* Copyright 2008 The Closure Compiler Authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.google.javascript.jscomp;
import com.google.common.base.Joiner;
import com.google.common.base.Preconditions;
import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
import com.google.common.collect.Sets;
import com.google.javascript.jscomp.DataFlowAnalysis.FlowState;
import com.google.javascript.jscomp.JoinOp.BinaryJoinOp;
import com.google.javascript.jscomp.NodeTraversal.AbstractPostOrderCallback;
import com.google.javascript.jscomp.graph.Annotation;
import com.google.javascript.rhino.Node;
import com.google.javascript.rhino.Token;
import com.google.javascript.rhino.jstype.FunctionType;
import com.google.javascript.rhino.jstype.JSType;
import com.google.javascript.rhino.jstype.ObjectType;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Stack;
* Checks that all paths through a constructor add properties in the same order.
* Background: one of the key elements of the design of V8 that improves
* performance is that it attempts to discover the classes of the objects
* created at run time. Rather than implementing an object as a hash table,
* most objects have a reference to a "hidden class" that stores the list of
* properties so that the object itself can maintain only a list of property
* values. If many objects share the same hidden class, then this reduces
* memory usage. Furthermore, at a get-prop site, if only one hidden class ever
* occurs for the receiver, then it can speed up the dispatch process, compiling
* it into only 3 instructions. (For more information, see this
* <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWhMKalEicY">video</a>.)
* The key point relating to this pass is that a hidden class is not a set of
* properties but rather an ordered list. This is necesary so that iterating
* over an object produces its keys in insertion order, as expected. As a
* result, if two different paths through the constructor generate different
* ordered lists of properties, then the objects created via those paths will
* have different hidden classes, defeating the optimizations described above.
* This pass attempts to find and warn the user about such code.
class CheckPropertyOrder extends AbstractPostOrderCallback
implements CompilerPass {
static final DiagnosticType UNASSIGNED_PROPERTY = DiagnosticType.error(
"not all control paths assign property {1} in function {0}");
static final DiagnosticType UNEQUAL_PROPERTIES = DiagnosticType.error(
"different control paths produce different (ordered) property lists:"
+ " {0} vs. {1}");
private final AbstractCompiler compiler;
private final CheckLevel level;
private final boolean onlyOneError;
private int errorCount;
CheckPropertyOrder(AbstractCompiler compiler, CheckLevel level) {
this(compiler, level, false);
AbstractCompiler compiler, CheckLevel level, boolean onlyOneError) {
this.compiler = compiler;
this.level = level;
this.onlyOneError = onlyOneError;
public void process(Node externs, Node root) {
NodeTraversal.traverse(compiler, root, this);
public void visit(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {
// Look for both top-level functions and assignments of functions to
// qualified names.
Node func = null;
String funcName = null;
if (NodeUtil.isFunction(n) && isConstructor(n)) {
func = n;
funcName = n.getFirstChild().getString();
} else if (NodeUtil.isAssign(n)
&& NodeUtil.isFunction(n.getFirstChild().getNext())
&& isConstructor(n)) {
func = n.getFirstChild().getNext();
funcName = n.getFirstChild().getQualifiedName();
if (func != null) {
FunctionType funcType = JSType.toMaybeFunctionType(func.getJSType());
func, (funcType != null) ? funcType.getInstanceType() : null,
t.getSourceName(), funcName);
/** Determines whether the given node is jsdoc-ed as a constructor. */
private static boolean isConstructor(Node n) {
return (n.getJSDocInfo() != null) && n.getJSDocInfo().isConstructor();
private void checkConstructor(Node func, ObjectType objType,
String sourceName, String funcName) {
ControlFlowAnalysis cfa = new ControlFlowAnalysis(compiler, false, false);
cfa.process(null, func.getFirstChild().getNext().getNext());
ControlFlowGraph<Node> cfg = cfa.getCfg();
new PropertyOrdersFlowAnalysis(cfa.getCfg()).analyze();
Annotation ann = cfa.getCfg().getImplicitReturn().getAnnotation();
List<String>[] orders =
((FlowState<PropertyOrders>) ann).getIn().getOrders();
if (orders.length == 0) {
throw new AssertionError(
"no paths through constructor " + funcName + "?");
if (orders.length > 1) {
report(sourceName, func, UNEQUAL_PROPERTIES,
reverse(orders[0]).toString(), reverse(orders[1]).toString());
if (objType != null) {
for (String propName : objType.getOwnPropertyNames()) {
if (!orders[0].contains(propName)) {
report(sourceName, func, UNASSIGNED_PROPERTY, funcName, propName);
/** Reports the given error. Returns whether to continue. */
private void report(
String srcName, Node node, DiagnosticType type, String... args) {
if (!onlyOneError || (++errorCount <= 1)) {
compiler.report(JSError.make(srcName, node, level, type, args));
/** Returns the given List in the reverse order. */
private static <T> List<T> reverse(List<T> seq) {
if (seq.isEmpty()) {
return seq;
List<T> rev = Lists.newArrayList(seq);
return rev;
private static class OrdersJoinOp extends BinaryJoinOp<PropertyOrders> {
public PropertyOrders apply(PropertyOrders a, PropertyOrders b) {
return new PropertyOrders(
Sets.newHashSet(Sets.union(a.orders, b.orders)));
* Stores all possible (ordered) lists of properties that may have been added
* to <code>this</code> at some point in the code.
* The bottom element of the lattice is an empty set, meaning no
* possibilities. At the first statement in the constructor, we start with a
* set containing only one possibility: an empty list of properties. (Note
* that we do not model the properties of the superclass, if any.) Each
* assignment, say, <code>this.a = ...</code> adds <code>a</code> to the end
* of all lists in the set. Joining two results in the union of the
* possibilities of those results.
* For example, if the constructor body contained just the code <code><pre>
* if (x) {
* this.a = 1;
* this.b = 2;
* } else {
* this.b = 2;
* this.a = 1;
* }
* </pre></code>, then at the end of the constructor, the possibilities would
* be {['a', 'b'], ['b', 'a']} because there are two possible orderings,
* based on which path is taken in the <code>if</code>.
private static class PropertyOrders implements LatticeElement {
/** The bottom element of the lattice: an empty set of lists. */
public static final PropertyOrders EMPTY =
new PropertyOrders(Sets.<List<String>>newHashSet());
/** A set of possible ordered lists of properties. */
private final Set<List<String>> orders;
private PropertyOrders(Set<List<String>> orders) {
this.orders = orders;
public boolean equals(Object other) {
if (!(other instanceof PropertyOrders)) {
return false;
return orders.equals(((PropertyOrders) other).orders);
* Returns a new set of possible orders with the given string added at the
* end of each possibility.
public PropertyOrders copyAndAdd(String propName) {
Set<List<String>> orders = Sets.newHashSet();
for (List<String> order : this.orders) {
if (!order.contains(propName)) {
List<String> nOrder = Lists.newArrayList(order);
order = nOrder;
return new PropertyOrders(orders);
* Returns all possible orders over the first N properties that are
* definitely assigned over all paths.
public List<String>[] getOrders() {
int minSize = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
for (List<String> seq : this.orders) {
minSize = Math.min(minSize, seq.size());
Set<List<String>> orders = Sets.newHashSet();
for (List<String> seq : this.orders) {
//orders.add(seq.subList(seq.size() - minSize, seq.size()));
orders.add(seq.subList(0, minSize));
return orders.toArray(
(List<String>[]) new List<?>[orders.size()]);
public String toString() {
return "{" + Joiner.on(", ").join(orders) + "}";
/** Implements a data flow analysis over PropertyOrders. */
private static class PropertyOrdersFlowAnalysis
extends DataFlowAnalysis<Node, PropertyOrders> {
public PropertyOrdersFlowAnalysis(ControlFlowGraph<Node> cfg) {
super(cfg, new OrdersJoinOp());
public boolean isForward() { return true; }
public PropertyOrders createInitialEstimateLattice() {
// An empty orders means no possibilities at all.
return PropertyOrders.EMPTY;
public PropertyOrders createEntryLattice() {
// Initially, we have only one possibility: no properties.
Set<List<String>> orders = Sets.newHashSet();
orders.add(new Stack<String>());
return new PropertyOrders(orders);
/** Computes the orders after executing the given node. */
public PropertyOrders flowThrough(Node node, PropertyOrders input) {
switch (node.getType()) {
case Token.BLOCK:
case Token.LABEL:
case Token.FUNCTION:
return input;
case Token.IF:
case Token.WHILE:
case Token.DO:
return flowThrough(NodeUtil.getConditionExpression(node), input);
case Token.SWITCH:
case Token.WITH:
return flowThrough(node.getFirstChild(), input);
case Token.FOR:
if (node.getChildCount() == 4) {
// Note that the post-loop expression is not considered here. That
// is handled in the branched version above.
Node pre = node.getFirstChild(), cond = pre.getNext();
return flowThrough(cond, flowThrough(pre, input));
} else {
Node lhs = node.getFirstChild(), rhs = lhs.getNext();
return flowThrough(rhs, flowThrough(lhs, input));
case Token.HOOK:
Node cond = node.getFirstChild();
input = flowThrough(cond, input);
Node ifTrue = cond.getNext(), ifFalse = ifTrue.getNext();
return join(flowThrough(ifTrue, input), flowThrough(ifFalse, input));
case Token.AND:
case Token.OR:
Node left = node.getFirstChild(), right = left.getNext();
input = flowThrough(left, input);
return join(input, flowThrough(right, input));
case Token.ASSIGN:
// If the left hand side is "this.x", then add x to the lists.
Node lhs = node.getFirstChild(), rhs = lhs.getNext();
if (lhs.getType() == Token.GETPROP) {
Node llhs = lhs.getFirstChild(), lrhs = llhs.getNext();
if ((llhs.getType() == Token.THIS)
&& (lrhs.getType() == Token.STRING)
&& (lrhs.getNext() == null)) {
return flowThrough(rhs, input.copyAndAdd(lrhs.getString()));
return flowThrough(rhs, flowThrough(lhs, input));
for (node = node.getFirstChild();
node != null;
node = node.getNext()) {
input = flowThrough(node, input);
return input;