package plan_runner.thetajoin.indexes;
import gnu.trove.list.array.TIntArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import plan_runner.predicates.ComparisonPredicate;
import cherri.bheaven.bplustree.BPlusTree;
import cherri.bheaven.bplustree.LeafNode;
import cherri.bheaven.bplustree.Node;
import cherri.bheaven.bplustree.NodeFactory;
import cherri.bheaven.bplustree.memory.MemoryInnerNode;
import cherri.bheaven.bplustree.memory.MemoryLeafNode;
import cherri.bheaven.bplustree.memory.MemoryNodeFactory;
* @author Zervos B+ index. Used for inequalities. Provides O(logn) search and
* insertion and efficient range queries.
* @param <KeyType>
* Type of key
public class BplusTreeIndex<KeyType extends Comparable<KeyType>> implements Index<KeyType> {
private static Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(BplusTreeIndex.class);
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public static void main(String[] args) {
* BplusTreeIndex<Date> index = new BplusTreeIndex<Date>(3, 2);
* index.put(2, new Date(2)); index.put(4, new Date(4)); index.put(5,
* new Date(5)); index.put(5, new Date(5)); index.put(5, new Date(5));
* index.put(5, new Date(5)); index.put(5, new Date(5)); index.put(7,
* new Date(7)); index.put(6, new Date(6)); index.put(1, new Date(1));
* index.put(2, new Date(2)); index.put(9, new Date(9)); index.put(10,
* new Date(10)); index.put(14, new Date(14)); index.put(11, new
* Date(11)); index.put(11, new Date(11)); index.put(12, new Date(12));
* index.put(13, new Date(13)); index.put(11, new Date(11));
* index.put(11, new Date(11)); index.put(11, new Date(11));
* TIntArrayList list= index.getValues(ComparisonPredicate.LESS_OP, new
* Date(4));
final BplusTreeIndex<Double> index = new BplusTreeIndex<Double>(3, 2);
index.put(0, 0.0);
index.put(2, 2.0);
index.put(4, 4.0);
index.put(5, 5.0);
index.put(5, 5.0);
index.put(5, 5.0);
index.put(5, 5.0);
index.put(5, 5.0);
index.put(7, 7.0);
index.put(6, 6.0);
index.put(1, 1.0);
index.put(2, 2.0);
index.put(9, 9.0);
index.put(10, 10.0);
index.put(10, 10.0);
index.put(14, 14.0);
index.put(11, 11.0);
index.put(11, 11.0);
index.put(12, 12.0);
index.put(13, 13.0);
index.put(11, 11.0);
index.put(11, 11.0);
index.put(11, 11.0);
index.put(8, 8.0);
final TIntArrayList list = index.getValues(ComparisonPredicate.LESS_OP, 10.0);
// TIntArrayList list= index.getValues(ComparisonPredicate.GREATER_OP,
// 7.0);
for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++);
private final BPlusTree<KeyType, TIntArrayList> _index;
private final int _order, _slots;
private KeyType _diff = null;
* Constructor
* @param o
* Order of tree
* @param s
public BplusTreeIndex(int order, int slots) {
_order = order;
_slots = slots;
final NodeFactory<KeyType, TIntArrayList> nf = new MemoryNodeFactory<KeyType, TIntArrayList>(
_order, _slots);
_index = new BPlusTree<KeyType, TIntArrayList>(nf);
public TIntArrayList getValues(int operator, KeyType key) {
if (operator == ComparisonPredicate.NONEQUAL_OP)
return null;
else if (operator == ComparisonPredicate.EQUAL_OP)
return getValuesWithOutOperator(key);
else if (operator == ComparisonPredicate.GREATER_OP)
return myGreater(key, false);
else if (operator == ComparisonPredicate.NONLESS_OP)
return myGreater(key, true);
else if (operator == ComparisonPredicate.LESS_OP)
return myLess(key, false);
else if (operator == ComparisonPredicate.NONGREATER_OP)
return myLess(key, true);
return null;
public TIntArrayList getValuesWithOutOperator(KeyType key, KeyType... keys) {
// search for the leaf node where the key is expected to be
final LeafNode<KeyType, TIntArrayList> ln = _index.findLeafNode(key);
// get the index of the key in the node
if (ln == null)
return null;
final int keyindex = ln.getKeyIndex(key);
// get the values for this key
if (keyindex < 0)
return null;
return ln.getValue(keyindex);
* Returns the concatenation of data of all lists for which the key is
* greater (or equal) than the specified one
* @param key
* Search key
* @param includeEqual
* If it's a greater-equal search
* @return
public TIntArrayList myGreater(KeyType key, boolean includeEqual) {
final TIntArrayList values = new TIntArrayList();
LeafNode<KeyType, TIntArrayList> ln;
int keyIndex;
boolean isFinalBreak = false;
final boolean first = true;
// Find leaf node where it should be
ln = _index.findLeafNode(key);
if (ln == null)
return null;
boolean keepGoing = false;
// Iterate over leaf nodes
do {
keyIndex = -1;
final int numSlots = ln.getSlots();
// If this is the first leaf node -> Get the index of the key inside
// leaf node
// If it's one of the following leaf nodes, start from the beginning
if (first)
keyIndex = ln.getKeyIndex(key);
if (keyIndex < 0)
keyIndex = 0;
// For each slot in the current leaf
for (int s = keyIndex; s < numSlots; s++)
if (keepGoing || ln.getKey(s).compareTo(key) > 0
|| (ln.getKey(s).compareTo(key) == 0 && includeEqual)) {
if ((_diff != null && key.compareTo(performOperation(ln.getKey(s), _diff)) < 0))// second
// part
// for
// ranges
isFinalBreak = true;
// continue;
// Get the corresponding list with values and append its
// contents to the final result
final TIntArrayList slotVals = ln.getValue(s);
for (int i = 0; i < slotVals.size(); i++)
keepGoing = true;
if (isFinalBreak)
// Go to next leaf node
ln = (LeafNode<KeyType, TIntArrayList>) ln.getNext();
} while (ln != null);
return values;
* Returns the concatenation of data of all lists for which the key is less
* (or equal) than the specified one
* @param key
* Search key
* @param includeEqual
* If it's a less-equal search
* @return
public TIntArrayList myLess(KeyType key, boolean includeEqual) { // assuming
// diff
// is of
// size
// one
// only
// for
// ranges!
final TIntArrayList values = new TIntArrayList();
LeafNode<KeyType, TIntArrayList> ln = null;
Node<KeyType, TIntArrayList> nd;
boolean isFinalBreak = false;
if (_diff == null) {
// Get root
if (_index.getRoot() instanceof MemoryInnerNode) {
final MemoryInnerNode<KeyType, TIntArrayList> root = (MemoryInnerNode<KeyType, TIntArrayList>) _index
if (root == null)
return null;
// Go down to left most node
nd = root.getChild(0);
while (nd != null && nd instanceof MemoryInnerNode)
nd = ((MemoryInnerNode<KeyType, TIntArrayList>) nd).getChild(0);
if (nd == null)
return null;
ln = (MemoryLeafNode<KeyType, TIntArrayList>) nd;
} else
ln = (MemoryLeafNode<KeyType, TIntArrayList>) _index.getRoot();
} else {
ln = _index.findLeafNode(performOperation(key, _diff));
if (ln == null)
return null;
// Iterate over leaf nodes
do {
// For each slot in the current leaf
if (ln == null)
for (int s = 0; s < ln.getSlots(); s++)
// While the key is less or equal (if needed), continue
if (ln.getKey(s).compareTo(key) < 0
|| (ln.getKey(s).compareTo(key) == 0 && includeEqual)) {
if ((_diff != null && ln.getKey(s).compareTo(performOperation(key, _diff)) < 0))
// break;
// Get the corresponding list with values and append its
// contents to the final result
final TIntArrayList slotVals = ln.getValue(s);
for (int i = 0; i < slotVals.size(); i++)
} else {
isFinalBreak = true;
if (isFinalBreak)
// Go to next leaf node
ln = (LeafNode<KeyType, TIntArrayList>) ln.getNext();
} while (ln != null);
return values;
private KeyType performOperation(KeyType k, KeyType diff){
// workaround for some compilers
Comparable<?> tmpK = k;
Comparable<?> tmpDiff = diff;
Comparable<?> result = null;
if(tmpK instanceof Double ){
Double kd=(Double)tmpK; Double diffd=(Double)tmpDiff;
Double resultd=kd+diffd;
result= resultd;
}else if(tmpK instanceof Integer ){
Integer kd=(Integer)tmpK; Integer diffd=(Integer)tmpDiff;
Integer resultd=kd+diffd;
result= resultd;
}else if(tmpK instanceof Date ){
Date kd=(Date)tmpK; Integer diffd=(Integer)tmpDiff;
Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
c.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, diffd);
result= c.getTime();
else{"Operation in B+Tree not supported for underlying datatype");
return (KeyType)result;
public void put(Integer row_id, KeyType key) {
TIntArrayList idsList = _index.get(key);
if (idsList == null) {
idsList = new TIntArrayList(1);
_index.put(key, idsList);
public BplusTreeIndex setDiff(Object diff) {
if (diff != null)
_diff = (KeyType) diff;
return this;