package sql.schema;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import plan_runner.conversion.TypeConversion;
import plan_runner.utilities.MyUtilities;
import plan_runner.utilities.SystemParameters;
import sql.schema.parser.ParseException;
import sql.schema.parser.SchemaParser;
import sql.schema.parser.SchemaParser.ColumnInfo;
import sql.schema.parser.SchemaParser.TableInfo;
public class Schema {
public class Range<T> {
private final T _min, _max;
public Range(T min, T max) {
_min = min;
_max = max;
public T getMax() {
return _max;
public T getMin() {
return _min;
private final String _path;
private final double _scallingFactor;
private Map<String, TableInfo> _schemaInfo;
public Schema(Map map) {
this(SystemParameters.getString(map, "DIP_SCHEMA_PATH"), SystemParameters.getDouble(map,
public Schema(String path, double scallingFactor) {
_path = path;
_scallingFactor = scallingFactor;
try {
_schemaInfo = SchemaParser.getSchemaInfo(_path, _scallingFactor);
} catch (final ParseException ex) {
final String err = MyUtilities.getStackTrace(ex);
throw new RuntimeException("Schema " + _path + " cannot be parsed!\n " + err);
public boolean contains(String fullSchemaColumnName) {
final ColumnInfo column = getColumnInfo(fullSchemaColumnName);
return (column != null);
private ColumnInfo getColumnInfo(String fullSchemaColumnName) {
final String[] parts = fullSchemaColumnName.split("\\.");
final String tableSchemaName = parts[0];
final String columnName = parts[1];
return getColumnInfo(tableSchemaName, columnName);
* There is no raising exception if column does not exist it might be called
* from contains(), so each caller has to be aware that this method might
* return null
private ColumnInfo getColumnInfo(String tableSchemaName, String columnName) {
final TableInfo table = getTableInfo(tableSchemaName);
final ColumnInfo column = table.getColumnInfos().get(columnName);
return column;
public long getNumDistinctValues(String fullSchemaColumnName) {
final ColumnInfo column = getColumnInfo(fullSchemaColumnName);
final long distinct = column.getDistinctValues();
if (distinct == SchemaParser.INVALID)
throw new RuntimeException(
"No information about the number of distinct values for column "
+ fullSchemaColumnName
+ "\n Either add required information to schema "
+ _path
+ " ,"
+ "\n or try NMPL optimizer, which does not require any cardinality information.");
return distinct;
public Range getRange(String fullSchemaColumnName) {
// TODO : if we don't have it, we can assume integers from [0,
// distinctValues]
final ColumnInfo column = getColumnInfo(fullSchemaColumnName);
final Object min = column.getMinValue();
final Object max = column.getMaxValue();
if (min == null || max == null)
throw new RuntimeException(
"No complete information about ranges for column "
+ fullSchemaColumnName
+ "\n Either add required information to schema "
+ _path
+ " ,"
+ "\n or try NMPL optimizer, which does not require any cardinality information.");
final Range range = new Range(min, max);
return range;
public double getRatio(String firstTable, String secondTable) {
final long firstSize = getTableSize(firstTable);
final long secondSize = getTableSize(secondTable);
return (double) secondSize / firstSize;
// helper methods, interface to Parser classes
private TableInfo getTableInfo(String tableSchemaName) {
final TableInfo table = _schemaInfo.get(tableSchemaName);
if (table == null)
throw new RuntimeException("Table " + tableSchemaName + " does not exist in Schema \n "
+ _path + " !");
return table;
public List<ColumnNameType> getTableSchema(String tableSchemaName) {
return getTableInfo(tableSchemaName).getTableSchema();
public long getTableSize(String tableSchemaName) {
final TableInfo table = getTableInfo(tableSchemaName);
final long tableSize = table.getTableSize();
if (tableSize == SchemaParser.INVALID)
throw new RuntimeException(
"No information about size for table "
+ tableSchemaName
+ "\n Either add required information to schema "
+ _path
+ " ,"
+ "\n or try NMPL optimizer, which does not require any cardinality information.");
return tableSize;
* For a field N1.NATIONNAME, fullSchemaColumnName is NATION.NATIONNAME
public TypeConversion getType(String fullSchemaColumnName) {
final ColumnInfo column = getColumnInfo(fullSchemaColumnName);
if (column == null)
throw new RuntimeException("Column " + fullSchemaColumnName + " does not exist !");
return column.getType();