* Copyright 2008 The Closure Compiler Authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.google.javascript.jscomp;
import com.google.common.base.Preconditions;
import com.google.common.collect.HashMultimap;
import com.google.common.collect.Multimap;
import com.google.javascript.jscomp.NodeTraversal.ScopedCallback;
import com.google.javascript.jscomp.Scope.Var;
import com.google.javascript.rhino.JSDocInfo;
import com.google.javascript.rhino.JSDocInfo.Visibility;
import com.google.javascript.rhino.Node;
import com.google.javascript.rhino.Token;
import com.google.javascript.rhino.jstype.FunctionType;
import com.google.javascript.rhino.jstype.JSType;
import com.google.javascript.rhino.jstype.ObjectType;
import com.google.javascript.rhino.jstype.StaticSourceFile;
* A compiler pass that checks that the programmer has obeyed all the access
* control restrictions indicated by JSDoc annotations, like
* {@code @private} and {@code @deprecated}.
* Because access control restrictions are attached to type information,
* it's important that TypedScopeCreator, TypeInference, and InferJSDocInfo
* all run before this pass. TypedScopeCreator creates and resolves types,
* TypeInference propagates those types across the AST, and InferJSDocInfo
* propagates JSDoc across the types.
* @author nicksantos@google.com (Nick Santos)
class CheckAccessControls implements ScopedCallback, HotSwapCompilerPass {
static final DiagnosticType DEPRECATED_NAME = DiagnosticType.disabled(
"Variable {0} has been deprecated.");
static final DiagnosticType DEPRECATED_NAME_REASON = DiagnosticType.disabled(
"Variable {0} has been deprecated: {1}");
static final DiagnosticType DEPRECATED_PROP = DiagnosticType.disabled(
"Property {0} of type {1} has been deprecated.");
static final DiagnosticType DEPRECATED_PROP_REASON = DiagnosticType.disabled(
"Property {0} of type {1} has been deprecated: {2}");
static final DiagnosticType DEPRECATED_CLASS = DiagnosticType.disabled(
"Class {0} has been deprecated.");
static final DiagnosticType DEPRECATED_CLASS_REASON = DiagnosticType.disabled(
"Class {0} has been deprecated: {1}");
static final DiagnosticType BAD_PRIVATE_GLOBAL_ACCESS =
"Access to private variable {0} not allowed outside file {1}.");
static final DiagnosticType BAD_PRIVATE_PROPERTY_ACCESS =
"Access to private property {0} of {1} not allowed here.");
static final DiagnosticType BAD_PROTECTED_PROPERTY_ACCESS =
"Access to protected property {0} of {1} not allowed here.");
static final DiagnosticType PRIVATE_OVERRIDE =
"Overriding private property of {0}.");
static final DiagnosticType VISIBILITY_MISMATCH =
"Overriding {0} property of {1} with {2} property.");
static final DiagnosticType CONST_PROPERTY_REASSIGNED_VALUE =
"constant property {0} assigned a value more than once");
static final DiagnosticType CONST_PROPERTY_DELETED =
"constant property {0} cannot be deleted");
private final AbstractCompiler compiler;
private final TypeValidator validator;
// State about the current traversal.
private int deprecatedDepth = 0;
private int methodDepth = 0;
private JSType currentClass = null;
private final Multimap<String, String> initializedConstantProperties;
CheckAccessControls(AbstractCompiler compiler) {
this.compiler = compiler;
this.validator = compiler.getTypeValidator();
this.initializedConstantProperties = HashMultimap.create();
public void process(Node externs, Node root) {
NodeTraversal.traverse(compiler, root, this);
public void hotSwapScript(Node scriptRoot, Node originalRoot) {
NodeTraversal.traverse(compiler, scriptRoot, this);
public void enterScope(NodeTraversal t) {
if (!t.inGlobalScope()) {
Node n = t.getScopeRoot();
Node parent = n.getParent();
if (isDeprecatedFunction(n, parent)) {
if (methodDepth == 0) {
currentClass = getClassOfMethod(n, parent);
public void exitScope(NodeTraversal t) {
if (!t.inGlobalScope()) {
Node n = t.getScopeRoot();
Node parent = n.getParent();
if (isDeprecatedFunction(n, parent)) {
if (methodDepth == 0) {
currentClass = null;
* Gets the type of the class that "owns" a method, or null if
* we know that its un-owned.
private JSType getClassOfMethod(Node n, Node parent) {
if (parent.getType() == Token.ASSIGN) {
Node lValue = parent.getFirstChild();
if (NodeUtil.isGet(lValue)) {
// We have an assignment of the form "a.b = ...".
JSType lValueType = lValue.getJSType();
if (lValueType != null && lValueType.isNominalConstructor()) {
// If a.b is a constructor, then everything in this function
// belongs to the "a.b" type.
return (lValueType.toMaybeFunctionType()).getInstanceType();
} else {
// If a.b is not a constructor, then treat this as a method
// of whatever type is on "a".
return normalizeClassType(lValue.getFirstChild().getJSType());
} else {
// We have an assignment of the form "a = ...", so pull the
// type off the "a".
return normalizeClassType(lValue.getJSType());
} else if (NodeUtil.isFunctionDeclaration(n) ||
parent.getType() == Token.NAME) {
return normalizeClassType(n.getJSType());
return null;
* Normalize the type of a constructor, its instance, and its prototype
* all down to the same type (the instance type).
private JSType normalizeClassType(JSType type) {
if (type == null || type.isUnknownType()) {
return type;
} else if (type.isNominalConstructor()) {
return (type.toMaybeFunctionType()).getInstanceType();
} else if (type.isFunctionPrototypeType()) {
FunctionType owner = ((ObjectType) type).getOwnerFunction();
if (owner.isConstructor()) {
return owner.getInstanceType();
return type;
public boolean shouldTraverse(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {
return true;
public void visit(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {
switch (n.getType()) {
case Token.NAME:
checkNameDeprecation(t, n, parent);
checkNameVisibility(t, n, parent);
case Token.GETPROP:
checkPropertyDeprecation(t, n, parent);
checkPropertyVisibility(t, n, parent);
checkConstantProperty(t, n);
case Token.NEW:
checkConstructorDeprecation(t, n, parent);
* Checks the given NEW node to ensure that access restrictions are obeyed.
private void checkConstructorDeprecation(NodeTraversal t, Node n,
Node parent) {
JSType type = n.getJSType();
if (type != null) {
String deprecationInfo = getTypeDeprecationInfo(type);
if (deprecationInfo != null &&
shouldEmitDeprecationWarning(t, n, parent)) {
if (!deprecationInfo.isEmpty()) {
type.toString(), deprecationInfo));
} else {
t.makeError(n, DEPRECATED_CLASS, type.toString()));
* Checks the given NAME node to ensure that access restrictions are obeyed.
private void checkNameDeprecation(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {
// Don't bother checking definitions or constructors.
if (parent.getType() == Token.FUNCTION || parent.getType() == Token.VAR ||
parent.getType() == Token.NEW) {
Scope.Var var = t.getScope().getVar(n.getString());
JSDocInfo docInfo = var == null ? null : var.getJSDocInfo();
if (docInfo != null && docInfo.isDeprecated() &&
shouldEmitDeprecationWarning(t, n, parent)) {
if (docInfo.getDeprecationReason() != null) {
t.makeError(n, DEPRECATED_NAME_REASON, n.getString(),
} else {
t.makeError(n, DEPRECATED_NAME, n.getString()));
* Checks the given GETPROP node to ensure that access restrictions are
* obeyed.
private void checkPropertyDeprecation(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {
// Don't bother checking constructors.
if (parent.getType() == Token.NEW) {
ObjectType objectType =
String propertyName = n.getLastChild().getString();
if (objectType != null) {
String deprecationInfo
= getPropertyDeprecationInfo(objectType, propertyName);
if (deprecationInfo != null &&
shouldEmitDeprecationWarning(t, n, parent)) {
if (!deprecationInfo.isEmpty()) {
t.makeError(n, DEPRECATED_PROP_REASON, propertyName,
validator.getReadableJSTypeName(n.getFirstChild(), true),
} else {
t.makeError(n, DEPRECATED_PROP, propertyName,
validator.getReadableJSTypeName(n.getFirstChild(), true)));
* Determines whether the given name is visible in the current context.
* @param t The current traversal.
* @param name The name node.
private void checkNameVisibility(NodeTraversal t, Node name, Node parent) {
Var var = t.getScope().getVar(name.getString());
if (var != null) {
JSDocInfo docInfo = var.getJSDocInfo();
if (docInfo != null) {
// If a name is private, make sure that we're in the same file.
Visibility visibility = docInfo.getVisibility();
if (visibility == Visibility.PRIVATE) {
StaticSourceFile varSrc = var.getSourceFile();
StaticSourceFile refSrc = name.getStaticSourceFile();
if (varSrc != null &&
refSrc != null &&
!varSrc.getName().equals(refSrc.getName())) {
if (docInfo.isConstructor() &&
isValidPrivateConstructorAccess(parent)) {
name.getString(), varSrc.getName()));
* Determines whether the given property with @const tag got reassigned
* @param t The current traversal.
* @param getprop The getprop node.
private void checkConstantProperty(NodeTraversal t,
Node getprop) {
// Check whether the property is modified
Node parent = getprop.getParent();
boolean isDelete = parent.getType() == Token.DELPROP;
if (!(NodeUtil.isAssignmentOp(parent) && parent.getFirstChild() == getprop)
&& (parent.getType() != Token.INC) && (parent.getType() != Token.DEC)
&& !isDelete) {
ObjectType objectType =
String propertyName = getprop.getLastChild().getString();
boolean isConstant = isPropertyDeclaredConstant(objectType, propertyName);
// Check whether constant properties are reassigned
if (isConstant) {
if (isDelete) {
t.makeError(getprop, CONST_PROPERTY_DELETED, propertyName));
ObjectType oType = objectType;
while (oType != null) {
if (oType.hasReferenceName()) {
if (initializedConstantProperties.containsEntry(
oType.getReferenceName(), propertyName)) {
oType = oType.getImplicitPrototype();
// Add the prototype when we're looking at an instance object
if (objectType.isInstanceType()) {
ObjectType prototype = objectType.getImplicitPrototype();
if (prototype != null) {
if (prototype.hasProperty(propertyName)
&& prototype.hasReferenceName()) {
* Determines whether the given property is visible in the current context.
* @param t The current traversal.
* @param getprop The getprop node.
private void checkPropertyVisibility(NodeTraversal t,
Node getprop, Node parent) {
ObjectType objectType =
String propertyName = getprop.getLastChild().getString();
if (objectType != null) {
// Is this a normal property access, or are we trying to override
// an existing property?
boolean isOverride = parent.getJSDocInfo() != null &&
parent.getType() == Token.ASSIGN &&
parent.getFirstChild() == getprop;
// Find the lowest property defined on a class with visibility
// information.
if (isOverride) {
objectType = objectType.getImplicitPrototype();
JSDocInfo docInfo = null;
for (; objectType != null;
objectType = objectType.getImplicitPrototype()) {
docInfo = objectType.getOwnPropertyJSDocInfo(propertyName);
if (docInfo != null &&
docInfo.getVisibility() != Visibility.INHERITED) {
if (objectType == null) {
// We couldn't find a visibility modifier; assume it's public.
String referenceSource = getprop.getSourceFileName();
String definingSource = docInfo.getSourceName();
boolean sameInput = referenceSource != null
&& referenceSource.equals(definingSource);
Visibility visibility = docInfo.getVisibility();
JSType ownerType = normalizeClassType(objectType);
if (isOverride) {
// Check an ASSIGN statement that's trying to override a property
// on a superclass.
JSDocInfo overridingInfo = parent.getJSDocInfo();
Visibility overridingVisibility = overridingInfo == null ?
Visibility.INHERITED : overridingInfo.getVisibility();
// Check that (a) the property *can* be overridden, and
// (b) that the visibility of the override is the same as the
// visibility of the original property.
if (visibility == Visibility.PRIVATE && !sameInput) {
t.makeError(getprop, PRIVATE_OVERRIDE,
} else if (overridingVisibility != Visibility.INHERITED &&
overridingVisibility != visibility) {
t.makeError(getprop, VISIBILITY_MISMATCH,
visibility.name(), objectType.toString(),
} else {
if (sameInput) {
// private access is always allowed in the same file.
} else if (visibility == Visibility.PRIVATE &&
(currentClass == null || ownerType.differsFrom(currentClass))) {
if (docInfo.isConstructor() &&
isValidPrivateConstructorAccess(parent)) {
// private access is not allowed outside the file from a different
// enclosing class.
getprop.getFirstChild(), true)));
} else if (visibility == Visibility.PROTECTED) {
// There are 3 types of legal accesses of a protected property:
// 1) Accesses in the same file
// 2) Overriding the property in a subclass
// 3) Accessing the property from inside a subclass
// The first two have already been checked for.
if (currentClass == null || !currentClass.isSubtype(ownerType)) {
getprop.getFirstChild(), true)));
* Whether the given access of a private constructor is legal.
* For example,
* new PrivateCtor_(); // not legal
* PrivateCtor_.newInstance(); // legal
* x instanceof PrivateCtor_ // legal
* This is a weird special case, because our visibility system is inherited
* from Java, and JavaScript has no distinction between classes and
* constructors like Java does.
* We may want to revisit this if we decide to make the restrictions tighter.
private static boolean isValidPrivateConstructorAccess(Node parent) {
return parent.getType() != Token.NEW;
* Determines whether a deprecation warning should be emitted.
* @param t The current traversal.
* @param n The node which we are checking.
* @param parent The parent of the node which we are checking.
private boolean shouldEmitDeprecationWarning(
NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {
// In the global scope, there are only two kinds of accesses that should
// be flagged for warnings:
// 1) Calls of deprecated functions and methods.
// 2) Instantiations of deprecated classes.
// For now, we just let everything else by.
if (t.inGlobalScope()) {
if (!((parent.getType() == Token.CALL && parent.getFirstChild() == n) ||
n.getType() == Token.NEW)) {
return false;
// We can always assign to a deprecated property, to keep it up to date.
if (n.getType() == Token.GETPROP && n == parent.getFirstChild() &&
NodeUtil.isAssignmentOp(parent)) {
return false;
return !canAccessDeprecatedTypes(t);
* Returns whether it's currently ok to access deprecated names and
* properties.
* There are 3 exceptions when we're allowed to use a deprecated
* type or property:
* 1) When we're in a deprecated function.
* 2) When we're in a deprecated class.
* 3) When we're in a static method of a deprecated class.
private boolean canAccessDeprecatedTypes(NodeTraversal t) {
Node scopeRoot = t.getScopeRoot();
Node scopeRootParent = scopeRoot.getParent();
// Case #1
(deprecatedDepth > 0) ||
// Case #2
(getTypeDeprecationInfo(t.getScope().getTypeOfThis()) != null) ||
// Case #3
(scopeRootParent != null && scopeRootParent.getType() == Token.ASSIGN &&
getClassOfMethod(scopeRoot, scopeRootParent)) != null);
* Returns whether this is a function node annotated as deprecated.
private static boolean isDeprecatedFunction(Node n, Node parent) {
if (n.getType() == Token.FUNCTION) {
JSType type = n.getJSType();
if (type != null) {
return getTypeDeprecationInfo(type) != null;
return false;
* Returns the deprecation reason for the type if it is marked
* as being deprecated. Returns empty string if the type is deprecated
* but no reason was given. Returns null if the type is not deprecated.
private static String getTypeDeprecationInfo(JSType type) {
if (type == null) {
return null;
JSDocInfo info = type.getJSDocInfo();
if (info != null && info.isDeprecated()) {
if (info.getDeprecationReason() != null) {
return info.getDeprecationReason();
return "";
ObjectType objType = ObjectType.cast(type);
if (objType != null) {
ObjectType implicitProto = objType.getImplicitPrototype();
if (implicitProto != null) {
return getTypeDeprecationInfo(implicitProto);
return null;
* Returns if a property is declared constant.
private static boolean isPropertyDeclaredConstant(
ObjectType objectType, String prop) {
for (;
// Only objects with reference names can have constant properties.
objectType != null && objectType.hasReferenceName();
objectType = objectType.getImplicitPrototype()) {
JSDocInfo docInfo = objectType.getOwnPropertyJSDocInfo(prop);
if (docInfo != null && docInfo.isConstant()) {
return true;
return false;
* Returns the deprecation reason for the property if it is marked
* as being deprecated. Returns empty string if the property is deprecated
* but no reason was given. Returns null if the property is not deprecated.
private static String getPropertyDeprecationInfo(ObjectType type,
String prop) {
JSDocInfo info = type.getOwnPropertyJSDocInfo(prop);
if (info != null && info.isDeprecated()) {
if (info.getDeprecationReason() != null) {
return info.getDeprecationReason();
return "";
ObjectType implicitProto = type.getImplicitPrototype();
if (implicitProto != null) {
return getPropertyDeprecationInfo(implicitProto, prop);
return null;
* Dereference a type, autoboxing it and filtering out null.
private static JSType dereference(JSType type) {
return type == null ? null : type.dereference();