* Copyright 2009 The Closure Compiler Authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.google.javascript.jscomp;
import com.google.common.base.Preconditions;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
import com.google.common.collect.Sets;
import com.google.common.io.Files;
import com.google.common.io.LimitInputStream;
import org.kohsuke.args4j.CmdLineException;
import org.kohsuke.args4j.CmdLineParser;
import org.kohsuke.args4j.Option;
import org.kohsuke.args4j.OptionDef;
import org.kohsuke.args4j.spi.OptionHandler;
import org.kohsuke.args4j.spi.Parameters;
import org.kohsuke.args4j.spi.Setter;
import org.kohsuke.args4j.spi.StringOptionHandler;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.zip.ZipEntry;
import java.util.zip.ZipInputStream;
* CommandLineRunner translates flags into Java API calls on the Compiler.
* This class may be extended and used to create other Java classes
* that behave the same as running the Compiler from the command line. If you
* want to run the compiler in-process in Java, you should look at this class
* for hints on what API calls to make, but you should not use this class
* directly.
* Example:
* <pre>
* class MyCommandLineRunner extends CommandLineRunner {
* MyCommandLineRunner(String[] args) {
* super(args);
* }
* {@code @Override} protected CompilerOptions createOptions() {
* CompilerOptions options = super.createOptions();
* addMyCrazyCompilerPassThatOutputsAnExtraFile(options);
* return options;
* }
* public static void main(String[] args) {
* MyCommandLineRunner runner = new MyCommandLineRunner(args);
* if (runner.shouldRunCompiler()) {
* runner.run();
* } else {
* System.exit(-1);
* }
* }
* }
* </pre>
* This class is totally not thread-safe.
* @author bolinfest@google.com (Michael Bolin)
public class CommandLineRunner extends
AbstractCommandLineRunner<Compiler, CompilerOptions> {
// I don't really care about unchecked warnings in this class.
private static class Flags {
private static final WarningGuardSpec warningGuardSpec =
new WarningGuardSpec();
@Option(name = "--help",
handler = BooleanOptionHandler.class,
usage = "Displays this message")
private boolean display_help = false;
@Option(name = "--print_tree",
handler = BooleanOptionHandler.class,
usage = "Prints out the parse tree and exits")
private boolean print_tree = false;
@Option(name = "--print_ast",
handler = BooleanOptionHandler.class,
usage = "Prints a dot file describing the internal abstract syntax"
+ " tree and exits")
private boolean print_ast = false;
@Option(name = "--print_pass_graph",
handler = BooleanOptionHandler.class,
usage = "Prints a dot file describing the passes that will get run"
+ " and exits")
private boolean print_pass_graph = false;
// Turn on (very slow) extra sanity checks for use when modifying the
// compiler.
@Option(name = "--jscomp_dev_mode",
// hidden, no usage
aliases = {"--dev_mode"})
private CompilerOptions.DevMode jscomp_dev_mode =
@Option(name = "--logging_level",
usage = "The logging level (standard java.util.logging.Level"
+ " values) for Compiler progress. Does not control errors or"
+ " warnings for the JavaScript code under compilation")
private String logging_level = Level.WARNING.getName();
@Option(name = "--externs",
usage = "The file containing javascript externs. You may specify"
+ " multiple")
private List<String> externs = Lists.newArrayList();
@Option(name = "--js",
usage = "The javascript filename. You may specify multiple")
private List<String> js = Lists.newArrayList();
@Option(name = "--js_output_file",
usage = "Primary output filename. If not specified, output is " +
"written to stdout")
private String js_output_file = "";
@Option(name = "--module",
usage = "A javascript module specification. The format is "
+ "<name>:<num-js-files>[:[<dep>,...][:]]]. Module names must be "
+ "unique. Each dep is the name of a module that this module "
+ "depends on. Modules must be listed in dependency order, and js "
+ "source files must be listed in the corresponding order. Where "
+ "--module flags occur in relation to --js flags is unimportant")
private List<String> module = Lists.newArrayList();
@Option(name = "--variable_map_input_file",
usage = "File containing the serialized version of the variable "
+ "renaming map produced by a previous compilation")
private String variable_map_input_file = "";
@Option(name = "--property_map_input_file",
usage = "File containing the serialized version of the property "
+ "renaming map produced by a previous compilation")
private String property_map_input_file = "";
@Option(name = "--variable_map_output_file",
usage = "File where the serialized version of the variable "
+ "renaming map produced should be saved")
private String variable_map_output_file = "";
@Option(name = "--create_name_map_files",
handler = BooleanOptionHandler.class,
usage = "If true, variable renaming and property renaming map "
+ "files will be produced as {binary name}_vars_map.out and "
+ "{binary name}_props_map.out. Note that this flag cannot be used "
+ "in conjunction with either variable_map_output_file or "
+ "property_map_output_file")
private boolean create_name_map_files = false;
@Option(name = "--property_map_output_file",
usage = "File where the serialized version of the property "
+ "renaming map produced should be saved")
private String property_map_output_file = "";
@Option(name = "--third_party",
handler = BooleanOptionHandler.class,
usage = "Check source validity but do not enforce Closure style "
+ "rules and conventions")
private boolean third_party = false;
@Option(name = "--summary_detail_level",
usage = "Controls how detailed the compilation summary is. Values:"
+ " 0 (never print summary), 1 (print summary only if there are "
+ "errors or warnings), 2 (print summary if type checking is on, "
+ "see --check_types), 3 (always print summary). The default level "
+ "is 1")
private int summary_detail_level = 1;
@Option(name = "--output_wrapper",
usage = "Interpolate output into this string at the place denoted"
+ " by the marker token %output%. See --output_wrapper_marker")
private String output_wrapper = "";
@Option(name = "--module_wrapper",
usage = "An output wrapper for a javascript module (optional). "
+ "The format is <name>:<wrapper>. The module name must correspond "
+ "with a module specified using --module. The wrapper must "
+ "contain %s as the code placeholder")
private List<String> module_wrapper = Lists.newArrayList();
@Option(name = "--module_output_path_prefix",
usage = "Prefix for filenames of compiled js modules. "
+ "<module-name>.js will be appended to this prefix. Directories "
+ "will be created as needed. Use with --module")
private String module_output_path_prefix = "./";
@Option(name = "--create_source_map",
usage = "If specified, a source map file mapping the generated " +
"source files back to the original source file will be " +
"output to the specified path. The %outname% placeholder will " +
"expand to the name of the output file that the source map " +
"corresponds to.")
private String create_source_map = "";
@Option(name = "--source_map_format",
usage = "The source map format to produce. " +
"Options: V1, V2, V3, DEFAULT. DEFAULT produces V2.")
private SourceMap.Format source_map_format = SourceMap.Format.DEFAULT;
// Used to define the flag, values are stored by the handler.
@Option(name = "--jscomp_error",
handler = WarningGuardErrorOptionHandler.class,
usage = "Make the named class of warnings an error. Options:" +
private List<String> jscomp_error = Lists.newArrayList();
// Used to define the flag, values are stored by the handler.
@Option(name = "--jscomp_warning",
handler = WarningGuardWarningOptionHandler.class,
usage = "Make the named class of warnings a normal warning. " +
"Options:" + DiagnosticGroups.DIAGNOSTIC_GROUP_NAMES)
private List<String> jscomp_warning = Lists.newArrayList();
// Used to define the flag, values are stored by the handler.
@Option(name = "--jscomp_off",
handler = WarningGuardOffOptionHandler.class,
usage = "Turn off the named class of warnings. Options:" +
private List<String> jscomp_off = Lists.newArrayList();
@Option(name = "--define",
aliases = {"--D", "-D"},
usage = "Override the value of a variable annotated @define. " +
"The format is <name>[=<val>], where <name> is the name of a @define " +
"variable and <val> is a boolean, number, or a single-quoted string " +
"that contains no single quotes. If [=<val>] is omitted, " +
"the variable is marked true")
private List<String> define = Lists.newArrayList();
@Option(name = "--charset",
usage = "Input and output charset for all files. By default, we " +
"accept UTF-8 as input and output US_ASCII")
private String charset = "";
@Option(name = "--compilation_level",
usage = "Specifies the compilation level to use. Options: " +
private CompilationLevel compilation_level =
@Option(name = "--warning_level",
usage = "Specifies the warning level to use. Options: " +
private WarningLevel warning_level = WarningLevel.DEFAULT;
@Option(name = "--use_only_custom_externs",
handler = BooleanOptionHandler.class,
usage = "Specifies whether the default externs should be excluded")
private boolean use_only_custom_externs = false;
@Option(name = "--debug",
handler = BooleanOptionHandler.class,
usage = "Enable debugging options")
private boolean debug = false;
@Option(name = "--generate_exports",
handler = BooleanOptionHandler.class,
usage = "Generates export code for those marked with @export")
private boolean generate_exports = false;
@Option(name = "--formatting",
usage = "Specifies which formatting options, if any, should be "
+ "applied to the output JS. Options: "
private List<FormattingOption> formatting = Lists.newArrayList();
@Option(name = "--process_closure_primitives",
handler = BooleanOptionHandler.class,
usage = "Processes built-ins from the Closure library, such as "
+ "goog.require(), goog.provide(), and goog.exportSymbol()")
private boolean process_closure_primitives = true;
@Option(name = "--manage_closure_dependencies",
handler = BooleanOptionHandler.class,
usage = "Automatically sort dependencies so that a file that "
+ "goog.provides symbol X will always come before a file that "
+ "goog.requires symbol X. If an input provides symbols, and "
+ "those symbols are never required, then that input will not "
+ "be included in the compilation.")
private boolean manage_closure_dependencies = false;
@Option(name = "--closure_entry_point",
usage = "Entry points to the program. Must be goog.provide'd "
+ "symbols. Any goog.provide'd symbols that are not a transitive "
+ "dependency of the entry points will be removed. Files without "
+ "goog.provides, and their dependencies, will always be left in. "
+ "If any entry points are specified, then the "
+ "manage_closure_dependencies option will be set to true and "
+ "all files will be sorted in dependency order.")
private List<String> closure_entry_point = Lists.newArrayList();
@Option(name = "--output_manifest",
usage = "Prints out a list of all the files in the compilation. "
+ "If --manage_closure_dependencies is on, this will not include "
+ "files that got dropped because they were not required. "
+ "The %outname% placeholder expands to the js output file. "
+ "If you're using modularization, using %outname% will create "
+ "a manifest for each module.")
private String output_manifest = "";
@Option(name = "--accept_const_keyword",
usage = "Allows usage of const keyword.")
private boolean accept_const_keyword = false;
@Option(name = "--language_in",
usage = "Sets what language spec that input sources conform. "
private String language_in = "ECMASCRIPT3";
@Option(name = "--version",
handler = BooleanOptionHandler.class,
usage = "Prints the compiler version to stderr.")
private boolean version = false;
@Option(name = "--translations_file",
usage = "Source of translated messages. Currently only supports XTB.")
private String translationsFile = "";
@Option(name = "--translations_project",
usage = "Scopes all translations to the specified project." +
"When specified, we will use different message ids so that messages " +
"in different projects can have different translations.")
private String translationsProject = null;
@Option(name = "--flagfile",
usage = "A file containing additional command-line options.")
private String flag_file = "";
// Our own option parser to be backwards-compatible.
// It needs to be public because of the crazy reflection that args4j does.
public static class BooleanOptionHandler extends OptionHandler<Boolean> {
private static final Set<String> TRUES =
Sets.newHashSet("true", "on", "yes", "1");
private static final Set<String> FALSES =
Sets.newHashSet("false", "off", "no", "0");
public BooleanOptionHandler(
CmdLineParser parser, OptionDef option,
Setter<? super Boolean> setter) {
super(parser, option, setter);
public int parseArguments(Parameters params) throws CmdLineException {
String param = null;
try {
param = params.getParameter(0);
} catch (CmdLineException e) {}
if (param == null) {
return 0;
} else {
String lowerParam = param.toLowerCase();
if (TRUES.contains(lowerParam)) {
} else if (FALSES.contains(lowerParam)) {
} else {
return 0;
return 1;
public String getDefaultMetaVariable() {
return null;
// Our own parser for warning guards that preserves the original order
// of the flags.
public static class WarningGuardErrorOptionHandler
extends StringOptionHandler {
public WarningGuardErrorOptionHandler(
CmdLineParser parser, OptionDef option,
Setter<? super String> setter) {
super(parser, option, new WarningGuardSetter(setter, CheckLevel.ERROR));
public static class WarningGuardWarningOptionHandler
extends StringOptionHandler {
public WarningGuardWarningOptionHandler(
CmdLineParser parser, OptionDef option,
Setter<? super String> setter) {
super(parser, option,
new WarningGuardSetter(setter, CheckLevel.WARNING));
public static class WarningGuardOffOptionHandler
extends StringOptionHandler {
public WarningGuardOffOptionHandler(
CmdLineParser parser, OptionDef option,
Setter<? super String> setter) {
super(parser, option, new WarningGuardSetter(setter, CheckLevel.OFF));
private static class WarningGuardSetter implements Setter<String> {
private final Setter<? super String> proxy;
private final CheckLevel level;
private WarningGuardSetter(
Setter<? super String> proxy, CheckLevel level) {
this.proxy = proxy;
this.level = level;
@Override public boolean isMultiValued() {
return proxy.isMultiValued();
@Override public Class<String> getType() {
return (Class<String>) proxy.getType();
@Override public void addValue(String value) throws CmdLineException {
warningGuardSpec.add(level, value);
* Set of options that can be used with the --formatting flag.
private static enum FormattingOption {
private void applyToOptions(CompilerOptions options) {
switch (this) {
options.prettyPrint = true;
options.printInputDelimiter = true;
throw new RuntimeException("Unknown formatting option: " + this);
private final Flags flags = new Flags();
private static final String configResource =
private boolean isConfigValid = false;
* Create a new command-line runner. You should only need to call
* the constructor if you're extending this class. Otherwise, the main
* method should instantiate it.
protected CommandLineRunner(String[] args) {
initConfigFromFlags(args, System.err);
protected CommandLineRunner(String[] args, PrintStream out, PrintStream err) {
super(out, err);
initConfigFromFlags(args, err);
private List<String> processArgs(String[] args) {
// Args4j has a different format that the old command-line parser.
// So we use some voodoo to get the args into the format that args4j
// expects.
Pattern argPattern = Pattern.compile("(--[a-zA-Z_]+)=(.*)");
Pattern quotesPattern = Pattern.compile("^['\"](.*)['\"]$");
List<String> processedArgs = Lists.newArrayList();
for (String arg : args) {
Matcher matcher = argPattern.matcher(arg);
if (matcher.matches()) {
String value = matcher.group(2);
Matcher quotesMatcher = quotesPattern.matcher(value);
if (quotesMatcher.matches()) {
} else {
} else {
return processedArgs;
private void processFlagFile(PrintStream err)
throws CmdLineException, IOException {
List<String> argsInFile = Lists.newArrayList();
File flagFileInput = new File(flags.flag_file);
StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(
Files.toString(flagFileInput, Charset.defaultCharset()));
while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
flags.flag_file = "";
List<String> processedFileArgs
= processArgs(argsInFile.toArray(new String[] {}));
CmdLineParser parserFileArgs = new CmdLineParser(flags);
parserFileArgs.parseArgument(processedFileArgs.toArray(new String[] {}));
// Currently we are not supporting this (prevent direct/indirect loops)
if (!flags.flag_file.equals("")) {
err.println("ERROR - Arguments in the file cannot contain "
+ "--flagfile option.");
isConfigValid = false;
private void initConfigFromFlags(String[] args, PrintStream err) {
List<String> processedArgs = processArgs(args);
CmdLineParser parser = new CmdLineParser(flags);
isConfigValid = true;
try {
parser.parseArgument(processedArgs.toArray(new String[] {}));
// For contains --flagfile flag
if (!flags.flag_file.equals("")) {
} catch (CmdLineException e) {
isConfigValid = false;
} catch (IOException ioErr) {
err.println("ERROR - " + flags.flag_file + " read error.");
isConfigValid = false;
if (flags.version) {
ResourceBundle config = ResourceBundle.getBundle(configResource);
"Closure Compiler (http://code.google.com/closure/compiler)\n" +
"Version: " + config.getString("compiler.version") + "\n" +
"Built on: " + config.getString("compiler.date"));
if (!isConfigValid || flags.display_help) {
isConfigValid = false;
} else {
.setCodingConvention(flags.third_party ?
new DefaultCodingConvention() :
new ClosureCodingConvention())
protected CompilerOptions createOptions() {
CompilerOptions options = new CompilerOptions();
options.setCodingConvention(new ClosureCodingConvention());
CompilationLevel level = flags.compilation_level;
if (flags.debug) {
if (flags.generate_exports) {
WarningLevel wLevel = flags.warning_level;
for (FormattingOption formattingOption : flags.formatting) {
options.closurePass = flags.process_closure_primitives;
if (!flags.translationsFile.isEmpty()) {
try {
options.messageBundle = new XtbMessageBundle(
new FileInputStream(flags.translationsFile),
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Reading XTB file", e);
} else if (CompilationLevel.ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS == level) {
// In SIMPLE or WHITESPACE mode, if the user hasn't specified a
// translations file, they might reasonably try to write their own
// implementation of goog.getMsg that makes the substitution at
// run-time.
// In ADVANCED mode, goog.getMsg is going to be renamed anyway,
// so we might as well inline it.
options.messageBundle = new EmptyMessageBundle();
return options;
protected Compiler createCompiler() {
return new Compiler(getErrorPrintStream());
protected List<JSSourceFile> createExterns() throws FlagUsageException,
IOException {
List<JSSourceFile> externs = super.createExterns();
if (flags.use_only_custom_externs || isInTestMode()) {
return externs;
} else {
List<JSSourceFile> defaultExterns = getDefaultExterns();
return defaultExterns;
// The externs expected in externs.zip, in sorted order.
private static final List<String> DEFAULT_EXTERNS_NAMES = ImmutableList.of(
// JS externs
// Event APIs
// DOM apis
// CSS apis
// Top-level namespaces
* @return a mutable list
* @throws IOException
public static List<JSSourceFile> getDefaultExterns() throws IOException {
InputStream input = CommandLineRunner.class.getResourceAsStream(
ZipInputStream zip = new ZipInputStream(input);
Map<String, JSSourceFile> externsMap = Maps.newHashMap();
for (ZipEntry entry = null; (entry = zip.getNextEntry()) != null; ) {
LimitInputStream entryStream = new LimitInputStream(zip, entry.getSize());
// Give the files an odd prefix, so that they do not conflict
// with the user's files.
"externs.zip//" + entry.getName(),
"Externs zip must match our hard-coded list of externs.");
// Order matters, so the resources must be added to the result list
// in the expected order.
List<JSSourceFile> externs = Lists.newArrayList();
for (String key : DEFAULT_EXTERNS_NAMES) {
return externs;
* @return Whether the configuration is valid.
public boolean shouldRunCompiler() {
return this.isConfigValid;
* Runs the Compiler. Exits cleanly in the event of an error.
public static void main(String[] args) {
CommandLineRunner runner = new CommandLineRunner(args);
if (runner.shouldRunCompiler()) {
} else {