package plan_runner.utilities;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import plan_runner.conversion.DoubleConversion;
import plan_runner.conversion.TypeConversion;
import plan_runner.expressions.ValueExpression;
import plan_runner.operators.AggregateOperator;
import plan_runner.storm_components.InterchangingComponent;
import plan_runner.storm_components.StormComponent;
import plan_runner.storm_components.StormEmitter;
import plan_runner.storm_components.StormSrcHarmonizer;
import plan_runner.thetajoin.matrix_mapping.MatrixAssignment;
import backtype.storm.generated.Grouping;
import backtype.storm.grouping.CustomStreamGrouping;
import backtype.storm.spout.SpoutOutputCollector;
import backtype.storm.task.OutputCollector;
import backtype.storm.task.TopologyContext;
import backtype.storm.topology.InputDeclarer;
import backtype.storm.tuple.Tuple;
import backtype.storm.tuple.Values;
public class MyUtilities {
private static Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(MyUtilities.class);
public static final String SINGLE_HASH_KEY = "SingleHashEntry";
public static InputDeclarer attachEmitterBatch(Map map, List<String> fullHashList,
InputDeclarer currentBolt, StormEmitter emitter1, StormEmitter... emittersArray) {
final List<StormEmitter> emittersList = new ArrayList<StormEmitter>();
for (final StormEmitter emitter : emittersList) {
final String[] emitterIDs = emitter.getEmitterIDs();
for (final String emitterID : emitterIDs)
currentBolt = currentBolt.customGrouping(emitterID, new BatchStreamGrouping(map,
return currentBolt;
public static InputDeclarer attachEmitterComponentsReshuffled(InputDeclarer currentBolt,
StormEmitter emitter1, StormEmitter... emittersArray) {
final List<StormEmitter> emittersList = new ArrayList<StormEmitter>();
for (final StormEmitter emitter : emittersList) {
final String[] emitterIDs = emitter.getEmitterIDs();
for (final String emitterID : emitterIDs)
currentBolt = currentBolt.shuffleGrouping(emitterID);
return currentBolt;
public static InputDeclarer attachEmitterHash(Map map, List<String> fullHashList,
InputDeclarer currentBolt, StormEmitter emitter1, StormEmitter... emittersArray) {
final List<StormEmitter> emittersList = new ArrayList<StormEmitter>();
for (final StormEmitter emitter : emittersList) {
final String[] emitterIDs = emitter.getEmitterIDs();
for (final String emitterID : emitterIDs)
currentBolt = currentBolt.customGrouping(emitterID, new HashStreamGrouping(map,
return currentBolt;
public static void checkBatchOutput(long batchOutputMillis, AggregateOperator aggregation,
Map conf) {
if (aggregation == null && batchOutputMillis != 0)
throw new RuntimeException(
"A component must have aggregation operator in order to support batching.");
if (isAckEveryTuple(conf) && batchOutputMillis != 0)
throw new RuntimeException("With batching, only AckAtEnd mode is allowed!");
// we don't keep Storm Tuple instances for batched tuples
// we also ack them immediately, which doesn't fir in AckEveryTime
// logic
public static boolean checkSendMode(Map map) {
if (SystemParameters.isExisting(map, "BATCH_SEND_MODE")) {
final String mode = SystemParameters.getString(map, "BATCH_SEND_MODE");
if (!mode.equalsIgnoreCase("THROTTLING") && !mode.equalsIgnoreCase("SEND_AND_WAIT")
&& !mode.equalsIgnoreCase("MANUAL_BATCH"))
return false;
return true;
public static int chooseBalancedTargetIndex(String hash, List<String> allHashes,
int targetParallelism) {
return allHashes.indexOf(hash) % targetParallelism;
public static int chooseHashTargetIndex(String hash, int targetParallelism) {
return Math.abs(hash.hashCode()) % targetParallelism;
public static String createHashString(List<String> tuple, List<Integer> hashIndexes,
List<ValueExpression> hashExpressions, Map map) {
if (hashIndexes == null && hashExpressions == null)
final String columnDelimiter = getColumnDelimiter(map);
// NOTE THAT THE HASHCOLUMN depend upon the output of the projection!!
final StringBuilder hashStrBuf = new StringBuilder();
if (hashIndexes != null)
for (final int hashIndex : hashIndexes)
if (hashExpressions != null)
for (final ValueExpression hashExpression : hashExpressions)
// remove one extra HASH_DELIMITER at the end
final int hdLength = columnDelimiter.length();
final int fullLength = hashStrBuf.length();
return hashStrBuf.substring(0, fullLength - hdLength);
public static String createHashString(List<String> tuple, List<Integer> hashIndexes, Map map) {
if (hashIndexes == null || hashIndexes.isEmpty())
String hashString = "";
final int tupleLength = hashIndexes.size();
for (int i = 0; i < tupleLength; i++)
// depend upon the output of the
// projection!!
if (i == tupleLength - 1)
hashString += tuple.get(hashIndexes.get(i));
hashString += tuple.get(hashIndexes.get(i)) + getColumnDelimiter(map);
return hashString;
public static List<String> createOutputTuple(List<String> firstTuple, List<String> secondTuple) {
final List<String> outputTuple = new ArrayList<String>();
for (int j = 0; j < firstTuple.size(); j++)
// first relation (R)
for (int j = 0; j < secondTuple.size(); j++)
return outputTuple;
public static List<String> createOutputTuple(List<String> firstTuple, List<String> secondTuple,
List<Integer> joinParams) {
final List<String> outputTuple = new ArrayList<String>();
for (int j = 0; j < firstTuple.size(); j++)
// first relation (R)
for (int j = 0; j < secondTuple.size(); j++)
if ((joinParams == null) || (!joinParams.contains(j)))
// not
// exits
// add
// the
// column!!
// (S)
return outputTuple;
public static Values createTupleValues(List<String> tuple, long timestamp,
String componentIndex, List<Integer> hashIndexes,
List<ValueExpression> hashExpressions, Map conf) {
final String outputTupleHash = MyUtilities.createHashString(tuple, hashIndexes,
hashExpressions, conf);
if (MyUtilities.isCustomTimestampMode(conf))
return new Values(componentIndex, tuple, outputTupleHash, timestamp);
return new Values(componentIndex, tuple, outputTupleHash);
public static Values createUniversalFinalAckTuple(Map map) {
final Values values = new Values();
if (!MyUtilities.isManualBatchingMode(map)) {
final List<String> lastTuple = new ArrayList<String>(
} else
if (MyUtilities.isCustomTimestampMode(map))
return values;
public static void dumpSignal(StormComponent comp, Tuple stormTupleRcv,
OutputCollector collector) {
* Different tuple<->(String, Hash) conversions
public static List<String> fileLineToTuple(String line, Map conf) {
final String[] columnValues = line.split(SystemParameters.getString(conf,
return new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(columnValues));
* For each emitter component (there are two input emitters for each join),
* appropriately connect with all of its inner Components that emits tuples
* to StormDestinationJoin. For destinationJoiner, there is only one bolt
* that emits tuples, but for sourceJoiner, there are two SourceStorage (one
* for storing each emitter tuples), which emits tuples.
* public static InputDeclarer attachEmitterComponents(InputDeclarer
* currentBolt, StormEmitter emitter1, StormEmitter... emittersArray){
* List<StormEmitter> emittersList = new ArrayList<StormEmitter>();
* emittersList.add(emitter1);
* emittersList.addAll(Arrays.asList(emittersArray));
* for(StormEmitter emitter: emittersList){ String[] emitterIDs =
* emitter.getEmitterIDs(); for(String emitterID: emitterIDs){ currentBolt =
* currentBolt.fieldsGrouping(emitterID, new Fields("Hash")); } } return
* currentBolt; }
// collects all the task ids for "default" stream id
public static List<Integer> findTargetTaskIds(TopologyContext tc) {
final List<Integer> result = new ArrayList<Integer>();
final Map<String, Map<String, Grouping>> streamComponentGroup = tc.getThisTargets();
final Iterator<Entry<String, Map<String, Grouping>>> it = streamComponentGroup.entrySet()
while (it.hasNext()) {
final Map.Entry<String, Map<String, Grouping>> pair =;
final String streamId = pair.getKey();
final Map<String, Grouping> componentGroup = pair.getValue();
if (streamId.equalsIgnoreCase("default")) {
final Iterator<Entry<String, Grouping>> innerIt = componentGroup.entrySet()
while (innerIt.hasNext()) {
final Map.Entry<String, Grouping> innerPair =;
final String componentId = innerPair.getKey();
// Grouping group = innerPair.getValue();
// if (group.is_set_direct()){
// }
return result;
// Previously HASH_DELIMITER = "-" in SystemParameters, but now is the same
// we need it for preaggregation
public static String getColumnDelimiter(Map map) {
return SystemParameters.getString(map, "DIP_GLOBAL_ADD_DELIMITER");
public static int getCompBatchSize(String compName, Map map) {
return SystemParameters.getInt(map, compName + "_BS");
public static TypeConversion getDominantNumericType(List<ValueExpression> veList) {
TypeConversion wrapper = veList.get(0).getType();
for (int i = 1; i < veList.size(); i++) {
final TypeConversion currentType = veList.get(1).getType();
if (isDominant(currentType, wrapper))
wrapper = currentType;
return wrapper;
public static long getMin(long first, long second) {
return first < second ? first : second;
public static int getMin(int first, int second) {
return first < second ? first : second;
public static long getMax(long first, long second) {
return first > second ? first : second;
public static int getMax(int first, int second) {
return first > second ? first : second;
public static int getNumParentTasks(TopologyContext tc, List<StormEmitter> emittersList) {
int result = 0;
for (final StormEmitter emitter : emittersList) {
// We have multiple emitterIDs only for StormSrcJoin
final String[] ids = emitter.getEmitterIDs();
for (final String id : ids)
result += tc.getComponentTasks(id).size();
return result;
// used for NoACK optimization
public static int getNumParentTasks(TopologyContext tc, StormEmitter emitter1,
StormEmitter... emittersArray) {
final List<StormEmitter> emittersList = new ArrayList<StormEmitter>();
return getNumParentTasks(tc, emittersList);
// used for NoACK optimization for StormSrcJoin
public static int getNumParentTasks(TopologyContext tc, StormSrcHarmonizer harmonizer) {
final String id = String.valueOf(harmonizer.getID());
return tc.getComponentTasks(String.valueOf(id)).size();
* Method invoked with arguments "a/b//c/e//f", 0 return "f" Method invoked
* with arguments "a/b//c/e//f", 1 return "e"
public static String getPartFromEnd(String path, int fromEnd) {
final String parts[] = path.split("\\/+");
final int length = parts.length;
return new String(parts[length - (fromEnd + 1)]);
public static String getStackTrace(Throwable aThrowable) {
final Writer result = new StringWriter();
final PrintWriter printWriter = new PrintWriter(result);
return result.toString();
// if this is false, we have a specific mechanism to ensure all the tuples
// are fully processed
// it is based on CustomStreamGrouping
public static boolean isAckEveryTuple(Map map) {
int ackers;
if (!SystemParameters.isExisting(map, "DIP_NUM_ACKERS"))
// number of ackers is defined in storm.yaml
ackers = SystemParameters.DEFAULT_NUM_ACKERS;
ackers = SystemParameters.getInt(map, "DIP_NUM_ACKERS");
return (ackers > 0);
public static boolean isAggBatchOutputMode(long batchOutputMillis) {
return batchOutputMillis != 0L;
public static boolean isCustomTimestampMode(Map map) {
return SystemParameters.isExisting(map, "CUSTOM_TIMESTAMP")
&& SystemParameters.getBoolean(map, "CUSTOM_TIMESTAMP");
public static boolean isStatisticsCollector(Map map, int hierarchyPosition) {
return hierarchyPosition == StormComponent.FINAL_COMPONENT
&& SystemParameters.isExisting(map, "DIP_STATISTIC_COLLECTOR")
&& SystemParameters.getBoolean(map, "DIP_STATISTIC_COLLECTOR");
* Does bigger dominates over smaller? For (bigger, smaller) = (double,
* long) answer is yes.
private static boolean isDominant(TypeConversion bigger, TypeConversion smaller) {
// for now we only have two numeric types: double and long
if (bigger instanceof DoubleConversion)
return true;
return false;
public static boolean isFinalAck(List<String> tuple, Map map) {
return (!isAckEveryTuple(map)) && isFinalAck(tuple.get(0));
private static boolean isFinalAck(String tupleString) {
return tupleString.equals(SystemParameters.LAST_ACK);
public static boolean isFinalAckManualBatching(String tupleString, Map map) {
return (!isAckEveryTuple(map)) && isFinalAck(tupleString);
public static boolean isManualBatchingMode(Map map) {
return SystemParameters.isExisting(map, "BATCH_SEND_MODE")
&& SystemParameters.getString(map, "BATCH_SEND_MODE").equalsIgnoreCase(
public static boolean isPrintLatency(int hierarchyPosition, Map conf) {
return MyUtilities.isCustomTimestampMode(conf)
&& hierarchyPosition == StormComponent.FINAL_COMPONENT;
public static boolean isSending(int hierarchyPosition, long batchOutputMillis) {
return (hierarchyPosition != StormComponent.FINAL_COMPONENT)
&& !isAggBatchOutputMode(batchOutputMillis);
public static boolean isStoreTimestamp(Map map, int hierarchyPosition) {
return isCustomTimestampMode(map) && hierarchyPosition == StormComponent.FINAL_COMPONENT
&& SystemParameters.isExisting(map, "STORE_TIMESTAMP")
&& SystemParameters.getBoolean(map, "STORE_TIMESTAMP");
public static boolean isThrottlingMode(Map map) {
return SystemParameters.isExisting(map, "BATCH_SEND_MODE")
&& SystemParameters.getString(map, "BATCH_SEND_MODE")
public static <T extends Comparable<T>> List<ValueExpression> listTypeErasure(
List<ValueExpression<T>> input) {
final List<ValueExpression> result = new ArrayList<ValueExpression>();
for (final ValueExpression ve : input)
return result;
public static void printBlockingResult(String componentName, AggregateOperator agg,
int hierarchyPosition, Map map, Logger log) {
// just print it, necessary for both modes (in Local mode we might print
// other than final components)
printPartialResult(componentName, agg.getNumTuplesProcessed(), agg.printContent(), map, log);
LocalMergeResults.localCollectFinalResult(agg, hierarchyPosition, map, log);
// this method is called when the last operator is not an aggregateOperator
public static void printBlockingResult(String componentName, int numProcessedTuples,
String compContent, int hierarchyPosition, Map map, Logger log) {
// just print it, necessary for both modes (in Local mode we might print
// other than final components)
printPartialResult(componentName, numProcessedTuples, compContent, map, log);
private static void printPartialResult(String componentName, int numProcessedTuples,
String compContent, Map map, Logger log) {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("\nThe result for topology ");
sb.append(SystemParameters.getString(map, "DIP_TOPOLOGY_NAME"));
sb.append("\nComponent ").append(componentName).append(":\n");
sb.append("\nThis task received ").append(numProcessedTuples);
// in ProcessFinalAck and dumpSignal we have acking at the end, because we
// return after that
public static void processFinalAck(int numRemainingParents, int hierarchyPosition, Map conf,
Tuple stormTupleRcv, OutputCollector collector) {
if (numRemainingParents == 0)
// this task received from all the parent tasks
// SystemParameters.LAST_ACK
if (hierarchyPosition != StormComponent.FINAL_COMPONENT) {
// if this component is not the last one
final Values values = createUniversalFinalAckTuple(conf);
} else
collector.emit(SystemParameters.EOF_STREAM, new Values(SystemParameters.EOF));
public static void processFinalAck(int numRemainingParents, int hierarchyPosition, Map conf,
Tuple stormTupleRcv, OutputCollector collector, PeriodicAggBatchSend periodicBatch) {
if (numRemainingParents == 0)
if (periodicBatch != null) {
processFinalAck(numRemainingParents, hierarchyPosition, conf, stormTupleRcv, collector);
* Read query plans - read as verbatim
public static String readFile(String path) {
try {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
final BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File(path)));
String line;
while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null)
if (sb.length() > 0)
sb.deleteCharAt(sb.length() - 1); // last \n is unnecessary
return sb.toString();
} catch (final IOException ex) {
final String err = MyUtilities.getStackTrace(ex);
throw new RuntimeException("Error while reading a file:\n " + err);
* Used for reading a result file, # should be treated as possible data, not
* comment
public static List<String> readFileLinesSkipEmpty(String path) throws IOException {
final BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File(path)));
final List<String> lines = new ArrayList<String>();
String strLine;
while ((strLine = reader.readLine()) != null)
if (!strLine.isEmpty())
return lines;
* Used for reading an SQL file
public static String readFileSkipEmptyAndComments(String path) {
try {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
final List<String> lines = readFileLinesSkipEmpty(path);
for (String line : lines) {
line = line.trim();
if (!line.startsWith("#"))
sb.append(line).append(" ");
if (sb.length() > 0)
sb.deleteCharAt(sb.length() - 1); // last space is unnecessary
return sb.toString();
} catch (final IOException ex) {
final String err = MyUtilities.getStackTrace(ex);
throw new RuntimeException("Error while reading a file:\n " + err);
// this is for Spout
public static void sendTuple(Values stormTupleSnd, SpoutOutputCollector collector, Map conf) {
String msgId = null;
if (MyUtilities.isAckEveryTuple(conf))
msgId = "T"; // as short as possible
if (msgId != null)
collector.emit(stormTupleSnd, msgId);
* no acking at the end, because for one tuple arrived in JoinComponent, we
* might have multiple tuples to be sent.
public static void sendTuple(Values stormTupleSnd, Tuple stormTupleRcv,
OutputCollector collector, Map conf) {
// stormTupleRcv is equals to null when we send tuples in batch fashion
if (isAckEveryTuple(conf) && stormTupleRcv != null)
collector.emit(stormTupleRcv, stormTupleSnd);
public static List<String> stringToTuple(String tupleString, Map conf) { // arraylist
// 2
// values
final String[] columnValues = tupleString.split(SystemParameters.getString(conf,
return new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(columnValues));
public static InputDeclarer thetaAttachEmitterComponents(InputDeclarer currentBolt,
StormEmitter emitter1, StormEmitter emitter2, List<String> allCompNames,
MatrixAssignment assignment, Map map, TypeConversion wrapper) {
// MatrixAssignment assignment = new MatrixAssignment(firstRelationSize,
// secondRelationSize, parallelism,-1);
final String firstEmitterIndex = String.valueOf(allCompNames.indexOf(emitter1.getName()));
final String secondEmitterIndex = String.valueOf(allCompNames.indexOf(emitter2.getName()));
CustomStreamGrouping mapping=null;
mapping = new ThetaJoinStaticMapping(firstEmitterIndex,
secondEmitterIndex, assignment, map);
final ArrayList<StormEmitter> emittersList = new ArrayList<StormEmitter>();
for (final StormEmitter emitter : emittersList) {
final String[] emitterIDs = emitter.getEmitterIDs();
for (final String emitterID : emitterIDs)
currentBolt = currentBolt.customGrouping(emitterID, mapping);
return currentBolt;
public static InputDeclarer thetaAttachEmitterComponentsWithInterChanging(
InputDeclarer currentBolt, StormEmitter emitter1, StormEmitter emitter2,
List<String> allCompNames, MatrixAssignment assignment, Map map,
InterchangingComponent inter) {
// MatrixAssignment assignment = new MatrixAssignment(firstRelationSize,
// secondRelationSize, parallelism,-1);
final String firstEmitterIndex = String.valueOf(allCompNames.indexOf(emitter1.getName()));
final String secondEmitterIndex = String.valueOf(allCompNames.indexOf(emitter2.getName()));
final ThetaJoinStaticMapping mapping = new ThetaJoinStaticMapping(firstEmitterIndex,
secondEmitterIndex, assignment, map);
final ArrayList<StormEmitter> emittersList = new ArrayList<StormEmitter>();
for (final StormEmitter emitter : emittersList) {
final String[] emitterIDs = emitter.getEmitterIDs();
for (final String emitterID : emitterIDs)
currentBolt = currentBolt.customGrouping(emitterID, mapping);
return currentBolt;
public static String tupleToString(List<String> tuple, Map conf) {
String tupleString = "";
for (int i = 0; i < tuple.size(); i++)
if (i == tuple.size() - 1)
tupleString += tuple.get(i);
tupleString += tuple.get(i)
+ SystemParameters.getString(conf, "DIP_GLOBAL_ADD_DELIMITER");
// this cause a bug when space (" ") is the last character:
// tupleString=tupleString.trim();
return tupleString;
public static boolean isBDB(Map conf){
return SystemParameters.isExisting(conf, "DIP_IS_BDB")
&& SystemParameters.getBoolean(conf, "DIP_IS_BDB");
public static boolean isBDBUniform(Map conf) {
return SystemParameters.isExisting(conf, "DIP_BDB_TYPE")
&& SystemParameters.getString(conf, "DIP_BDB_TYPE").equalsIgnoreCase("UNIFORM");
public static boolean isBDBSkewed(Map conf) {
return SystemParameters.isExisting(conf, "DIP_BDB_TYPE")
&& SystemParameters.getString(conf, "DIP_BDB_TYPE").equalsIgnoreCase("SKEWED");
public static List<String> listFilesForPath(String dir) {
List<String> filePaths = new ArrayList<String>();
File folder = new File(dir);
for(File fileEntry: folder.listFiles()){
// avoid hidden folder
return filePaths;
public static String getQueryID(Map map) {
String queryName = SystemParameters.getString(map, "DIP_QUERY_NAME");
String dataPath = SystemParameters.getString(map, "DIP_DATA_PATH");
String sizeSkew = extractSizeSkew(dataPath);
return queryName + "_" + sizeSkew;
private static String extractSizeSkew(String dataPath){
String parts[] = dataPath.split("/");
int size = parts.length;
if(size == 1){
return parts[0];
return parts[size - 2] + "_" + parts[size - 1];