package plan_runner.expressions;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import plan_runner.conversion.NumericConversion;
import plan_runner.conversion.TypeConversion;
import plan_runner.utilities.MyUtilities;
import plan_runner.visitors.ValueExpressionVisitor;
* This class implements Subtraction between any Number type (Integer, Double, Long, etc.).
* It convert all the value to double, and then return the final result by automatic casting
* (i.e. (int) 1.0 )
* Double can store integers exatly in binary representation,
* so we won't lose the precision on our integer operations.
* Having different T types in the constructor arguments
* does not result in exception in the constructor,
* but rather in eval method.
* The formula applied on value expressions is: VE1 - VE2 - VE3 - ...
public class Subtraction<T extends Number & Comparable<T>> implements ValueExpression<T> {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private final List<ValueExpression> _veList = new ArrayList<ValueExpression>();
private final NumericConversion<T> _wrapper;
public Subtraction(ValueExpression ve1, ValueExpression ve2, ValueExpression... veArray) {
_wrapper = (NumericConversion<T>) MyUtilities.getDominantNumericType(_veList);
public void accept(ValueExpressionVisitor vev) {
public void changeValues(int i, ValueExpression<T> newExpr) {
_veList.add(i, newExpr);
public T eval(List<String> tuple) {
final ValueExpression firstVE = _veList.get(0);
final Object firstObj = firstVE.eval(tuple);
final NumericConversion firstType = (NumericConversion) firstVE.getType();
double result = firstType.toDouble(firstObj);
for (int i = 1; i < _veList.size(); i++) {
final ValueExpression currentVE = _veList.get(i);
final Object currentObj = currentVE.eval(tuple);
final NumericConversion currentType = (NumericConversion) currentVE.getType();
result -= currentType.toDouble(currentObj);
return _wrapper.fromDouble(result);
public String evalString(List<String> tuple) {
final T result = eval(tuple);
return _wrapper.toString(result);
public List<ValueExpression> getInnerExpressions() {
return _veList;
public TypeConversion getType() {
return _wrapper;
public void inverseNumber() {
public boolean isNegative() {
return false;
public String toString() {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < _veList.size(); i++) {
if (i != _veList.size() - 1)
sb.append(" - ");
return sb.toString();