package org.sugarj.driver;
import static org.sugarj.common.FileCommands.toCygwinPath;
import static org.sugarj.common.Log.log;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.spoofax.interpreter.library.IOAgent;
import org.spoofax.interpreter.terms.IStrategoTerm;
import org.spoofax.jsglr.client.ITreeBuilder;
import org.spoofax.jsglr.client.InvalidParseTableException;
import org.spoofax.jsglr.client.ParseTable;
import org.spoofax.jsglr.client.SGLR;
import org.spoofax.jsglr.shared.SGLRException;
import org.spoofax.jsglr.shared.TokenExpectedException;
import org.spoofax.terms.Term;
import org.strategoxt.HybridInterpreter;
import org.strategoxt.imp.nativebundle.SDFBundleCommand;
import org.strategoxt.lang.Context;
import org.strategoxt.lang.StrategoExit;
import org.strategoxt.permissivegrammars.make_permissive;
import org.strategoxt.stratego_gpp.box2text_string_0_1;
import org.strategoxt.stratego_sdf.pp_sdf_box_0_0;
import org.strategoxt.strc.pp_stratego_string_0_0;
import org.sugarj.AbstractBaseLanguage;
import org.sugarj.common.ATermCommands;
import org.sugarj.common.Environment;
import org.sugarj.common.FileCommands;
import org.sugarj.common.FilteringIOAgent;
import org.sugarj.common.Log;
import org.sugarj.common.path.AbsolutePath;
import org.sugarj.common.path.Path;
import org.sugarj.driver.caching.ModuleKey;
import org.sugarj.driver.caching.ModuleKeyCache;
import org.sugarj.driver.transformations.extraction.extract_sdf_0_0;
import org.sugarj.stdlib.StdLib;
import org.sugarj.util.Pair;
* This class provides methods for various SDF commands. Each
* SDF command is represented by a separate method of a similar
* name.
* @author Sebastian Erdweg <seba at informatik uni-marburg de>
public class SDFCommands {
public final static boolean USE_PERMISSIVE_GRAMMARS = false;
private final static Pattern SDF_FILE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(".*\\.sdf");
private static ExecutorService parseExecutorService = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
* timeout for parsing files (in milliseconds)
public static long PARSE_TIMEOUT = 10000;
static {
try {
PARSE_TIMEOUT = Long.parseLong(System.getProperty("org.sugarj.parse_timeout"));
Log.log.log("set parse timeout to " + PARSE_TIMEOUT, Log.PARSE);
} catch (Exception e) {
private static IOAgent packSdfIOAgent = new FilteringIOAgent(Log.PARSE | Log.DETAIL, " including .*");
private static IOAgent sdf2tableIOAgent = new FilteringIOAgent(Log.PARSE | Log.DETAIL, "Invoking native tool .*");
private static IOAgent makePermissiveIOAgent = new FilteringIOAgent(Log.PARSE | Log.DETAIL, "[ make_permissive | info ].*");
private static void packSdf(
Path sdf,
Path def,
Collection<Path> paths,
ModuleKeyCache<Path> sdfCache,
Environment environment,
AbstractBaseLanguage baseLang) throws IOException {
* We can include as many paths as we want here, checking the
* adequacy of the occurring imports is done elsewhere.
List<String> cmd = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(new String[]{
"-i", FileCommands.nativePath(sdf.getAbsolutePath()),
"-o", FileCommands.nativePath(def.getAbsolutePath())
for (Path grammarFile : baseLang.getPackagedGrammars()) {
Map<String, Integer> map = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
map.put(grammarFile.getAbsolutePath(), FileCommands.fileHash(grammarFile));
ModuleKey key = new ModuleKey(map, "");
Path permissiveGrammar = lookupGrammarInCache(sdfCache, key);
if (permissiveGrammar == null) {
permissiveGrammar = FileCommands.newTempFile("def");
makePermissive(new AbsolutePath(grammarFile.getAbsolutePath()), permissiveGrammar);
permissiveGrammar = cacheParseTable(sdfCache, key, permissiveGrammar, environment);
for (Path path : paths)
if (path.getFile().isDirectory()) {
// Pack-sdf requires a fresh context each time, because it caches grammars, which leads to a heap overflow.
Context sdfContext =;
try {
sdfContext.invokeStrategyCLI(main_pack_sdf_0_0.instance, "pack-sdf", cmd.toArray(new String[cmd.size()]));
} catch(StrategoExit e) {
if (e.getValue() != 0) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
if (!def.getFile().exists())
throw new RuntimeException("execution of pack-sdf failed");
private static void sdf2Table(Path def, Path tbl, String module) throws IOException {
sdf2Table(def, tbl, module, false);
private static void sdf2Table(Path def, Path tbl, String module, boolean normalize) throws IOException {
String[] cmd;
if (!normalize)
cmd = new String[] {
"-i", toCygwinPath(def.getAbsolutePath()),
"-o", toCygwinPath(tbl.getAbsolutePath()),
"-m", module
cmd = new String[] {
"-i", toCygwinPath(def.getAbsolutePath()),
"-o", toCygwinPath(tbl.getAbsolutePath()),
"-m", module,
IStrategoTerm termArgs[] = new IStrategoTerm[cmd.length];
for (int i = 0; i < termArgs.length; i++)
termArgs[i] = ATermCommands.makeString(cmd[i], null);
Context xtcContext = SugarJContexts.xtcContext();
try {
SDFBundleCommand.getInstance().invoke(xtcContext, "sdf2table", termArgs);
} finally {
if (!tbl.getFile().exists())
throw new RuntimeException("execution of sdf2table failed");
private static void normalizeTable(Path def, String module) throws IOException {
Path tbl = FileCommands.newTempFile("tbl");
sdf2Table(def, tbl, module, true);
public static void check(Path sdf, String module, Collection<Path> paths, ModuleKeyCache<Path> sdfCache, Environment environment, AbstractBaseLanguage baseLang) throws IOException {
Path def = FileCommands.newTempFile("def");
packSdf(sdf, def, paths, sdfCache, environment, baseLang);
normalizeTable(def, module);
* @return the filename of the compiled .tbl file.
* @throws IOException
* @throws InvalidParseTableException
* @throws SGLRException
* @throws TokenExpectedException
public static Path compile(Path sdf,
String module,
Map<Path, Integer> dependentFiles,
SGLR sdfParser,
ModuleKeyCache<Path> sdfCache,
Environment environment,
AbstractBaseLanguage baseLang) throws IOException,
SGLRException {
ModuleKey key = getModuleKeyForGrammar(sdf, module, dependentFiles, sdfParser);
Path tbl = lookupGrammarInCache(sdfCache, key);
if (tbl == null) {
tbl = generateParseTable(key, sdf, module, environment.getIncludePath(), sdfCache, environment, baseLang);
tbl = cacheParseTable(sdfCache, key, tbl, environment);
if (tbl != null)
log.log("use generated table " + tbl, Log.CACHING);
return tbl;
private static Path cacheParseTable(ModuleKeyCache<Path> sdfCache, ModuleKey key, Path tbl, Environment environment) throws IOException {
if (sdfCache == null)
return tbl;
log.beginTask("Caching", "Cache parse table", Log.CACHING);
try {
Path cacheTbl = environment.createCachePath(tbl.getFile().getName());
FileCommands.copyFile(tbl, cacheTbl);
Path oldTbl = sdfCache.putGet(key, cacheTbl);
log.log("Cache Location: " + cacheTbl, Log.CACHING);
return cacheTbl;
} finally {
private static Path lookupGrammarInCache(ModuleKeyCache<Path> sdfCache, ModuleKey key) {
if (sdfCache == null)
return null;
Path result = null;
log.beginTask("Searching", "Search parse table in cache", Log.CACHING);
try {
result = sdfCache.get(key);
if (result == null || !result.getFile().exists()) {
result = null;
return null;
log.log("Cache location: '" + result + "'", Log.CACHING);
return result;
} finally {
log.endTask(result != null);
private static ModuleKey getModuleKeyForGrammar(Path sdf, String module, Map<Path, Integer> dependentFiles, SGLR parser) throws IOException, InvalidParseTableException, TokenExpectedException, SGLRException {
log.beginTask("Generating", "Generate module key for current grammar", Log.CACHING);
try {
IStrategoTerm aterm = (IStrategoTerm) parser.parse(FileCommands.readFileAsString(sdf), sdf.getAbsolutePath(), "Sdf2Module");
IStrategoTerm imports = ATermCommands.getApplicationSubterm(aterm, "module", 1);
IStrategoTerm body = ATermCommands.getApplicationSubterm(aterm, "module", 2);
IStrategoTerm term = ATermCommands.makeTuple(imports, body);
return new ModuleKey(dependentFiles, SDF_FILE_PATTERN, term);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new SGLRException(parser, "could not parse SDF file " + sdf, e);
} finally {
private static Path generateParseTable(ModuleKey key,
Path sdf,
String module,
Collection<Path> paths,
ModuleKeyCache<Path> sdfCache,
Environment environment,
AbstractBaseLanguage baseLang)
throws IOException, InvalidParseTableException {
log.beginTask("Generating", "Generate the parse table", Log.PARSE);
try {
Path tblFile = null;
tblFile = FileCommands.newTempFile("tbl");
Path def = FileCommands.newTempFile("def");
packSdf(sdf, def, paths, sdfCache, environment, baseLang);
sdf2Table(def, tblFile, module);
return tblFile;
} finally {
public static String makePermissiveSdf(String source) throws IOException {
Path def = FileCommands.newTempFile("def");
Path permissiveDef = FileCommands.newTempFile("def-permissive");
FileCommands.writeToFile(def, sdfToDef(source));
makePermissive(def, permissiveDef);
String s = defToSdf(FileCommands.readFileAsString(permissiveDef)); // drop "definition\n"
return s;
private static void makePermissive(Path def, Path permissiveDef) throws IOException {
FileCommands.copyFile(def, permissiveDef);
log.beginExecution("make permissive", Log.PARSE, "-i", def.getAbsolutePath(), "-o", permissiveDef.getAbsolutePath());
Context mpContext = SugarJContexts.makePermissiveContext();
try {
make_permissive.mainNoExit(mpContext, "-i", def.getAbsolutePath(), "-o", permissiveDef.getAbsolutePath());
catch (StrategoExit e) {
if (e.getValue() != 0) {
org.strategoxt.imp.runtime.Environment.logWarning("make permissive failed", e);
FileCommands.copyFile(def, permissiveDef);
finally {
* Parses the given source using the given table and implodes the resulting parse tree.
* @param tbl
* @param source
* @param target
* @param start
* @return
* @throws IOException
* @throws InvalidParseTableException
* @throws SGLRException
* @throws TokenExpectedException
private static Pair<SGLR, Pair<IStrategoTerm, Integer>> sglr(ParseTable table, final String source, final Path sourceFile, final String start, boolean useRecovery, final boolean parseMax, ITreeBuilder treeBuilder) throws SGLRException {
if (treeBuilder instanceof RetractableTreeBuilder && ((RetractableTreeBuilder) treeBuilder).isInitialized())
((RetractableTokenizer) treeBuilder.getTokenizer()).setKeywordRecognizer(table.getKeywordRecognizer());
final SGLR parser = new SGLR(treeBuilder, table);
Callable<Pair<IStrategoTerm, Integer>> parseCallable = new Callable<Pair<IStrategoTerm, Integer>>() {
public Pair<IStrategoTerm, Integer> call() throws Exception {
Object o = parser.parseMax(source, sourceFile.getAbsolutePath(), start);
if (o instanceof IStrategoTerm)
return Pair.create((IStrategoTerm) o, source.length());
else {
Object[] os = (Object[]) o;
return Pair.create((IStrategoTerm) os[0], (Integer) os[1]);
Future<Pair<IStrategoTerm, Integer>> res = parseExecutorService.submit(parseCallable);
try {
Pair<IStrategoTerm, Integer> result = res.get(PARSE_TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
return Pair.create(parser, result);
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
if (e.getCause() instanceof SGLRException)
throw (SGLRException) e.getCause();
throw new RuntimeException("unexpected execution error", e);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new SGLRException(parser, "parser was interrupted", e);
} catch (TimeoutException e) {
throw new SGLRException(parser, "parser timed out, timeout at " + PARSE_TIMEOUT + "ms", e);
public static Pair<SGLR, Pair<IStrategoTerm, Integer>> parseImplode(ParseTable table, String source, Path sourceFile, String start, boolean useRecovery, boolean parseMax, ITreeBuilder treeBuilder) throws IOException, SGLRException {
return parseImplode(table, null, source, sourceFile, start, useRecovery, parseMax, treeBuilder);
private static Pair<SGLR, Pair<IStrategoTerm, Integer>> parseImplode(ParseTable table, Path tbl, String source, Path sourceFile, String start, boolean useRecovery, boolean parseMax, ITreeBuilder treeBuilder) throws IOException, SGLRException {
log.beginExecution("parsing", Log.PARSE);
Pair<SGLR, Pair<IStrategoTerm, Integer>> result = null;
try {
result = sglr(table, source, sourceFile, start, useRecovery, parseMax, treeBuilder);
finally {
if (result != null && result.b != null)
else {
Path tmpSourceFile = FileCommands.newTempFile("");
FileCommands.writeToFile(tmpSourceFile, source.toString());
log.endTask("failed: " +
log.commandLineAsString(new String[] {"jsglri", "-p", tbl == null ? "unknown" : tbl.getAbsolutePath(), "-i " + tmpSourceFile + "-s", start}));
return result;
* Pretty prints the content of the given SDF file.
* @param aterm
* @return
* @throws IOException
public static String prettyPrintSDF(IStrategoTerm term, HybridInterpreter interp) throws IOException {
Context ctx = interp.getCompiledContext();
IStrategoTerm boxTerm = pp_sdf_box_0_0.instance.invoke(ctx, term);
if (boxTerm != null) {
IStrategoTerm textTerm = box2text_string_0_1.instance.invoke(ctx, boxTerm, ATermCommands.factory.makeInt(80));
if (textTerm != null)
return ATermCommands.getString(textTerm);
throw new ATermCommands.PrettyPrintError(term, "pretty printing SDF AST failed");
* Pretty prints the content of the given Stratego file.
* @param aterm
* @return
* @throws IOException
public static String prettyPrintSTR(IStrategoTerm term, HybridInterpreter interp) throws IOException {
IStrategoTerm string = pp_stratego_string_0_0.instance.invoke(interp.getCompiledContext(), term);
if (string != null)
return Term.asJavaString(string);
throw new ATermCommands.PrettyPrintError(term, "pretty printing STR AST failed: " + ATermCommands.atermToFile(term));
private static String sdfToDef(String sdf) {
return "definition\n" + sdf;
private static String defToSdf(String def) {
return def.substring(11);
* Filters SDF statements from the given term and
* compiles assimilation statements to SDF.
* @param term a file containing a list of SDF
* and Stratego statements.
* @param sdf result file
* @throws InvalidParseTableException
public static IStrategoTerm extractSDF(IStrategoTerm term) throws IOException, InvalidParseTableException {
IStrategoTerm result = null;
Context extractContext = SugarJContexts.extractionContext();
try {
result = extract_sdf_0_0.instance.invoke(extractContext, term);
catch (StrategoExit e) {
if (e.getValue() != 0 || result == null)
throw new RuntimeException("Stratego extraction failed", e);
} finally {
return result;