import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import net.sf.jsqlparser.schema.Table;
import plan_runner.components.Component;
import plan_runner.components.DataSourceComponent;
import plan_runner.components.EquiJoinComponent;
import plan_runner.components.OperatorComponent;
import plan_runner.utilities.SystemParameters;
import sql.schema.Schema;
import sql.util.ImproperParallelismException;
import sql.util.ParserUtil;
import sql.util.TableAliasName;
import sql.visitors.jsql.SQLVisitor;
public class CostParallelismAssigner {
* we need separate class from CostParams, because here we want to order
* them based on cardinality This class will contain all the parallelism for
* DataSourceComponents
private static class OrderedCostParams extends CostParams implements
Comparable<OrderedCostParams> {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private final String _componentName;
public OrderedCostParams(String componentName, long cardinality) {
_componentName = componentName;
public int compareTo(OrderedCostParams t) {
final long myCardinality = getCardinality();
final long otherCardinality = t.getCardinality();
return (new Long(myCardinality)).compareTo(new Long(otherCardinality));
public String getComponentName() {
return _componentName;
protected final Map _map;
protected final Schema _schema;
protected final TableAliasName _tan;
// computed only once
protected List<String> _sortedSourceNames;// sorted by increasing
// cardinalities
protected Map<String, Integer> _sourcePars;
public CostParallelismAssigner(Schema schema, TableAliasName tan, Map map) {
_schema = schema;
_map = map;
_tan = tan;
* This is done on fake ComponentGenerator, so there is no computeSourcePar
* parallelism on source components is input variable This method is
* idempotent, no side effects, can be called multiple times.
public Map<String, Integer> computeSourcePar(int totalSourcePar) {
final SQLVisitor pq = ParserUtil.parseQuery(_map);
final List<Table> tableList = pq.getTableList();
if (totalSourcePar < tableList.size())
throw new RuntimeException(
"There is not enought nodes such that all the sources get at least parallelism = 1");
* We need a way to generate parallelism for all the DataSources This
* depends on its selectivity/cardinality of each dataSource So we will
* generate all the sources witihin a fake sourceCG, and then
* proportionally assign parallelism.
final NameCompGen sourceCG = new NameCompGen(_schema, _map, this);
final List<OrderedCostParams> sourceCostParams = new ArrayList<OrderedCostParams>();
long totalCardinality = 0;
for (final Table table : tableList) {
final DataSourceComponent source = sourceCG.generateDataSource(ParserUtil
final String compName = source.getName();
final long cardinality = sourceCG.getCostParameters(compName).getCardinality();
totalCardinality += cardinality;
sourceCostParams.add(new OrderedCostParams(compName, cardinality));
* Sort by incresing cardinalities, the tables with dblNumNodes = 0 is
* assigned 1 and all other proportionally shares the number of nodes We
* divide by its output cardinality, because network traffic is the
* dominant cost
int remainingPhysicalNodes = totalSourcePar;
int remainingLogicalNodes = sourceCostParams.size();
double remainingCardinality = totalCardinality;
for (final OrderedCostParams cnc : sourceCostParams) {
final long cardinality = cnc.getCardinality();
final double ratioNodes = cardinality / remainingCardinality;
final double dblNumNodes = ratioNodes * remainingPhysicalNodes;
int nodeParallelism = (int) (dblNumNodes + 0.5); // rounding effect
// out of the
// default
// flooring
if (nodeParallelism == 0)
// lower bounds
if (nodeParallelism + remainingLogicalNodes > remainingPhysicalNodes)
// upper bound is that all the following sources has at least
// parallelism = 1
if (nodeParallelism > 1)
if (remainingPhysicalNodes == 0 || nodeParallelism == 0)
throw new RuntimeException("Not enough nodes, should not be here!");
remainingPhysicalNodes -= nodeParallelism;
remainingCardinality -= cardinality;
// if I am the last guy, I will take all the remaining HW slots
if (remainingLogicalNodes == 0)
nodeParallelism += remainingPhysicalNodes;
_sortedSourceNames = extractNames(sourceCostParams);
* Now convert it to a Map, so that parallelism for source can be easier
* obtained
_sourcePars = extractNamesPar(sourceCostParams);
return _sourcePars;
* We take the number of tuples as the upper limit. The real number of
* distinct hashes may be much smaller, for example when having multiple
* tuples with the very same hash value. This is rare in practice, in the
* examples we tried, it occurs only for the final aggregation when last
* join and final aggregation are not on the same node. In general, it can
* occur when the join key is not primary key for one of the joined
* relations, for example when the relationship is n:m and both n,m>0.
private int estimateDistinctHashes(CostParams leftParentParams, CostParams rightParentParams) {
* TODO: to implement this properly, we need to: - find all the parent
* column appearing in joinCondition - column are found by using
* ParserUtil.getJSQLColumns(joinCondition) - joinCondition related to
* the parents is available in CostOptimizer (obtained
* byJoinTableExpr.getExpression(table1, table2)) - check if this column
* is the key, or its functional dependency (for example
* NATION.NATIONNAME is a functional dependency of NATION.NATIONKEY)
final long leftCardinality = leftParentParams.getCardinality();
final long rightCardinality = rightParentParams.getCardinality();
long distinctValues = leftCardinality;
if (distinctValues > rightCardinality)
// we return the smaller one
distinctValues = rightCardinality;
if (distinctValues > Integer.MAX_VALUE)
return Integer.MAX_VALUE;
return (int) distinctValues;
private int estimateMinParallelism(CostParams leftParentParams, CostParams rightParentParams) {
final int providedMemory = SystemParameters.getInt(_map, "STORAGE_MEMORY_SIZE_MB");
// inputCardinality tuples need to be stored in memory
final long inputCardinality = leftParentParams.getCardinality()
+ rightParentParams.getCardinality();
final long predictedTotalMemory = (inputCardinality * SystemParameters.TUPLE_SIZE_BYTES * SystemParameters.JAVA_OVERHEAD)
/ SystemParameters.BYTES_IN_MB;
return (int) (predictedTotalMemory / providedMemory);
private List<String> extractNames(List<OrderedCostParams> sourceCostParams) {
final List<String> sortedCompNames = new ArrayList<String>();
for (final OrderedCostParams cnc : sourceCostParams) {
final String compName = cnc.getComponentName();
return sortedCompNames;
private Map<String, Integer> extractNamesPar(List<OrderedCostParams> sourceCostParams) {
final Map<String, Integer> compParallelism = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
for (final OrderedCostParams cnc : sourceCostParams) {
final String compName = cnc.getComponentName();
final int parallelism = cnc.getParallelism();
compParallelism.put(compName, parallelism);
return compParallelism;
public List<String> getSortedSourceNames() {
return _sortedSourceNames;
protected int parallelismFormula(DataSourceComponent source) {
final String sourceName = source.getName();
return _sourcePars.get(sourceName);
protected int parallelismFormula(String compName, CostParams params,
CostParams leftParentParams, CostParams rightParentParams) {
// TODO: this formula does not take into account when joinComponent
// sends tuples further down
final double dblParallelism = leftParentParams.getSelectivity()
* leftParentParams.getParallelism() + rightParentParams.getSelectivity()
* rightParentParams.getParallelism() + 1.0 / 8
* (leftParentParams.getParallelism() + rightParentParams.getParallelism());
int parallelism = (int) dblParallelism;
if (parallelism != dblParallelism)
// parallelism is ceil of dblParallelism
return parallelism;
protected void setBatchSize(DataSourceComponent source, Map<String, CostParams> compCost) {
// nothing to do
protected void setBatchSize(EquiJoinComponent joinComponent, Map<String, CostParams> compCost) {
// nothing to do
protected void setBatchSize(OperatorComponent operator, Map<String, CostParams> compCost) {
// nothing to do
public void setParallelism(DataSourceComponent source, Map<String, CostParams> compCost) {
if (_sourcePars == null)
// if we are here, it was invoked from fake sourceCG, so just return
final String sourceName = source.getName();
final int parallelism = parallelismFormula(source);
* cost-function also idempotent, no changes to `this` changes only compCost
public void setParallelism(EquiJoinComponent joinComponent, Map<String, CostParams> compCost) {
final String leftParent = joinComponent.getParents()[0].getName();
final String rightParent = joinComponent.getParents()[1].getName();
final String currentCompName = joinComponent.getName();
final CostParams params = compCost.get(currentCompName);
final CostParams leftParentParams = compCost.get(leftParent);
final CostParams rightParentParams = compCost.get(rightParent);
final int leftParallelism = leftParentParams.getParallelism();
final int rightParallelism = rightParentParams.getParallelism();
// compute
int parallelism = parallelismFormula(currentCompName, params, leftParentParams,
// lower bound
final int minParallelism = estimateMinParallelism(leftParentParams, rightParentParams);
if (minParallelism > parallelism)
throw new ImproperParallelismException("Component " + currentCompName
+ " cannot have parallelism LESS than " + minParallelism);
// upper bound
final int maxParallelism = estimateDistinctHashes(leftParentParams, rightParentParams);
if (parallelism > maxParallelism)
if (leftParallelism == 1 && rightParallelism == 1)
// if parallelism of both parents is 1, then we should not raise
// an exception
// exception serves to force smaller parallelism at sources
parallelism = maxParallelism;
throw new ImproperParallelismException("Component " + currentCompName
+ " cannot have parallelism MORE than " + maxParallelism);
// setting
// we should also check
// if the sum of all the parallelisms in the subplan
// is bigger than DIP_NUM_WORKERS (this is set only for PlanRunner).
// At the time of deciding of parallelism, we are *not* dealing with
// Storm Config class, but with a plain map.
// This prevents from reading NUM_WORKERS from Storm Config class.
// If it works in local mode, it might not work in cluster mode -
// depending where and when the setting is read.
* There could be several algorithms to assign parallelism to opComp: a)
* square root of parallelism of its parent b) number of distinct groupBy
* values c) the same as previous level We decided to -if groupBy is a
* single column, take min(b, c) -otherwise take c
public void setParallelism(OperatorComponent opComp, Map<String, CostParams> compCost) {
final Component parent = opComp.getParents()[0];
final String parentName = parent.getName();
final int parentPar = compCost.get(parentName).getParallelism();
int parallelism = parentPar;
final List<Integer> hashIndexes = parent.getHashIndexes();
if ((hashIndexes) != null && (hashIndexes.size() == 1)) {
final int index = hashIndexes.get(0);
final String aliasedColumnName = compCost.get(parentName).getSchema().getSchema()
final String fullSchemaColumnName = ParserUtil.getFullSchemaColumnName(
aliasedColumnName, _tan);
try {
final long distinctValues = _schema.getNumDistinctValues(fullSchemaColumnName);
if (distinctValues < parallelism)
parallelism = (int) distinctValues;
} catch (final RuntimeException ex) {
// cannot be less than 1
if (parallelism < 1)
parallelism = 1;
// setting
final String currentComp = opComp.getName();