* @author El Seidy
* This Class is responsible for doing the actual Theta-Join.
package plan_runner.thetajoin.dynamic.storm_component;
import gnu.trove.list.array.TIntArrayList;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore;
import javax.management.RuntimeErrorException;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import plan_runner.components.ComponentProperties;
import plan_runner.operators.AggregateOperator;
import plan_runner.operators.ChainOperator;
import plan_runner.operators.Operator;
import plan_runner.predicates.ComparisonPredicate;
import plan_runner.predicates.Predicate;
import plan_runner.storage.BitVector;
import plan_runner.storage.TupleStorage;
import plan_runner.storm_components.InterchangingComponent;
import plan_runner.storm_components.StormBoltComponent;
import plan_runner.storm_components.StormComponent;
import plan_runner.storm_components.StormEmitter;
import plan_runner.storm_components.synchronization.TopologyKiller;
import plan_runner.thetajoin.dynamic.advisor.Action;
import plan_runner.thetajoin.dynamic.advisor.Discard;
import plan_runner.thetajoin.indexes.Index;
import plan_runner.utilities.MyUtilities;
import plan_runner.utilities.PeriodicAggBatchSend;
import plan_runner.utilities.SystemParameters;
import plan_runner.utilities.statistics.StatisticsUtilities;
import plan_runner.visitors.PredicateCreateIndexesVisitor;
import plan_runner.visitors.PredicateUpdateIndexesVisitor;
import backtype.storm.Config;
import backtype.storm.task.OutputCollector;
import backtype.storm.task.TopologyContext;
import backtype.storm.topology.InputDeclarer;
import backtype.storm.topology.OutputFieldsDeclarer;
import backtype.storm.topology.TopologyBuilder;
import backtype.storm.tuple.Fields;
import backtype.storm.tuple.Tuple;
import backtype.storm.tuple.Values;
public class ThetaJoinerDynamicAdvisedEpochs extends StormBoltComponent {
private long numberOfTuplesMemory = 0;
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private static Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(ThetaJoinerDynamicAdvisedEpochs.class);
private TupleStorage _firstRelationStorage, _secondRelationStorage,
_firstTaggedRelationStorage, _secondTaggedRelationStorage;
private List<Index> _firstRelationIndexes, _secondRelationIndexes, _firstTaggedRelationIndexes,
private TupleStorage _firstRelationStorageNewEpoch, _secondRelationStorageNewEpoch,
_firstTaggedRelationStorageNewEpoch, _secondTaggedRelationStorageNewEpoch;
private List<Index> _firstRelationIndexesNewEpoch, _secondRelationIndexesNewEpoch,
_firstTaggedRelationIndexesNewEpoch, _secondTaggedRelationIndexesNewEpoch;
private String _firstEmitterIndex, _secondEmitterIndex;
private long _numSentTuples = 0;
private final ChainOperator _operatorChain;
private final Predicate _joinPredicate;
private List<Integer> _operatorForIndexes;
private List<Object> _typeOfValueIndexed;
private boolean _existIndexes = false;
private int _currentNumberOfAckedReshufflerWorkersTasks;
private int _currentNumberOfFinalAckedParents;
private int _thisTaskIDindex;
private final int _parallelism;
private transient InputDeclarer _currentBolt;
private Action _currentAction = null;
private int _renamedIDindex;
private long _receivedTuplesR = 0, _receivedTuplesS = 0;
private long _receivedTaggedTuplesR = 0, _receivedTaggedTuplesS = 0;
private TupleStorage _migratingRelationStorage, _migratingTaggedRelationStorage;
private int _migratingRelationCursor, _migratingTaggedRelationCursor,
private String _migratingRelationIndex;
private boolean _isMigratingRelationStorage, _isMigratingTaggedRelationStorage;
private int migrationBufferSize = 100;
private int _currentEpochNumber = 0;
private int indexOfMigrating = -1;
private final ThetaReshufflerAdvisedEpochs _reshuffler;
private int _AdvisorIndex;
private final int _numParentTasks;
// for statistics
SimpleDateFormat _format = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE MMM d HH:mm:ss zzz yyyy");
private final StatisticsUtilities _statsUtils;
// for batch sending
private final Semaphore _semAgg = new Semaphore(1, true);
private boolean _firstTime = true;
private PeriodicAggBatchSend _periodicAggBatch;
private final long _batchOutputMillis;
public ThetaJoinerDynamicAdvisedEpochs(StormEmitter firstEmitter, StormEmitter secondEmitter,
ComponentProperties cp, List<String> allCompNames, Predicate joinPredicate,
int hierarchyPosition, TopologyBuilder builder, TopologyKiller killer, Config conf,
ThetaReshufflerAdvisedEpochs reshuffler, String initialDim) {
super(cp, allCompNames, hierarchyPosition, conf);
_reshuffler = reshuffler;
_numParentTasks = reshuffler.getReshufflerParallelism();
_currentNumberOfFinalAckedParents = reshuffler.getReshufflerParallelism();
if (SystemParameters.isExisting(conf, "DIP_MIGRATION_WAVE"))
migrationBufferSize = SystemParameters.getInt(conf, "DIP_MIGRATION_WAVE");
_statsUtils = new StatisticsUtilities(conf, LOG);
_batchOutputMillis = cp.getBatchOutputMillis();
if (secondEmitter == null) { // then first has to be of type
// Interchanging Emitter
_firstEmitterIndex = String.valueOf(allCompNames.indexOf(new String(firstEmitter
_secondEmitterIndex = String.valueOf(allCompNames.indexOf(new String(firstEmitter
} else {
_firstEmitterIndex = String.valueOf(allCompNames.indexOf(firstEmitter.getName()));
_secondEmitterIndex = String.valueOf(allCompNames.indexOf(secondEmitter.getName()));
_parallelism = SystemParameters.getInt(conf, cp.getName() + "_PAR");
_operatorChain = cp.getChainOperator();
_joinPredicate = joinPredicate;
_currentBolt = builder.setBolt(cp.getName(), this, _parallelism);
if (hierarchyPosition == FINAL_COMPONENT && (!MyUtilities.isAckEveryTuple(conf)))
killer.registerComponent(this, _parallelism);
if (cp.getPrintOut() && _operatorChain.isBlocking())
_currentBolt.allGrouping(killer.getID(), SystemParameters.DUMP_RESULTS_STREAM);
protected void constructStorageAndIndexes() {
_firstRelationStorage = new TupleStorage();
_firstRelationStorageNewEpoch = new TupleStorage();
_secondRelationStorage = new TupleStorage();
_secondRelationStorageNewEpoch = new TupleStorage();
_firstTaggedRelationStorage = new TupleStorage();
_firstTaggedRelationStorageNewEpoch = new TupleStorage();
_secondTaggedRelationStorage = new TupleStorage();
_secondTaggedRelationStorageNewEpoch = new TupleStorage();
if (_joinPredicate != null) {
createIndexes(1, true, false);
createIndexes(1, false, false);
createIndexes(2, true, false);
createIndexes(2, false, false);
createIndexes(1, true, true);
createIndexes(1, false, true);
createIndexes(2, true, true);
createIndexes(2, false, true);
_existIndexes = true;
} else
_existIndexes = false;
private void addTaggedTuples(TupleStorage fromRelation, TupleStorage toRelation,
List<Index> toRelationindexes, String emitterIndex) {
for (int i = 0; i < fromRelation.size(); i++) {
String tupleString = fromRelation.get(i);
final int row_id = toRelation.insert(tupleString);
if (_existIndexes) {
if (MyUtilities.isStoreTimestamp(getConf(), getHierarchyPosition())) {
// timestamp has to be removed
final String parts[] = tupleString.split("\\@");
tupleString = new String(parts[1]);
updateIndexes(emitterIndex, MyUtilities.stringToTuple(tupleString, getConf()),
toRelationindexes, row_id);
public void aggBatchSend() {
if (MyUtilities.isAggBatchOutputMode(_batchOutputMillis))
if (_operatorChain != null) {
final Operator lastOperator = _operatorChain.getLastOperator();
if (lastOperator instanceof AggregateOperator) {
try {
} catch (final InterruptedException ex) {
// sending
final AggregateOperator agg = (AggregateOperator) lastOperator;
final List<String> tuples = agg.getContent();
for (final String tuple : tuples)
tupleSend(MyUtilities.stringToTuple(tuple, getConf()), null, 0);
// clearing
private void appendTimestampExisting(Values tplSend, long lineageTimestamp) {
if (MyUtilities.isCustomTimestampMode(getConf()))
private void appendTimestampZero(Values tplSend) {
if (MyUtilities.isCustomTimestampMode(getConf())) {
final long timestamp = 0;
protected void applyOperatorsAndSend(Tuple stormTupleRcv, List<String> tuple,
long lineageTimestamp) {
if (MyUtilities.isAggBatchOutputMode(_batchOutputMillis))
try {
} catch (final InterruptedException ex) {
tuple = _operatorChain.process(tuple);
if (MyUtilities.isAggBatchOutputMode(_batchOutputMillis))
if (tuple == null)
if (MyUtilities.isSending(getHierarchyPosition(), _batchOutputMillis))
tupleSend(tuple, stormTupleRcv, 0);
if (MyUtilities.isPrintLatency(getHierarchyPosition(), getConf()))
printTupleLatency(_numSentTuples - 1, lineageTimestamp);
private void clean(TupleStorage emittingStorage, int beginIndex, int endIndex) {
emittingStorage.remove(beginIndex, endIndex);
// from IRichBolt
public void cleanup() {
// RelationsNumber 1 for first and 2 for second.
private void createIndexes(int relationNumber, boolean isTagged, boolean isNewEpoch) {
final PredicateCreateIndexesVisitor visitor = new PredicateCreateIndexesVisitor();
if (relationNumber == 1) {
if (!isNewEpoch) {
if (!isTagged)
_firstRelationIndexes = new ArrayList<Index>(visitor._firstRelationIndexes);
_firstTaggedRelationIndexes = new ArrayList<Index>(
} else if (!isTagged)
_firstRelationIndexesNewEpoch = new ArrayList<Index>(visitor._firstRelationIndexes);
_firstTaggedRelationIndexesNewEpoch = new ArrayList<Index>(
} else if (!isNewEpoch) {
if (!isTagged)
_secondRelationIndexes = new ArrayList<Index>(visitor._secondRelationIndexes);
_secondTaggedRelationIndexes = new ArrayList<Index>(visitor._secondRelationIndexes);
} else if (!isTagged)
_secondRelationIndexesNewEpoch = new ArrayList<Index>(visitor._secondRelationIndexes);
_secondTaggedRelationIndexesNewEpoch = new ArrayList<Index>(
if (_operatorForIndexes == null)
_operatorForIndexes = new ArrayList<Integer>(visitor._operatorForIndexes);
if (_typeOfValueIndexed == null)
_typeOfValueIndexed = new ArrayList<Object>(visitor._typeOfValueIndexed);
* The ThetaJoiner can send: 1) Join Result back to the reshuffler. 2) Final
* Join Result out to the next stage. 3) Acks back to the
* ThetaMappingAssigner
public void declareOutputFields(OutputFieldsDeclarer declarer) {
// 1) Final Join Result out to the next stage. (OR if its last stage
// "FINAL_COMPONENT" send EOF to the topologykiller)
// 2) Join Result back to the reshuffler (ThetaDatastream tuples)
final ArrayList<String> dataStreamFields = new ArrayList<String>();
if (MyUtilities.isCustomTimestampMode(getConf()))
declarer.declareStream(SystemParameters.ThetaDataMigrationJoinerToReshuffler, new Fields(
// 3) Acks back to the ThetaMappingAssigner
declarer.declareStream(SystemParameters.ThetaJoinerAcks, new Fields(StormComponent.MESSAGE));
private void emitBulk(TupleStorage emittingStorage, String emitterIndex, int beginIndex,
int endIndex) {
for (int i = beginIndex; i <= endIndex; i++) {
String tupleString = emittingStorage.get(i);
long lineageTimestamp = 0;
if (MyUtilities.isStoreTimestamp(getConf(), getHierarchyPosition())) {
// timestamp has to be removed
final String parts[] = tupleString.split("\\@");
lineageTimestamp = Long.valueOf(new String(parts[0]));
tupleString = new String(parts[1]);
final Values tplSend = new Values(emitterIndex, MyUtilities.stringToTuple(tupleString,
getConf()), "N/A", _currentEpochNumber);
appendTimestampExisting(tplSend, lineageTimestamp);
getCollector().emit(SystemParameters.ThetaDataMigrationJoinerToReshuffler, tplSend);
* The ThetaJoinerDynamic can receive: 1) Signal/Mapping (Stop,
* Proceed(DataMigration), DataMigrationEnded) from the reshuffler 2)
* ThetaDataMigrationReshufflerToJoiner (Migrated) tuples only from the
* reshuffler. 3) DatamessageStream (Normal) tuples only from the
* reshuffler.
public void execute(Tuple stormTupleRcv) {
if (_firstTime && MyUtilities.isAggBatchOutputMode(_batchOutputMillis)) {
_periodicAggBatch = new PeriodicAggBatchSend(_batchOutputMillis, this);
_firstTime = false;
if (receivedDumpSignal(stormTupleRcv)) {
MyUtilities.dumpSignal(this, stormTupleRcv, getCollector());
final String inputStream = stormTupleRcv.getSourceStreamId();
* Case 1) Signal/Mapping from the ThetaReshuffler
if (inputStream.equals(SystemParameters.ThetaReshufflerSignal)) {
final String signal = stormTupleRcv.getStringByField(StormComponent.RESH_SIGNAL);
final String mapping = (String) stormTupleRcv.getValueByField(StormComponent.MAPPING);
* - If stop 1) Send ack to the mapper when the number (# of
* reshuffler processing tasks) of stop signals has been received.
* i.e. is flushed! 2) change to the new mapping
if (signal.equals(SystemParameters.ThetaSignalStop)) {
if (_numParentTasks == _currentNumberOfAckedReshufflerWorkersTasks)
* - If Datamigration ended. after EOF sent from all the joiners
* received through the reshuffler 1) send the DataMigrationEnded
* acks to the synchronizer
else if (signal.equals(SystemParameters.ThetaSignalDataMigrationEnded)) {
if (_numParentTasks == _currentNumberOfAckedReshufflerWorkersTasks) {
LOG.info(getID() + " Joiner: " + _renamedIDindex
+ " has reached end of DataMigration" + " actualID: " + _thisTaskID
+ " got:" + _currentNumberOfAckedReshufflerWorkersTasks + "/"
+ _numParentTasks);
_currentNumberOfAckedReshufflerWorkersTasks = 0;
getCollector().emitDirect(_AdvisorIndex, SystemParameters.ThetaJoinerAcks,
new Values(SystemParameters.ThetaAckDataMigrationEnded));
* Case 2 or 3) tuples only from the reshuffler; either
* 2)ThetaDatastreams or 3)datastreams
// Do The Actual Join
else if (inputStream.equals(SystemParameters.ThetaDataReshufflerToJoiner)
|| inputStream.equals(SystemParameters.ThetaDataMigrationReshufflerToJoiner)
|| inputStream.equals(SystemParameters.DATA_STREAM)) {
final String inputComponentIndex = stormTupleRcv
final List<String> tuple = (List<String>) stormTupleRcv
String inputTupleString = MyUtilities.tupleToString(tuple, getConf());
final String inputTupleHash = stormTupleRcv.getStringByField(StormComponent.HASH);
// N.B. if received at this level then data migration has ended.
if (MyUtilities.isFinalAck(tuple, getConf())) {
boolean isTagged = false;
if (inputStream.equals(SystemParameters.ThetaDataMigrationReshufflerToJoiner))
isTagged = true;
boolean isFromFirstEmitter = false;
Quadruple tupleQuadInfo = null;
isFromFirstEmitter = identifyRelation(inputComponentIndex, isTagged);
// first check if it is ThetaJoinerMigrationSignal which
// requires to flush more tuples
if (isTagged && inputTupleString.equals(SystemParameters.ThetaJoinerMigrationSignal)) {
final int inputTupleEpochNumber = stormTupleRcv.getIntegerByField(StormComponent.EPOCH);
tupleQuadInfo = extractQuadInfo(stormTupleRcv, inputStream, inputTupleString,
isFromFirstEmitter, inputTupleEpochNumber, isTagged);
// add the stormTuple to the specific storage
long incomingTimestamp = 0;
if (MyUtilities.isStoreTimestamp(getConf(), getHierarchyPosition())) {
incomingTimestamp = stormTupleRcv.getLongByField(StormComponent.TIMESTAMP);
inputTupleString = incomingTimestamp + SystemParameters.STORE_TIMESTAMP_DELIMITER
+ inputTupleString;
final int row_id = tupleQuadInfo.affectedStorage.insert(inputTupleString);
List<String> valuesToApplyOnIndex = null;
if (_existIndexes)
valuesToApplyOnIndex = updateIndexes(stormTupleRcv, tupleQuadInfo.affectedIndexes,
performJoin(stormTupleRcv, tuple, inputTupleHash, isFromFirstEmitter,
tupleQuadInfo.oppositeIndexes, valuesToApplyOnIndex,
tupleQuadInfo.oppositeStorage, incomingTimestamp);
//If fresh new tuple perform the additional joins
if (!isTagged) {
* Add one more join for untagged(new Epoch) join_with
* untagged (old epoch)
boolean isIn = false;
if (indexOfMigrating > 0 && inputTupleEpochNumber == _currentEpochNumber + 1) {
final int exchgDim = indexOfMigrating;
if (isFromFirstEmitter && exchgDim == 2) {
// R update
isIn = true;
tupleQuadInfo = new Quadruple(null, _secondRelationStorage, null,
} else if ((!isFromFirstEmitter) && exchgDim == 1) {
// S update
isIn = true;
tupleQuadInfo = new Quadruple(null, _firstRelationStorage, null,
if (isIn) {
valuesToApplyOnIndex = null;
if (_existIndexes)
valuesToApplyOnIndex = updateIndexes(stormTupleRcv, null, -1);
performJoin(stormTupleRcv, tuple, inputTupleHash, isFromFirstEmitter,
tupleQuadInfo.oppositeIndexes, valuesToApplyOnIndex,
tupleQuadInfo.oppositeStorage, incomingTimestamp);
* Add one more join for untagged(old Epoch) join_with
* untagged (new epoch)
if (indexOfMigrating > 0 && (inputTupleEpochNumber == _currentEpochNumber)) {
isIn = false;
final int exchgDim = indexOfMigrating;
if (isFromFirstEmitter && exchgDim == 1) {
// R update
isIn = true;
tupleQuadInfo = new Quadruple(null, _secondRelationStorageNewEpoch, null,
} else if ((!isFromFirstEmitter) && exchgDim == 2) {
// S update
isIn = true;
tupleQuadInfo = new Quadruple(null, _firstRelationStorageNewEpoch, null,
if (isIn) {
valuesToApplyOnIndex = null;
if (_existIndexes)
valuesToApplyOnIndex = updateIndexes(stormTupleRcv, null, -1);
performJoin(stormTupleRcv, tuple, inputTupleHash, isFromFirstEmitter,
tupleQuadInfo.oppositeIndexes, valuesToApplyOnIndex,
tupleQuadInfo.oppositeStorage, incomingTimestamp);
/* 2)second join with tagged data */
if (inputTupleEpochNumber == _currentEpochNumber) {
if (isFromFirstEmitter)
tupleQuadInfo = new Quadruple(null, _secondTaggedRelationStorage, null,
tupleQuadInfo = new Quadruple(null, _firstTaggedRelationStorage, null,
} else if (inputTupleEpochNumber == _currentEpochNumber + 1) {
if (isFromFirstEmitter)
tupleQuadInfo = new Quadruple(null, _secondTaggedRelationStorageNewEpoch,
null, _secondTaggedRelationIndexesNewEpoch);
tupleQuadInfo = new Quadruple(null, _firstTaggedRelationStorageNewEpoch,
null, _firstTaggedRelationIndexesNewEpoch);
} else
throw new RuntimeException(
"Error epoch number is not within bounds (new tuple joined with tagged data)"
+ "Tuple String is " + inputTupleString
+ ", input tuple epoch is " + inputTupleEpochNumber
+ ", currentEpoch is " + _currentEpochNumber
+ ". Current input stream is " + inputStream + ".");
valuesToApplyOnIndex = null;
if (_existIndexes)
valuesToApplyOnIndex = updateIndexes(stormTupleRcv, null, -1);
performJoin(stormTupleRcv, tuple, inputTupleHash, isFromFirstEmitter,
tupleQuadInfo.oppositeIndexes, valuesToApplyOnIndex,
tupleQuadInfo.oppositeStorage, incomingTimestamp); // Shall not add the input tuple again
* one more join for untagged(new Epoch) join_with
* tagged (old epoch)
if (indexOfMigrating > 0 && (inputTupleEpochNumber == _currentEpochNumber + 1)) {
isIn = false;
final int exchgDim = indexOfMigrating;
if (isFromFirstEmitter && exchgDim == 2) {
// R update
isIn = true;
tupleQuadInfo = new Quadruple(null, _secondTaggedRelationStorage, null,
} else if ((!isFromFirstEmitter) && exchgDim == 1) {
// S update
isIn = true;
tupleQuadInfo = new Quadruple(null, _firstTaggedRelationStorage, null,
if (isIn) {
valuesToApplyOnIndex = null;
if (_existIndexes)
valuesToApplyOnIndex = updateIndexes(stormTupleRcv, null, -1);
performJoin(stormTupleRcv, tuple, inputTupleHash, isFromFirstEmitter,
tupleQuadInfo.oppositeIndexes, valuesToApplyOnIndex,
tupleQuadInfo.oppositeStorage, incomingTimestamp);
if ((numberOfTuplesMemory) % _statsUtils.getDipInputFreqPrint() == 0)
protected Quadruple extractQuadInfo(Tuple stormTupleRcv, final String inputStream,
String inputTupleString, boolean isFromFirstEmitter, final int inputTupleEpochNumber,
boolean isTagged) {
Quadruple tupleQuadInfo = null;
if (inputTupleEpochNumber == _currentEpochNumber) {
if (isFromFirstEmitter) {
if (isTagged)
tupleQuadInfo = new Quadruple(_firstTaggedRelationStorage,
_secondRelationStorage, _firstTaggedRelationIndexes,
tupleQuadInfo = new Quadruple(_firstRelationStorage, _secondRelationStorage,
_firstRelationIndexes, _secondRelationIndexes);
} else {
if (isTagged)
tupleQuadInfo = new Quadruple(_secondTaggedRelationStorage,
_firstRelationStorage, _secondTaggedRelationIndexes,
tupleQuadInfo = new Quadruple(_secondRelationStorage, _firstRelationStorage,
_secondRelationIndexes, _firstRelationIndexes);
} else if (inputTupleEpochNumber == _currentEpochNumber + 1) {
final String _currentDimExcDis = stormTupleRcv.getStringByField(StormComponent.DIM);
final String[] splits = _currentDimExcDis.split("-");
indexOfMigrating = Integer.parseInt(new String(splits[0]));
if (isFromFirstEmitter) {
if (isTagged)
tupleQuadInfo = new Quadruple(_firstTaggedRelationStorageNewEpoch,
_secondRelationStorageNewEpoch, _firstTaggedRelationIndexesNewEpoch,
tupleQuadInfo = new Quadruple(_firstRelationStorageNewEpoch,
_secondRelationStorageNewEpoch, _firstRelationIndexesNewEpoch,
} else {
if (isTagged)
tupleQuadInfo = new Quadruple(_secondTaggedRelationStorageNewEpoch,
_firstRelationStorageNewEpoch, _secondTaggedRelationIndexesNewEpoch,
tupleQuadInfo = new Quadruple(_secondRelationStorageNewEpoch,
_firstRelationStorageNewEpoch, _secondRelationIndexesNewEpoch,
} else
throw new RuntimeException("Error epoch number is not within bounds (tagged). "
+ "Tuple String is " + inputTupleString + ", input tuple epoch is "
+ inputTupleEpochNumber + ", currentEpoch is " + _currentEpochNumber
+ ". Current input stream is " + inputStream + ".");
return tupleQuadInfo;
protected void continueMigration(Tuple stormTupleRcv) {
if (_isMigratingRelationStorage)
if (_migratingRelationStorage.size() <= migrationBufferSize) {
final int endIndex = _migratingRelationCursor + _migratingRelationStorage.size()
- 1;
emitBulk(_migratingRelationStorage, _migratingRelationIndex,
_migratingRelationCursor, endIndex);
clean(_migratingRelationStorage, _migratingRelationCursor, endIndex);
_isMigratingRelationStorage = false;
} else {
final int endIndex = _migratingRelationCursor + migrationBufferSize - 1;
emitBulk(_migratingRelationStorage, _migratingRelationIndex,
_migratingRelationCursor, endIndex);
clean(_migratingRelationStorage, _migratingRelationCursor, endIndex);
_migratingRelationCursor += migrationBufferSize;
if (_isMigratingTaggedRelationStorage)
if (_migratingTaggedRelationSize <= _migratingTaggedRelationCursor
+ migrationBufferSize) {
final int endIndex = _migratingTaggedRelationSize - 1;
emitBulk(_migratingTaggedRelationStorage, _migratingRelationIndex,
_migratingTaggedRelationCursor, endIndex);
_isMigratingTaggedRelationStorage = false;
} else {
final int endIndex = _migratingTaggedRelationCursor + migrationBufferSize - 1;
emitBulk(_migratingTaggedRelationStorage, _migratingRelationIndex,
_migratingTaggedRelationCursor, endIndex);
_migratingTaggedRelationCursor += migrationBufferSize;
if (_isMigratingRelationStorage == true || _isMigratingTaggedRelationStorage == true) {
final Values tplSend = new Values("N/A", MyUtilities.stringToTuple(
SystemParameters.ThetaJoinerMigrationSignal, getConf()), "N/A", -1);
getCollector().emit(SystemParameters.ThetaDataMigrationJoinerToReshuffler, tplSend);
} else {
final Values tplSend = new Values("N/A", MyUtilities.stringToTuple(
SystemParameters.ThetaJoinerDataMigrationEOF, getConf()), "N/A", -1);
getCollector().emit(SystemParameters.ThetaDataMigrationJoinerToReshuffler, tplSend);
protected boolean identifyRelation(final String inputComponentIndex, boolean isTagged) {
boolean isFromFirstEmitter = false;
if (_firstEmitterIndex.equals(inputComponentIndex)) {
if (isTagged)
isFromFirstEmitter = true;
} else if (_secondEmitterIndex.equals(inputComponentIndex)) {
if (isTagged)
isFromFirstEmitter = false;
} else if (!inputComponentIndex.equals("N/A"))
throw new RuntimeException("InputComponentName " + inputComponentIndex
+ " doesn't match neither " + _firstEmitterIndex + " nor "
+ _secondEmitterIndex + ".");
return isFromFirstEmitter;
protected void processFinalAck(Tuple stormTupleRcv) {
if (_currentNumberOfFinalAckedParents == 0) {
LOG.info(getID() + " AT (LAST_ACK) Joiner: " + _renamedIDindex
+ " has received receivedTuplesR:" + _receivedTuplesR + " TaggedR:"
+ _receivedTaggedTuplesR + " receivedTuplesS:" + _receivedTuplesS + " TaggedS:"
+ _receivedTaggedTuplesS);
final int first = _firstRelationStorage.size() + _firstTaggedRelationStorage.size();
final int second = _secondRelationStorage.size() + _secondTaggedRelationStorage.size();
LOG.info(getID() + " AT (LAST_ACK) Joiner: " + _renamedIDindex + " has FirstRelation:"
+ _firstRelationStorage.size() + " FirstRelationTagged:"
+ _firstTaggedRelationStorage.size() + " SecondRelation:"
+ _secondRelationStorage.size() + " SecondRelationTagged:"
+ _secondTaggedRelationStorage.size() + " final sizes: " + first + "," + second);
MyUtilities.processFinalAck(_currentNumberOfFinalAckedParents, getHierarchyPosition(),
getConf(), stormTupleRcv, getCollector(), _periodicAggBatch);
protected void processSignalStop(final String mapping) {
// increment epoch number .. now all tuples of the previous
// epoch has been received!
indexOfMigrating = -1;
LOG.info(getID() + "AT (STOP): Joiner: " + _renamedIDindex
+ " has received receivedTuplesR:" + _receivedTuplesR + " TaggedR:"
+ _receivedTaggedTuplesR + " receivedTuplesS:" + _receivedTuplesS + " TaggedS:"
+ _receivedTaggedTuplesS);
_receivedTuplesR = 0;
_receivedTuplesS = 0;
_receivedTaggedTuplesR = 0;
_receivedTaggedTuplesS = 0;
long taggedSizeR = _firstRelationStorage.size() + _firstTaggedRelationStorage.size();
long taggedSizeS = _secondRelationStorage.size() + _secondTaggedRelationStorage.size();
_currentNumberOfAckedReshufflerWorkersTasks = 0;
final String actionString = mapping;
// Now change to the new mapping
_currentAction = Action.fromString(actionString);
_renamedIDindex = _currentAction.getNewReducerName(_renamedIDindex);
// ****************
// ****************
// Now apply the discards
processDiscards(taggedSizeR, taggedSizeS);
// ****************
// ****************
// Migrate all the data (flush everything), now everything
// is considered as tagged
// Send the EOF of all tuples --> which by thus will have to
// send back the ThetaSignalDataMigrationEnded signal
// dont send anything to the synchronizer
final int exchangingDim = processInitiateMigrations();
// ***********************
// Now execute the missing joins
// ***********************
if (exchangingDim == 1)
// U1 JOIN T2 ... the other join only
joinTables(_firstRelationStorage, _secondTaggedRelationStorage,
_secondTaggedRelationIndexes, true);
// U2 JOIN T1 ... the other join only
joinTables(_secondRelationStorage, _firstTaggedRelationStorage,
_firstTaggedRelationIndexes, false);
// ********************************
// Now the add the epoch's tagged tuples
// ********************************
// add T1' to T1
addTaggedTuples(_firstTaggedRelationStorageNewEpoch, _firstTaggedRelationStorage,
_firstTaggedRelationIndexes, _firstEmitterIndex);
_firstTaggedRelationStorageNewEpoch = new TupleStorage();
createIndexes(1, true, true);
// add T2' to T2
addTaggedTuples(_secondTaggedRelationStorageNewEpoch, _secondTaggedRelationStorage,
_secondTaggedRelationIndexes, _secondEmitterIndex);
_secondTaggedRelationStorageNewEpoch = new TupleStorage();
createIndexes(2, true, true);
protected int processInitiateMigrations() {
_isMigratingRelationStorage = false;
_isMigratingTaggedRelationStorage = false;
final int exchangingDim = identifyDim(_currentAction.getPreviousRows(),
_currentAction.getPreviousColumns(), _currentAction.getNewRows(),
_currentAction.getNewColumns(), false);
if (exchangingDim != 1 && exchangingDim != 2) // ASSERTION
LOG.error("Wrong exchangingDim ERROR");
return exchangingDim;
protected void processDiscards(long taggedSizeR, long taggedSizeS) {
final int discardingDim = identifyDim(_currentAction.getPreviousRows(),
_currentAction.getPreviousColumns(), _currentAction.getNewRows(),
_currentAction.getNewColumns(), true);
LOG.info(getID() + " Joiner AT (STOP) before discarding: " + _renamedIDindex
+ " FirstTagged:" + taggedSizeR + " SecondTagged:" + taggedSizeS
+ " chose for discarding rel " + discardingDim);
if (discardingDim != 1 && discardingDim != 2) // ASSERTION
LOG.error("Wrong discardingDim ERROR");
/* Perform the discards */
taggedSizeR = _firstRelationStorage.size() + _firstTaggedRelationStorage.size();
taggedSizeS = _secondRelationStorage.size() + _secondTaggedRelationStorage.size();
LOG.info(getID() + " Joiner AT (STOP) after discarding: " + _renamedIDindex
+ " FirstTagged:" + taggedSizeR + " SecondTagged:" + taggedSizeS);
public ChainOperator getChainOperator() {
return _operatorChain;
public Map<String, Object> getComponentConfiguration() {
return getConf();
public InputDeclarer getCurrentBolt() {
return _currentBolt;
public String getInfoID() {
final String str = "DestinationStorage " + getID() + " has ID: " + getID();
return str;
protected InterchangingComponent getInterComp() {
throw new RuntimeException("Hm, should not be here!");
public long getNumSentTuples() {
return _numSentTuples;
public PeriodicAggBatchSend getPeriodicAggBatch() {
return _periodicAggBatch;
private void join(Tuple stormTuple, List<String> tuple, boolean isFromFirstEmitter,
TupleStorage oppositeStorage, long incomingTimestamp) {
if (oppositeStorage == null || oppositeStorage.size() == 0)
for (int i = 0; i < oppositeStorage.size(); i++) {
String oppositeTupleString = oppositeStorage.get(i);
long lineageTimestamp = incomingTimestamp;
if (MyUtilities.isStoreTimestamp(getConf(), getHierarchyPosition())) {
// timestamp has to be removed
final String parts[] = oppositeTupleString.split("\\@");
final long storedTimestamp = Long.valueOf(new String(parts[0]));
oppositeTupleString = new String(parts[1]);
// now we set the maximum TS to the tuple
if (storedTimestamp > lineageTimestamp)
lineageTimestamp = storedTimestamp;
final List<String> oppositeTuple = MyUtilities.stringToTuple(oppositeTupleString,
List<String> firstTuple, secondTuple;
if (isFromFirstEmitter) {
firstTuple = tuple;
secondTuple = oppositeTuple;
} else {
firstTuple = oppositeTuple;
secondTuple = tuple;
// Check joinCondition
// if existIndexes == true, the join condition is already checked
// before
if (_joinPredicate == null || _existIndexes
|| _joinPredicate.test(firstTuple, secondTuple)) {
// if null, cross product Create the output tuple by omitting
//the oppositeJoinKeys (ONLY for equi-joins since they are added
// by the first relation), if any (in case of cartesian product
// there are none)
List<String> outputTuple = null;
// Cartesian product - Outputs all attributes
outputTuple = MyUtilities.createOutputTuple(firstTuple, secondTuple);
applyOperatorsAndSend(stormTuple, outputTuple, lineageTimestamp);
private void joinTables(TupleStorage outerRelation, TupleStorage innerRelation,
List<Index> innerRelationIndexes, boolean fromFirstEmitter) {
for (int i = 0; i < outerRelation.size(); i++) {
String tupleString = outerRelation.get(i);
long incomingTimestamp = 0;
if (MyUtilities.isStoreTimestamp(getConf(), getHierarchyPosition())) {
// timestamp has to be removed
final String parts[] = tupleString.split("\\@");
incomingTimestamp = Long.valueOf(new String(parts[0]));
tupleString = new String(parts[1]);
final List<String> u2tuple = MyUtilities.stringToTuple(tupleString, getConf());
final PredicateUpdateIndexesVisitor u2visitor = new PredicateUpdateIndexesVisitor(
fromFirstEmitter, u2tuple);
final List<String> valuesToIndex = new ArrayList<String>(u2visitor._valuesToIndex);
performJoin(null, u2tuple, null, fromFirstEmitter, innerRelationIndexes, valuesToIndex,
innerRelation, incomingTimestamp);
/* Perform discards on the relationNumber dimension 1=first 2=second */
protected void performDiscards(int relationNumber) {
final PredicateCreateIndexesVisitor visitor = new PredicateCreateIndexesVisitor();
final TupleStorage keepStorage = new TupleStorage();
ArrayList<Index> keepIndexes;
String discardingEmitterIndex;
int discardingParts, discardingIndex;
TupleStorage discardingTupleStorage, discardingTaggedRelationStorage;
if (relationNumber == 1) {
discardingTupleStorage = _firstRelationStorage;
discardingTaggedRelationStorage = _firstTaggedRelationStorage;
keepIndexes = new ArrayList<Index>(visitor._firstRelationIndexes);
discardingEmitterIndex = _firstEmitterIndex;
discardingParts = _currentAction.getDiscardRowSplits();
discardingIndex = _currentAction.getRowKeptPieceIndexByNewId(_renamedIDindex);
} else {
discardingTupleStorage = _secondRelationStorage;
discardingTaggedRelationStorage = _secondTaggedRelationStorage;
keepIndexes = new ArrayList<Index>(visitor._secondRelationIndexes);
discardingEmitterIndex = _secondEmitterIndex;
discardingParts = _currentAction.getDiscardColumnSplits();
discardingIndex = _currentAction.getColumnKeptPieceIndexByNewId(_renamedIDindex);
final int[] hash = new int[discardingTaggedRelationStorage.size()
+ discardingTupleStorage.size()];
final int[] addresses = new int[discardingTaggedRelationStorage.size()
+ discardingTupleStorage.size()];
final BitVector isTagged = new BitVector(discardingTaggedRelationStorage.size()
+ discardingTupleStorage.size());
isTagged.set(0, discardingTaggedRelationStorage.size());
TupleStorage.preProcess(discardingTaggedRelationStorage, discardingTupleStorage, hash,
final int bounds[] = Discard.keep(hash, addresses, isTagged, discardingParts,
for (int i = bounds[0]; i <= bounds[1]; i++) {
final int address = addresses[i];
final boolean isTaggedTuple = isTagged.get(i);
String tupleString = "";
if (isTaggedTuple)
tupleString = discardingTaggedRelationStorage.get(address);
tupleString = discardingTupleStorage.get(address);
final int row_id = keepStorage.insert(tupleString);
if (_existIndexes) {
if (MyUtilities.isStoreTimestamp(getConf(), getHierarchyPosition())) {
// timestamp has to be removed
final String parts[] = tupleString.split("\\@");
tupleString = new String(parts[1]);
MyUtilities.stringToTuple(tupleString, getConf()), keepIndexes, row_id);
if (relationNumber == 1) {
_firstTaggedRelationStorage = keepStorage;
_firstTaggedRelationIndexes = keepIndexes;
_firstRelationStorage = _firstRelationStorageNewEpoch;
_firstRelationIndexes = _firstRelationIndexesNewEpoch;
_firstRelationStorageNewEpoch = new TupleStorage();
createIndexes(1, false, true);
} else {
_secondTaggedRelationStorage = keepStorage;
_secondTaggedRelationIndexes = keepIndexes;
_secondRelationStorage = _secondRelationStorageNewEpoch;
_secondRelationIndexes = _secondRelationIndexesNewEpoch;
_secondRelationStorageNewEpoch = new TupleStorage();
createIndexes(2, false, true);
protected void performExchanges(int relationNumber) {
TupleStorage exchangingRelationStorage;
TupleStorage exchangingTaggedRelationStorage;
List<Index> exchangingIndexes;
if (relationNumber == 1) {
exchangingIndexes = _firstTaggedRelationIndexes;
exchangingTaggedRelationStorage = _firstTaggedRelationStorage;
exchangingRelationStorage = _firstRelationStorage;
_migratingRelationStorage = _firstRelationStorage;
_migratingTaggedRelationStorage = _firstTaggedRelationStorage;
_migratingTaggedRelationSize = _firstTaggedRelationStorage.size();
_migratingRelationCursor = 0;
_migratingTaggedRelationCursor = 0;
_migratingRelationIndex = _firstEmitterIndex;
} else {
exchangingIndexes = _secondTaggedRelationIndexes;
exchangingTaggedRelationStorage = _secondTaggedRelationStorage;
exchangingRelationStorage = _secondRelationStorage;
_migratingRelationStorage = _secondRelationStorage;
_migratingTaggedRelationStorage = _secondTaggedRelationStorage;
_migratingTaggedRelationSize = _secondTaggedRelationStorage.size();
_migratingRelationCursor = 0;
_migratingTaggedRelationCursor = 0;
_migratingRelationIndex = _secondEmitterIndex;
if (exchangingRelationStorage.size() <= migrationBufferSize)
emitBulk(exchangingRelationStorage, _migratingRelationIndex, 0,
exchangingRelationStorage.size() - 1);
else {
_isMigratingRelationStorage = true;
_migratingRelationCursor += migrationBufferSize;
emitBulk(_migratingRelationStorage, _migratingRelationIndex, 0,
_migratingRelationCursor - 1);
if (_migratingTaggedRelationSize <= migrationBufferSize)
emitBulk(exchangingTaggedRelationStorage, _migratingRelationIndex, 0,
_migratingTaggedRelationSize - 1);
else {
_isMigratingTaggedRelationStorage = true;
_migratingTaggedRelationCursor += migrationBufferSize;
emitBulk(_migratingTaggedRelationStorage, _migratingRelationIndex, 0,
_migratingTaggedRelationCursor - 1);
// Restart everything to be tagged
addTaggedTuples(exchangingRelationStorage, exchangingTaggedRelationStorage,
exchangingIndexes, _migratingRelationIndex);
if (_isMigratingRelationStorage) // if it was bigger than buffer size, and still has more data
clean(_migratingRelationStorage, 0, _migratingRelationCursor - 1); // remove that data
if (relationNumber == 1) {
_firstRelationStorage = _firstRelationStorageNewEpoch;
_firstRelationIndexes = _firstRelationIndexesNewEpoch;
_firstRelationStorageNewEpoch = new TupleStorage();
createIndexes(1, false, true);// reinitialize untagged
} else {
_secondRelationStorage = _secondRelationStorageNewEpoch;
_secondRelationIndexes = _secondRelationIndexesNewEpoch;
_secondRelationStorageNewEpoch = new TupleStorage();
createIndexes(2, false, true);// reinitialize untagged
if (_isMigratingRelationStorage || _isMigratingTaggedRelationStorage) {
final Values tplSend = new Values("N/A", MyUtilities.stringToTuple(
SystemParameters.ThetaJoinerMigrationSignal, getConf()), "N/A", -1);
getCollector().emit(SystemParameters.ThetaDataMigrationJoinerToReshuffler, tplSend);
} else {
LOG.info(getID() + " joiner: " + _thisTaskIDindex + " D-M-E-E-O-F is being emitted"
+ " actualID: " + _thisTaskID);
final Values tplSend = new Values("N/A", MyUtilities.stringToTuple(
SystemParameters.ThetaJoinerDataMigrationEOF, getConf()), "N/A", -1);
getCollector().emit(SystemParameters.ThetaDataMigrationJoinerToReshuffler, tplSend);
protected void performJoin(Tuple stormTupleRcv, List<String> tuple, String inputTupleHash,
boolean isFromFirstEmitter, List<Index> oppositeIndexes,
List<String> valuesToApplyOnIndex, TupleStorage oppositeStorage, long incomingTimestamp) {
final TupleStorage tuplesToJoin = new TupleStorage();
selectTupleToJoin(oppositeStorage, oppositeIndexes, isFromFirstEmitter,
valuesToApplyOnIndex, tuplesToJoin);
join(stormTupleRcv, tuple, isFromFirstEmitter, tuplesToJoin, incomingTimestamp);
public void prepare(Map stormConf, TopologyContext context, OutputCollector collector) {
_thisTaskID = context.getThisTaskId();
_thisTaskIDindex = context.getThisTaskIndex();
_renamedIDindex = _thisTaskIDindex;
_AdvisorIndex = context.getComponentTasks(_reshuffler.getID()).get(0);
protected void printStatistics(int type) {
if (_statsUtils.isTestMode())
if (getHierarchyPosition() == StormComponent.FINAL_COMPONENT)
// printing
if (!MyUtilities.isCustomTimestampMode(getConf())) {
if (type == SystemParameters.INITIAL_PRINT) {
// computing variables
final int size1 = _firstRelationStorage.size();
final int taggedSize1 = _firstTaggedRelationStorage.size();
_statsUtils.printInitialStats(LOG, _thisTaskID, size1, taggedSize1, size1,
} else if (type == SystemParameters.INPUT_PRINT) {
// computing variables
final int size1 = _firstRelationStorage.size();
final int taggedSize1 = _firstTaggedRelationStorage.size();
_statsUtils.printMemoryStats(getHierarchyPosition(), LOG, _thisTaskID,
numberOfTuplesMemory, size1, taggedSize1, size1, taggedSize1);
} else if (type == SystemParameters.OUTPUT_PRINT)
_statsUtils.printResultStats(getHierarchyPosition(), LOG, _numSentTuples,
_thisTaskID, false);
else if (type == SystemParameters.FINAL_PRINT) {
if (numNegatives > 0)
LOG.info("WARNINGLAT! Negative latency for " + numNegatives
+ ", at most " + maxNegative + "ms.");
// computing variables
final int size1 = _firstRelationStorage.size();
final int taggedSize1 = _firstTaggedRelationStorage.size();
_statsUtils.printMemoryStats(getHierarchyPosition(), LOG, _thisTaskID,
numberOfTuplesMemory, size1, taggedSize1, size1, taggedSize1);
_statsUtils.printResultStats(getHierarchyPosition(), LOG, _numSentTuples,
_thisTaskID, true);
} else // only final statistics is printed if we are measuring latency
if (type == SystemParameters.FINAL_PRINT) {
if (numNegatives > 0)
LOG.info("WARNINGLAT! Negative latency for " + numNegatives + ", at most "
+ maxNegative + "ms.");
// computing variables
final int size1 = _firstRelationStorage.size();
final int taggedSize1 = _firstTaggedRelationStorage.size();
_statsUtils.printMemoryStats(getHierarchyPosition(), LOG, _thisTaskID,
numberOfTuplesMemory, size1, taggedSize1, size1, taggedSize1);
_statsUtils.printResultStats(getHierarchyPosition(), LOG, _numSentTuples,
_thisTaskID, true);
private void selectTupleToJoin(TupleStorage oppositeStorage, List<Index> oppositeIndexes,
boolean isFromFirstEmitter, List<String> valuesToApplyOnIndex, TupleStorage tuplesToJoin) {
if (!_existIndexes) {
final TIntArrayList rowIds = new TIntArrayList();
// If there is atleast one index (so we have single join conditions with
// 1 index per condition)
// Get the row indices in the storage of the opposite relation that
// satisfy each join condition (equijoin / inequality)
// Then take the intersection of the returned row indices since each
// join condition
// is separated by AND
for (int i = 0; i < oppositeIndexes.size(); i++) {
TIntArrayList currentRowIds = null;
final Index currentOpposIndex = oppositeIndexes.get(i);
final String value = valuesToApplyOnIndex.get(i);
int currentOperator = _operatorForIndexes.get(i);
// Switch inequality operator if the tuple coming is from the other
// relation
if (isFromFirstEmitter) {
final int operator = currentOperator;
if (operator == ComparisonPredicate.GREATER_OP)
currentOperator = ComparisonPredicate.LESS_OP;
else if (operator == ComparisonPredicate.NONGREATER_OP)
currentOperator = ComparisonPredicate.NONLESS_OP;
else if (operator == ComparisonPredicate.LESS_OP)
currentOperator = ComparisonPredicate.GREATER_OP;
else if (operator == ComparisonPredicate.NONLESS_OP)
currentOperator = ComparisonPredicate.NONGREATER_OP;
// then it is an equal or not equal so we dont switch the operator
currentOperator = operator;
// Get the values from the index (check type first)
if (_typeOfValueIndexed.get(i) instanceof String)
currentRowIds = currentOpposIndex.getValues(currentOperator, value);
// Even if valueIndexed is at first time an integer with
// precomputation a*col +b, it become a double
else if (_typeOfValueIndexed.get(i) instanceof Double)
currentRowIds = currentOpposIndex.getValues(currentOperator,
else if (_typeOfValueIndexed.get(i) instanceof Integer)
currentRowIds = currentOpposIndex.getValues(currentOperator,
else if (_typeOfValueIndexed.get(i) instanceof Date)
try {
currentRowIds = currentOpposIndex.getValues(currentOperator,
} catch (final ParseException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("non supported type");
// Compute the intersection Search only within the ids that are in rowIds from previous join
// conditions If nothing returned (and since we want intersection), no need to proceed.
if (currentRowIds == null)
// If it's the first index, add everything. Else keep the intersection
if (i == 0)
// If empty after intersection, return
if (rowIds.isEmpty())
// generate tuplestorage
for (int i = 0; i < rowIds.size(); i++) {
final int id = rowIds.get(i);
// another signature
private List<String> updateIndexes(String inputComponentIndex, List<String> tuple,
List<Index> affectedIndexes, int row_id) {
// Get a list of tuple attributes and the key value
boolean comeFromFirstEmitter;
if (inputComponentIndex.equals(_firstEmitterIndex))
comeFromFirstEmitter = true;
comeFromFirstEmitter = false;
final PredicateUpdateIndexesVisitor visitor = new PredicateUpdateIndexesVisitor(
comeFromFirstEmitter, tuple);
final List<String> valuesToIndex = new ArrayList<String>(visitor._valuesToIndex);
if (affectedIndexes == null)
return valuesToIndex;
final List<Object> typesOfValuesToIndex = new ArrayList<Object>(
for (int i = 0; i < affectedIndexes.size(); i++)
if (typesOfValuesToIndex.get(i) instanceof Integer)
affectedIndexes.get(i).put(row_id, Integer.parseInt(valuesToIndex.get(i)));
else if (typesOfValuesToIndex.get(i) instanceof Double)
affectedIndexes.get(i).put(row_id, Double.parseDouble(valuesToIndex.get(i)));
else if (typesOfValuesToIndex.get(i) instanceof String)
affectedIndexes.get(i).put(row_id, valuesToIndex.get(i));
else if (typesOfValuesToIndex.get(i) instanceof Date)
try {
affectedIndexes.get(i).put(row_id, _format.parse(valuesToIndex.get(i)));
} catch (final ParseException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"Parsing problem in ThetaJoinerDynamicAdvisedEpochs.updatedIndexes "
+ e.getMessage());
throw new RuntimeException("non supported type");
return valuesToIndex;
private List<String> updateIndexes(Tuple stormTupleRcv, List<Index> affectedIndexes, int row_id) {
final String inputComponentIndex = stormTupleRcv
final List<String> tuple = (List<String>) stormTupleRcv
// Get a list of tuple attributes and the key value
boolean comeFromFirstEmitter;
if (inputComponentIndex.equals(_firstEmitterIndex))
comeFromFirstEmitter = true;
comeFromFirstEmitter = false;
final PredicateUpdateIndexesVisitor visitor = new PredicateUpdateIndexesVisitor(
comeFromFirstEmitter, tuple);
final List<String> valuesToIndex = new ArrayList<String>(visitor._valuesToIndex);
if (affectedIndexes == null)
return valuesToIndex;
final List<Object> typesOfValuesToIndex = new ArrayList<Object>(
for (int i = 0; i < affectedIndexes.size(); i++)
if (typesOfValuesToIndex.get(i) instanceof Integer)
affectedIndexes.get(i).put(row_id, Integer.parseInt(valuesToIndex.get(i)));
else if (typesOfValuesToIndex.get(i) instanceof Double)
affectedIndexes.get(i).put(row_id, Double.parseDouble(valuesToIndex.get(i)));
else if (typesOfValuesToIndex.get(i) instanceof String)
affectedIndexes.get(i).put(row_id, valuesToIndex.get(i));
else if (typesOfValuesToIndex.get(i) instanceof Date)
try {
affectedIndexes.get(i).put(row_id, _format.parse(valuesToIndex.get(i)));
} catch (final ParseException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"Parsing problem in ThetaJoinerDynamicAdvisedEpochs.updatedIndexes "
+ e.getMessage());
throw new RuntimeException("non supported type");
return valuesToIndex;
// firstRelation=1 secondRelation=2
public static int identifyDim(int prevRow, int prevCol, int currRow, int currCol,
boolean isDiscarding) {
final int[] preDim = new int[] { prevRow, prevCol };
final int[] currDim = new int[] { currRow, currCol };
if (isDiscarding) { // smaller --> bigger
if (preDim[0] < currDim[0])
return 1;
else if (preDim[1] < currDim[1])
return 2;
} else if (preDim[0] > currDim[0])
return 1;
else if (preDim[1] > currDim[1])
return 2;
return -1;