package org.sugarj.driver;
import static org.sugarj.common.Log.log;
import java.util.List;
import org.sugarj.AbstractBaseProcessor;
import org.sugarj.common.ATermCommands;
import org.sugarj.common.Environment;
import org.sugarj.common.FileCommands;
import org.sugarj.common.Log;
import org.sugarj.common.path.Path;
import org.sugarj.common.path.RelativePath;
* @author Sebastian Erdweg <seba at informatik uni-marburg de>
public class ModuleSystemCommands {
* @param modulePath
* @param importTerm
* @param javaOutFile
* @param interp
* @param driverResult
* @return true iff a class file existed.
* @throws IOException
public static RelativePath importBinFile(String modulePath, Environment environment, AbstractBaseProcessor baseProcessor, Result driverResult) throws IOException {
String ext = baseProcessor.getLanguage().getBinaryFileExtension();
if (ext != null)
// language is interpreted
ext = baseProcessor.getLanguage().getBaseFileExtension();
RelativePath clazz = searchFile(modulePath, ext, environment, driverResult);
if (clazz == null)
return null;
log.log("Found language-specific declaration for " + modulePath, Log.IMPORT);
return clazz;
* @param modulePath
* @param currentGrammarModule
* @param availableSDFImports
* @param driverResult
* @return path to new grammar or null if no sdf file existed.
* @throws IOException
public static RelativePath importSdf(String modulePath, Environment environment, Result driverResult) {
RelativePath sdf = searchFile(modulePath, "sdf", environment, driverResult);
if (sdf == null)
return null;
log.log("Found syntax definition for " + modulePath, Log.IMPORT);
return sdf;
* @param modulePath
* @param currentTransModule
* @param availableSTRImports
* @param driverResult
* @return path to new Stratego module or null of no str file existed
* @throws IOException
public static RelativePath importStratego(String modulePath, Environment environment, Result driverResult) {
RelativePath str = searchFile(modulePath, "str", environment, driverResult);
if (str == null)
return null;
log.log("Found desugaring for " + modulePath, Log.IMPORT);
return str;
* @param modulePath
* @param driverResult
* @return true iff a serv file existed.
* @throws IOException
public static boolean importEditorServices(String modulePath, Environment environment, Result driverResult) throws IOException {
RelativePath serv = searchFile(modulePath, "serv", environment, driverResult);
if (serv == null)
return false;
BufferedReader reader = null;
log.beginTask("Incorporation", "Found editor services for " + modulePath, Log.IMPORT);
try {
reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(serv.getFile()));
String line;
while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null)
return true;
} finally {
if (reader != null)
public static RelativePath importModel(String modulePath, Environment environment, Result driverResult) {
RelativePath model = searchFile(modulePath, "model", environment, driverResult);
if (model == null)
return null;
log.log("Found model for " + modulePath, Log.IMPORT);
return model;
public static RelativePath locateSourceFile(String path, List<Path> sourcePath) {
return locateSourceFile (FileCommands.dropExtension(path), FileCommands.getExtension(path), sourcePath);
public static RelativePath locateSourceFileOrModel(String modulePath, List<Path> sourcePath, AbstractBaseProcessor baseProcessor, Environment environment) {
RelativePath result = locateSourceFile(modulePath, baseProcessor.getLanguage().getSugarFileExtension(), sourcePath);
if (result == null)
result = searchFile(modulePath, "model", environment, null);
if (result == null && baseProcessor.getLanguage().getBaseFileExtension() != null)
result = locateSourceFile(modulePath, baseProcessor.getLanguage().getBaseFileExtension(), sourcePath);
return result;
public static RelativePath locateSourceFile(String modulePath, String extension, List<Path> sourcePath) {
if (modulePath.startsWith("org/sugarj"))
return null;
return searchFileInSourceLocationPath(modulePath, extension, sourcePath, null);
* Registers searched files in the driverResult. Existing and non-existent files are registers,
* so that the emergence of a file triggers recompilation.
* @param relativePath without extension
* @param fileExtension without leading "."
* @return RelativePath or null.
* @throws IOException
public static RelativePath searchFile(String relativePath, String fileExtension, Environment environment, Result driverResult) {
RelativePath p;
p = searchFile(environment.createOutPath(relativePath + "." + fileExtension), driverResult);
if (p == null) {
p = searchFile(environment.createOutPath(relativePath + "." + fileExtension), driverResult);
if (p == null)
p = searchFileInSearchPath(relativePath, fileExtension, environment.getIncludePath(), driverResult);
return p;
private static RelativePath searchFile(RelativePath file, Result driverResult) {
if (driverResult != null)
if (file.getFile().exists())
return file;
return null;
private static RelativePath searchFileInSearchPath(String relativePath, String extension, List<Path> searchPath, Result driverResult) {
for (Path base : searchPath) {
RelativePath p = searchFile(base, relativePath, extension, driverResult);
if (p != null)
return p;
return null;
private static RelativePath searchFileInSourceLocationPath(String relativePath, String extension, List<Path> searchPath, Result driverResult) {
for (Path loc : searchPath) {
RelativePath p = searchFile(loc, relativePath, extension, driverResult);
if (p != null)
return p;
return null;
private static RelativePath searchFile(Path base, String relativePath, String extension, Result driverResult) {
if (relativePath.startsWith(base.getAbsolutePath())) {
int sepOffset = relativePath.endsWith(Environment.sep) ? 0 : 1;
relativePath = relativePath.substring(base.getAbsolutePath().length() + sepOffset);
RelativePath p = new RelativePath(base, relativePath + "." + extension);
if (driverResult != null)
if (p.getFile().exists())
return p;
URLClassLoader cl = null;
try {
cl = new URLClassLoader(new URL[] {base.getFile().toURI().toURL()}, null);
if (cl.getResource(relativePath + "." + extension) != null)
return new RelativePath(base, relativePath + "." + extension);
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
} finally {
/* URLClassLoader.close() is only available in Java 1.7.
if (cl != null)
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
public static Result locateResult(String modulePath, Environment environment) {
Path dep = ModuleSystemCommands.searchFile(modulePath, "dep", environment, null);
Result res = null;
if (dep != null)
try {
res = Result.readDependencyFile(dep);
} catch (IOException e) {
log.logErr("could not read dependency file " + dep, Log.DETAIL);
return res;