table = createSymbolTable(
"/** @constructor */ var DomHelper = function(){};" +
"/** method */ DomHelper.method = function() {};");
Symbol domHelper = getGlobalVar(table, "DomHelper");
Symbol domHelperNamespacedMethod = getGlobalVar(table, "DomHelper.method");
assertEquals("method", domHelperNamespacedMethod.getName());
Symbol domHelperMethod = domHelper.getPropertyScope().getSlot("method");
public void testGoogScopeReferences() throws Exception {
SymbolTable table = createSymbolTable(
"var goog = {};" +
"goog.scope = function() {};" +
"goog.scope(function() {});");
Symbol googScope = getGlobalVar(table, "goog.scope");
assertEquals(2, Iterables.size(table.getReferences(googScope)));
public void testGoogRequireReferences() throws Exception {
SymbolTable table = createSymbolTable(
"var goog = {};" +
"goog.provide = function() {};" +
"goog.require = function() {};" +
"goog.provide('goog.dom');" +
Symbol goog = getGlobalVar(table, "goog");
// 8 references:
// 5 in code
// 2 in strings
// 1 created by ProcessClosurePrimitives when it processes the provide.
// NOTE(nicksantos): In the future, we may de-dupe references such
// that the one in the goog.provide string and the one created by
// ProcessClosurePrimitives count as the same reference.
assertEquals(8, Iterables.size(table.getReferences(goog)));
public void testGlobalVarInExterns() throws Exception {
SymbolTable table = createSymbolTable("customExternFn(1);");
Symbol fn = getGlobalVar(table, "customExternFn");
List<Reference> refs = Lists.newArrayList(table.getReferences(fn));
assertEquals(2, refs.size());
SymbolScope scope = table.getEnclosingScope(refs.get(0).getNode());
public void testLocalVarInExterns() throws Exception {
SymbolTable table = createSymbolTable("");
Symbol arg = getLocalVar(table, "customExternArg");
List<Reference> refs = Lists.newArrayList(table.getReferences(arg));
assertEquals(1, refs.size());
Symbol fn = getGlobalVar(table, "customExternFn");
SymbolScope scope = table.getEnclosingScope(refs.get(0).getNode());
assertEquals(fn, table.getSymbolForScope(scope));
public void testSymbolsForType() throws Exception {
SymbolTable table = createSymbolTable(
"function random() { return 1; }" +
"/** @constructor */ function Foo() {}" +
"/** @constructor */ function Bar() {}" +
"var x = random() ? new Foo() : new Bar();");
Symbol x = getGlobalVar(table, "x");
Symbol foo = getGlobalVar(table, "Foo");
Symbol bar = getGlobalVar(table, "Bar");
Symbol fooPrototype = getGlobalVar(table, "Foo.prototype");
Symbol fn = getGlobalVar(table, "Function");
Symbol obj = getGlobalVar(table, "Object");
Lists.newArrayList(foo, bar), table.getAllSymbolsForTypeOf(x));
Lists.newArrayList(fn), table.getAllSymbolsForTypeOf(foo));
Lists.newArrayList(obj), table.getAllSymbolsForTypeOf(fooPrototype));
public void testStaticMethodReferences() throws Exception {
SymbolTable table = createSymbolTable(
"/** @constructor */ var DomHelper = function(){};" +
"/** method */ DomHelper.method = function() {};" +
"function f() { var x = DomHelper; x.method() + x.method(); }");
Symbol method =
getGlobalVar(table, "DomHelper").getPropertyScope().getSlot("method");
3, Iterables.size(table.getReferences(method)));
public void testMethodReferences() throws Exception {
SymbolTable table = createSymbolTable(
"/** @constructor */ var DomHelper = function(){};" +
"/** method */ DomHelper.prototype.method = function() {};" +
"function f() { " +
" (new DomHelper()).method(); (new DomHelper()).method(); };");
Symbol method =
getGlobalVar(table, "DomHelper.prototype.method");
3, Iterables.size(table.getReferences(method)));
public void testFieldReferences() throws Exception {
SymbolTable table = createSymbolTable(
"/** @constructor */ var DomHelper = function(){" +
" /** @type {number} */ this.field = 3;" +
"};" +
"function f() { " +
" return (new DomHelper()).field + (new DomHelper()).field; };");
Symbol field = getGlobalVar(table, "DomHelper.prototype.field");
3, Iterables.size(table.getReferences(field)));
public void testUndeclaredFieldReferences() throws Exception {
// We do not currently create symbol table entries for undeclared fields,
// but this may change in the future.
SymbolTable table = createSymbolTable(
"/** @constructor */ var DomHelper = function(){};" +
"DomHelper.prototype.method = function() { " +
" this.field = 3;" +
" return x.field;" +
Symbol field = getGlobalVar(table, "DomHelper.prototype.field");
public void testPrototypeReferences() throws Exception {
SymbolTable table = createSymbolTable(
"/** @constructor */ function DomHelper() {}" +
"DomHelper.prototype.method = function() {};");
Symbol prototype =
getGlobalVar(table, "DomHelper.prototype");
List<Reference> refs = Lists.newArrayList(table.getReferences(prototype));
// One of the refs is implicit in the declaration of the function.
assertEquals(refs.toString(), 2, refs.size());
public void testPrototypeReferences2() throws Exception {
SymbolTable table = createSymbolTable(
"/** @constructor */\n"
+ "function Snork() {}\n"
+ "Snork.prototype.baz = 3;\n");
Symbol prototype =
getGlobalVar(table, "Snork.prototype");
List<Reference> refs = Lists.newArrayList(table.getReferences(prototype));
assertEquals(2, refs.size());
public void testPrototypeReferences3() throws Exception {
SymbolTable table = createSymbolTable(
"/** @constructor */ function Foo() {}");
Symbol fooPrototype = getGlobalVar(table, "Foo.prototype");
List<Reference> refs = Lists.newArrayList(
assertEquals(1, refs.size());
assertEquals(Token.FUNCTION, refs.get(0).getNode().getType());
public void testPrototypeReferences4() throws Exception {
SymbolTable table = createSymbolTable(
"/** @constructor */ function Foo() {}" +
"Foo.prototype = {bar: 3}");
Symbol fooPrototype = getGlobalVar(table, "Foo.prototype");
List<Reference> refs = Lists.newArrayList(
assertEquals(1, refs.size());
assertEquals(Token.GETPROP, refs.get(0).getNode().getType());
assertEquals("Foo.prototype", refs.get(0).getNode().getQualifiedName());
public void testReferencesInJSDoc() {
SymbolTable table = createSymbolTable(
"/** @constructor */ function Foo() {}\n" +
"/** @type {Foo} */ var x;\n" +
"/** @param {Foo} x */ function f(x) {}\n" +
"/** @return {function(): Foo} */ function g() {}\n" +
"/**\n" +
" * @constructor\n" +
" * @extends {Foo}\n" +
" */ function Sub() {}");
Symbol foo = getGlobalVar(table, "Foo");
List<Reference> refs = Lists.newArrayList(table.getReferences(foo));
assertEquals(5, refs.size());
assertEquals(1, refs.get(0).getNode().getLineno());
assertEquals(29, refs.get(0).getNode().getCharno());
assertEquals(3, refs.get(0).getNode().getLength());
assertEquals(2, refs.get(1).getNode().getLineno());
assertEquals(11, refs.get(1).getNode().getCharno());
assertEquals(3, refs.get(2).getNode().getLineno());
assertEquals(12, refs.get(2).getNode().getCharno());
assertEquals(4, refs.get(3).getNode().getLineno());
assertEquals(25, refs.get(3).getNode().getCharno());
assertEquals(7, refs.get(4).getNode().getLineno());
assertEquals(13, refs.get(4).getNode().getCharno());
public void testReferencesInJSDoc2() {
SymbolTable table = createSymbolTable(
"/** @param {string} x */ function f(x) {}\n");
Symbol str = getGlobalVar(table, "String");
List<Reference> refs = Lists.newArrayList(table.getReferences(str));
// We're going to pick up a lot of references from the externs,
// so it's not meaningful to check the number of references.
// We really want to make sure that all the references are in the externs,
// except the last one.
assertTrue(refs.size() > 1);
int last = refs.size() - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < refs.size(); i++) {
Reference ref = refs.get(i);
assertEquals(i != last, ref.getNode().isFromExterns());
private Symbol getGlobalVar(SymbolTable table, String name) {
return table.getGlobalScope().getSlot(name);
private Symbol getLocalVar(SymbolTable table, String name) {
for (Symbol symbol : table.getAllSymbols()) {
if (symbol.getName().equals(name) &&
table.getScope(symbol).getParentScope() != null) {
return symbol;
return null;
/** Returns all non-extern vars. */
private List<Symbol> getVars(SymbolTable table) {
List<Symbol> result = Lists.newArrayList();
for (Symbol symbol : table.getAllSymbols()) {
if (symbol.getDeclaration() != null &&
!symbol.getDeclaration().getNode().isFromExterns()) {
return result;
private SymbolTable createSymbolTable(String input) {
List<JSSourceFile> inputs = Lists.newArrayList(
JSSourceFile.fromCode("in1", input));
List<JSSourceFile> externs = Lists.newArrayList(
JSSourceFile.fromCode("externs1", EXTERNS));
CompilerOptions options = new CompilerOptions();
options.ideMode = true;
Compiler compiler = new Compiler();
compiler.compile(externs, inputs, options);
return assertSymbolTableValid(compiler.buildKnownSymbolTable());
* Asserts that the symbol table meets some invariants.
* Returns the same table for easy chaining.
private SymbolTable assertSymbolTableValid(SymbolTable table) {
for (Symbol sym : table.getAllSymbols()) {
// Make sure that grabbing the symbol's scope and looking it up
// again produces the same symbol.
assertEquals(sym, table.getScope(sym).getSlot(sym.getName()));
for (Reference ref : table.getReferences(sym)) {
// Make sure that the symbol and reference are mutually linked.
assertEquals(sym, ref.getSymbol());
return table;