package plan_runner.storm_components;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import plan_runner.components.InterchangingDataSourceComponent;
import plan_runner.expressions.ValueExpression;
import plan_runner.operators.ChainOperator;
import plan_runner.storm_components.synchronization.TopologyKiller;
import plan_runner.utilities.CustomReader;
import plan_runner.utilities.MyUtilities;
import plan_runner.utilities.PeriodicAggBatchSend;
import plan_runner.utilities.SerializableFileInputStream;
import plan_runner.utilities.SystemParameters;
import backtype.storm.Config;
import backtype.storm.spout.SpoutOutputCollector;
import backtype.storm.task.TopologyContext;
import backtype.storm.topology.OutputFieldsDeclarer;
import backtype.storm.topology.TopologyBuilder;
import backtype.storm.topology.base.BaseRichSpout;
import backtype.storm.tuple.Fields;
import backtype.storm.tuple.Tuple;
import backtype.storm.tuple.Values;
import backtype.storm.utils.Utils;
* This class is for interchanging the roles of the data sources. its
* parallelism is only ONE.
public class StormInterchangingDataSource extends BaseRichSpout implements StormEmitter,
StormComponent {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private static Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(StormInterchangingDataSource.class);
private final String _inputPath1;
private final String _inputPath2;
private final String _ID;
private final int _hierarchyPosition;
private final List<Integer> _hashIndexes;
private final List<ValueExpression> _hashExpressions;
private boolean _hasReachedEOF = false;
private boolean _hasSentEOF = false; // have sent EOF to TopologyKiller
// (AckEachTuple mode)
private boolean _hasReachedEOF1 = false;
private boolean _hasReachedEOF2 = false;
private boolean _hasSentLastAck = false; // AckLastTuple mode
private long _pendingTuples = 0;
private final String _componentIndexRel1, _componentIndexRel2; // a unique index
// in a list of
// all the
// components
// used as a shorter name, to save some network traffic
// it's of type int, but we use String to save more space
private CustomReader _readerRel1 = null;
private CustomReader _readerRel2 = null;
private final Map _conf;
private SpoutOutputCollector _collector;
private final ChainOperator _operatorChainRel1;
private final ChainOperator _operatorChainRel2;
private final boolean _printOut;
* Additional members
private final int _multFactor;
private long _numSentRel1 = 0;
private long _numSentRel2 = 0;
private int currentRelationPointer = 2;
private long nextToStop = 1;
private long _sentPointer = -1;
// for batch sending
private final Semaphore _semAgg = new Semaphore(1, true);
private boolean _firstTime = true;
private PeriodicAggBatchSend _periodicBatch;
private final long _batchOutputMillis;
private int _invocations; // how many time execute method is invoked
private int _tuplesSleep; // after how many _invocations we sleep 1ms
public StormInterchangingDataSource(InterchangingDataSourceComponent cp,
List<String> allCompNames, int multFactor, String inputPath1, String inputPath2,
int hierarchyPosition, TopologyBuilder builder, TopologyKiller killer, Config conf) {
_multFactor = multFactor;
_conf = conf;
_operatorChainRel1 = cp.getChainOperatorRel1();
_operatorChainRel2 = cp.getChainOperatorRel2();
_hierarchyPosition = hierarchyPosition;
_ID = cp.getName();
_componentIndexRel1 = String.valueOf(allCompNames.indexOf(new String(_ID.split("-")[0])));
_componentIndexRel2 = String.valueOf(allCompNames.indexOf(new String(_ID.split("-")[1])));
_inputPath1 = inputPath1;
_inputPath2 = inputPath2;
_batchOutputMillis = cp.getBatchOutputMillis();
if (SystemParameters.isExisting(_conf, "DIP_TUPLES_SLEEP"))
_tuplesSleep = SystemParameters.getInt(_conf, "DIP_TUPLES_SLEEP");
_hashIndexes = cp.getHashIndexes();
_hashExpressions = cp.getHashExpressions();
_printOut = cp.getPrintOut();
if (_hierarchyPosition == FINAL_COMPONENT && (!MyUtilities.isAckEveryTuple(conf)))
killer.registerComponent(this, 1);
builder.setSpout(_ID, this, 1);
if (MyUtilities.isAckEveryTuple(conf))
killer.registerComponent(this, 1);
// ack method on spout is called only if in AckEveryTuple mode (ACKERS > 0)
public void ack(Object msgId) {
public void aggBatchSend() {
protected boolean applyOperatorsAndSend(List<String> tuple, int RelIndex) {
// do selection and projection
if (MyUtilities.isAggBatchOutputMode(_batchOutputMillis))
try {
} catch (final InterruptedException ex) {
if (RelIndex == 1)
tuple = _operatorChainRel1.process(tuple);
tuple = _operatorChainRel2.process(tuple);
if (MyUtilities.isAggBatchOutputMode(_batchOutputMillis))
if (tuple == null)
return false;
if (MyUtilities.isSending(_hierarchyPosition, _batchOutputMillis))
tupleSend(tuple, null, RelIndex);
return true;
public void close() {
try {
} catch (final Exception e) {
final String error = MyUtilities.getStackTrace(e);;
public void declareOutputFields(OutputFieldsDeclarer declarer) {
if (MyUtilities.isAckEveryTuple(_conf) || _hierarchyPosition == FINAL_COMPONENT)
declarer.declareStream(SystemParameters.EOF_STREAM, new Fields(SystemParameters.EOF));
declarer.declareStream(SystemParameters.DATA_STREAM, new Fields("CompIndex", "Tuple",
* whatever is inside this method is done only once
private void eofFinalization() {
if (!MyUtilities.isAckEveryTuple(_conf))
if (_hierarchyPosition == FINAL_COMPONENT) {
if (!_hasSentEOF) {
_hasSentEOF = true; // to ensure we will not send multiple
// EOF per single spout
_collector.emit(SystemParameters.EOF_STREAM, new Values(SystemParameters.EOF));
} else if (!_hasSentLastAck) {
_hasSentLastAck = true;
final List<String> lastTuple = new ArrayList<String>(
_collector.emit(new Values("N/A", lastTuple, "N/A"));
public void fail(Object msgId) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failing tuple in " + _ID);
// from StormEmitter interface
public String[] getEmitterIDs() {
return new String[] { _ID };
// from StormComponent interface
public String getID() {
return _ID;
public String getInfoID() {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("Table ").append(_ID).append(" has ID: ").append(_ID);
return sb.toString();
public String getName() {
return _ID;
// Helper methods
public long getPendingTuples() {
return _pendingTuples;
// from IRichSpout interface
public void nextTuple() {
if (_firstTime && MyUtilities.isAggBatchOutputMode(_batchOutputMillis)) {
_periodicBatch = new PeriodicAggBatchSend(_batchOutputMillis, this);
_firstTime = false;
if (_hasReachedEOF1 && _hasReachedEOF2) { // if both sources finished.
if (!_hasReachedEOF) {
_hasReachedEOF = true;
} else if (_hasReachedEOF1) { // if Rel1 source finished :- send Rel2
// only
final String line = readLine(2);
if (line == null)
_hasReachedEOF2 = true;
else {
final List<String> tuple = MyUtilities.fileLineToTuple(line, _conf);
applyOperatorsAndSend(tuple, 2);
} else if (_hasReachedEOF2) { // if Rel2 source finished :- send Rel1
// only
final String line = readLine(1);
if (line == null)
_hasReachedEOF1 = true;
else {
final List<String> tuple = MyUtilities.fileLineToTuple(line, _conf);
applyOperatorsAndSend(tuple, 1);
} else if (currentRelationPointer == 2) {
final String line = readLine(2);
boolean isSent = false;
if (line == null) {
_hasReachedEOF2 = true;
} else {
final List<String> tuple = MyUtilities.fileLineToTuple(line, _conf);
isSent = applyOperatorsAndSend(tuple, 2);
if (isSent) {
if (_sentPointer == nextToStop) {
_sentPointer = 0;
nextToStop = (_numSentRel2 * _multFactor) - _numSentRel1;
currentRelationPointer = 1;
} else if (currentRelationPointer == 1) {
final String line = readLine(1);
boolean isSent = false;
if (line == null) {
_hasReachedEOF1 = true;
} else {
final List<String> tuple = MyUtilities.fileLineToTuple(line, _conf);
isSent = applyOperatorsAndSend(tuple, 1);
if (isSent) {
if (_sentPointer == nextToStop) {
_sentPointer = 0;
nextToStop = (_numSentRel1 * _multFactor) - _numSentRel2;
currentRelationPointer = 2;
if (SystemParameters.isExisting(_conf, "DIP_TUPLES_SLEEP")) {
if (_invocations % _tuplesSleep == 0) {
_invocations = 0;
public void open(Map map, TopologyContext tc, SpoutOutputCollector collector) {
_collector = collector;
try {
_readerRel1 = new SerializableFileInputStream(new File(_inputPath1), 1 * 1024 * 1024,
0, 1);
_readerRel2 = new SerializableFileInputStream(new File(_inputPath2), 1 * 1024 * 1024,
0, 1);
} catch (final Exception e) {
final String error = MyUtilities.getStackTrace(e);;
throw new RuntimeException("Filename not found:" + error);
public void printContent() {
public void printTuple(List<String> tuple) {
public void printTupleLatency(long numSentTuples, long timestamp) {
private String readLine(int RelIndex) {
String text = null;
try {
if (RelIndex == 1)
text = _readerRel1.readLine();
text = _readerRel2.readLine();
} catch (final IOException e) {
final String errMessage = MyUtilities.getStackTrace(e);;
return text;
* sending EOF in AckEveryTuple mode when we send at least one tuple to the
* next component
private void sendEOF() {
if (MyUtilities.isAckEveryTuple(_conf))
if (_pendingTuples == 0)
if (!_hasSentEOF) {
_hasSentEOF = true;
_collector.emit(SystemParameters.EOF_STREAM, new Values(SystemParameters.EOF));
public void tupleSend(List<String> tuple, Tuple stormTupleRcv, int relIndex) {
String index = "";
if (relIndex == 1)
index = _componentIndexRel1;
index = _componentIndexRel2;
final Values stormTupleSnd = MyUtilities.createTupleValues(tuple, 0, index, _hashIndexes,
_hashExpressions, _conf);
MyUtilities.sendTuple(stormTupleSnd, _collector, _conf);
public void tupleSend(List<String> tuple, Tuple stormTupleRcv, long timestamp) {