package plan_runner.components;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import plan_runner.conversion.TypeConversion;
import plan_runner.expressions.ValueExpression;
import plan_runner.operators.ChainOperator;
import plan_runner.operators.Operator;
import plan_runner.operators.ProjectOperator;
import plan_runner.predicates.Predicate;
import plan_runner.query_plans.QueryPlan;
import plan_runner.storm_components.InterchangingComponent;
import plan_runner.storm_components.StormComponent;
import plan_runner.storm_components.StormDstTupleStorageBDB;
import plan_runner.storm_components.StormDstJoin;
import plan_runner.storm_components.StormDstTupleStorageJoin;
import plan_runner.storm_components.StormJoin;
import plan_runner.storm_components.StormSrcJoin;
import plan_runner.storm_components.synchronization.TopologyKiller;
import plan_runner.utilities.MyUtilities;
import backtype.storm.Config;
import backtype.storm.topology.TopologyBuilder;
public class EquiJoinComponent implements Component {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private static Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(EquiJoinComponent.class);
private final Component _firstParent;
private final Component _secondParent;
private Component _child;
private final String _componentName;
private long _batchOutputMillis;
private List<Integer> _hashIndexes;
private List<ValueExpression> _hashExpressions;
private StormJoin _joiner;
private final ChainOperator _chain = new ChainOperator();
// The storage is actually KeyValue<String, String>
// or AggregationStorage<Numeric> for pre-aggregation
// Access method returns a list of Strings (a list of Numerics for
// pre-aggregation)
private BasicStore<ArrayList<String>> _firstStorage, _secondStorage;
// preAggregation
private ProjectOperator _firstPreAggProj, _secondPreAggProj;
private boolean _printOut;
private boolean _printOutSet; // whether printOut was already set
private List<String> _fullHashList;
private Predicate _joinPredicate;
public EquiJoinComponent(Component firstParent, Component secondParent, QueryPlan queryPlan) {
_firstParent = firstParent;
_secondParent = secondParent;
_componentName = firstParent.getName() + "_" + secondParent.getName();
public EquiJoinComponent addOperator(Operator operator) {
return this;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (obj instanceof Component)
return _componentName.equals(((Component) obj).getName());
return false;
public List<DataSourceComponent> getAncestorDataSources() {
final List<DataSourceComponent> list = new ArrayList<DataSourceComponent>();
for (final Component parent : getParents())
return list;
public long getBatchOutputMillis() {
return _batchOutputMillis;
public ChainOperator getChainOperator() {
return _chain;
public Component getChild() {
return _child;
// from StormEmitter interface
public String[] getEmitterIDs() {
return _joiner.getEmitterIDs();
public List<String> getFullHashList() {
return _fullHashList;
public List<ValueExpression> getHashExpressions() {
return _hashExpressions;
public List<Integer> getHashIndexes() {
return _hashIndexes;
public String getInfoID() {
return _joiner.getInfoID();
public String getName() {
return _componentName;
public Component[] getParents() {
return new Component[] { _firstParent, _secondParent };
public boolean getPrintOut() {
return _printOut;
public int hashCode() {
int hash = 7;
hash = 37 * hash + (_componentName != null ? _componentName.hashCode() : 0);
return hash;
public void makeBolts(TopologyBuilder builder, TopologyKiller killer,
List<String> allCompNames, Config conf, int partitioningType, int hierarchyPosition) {
// by default print out for the last component
// for other conditions, can be set via setPrintOut
if (hierarchyPosition == StormComponent.FINAL_COMPONENT && !_printOutSet)
MyUtilities.checkBatchOutput(_batchOutputMillis, _chain.getAggregation(), conf);
// If not set in Preaggregation, we set normal storages
if (_firstStorage == null)
_firstStorage = new KeyValueStore<String, String>(conf);
if (_secondStorage == null)
_secondStorage = new KeyValueStore<String, String>(conf);
boolean isBDB = MyUtilities.isBDB(conf);
if(isBDB && _joinPredicate == null){
throw new RuntimeException("Please provide _joinPredicate if you want to run BDB!");
if(isBDB && (hierarchyPosition == StormComponent.FINAL_COMPONENT)){
_joiner = new StormDstTupleStorageBDB(_firstParent, _secondParent, this, allCompNames,
_joinPredicate, hierarchyPosition, builder, killer, conf);
} else if (_joinPredicate != null) {
_joiner = new StormDstTupleStorageJoin(_firstParent, _secondParent, this,
allCompNames, _joinPredicate, hierarchyPosition, builder, killer, conf);
} else if (partitioningType == StormJoin.DST_ORDERING){
// should issue a warning
_joiner = new StormDstJoin(_firstParent, _secondParent, this, allCompNames,
_firstStorage, _secondStorage, _firstPreAggProj, _secondPreAggProj,
hierarchyPosition, builder, killer, conf);
}else if (partitioningType == StormJoin.SRC_ORDERING) {
if (_chain.getDistinct() != null)
throw new RuntimeException(
"Cannot instantiate Distinct operator from StormSourceJoin! There are two Bolts processing operators!");
// since we don't know how data is scattered across StormSrcStorage,
// we cannot do customStreamGrouping from the previous level
_joiner = new StormSrcJoin(_firstParent, _secondParent, this, allCompNames,
_firstStorage, _secondStorage, _firstPreAggProj, _secondPreAggProj,
hierarchyPosition, builder, killer, conf);
} else
throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported ordering " + partitioningType);
public EquiJoinComponent setBatchOutputMillis(long millis) {
_batchOutputMillis = millis;
return this;
public void setChild(Component child) {
_child = child;
// Out of the first storage (join of S tuple with R relation)
public EquiJoinComponent setFirstPreAggProj(ProjectOperator firstPreAggProj) {
_firstPreAggProj = firstPreAggProj;
return this;
// next four methods are for Preaggregation
public EquiJoinComponent setFirstPreAggStorage(AggregationStorage firstPreAggStorage) {
_firstStorage = firstPreAggStorage;
return this;
// list of distinct keys, used for direct stream grouping and load-balancing
// ()
public EquiJoinComponent setFullHashList(List<String> fullHashList) {
_fullHashList = fullHashList;
return this;
public EquiJoinComponent setHashExpressions(List<ValueExpression> hashExpressions) {
_hashExpressions = hashExpressions;
return this;
public EquiJoinComponent setHashIndexes(List<Integer> hashIndexes) {
_hashIndexes = hashIndexes;
return this;
public EquiJoinComponent setPrintOut(boolean printOut) {
_printOutSet = true;
_printOut = printOut;
return this;
// Out of the second storage (join of R tuple with S relation)
public EquiJoinComponent setSecondPreAggProj(ProjectOperator secondPreAggProj) {
_secondPreAggProj = secondPreAggProj;
return this;
public EquiJoinComponent setSecondPreAggStorage(AggregationStorage secondPreAggStorage) {
_secondStorage = secondPreAggStorage;
return this;
public Component setInterComp(InterchangingComponent inter) {
throw new RuntimeException("EquiJoin component does not support setInterComp");
public EquiJoinComponent setJoinPredicate(Predicate predicate) {
_joinPredicate = predicate;
return this;
public Component setContentSensitiveThetaJoinWrapper(TypeConversion wrapper) {
return this;