* Copyright 2013 bits of proof zrt.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.bitsofproof.supernode.wallet;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.security.MessageDigest;
import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import com.bitsofproof.supernode.api.Address;
import com.bitsofproof.supernode.api.Transaction;
import com.bitsofproof.supernode.api.TransactionInput;
import com.bitsofproof.supernode.api.TransactionOutput;
import com.bitsofproof.supernode.common.ByteUtils;
import com.bitsofproof.supernode.common.ECKeyPair;
import com.bitsofproof.supernode.common.Key;
import com.bitsofproof.supernode.common.ScriptFormat;
import com.bitsofproof.supernode.common.ValidationException;
import com.bitsofproof.supernode.common.WireFormat;
public abstract class BaseAccountManager implements AccountManager
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger (BaseAccountManager.class);
private static final long MINIMUM_FEE = 10000;
private static final long MAXIMUM_FEE = 1000000;
private UTXO confirmed = createConfirmedUTXO ();
private UTXO change = createChangeUTXO ();
private UTXO receiving = createReceivingUTXO ();
private UTXO sending = createSendingUTXO ();
private long created;
public long getCreated ()
return created;
public void setCreated (long created)
this.created = created;
private final List<AccountListener> accountListener = Collections.synchronizedList (new ArrayList<AccountListener> ());
private final Map<String, Transaction> transactions = new HashMap<String, Transaction> ();
protected UTXO createConfirmedUTXO ()
return new InMemoryUTXO ();
protected UTXO createChangeUTXO ()
return new InMemoryUTXO ();
protected UTXO createSendingUTXO ()
return new InMemoryUTXO ();
protected UTXO createReceivingUTXO ()
return new InMemoryUTXO ();
protected void reset ()
confirmed = createConfirmedUTXO ();
change = createChangeUTXO ();
receiving = createReceivingUTXO ();
sending = createSendingUTXO ();
public boolean isOwnAddress (Address address)
return getKeyForAddress (address) != null;
protected static class TransactionSink
private final Address address;
private final long value;
public TransactionSink (Address address, long value)
super ();
this.address = address;
this.value = value;
public Address getAddress ()
return address;
public long getValue ()
return value;
public static long estimateFee (Transaction t)
WireFormat.Writer writer = new WireFormat.Writer ();
t.toWire (writer);
return Math.min (MAXIMUM_FEE, Math.max (MINIMUM_FEE, writer.toByteArray ().length / 1000 * MINIMUM_FEE));
protected Transaction createSpend (List<TransactionOutput> sources, List<TransactionSink> sinks, long fee) throws ValidationException
if ( fee < 0 || fee > MAXIMUM_FEE )
throw new ValidationException ("You unlikely want to do that");
Transaction transaction = new Transaction ();
transaction.setInputs (new ArrayList<TransactionInput> ());
transaction.setOutputs (new ArrayList<TransactionOutput> ());
long sumOut = 0;
for ( TransactionSink s : sinks )
TransactionOutput o = new TransactionOutput ();
o.setValue (s.getValue ());
sumOut += s.getValue ();
o.setScript (s.getAddress ().getAddressScript ());
transaction.getOutputs ().add (o);
long sumInput = 0;
for ( TransactionOutput o : sources )
TransactionInput i = new TransactionInput ();
i.setSourceHash (o.getTxHash ());
i.setIx (o.getIx ());
sumInput += o.getValue ();
transaction.getInputs ().add (i);
if ( sumInput != (sumOut + fee) )
throw new ValidationException ("Sum of sinks (+fee) does not match sum of sources");
int j = 0;
for ( TransactionOutput s : sources )
TransactionInput i = transaction.getInputs ().get (j);
ScriptFormat.Writer sw = new ScriptFormat.Writer ();
if ( ScriptFormat.isPayToAddress (s.getScript ()) )
Address address = s.getOutputAddress ();
Key key = getKeyForAddress (address);
if ( key == null )
throw new ValidationException ("Have no key to spend this output");
byte[] sig = key.sign (hashTransaction (transaction, j, ScriptFormat.SIGHASH_ALL, s.getScript ()));
byte[] sigPlusType = new byte[sig.length + 1];
System.arraycopy (sig, 0, sigPlusType, 0, sig.length);
sigPlusType[sigPlusType.length - 1] = (byte) (ScriptFormat.SIGHASH_ALL & 0xff);
sw.writeData (sigPlusType);
sw.writeData (key.getPublic ());
spendNonAddressOutput (j, s, sw, transaction);
i.setScript (sw.toByteArray ());
transaction.computeHash ();
return transaction;
protected void spendNonAddressOutput (int ix, TransactionOutput source, ScriptFormat.Writer writer, Transaction transaction) throws ValidationException
throw new ValidationException ("Can not spend this output type");
public static byte[] hashTransaction (Transaction transaction, int inr, int hashType, byte[] script) throws ValidationException
Transaction copy = null;
copy = transaction.clone ();
catch ( CloneNotSupportedException e1 )
return null;
// implicit SIGHASH_ALL
int i = 0;
for ( TransactionInput in : copy.getInputs () )
if ( i == inr )
in.setScript (script);
in.setScript (new byte[0]);
if ( (hashType & 0x1f) == ScriptFormat.SIGHASH_NONE )
copy.getOutputs ().clear ();
i = 0;
for ( TransactionInput in : copy.getInputs () )
if ( i != inr )
in.setSequence (0);
else if ( (hashType & 0x1f) == ScriptFormat.SIGHASH_SINGLE )
int onr = inr;
if ( onr >= copy.getOutputs ().size () )
// this is a Satoshi client bug.
// This case should throw an error but it instead retuns 1 that is not checked and interpreted as below
return ByteUtils.fromHex ("0100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000");
for ( i = copy.getOutputs ().size () - 1; i > onr; --i )
copy.getOutputs ().remove (i);
for ( i = 0; i < onr; ++i )
copy.getOutputs ().get (i).setScript (new byte[0]);
copy.getOutputs ().get (i).setValue (-1L);
i = 0;
for ( TransactionInput in : copy.getInputs () )
if ( i != inr )
in.setSequence (0);
if ( (hashType & ScriptFormat.SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY) != 0 )
List<TransactionInput> oneIn = new ArrayList<TransactionInput> ();
oneIn.add (copy.getInputs ().get (inr));
copy.setInputs (oneIn);
WireFormat.Writer writer = new WireFormat.Writer ();
copy.toWire (writer);
byte[] txwire = writer.toByteArray ();
byte[] hash = null;
MessageDigest a = MessageDigest.getInstance ("SHA-256");
a.update (txwire);
a.update (new byte[] { (byte) (hashType & 0xff), 0, 0, 0 });
hash = a.digest (a.digest ());
catch ( NoSuchAlgorithmException e )
return hash;
protected List<TransactionOutput> getSufficientSources (long amount, long fee, String color)
List<TransactionOutput> candidates = new ArrayList<TransactionOutput> ();
candidates.addAll (confirmed.getUTXO ());
// prefer confirmed
Collections.sort (candidates, new Comparator<TransactionOutput> ()
// prefer aggregation of UTXO
public int compare (TransactionOutput o1, TransactionOutput o2)
return o1.getValue () < o2.getValue () ? -1 : o1.getValue () > o2.getValue () ? 1 : 0;
List<TransactionOutput> changelist = new ArrayList<TransactionOutput> ();
changelist.addAll (change.getUTXO ());
// ... then change
Collections.sort (changelist, new Comparator<TransactionOutput> ()
// prefer aggregation of UTXO
public int compare (TransactionOutput o1, TransactionOutput o2)
return o1.getValue () < o2.getValue () ? -1 : o1.getValue () > o2.getValue () ? 1 : 0;
candidates.addAll (changelist);
List<TransactionOutput> result = new ArrayList<TransactionOutput> ();
long sum = 0;
for ( TransactionOutput o : candidates )
if ( color == null )
if ( o.getColor () == null )
sum += o.getValue ();
result.add (o);
if ( sum >= (amount + fee) )
return result;
if ( o.getColor ().equals (color) )
sum += o.getValue ();
result.add (o);
if ( sum >= amount )
if ( fee > 0 )
result.addAll (getSufficientSources (0, fee, null));
return result;
return null;
public Address getNextAddress () throws ValidationException
return getNextKey ().getAddress ();
public Transaction pay (Address receiver, long amount, long fee, boolean senderPaysFee) throws ValidationException
List<Address> a = new ArrayList<Address> ();
a.add (receiver);
List<Long> v = new ArrayList<Long> ();
v.add (amount);
return pay (a, v, fee, senderPaysFee);
public Transaction pay (List<Address> receiver, List<Long> amounts, long fee, boolean senderPaysFee) throws ValidationException
synchronized ( confirmed )
long amount = 0;
for ( Long a : amounts )
amount += a;
log.trace ("pay " + amount + (senderPaysFee ? " + " + fee : ""));
List<TransactionOutput> sources = getSufficientSources (amount, senderPaysFee ? fee : 0, null);
if ( sources == null )
throw new ValidationException ("Insufficient funds to pay " + amount + (senderPaysFee ? " + " + fee : ""));
long in = 0;
for ( TransactionOutput o : sources )
log.trace ("using input " + o.getTxHash () + "[" + o.getIx () + "] " + o.getValue ());
in += o.getValue ();
List<TransactionSink> sinks = new ArrayList<TransactionSink> ();
Iterator<Long> ai = amounts.iterator ();
for ( Address r : receiver )
sinks.add (new TransactionSink (r, ai.next ()));
if ( !senderPaysFee )
TransactionSink last = sinks.get (sinks.size () - 1);
sinks.set (sinks.size () - 1, new TransactionSink (last.getAddress (),
Math.max (last.getValue () - fee, 0)));
if ( (in - amount) > (senderPaysFee ? fee : 0) )
TransactionSink change = new TransactionSink (getNextAddress (), in - amount - (senderPaysFee ? fee : 0));
log.trace ("change to " + change.getAddress () + " " + change.getValue ());
sinks.add (change);
Collections.shuffle (sinks);
return createSpend (sources, sinks, fee);
public Transaction pay (Address receiver, long amount, boolean senderPaysFee) throws ValidationException
List<Address> a = new ArrayList<Address> ();
a.add (receiver);
List<Long> v = new ArrayList<Long> ();
v.add (amount);
return pay (a, v, senderPaysFee);
public Transaction pay (List<Address> receiver, List<Long> amounts, boolean senderPaysFee) throws ValidationException
long fee = MINIMUM_FEE;
long estimate = 0;
Transaction t = null;
fee = Math.max (fee, estimate);
t = pay (receiver, amounts, fee, senderPaysFee);
estimate = estimateFee (t);
if ( fee < estimate )
log.trace ("The transaction requires more network fees. Reassembling.");
} while ( fee < estimate );
return t;
public boolean updateWithTransaction (Transaction t)
synchronized ( confirmed )
boolean modified = false;
if ( !t.isDoubleSpend () )
TransactionOutput spend = null;
for ( TransactionInput i : t.getInputs () )
spend = confirmed.get (i.getSourceHash (), i.getIx ());
if ( spend != null )
confirmed.remove (i.getSourceHash (), i.getIx ());
log.trace ("Spend settled output " + i.getSourceHash () + " [" + i.getIx () + "] " + spend.getValue ());
spend = change.get (i.getSourceHash (), i.getIx ());
if ( spend != null )
change.remove (i.getSourceHash (), i.getIx ());
log.trace ("Spend change output " + i.getSourceHash () + " [" + i.getIx () + "] " + spend.getValue ());
spend = receiving.get (i.getSourceHash (), i.getIx ());
if ( spend != null )
receiving.remove (i.getSourceHash (), i.getIx ());
log.trace ("Spend receiving output " + i.getSourceHash () + " [" + i.getIx () + "] " + spend.getValue ());
modified = spend != null;
for ( TransactionOutput o : t.getOutputs () )
confirmed.remove (o.getTxHash (), o.getIx ());
change.remove (o.getTxHash (), o.getIx ());
receiving.remove (o.getTxHash (), o.getIx ());
sending.remove (o.getTxHash (), o.getIx ());
if ( isOwnAddress (o.getOutputAddress ()) )
modified = true;
if ( t.getBlockHash () != null )
confirmed.add (o);
log.trace ("Settled " + t.getHash () + " [" + o.getIx () + "] (" + o.getOutputAddress () + ") " + o.getValue ());
if ( spend != null )
change.add (o);
log.trace ("Change " + t.getHash () + " [" + o.getIx () + "] (" + o.getOutputAddress () + ") "
+ o.getValue ());
receiving.add (o);
log.trace ("Receiving " + t.getHash () + " [" + o.getIx () + "] (" + o.getOutputAddress () + ") "
+ o.getValue ());
if ( t.getBlockHash () == null && spend != null )
modified = true;
sending.add (o);
log.trace ("Sending " + t.getHash () + " [" + o.getIx () + "] (" + o.getOutputAddress () + ") " + o.getValue ());
if ( modified )
transactions.put (t.getHash (), t);
for ( long ix = 0; ix < t.getOutputs ().size (); ++ix )
TransactionOutput out = null;
out = confirmed.remove (t.getHash (), ix);
if ( out == null )
out = change.remove (t.getHash (), ix);
if ( out == null )
out = receiving.remove (t.getHash (), ix);
if ( out == null )
out = sending.remove (t.getHash (), ix);
if ( out != null )
log.trace ("Remove DS " + out.getTxHash () + " [" + out.getIx () + "] (" + out.getOutputAddress () + ")"
+ out.getValue ());
modified |= out != null;
transactions.remove (t.getHash ());
return modified;
public long getBalance ()
synchronized ( confirmed )
return confirmed.getTotal () + change.getTotal () + receiving.getTotal ();
public long getConfirmed ()
synchronized ( confirmed )
return confirmed.getTotal ();
public long getSending ()
synchronized ( confirmed )
return sending.getTotal ();
public long getReceiving ()
synchronized ( confirmed )
return receiving.getTotal ();
public long getChange ()
synchronized ( confirmed )
return change.getTotal ();
public Collection<TransactionOutput> getConfirmedOutputs ()
return confirmed.getUTXO ();
public Collection<TransactionOutput> getSendingOutputs ()
return sending.getUTXO ();
public Collection<TransactionOutput> getReceivingOutputs ()
return receiving.getUTXO ();
public Collection<TransactionOutput> getChangeOutputs ()
return change.getUTXO ();
public void addAccountListener (AccountListener listener)
accountListener.add (listener);
public void removeAccountListener (AccountListener listener)
accountListener.remove (listener);
protected void notifyListener (Transaction t)
synchronized ( accountListener )
for ( AccountListener l : accountListener )
l.accountChanged (this, t);
catch ( Exception e )
log.error ("Uncaught exception in account listener", e);
public void process (Transaction t)
if ( updateWithTransaction (t) )
notifyListener (t);
public List<Transaction> getTransactions ()
List<Transaction> tl = new ArrayList<Transaction> ();
tl.addAll (transactions.values ());
Collections.sort (tl, new Comparator<Transaction> ()
public int compare (Transaction a, Transaction b)
for ( TransactionInput i : b.getInputs () )
if ( i.getSourceHash ().equals (a.getHash ()) )
return -1;
for ( TransactionInput i : a.getInputs () )
if ( i.getSourceHash ().equals (b.getHash ()) )
return 1;
return 0;
return tl;
public void dumpOutputs (PrintStream print)
print.println ("Confirmed:");
dumpUTXO (print, confirmed);
print.println ("Receiving:");
dumpUTXO (print, receiving);
print.println ("Change:");
dumpUTXO (print, change);
print.println ("Sending:");
dumpUTXO (print, sending);
public void dumpKeys (PrintStream print)
Set<Address> addresses = new HashSet<> ();
for ( TransactionOutput o : confirmed.getUTXO () )
addresses.add (o.getOutputAddress ());
for ( TransactionOutput o : change.getUTXO () )
addresses.add (o.getOutputAddress ());
for ( TransactionOutput o : receiving.getUTXO () )
addresses.add (o.getOutputAddress ());
for ( Address a : addresses )
Key k = getKeyForAddress (a);
if ( k != null )
print.println (ECKeyPair.serializeWIF (k) + " (" + a + ")");
private void dumpUTXO (PrintStream print, UTXO set)
for ( TransactionOutput o : set.getUTXO () )
print.println (o.getTxHash () + "[" + o.getIx () + "] (" + o.getOutputAddress () + ") " + o.getValue ());
print.println ();