package plan_runner.utilities;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import backtype.storm.Config;
import backtype.storm.utils.Utils;
public class SystemParameters {
private static Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(SystemParameters.class);
// the content of ~/.storm/storm.yaml
public static final int DEFAULT_NUM_ACKERS = 0;
public static final int CLUSTER_SIZE = 220;
// used in StormDataSource, for both local and clustered mode
public static final long EOF_TIMEOUT_MILLIS = 1000;
// Period between figuring out code is finished and
// killing the execution
// In Local Mode needed more time because we also need to compare results
// (LocalMergeResults)
public static final long LOCAL_SLEEP_BEFORE_KILL_MILLIS = 8000;
public static final long CLUSTER_SLEEP_BEFORE_KILL_MILLIS = 2000;
// default port, should not be changed unless some other application took
// this port
public static final int NIMBUS_THRIFT_PORT = 6627;
// ***************************SendAndWait
// parameters********************************
// how much space average tuple takes to be stored
public static final int TUPLE_SIZE_BYTES = 50;
// the factor we multiply predicted storage
public static final int JAVA_OVERHEAD = 7;
// ***************************SendAndWait
// parameters********************************
public static final String DATA_STREAM = Utils.DEFAULT_STREAM_ID; /* "default" */
public static final String EOF_STREAM = "2";
public static final String DUMP_RESULTS_STREAM = "3";
public static final String LAST_ACK = "LAST_ACK";
public static final String EOF = "EOF";
public static final String DUMP_RESULTS = "DumpResults";
public static final long BYTES_IN_MB = 1024 * 1024;
public static final String MANUAL_BATCH_HASH_DELIMITER = "~";
public static final String MANUAL_BATCH_TUPLE_DELIMITER = "`"; // these two are the same, but it should not be a problem:
public static final String BDB_TUPLE_DELIMITER = "`"; // the first is for network transfer, the second is for storing tuples
public static final String STORE_TIMESTAMP_DELIMITER = "@";
//Content Insensitive
public static final int STATIC_CIS = 0;
public static final int EPOCHS_CIS = 1;
//Content sensitive counterparts
public static final int STATIC_CS = 2;
public static final int EPOCHS_CS = 3;
public static final String CONTENT_SENSITIVE = "CS-THETA";
public static final String CONTENT_INSENSITIVE = "CIS-THETA";
public static final String ThetaClockStream = "7";
public static final String ThetaAggregatedCounts = "8";
public static final String ThetaSynchronizerSignal = "9"; // Signal and
// might contain
// new mapping
// along side.
// (from the
// Synchronizer
// to the
// reshuffler)
public static final String ThetaReshufflerSignal = "10"; // Signal and might
// contain new
// mapping along
// side. (from
// the
// Reshuffler to
// the joiner)
public static final String ThetaJoinerAcks = "11"; // Acks (from the joiner
// to the mapping
// assigner) //Acks can
// be for 1)Change map
// or 2)Data migration
// ended.
public static final String ThetaDataMigrationJoinerToReshuffler = "12"; // from
// joiner
// -->
// reshuffler
public static final String ThetaDataMigrationReshufflerToJoiner = "13"; // from
// reshuffler
// -->
// joiner
public static final String ThetaDataReshufflerToJoiner = "14"; // from
// reshuffler
// -->
// joiner
// (ordinary
// tuples)
public static final String ThetaReshufflerStatus = "15"; // Status Signal.
// (from the
// reshuffler to
// the
// synchronizer)
public static final String ThetaReshufflerSatusOK = "OK"; // Status ok
public static final String ThetaReshufflerSatusNOTOK = "NOTOK"; // Status
// not ok
public static final String ThetaSignalCheck = "Check"; // Check --> Check if
// it is possible to
// change Mapping
public static final String ThetaSignalRefrain = "Refrain"; // Refrain -->
// Refrain from
// changing
// Mapping
public static final String ThetaSignalStop = "Stop"; // Stop --> Stop and
// Send new Mapping
public static final String ThetaSignalProceed = "Proceed"; // Proceed -->
// Data
// migration
// phase entered
// public static final String ThetaSignalDataMigrationEndedInitiated =
// "D-M-E-I"; //Initiate Data migration-End
public static final String ThetaSignalDataMigrationEnded = "D-M-E"; // End --> Data migration
// ended
public static final String ThetaJoinerDataMigrationEOF = "D-M-E-E-O-F"; // End
// -->
// Data
// migration
// ended
public static final String ThetaJoinerMigrationSignal = "T-J-M-S!"; // End
// -->
// Data
// migration
// ended
// for acking from the Dynamic JOINER
// public static final String ThetaAckDataMigrationEndedInititated =
// "ACK-0"; //
public static final String ThetaAckDataMigrationEnded = "ACK-1"; //
public static final String ThetaAckNewMappingReceived = "ACK-2"; //
// printing statistics for creating graphs
public static final int INITIAL_PRINT = 0;
public static final int INPUT_PRINT = 1;
public static final int OUTPUT_PRINT = 2;
public static final int FINAL_PRINT = 3;
public static Map<String, String> fileToMap(String propertiesFile) {
final Map map = new HashMap<String, String>();
try {
String line;
final BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(
new File(propertiesFile)));
while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
// remove leading and trailing whitespaces
line = line.trim();
if (line.length() != 0 && line.charAt(0) != '\n' // empty line
&& line.charAt(0) != '\r' // empty line
&& line.charAt(0) != '#') { // commented line
// get key and value as first and second parameter
// delimiter is one or more whitespace characters (space,
// tabs, ...)
final String args[] = line.split("\\s+");
if (args.length == 2) {
// only in that case you put something in map
final String key = new String(args[0]);
final String value = new String(args[1]);
map.put(key, value);
} catch (final Exception e) {
final String error = MyUtilities.getStackTrace(e);;
throw new RuntimeException(error);
return map;
public static Config fileToStormConfig(String propertiesFile) {
final Map map = fileToMap(propertiesFile);
return mapToStormConfig(map);
public static boolean getBoolean(Map conf, String key) {
final String result = getString(conf, key);
if (result.equalsIgnoreCase("TRUE"))
return true;
else if (result.equalsIgnoreCase("FALSE"))
return false;
throw new RuntimeException("Invalid Boolean value");
public static double getDouble(Map conf, String key) {
final String result = getString(conf, key);
return Double.parseDouble(result);
public static int getInt(Map conf, String key) {
final String result = getString(conf, key);
return Integer.parseInt(result);
public static String getString(Map conf, String key) {
final String result = (String) conf.get(key);
if (result == null || result.equals(""))"null in getString method for key " + key);
return result;
public static boolean isExisting(Map conf, String key) {
final String result = (String) conf.get(key);
return result != null;
public static Config mapToStormConfig(Map map) {
final Config conf = new Config();
return conf;
public static void putInMap(Map conf, String key, Object value) {
putInMap(conf, key, String.valueOf(value));
public static void putInMap(Map conf, String key, String value) {
conf.put(key, value);
* Decided not to set it here, because we have to change many Squall config
* files this way the only change is in storm.yaml.
* Set variables for which there is no set method in Config This overrides
* ~/.storm/storm.yaml Thus, we don't need to change storm.yaml when
* submission to other master is required. Still, these properties stay in
* storm.yaml, so when storm.yaml is uploaded, all the worker nodes are
* aware of the appropriate master node. This is important for
* multiple-instance Storm on cluster.
private static void setStormVariables(Config conf) {