package controllers;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import jobs.ProcessGtfsSnapshotExport;
import models.gtfs.GtfsSnapshotExport;
import models.gtfs.GtfsSnapshotExportCalendars;
import models.transit.Agency;
import play.Play;
import play.mvc.Controller;
// not authenticated, see comment below
public class Export extends Controller {
* Build a GTFS file for anyone, authenticated or otherwise.
* FetchGTFS requires no auth, but is presumably blocked by the frontend proxy server. CreateGTFS requires
* auth, so can be left unblocked.
* @param agencySelect
* @param calendarFrom
* @param calendarTo
public static void fetchGtfs (List<Long> agencySelect, Long calendarFrom, Long calendarTo) {
// reasonable defaults: now to 2 months from now (more or less)
if (calendarFrom == null)
calendarFrom = new Date().getTime();
if (calendarTo == null)
calendarTo = new Date().getTime() + 2L * 31L * 24L * 60L * 60L * 1000L;
List<Agency> agencyObjects = new ArrayList<Agency>();
if(agencySelect != null || agencySelect.size() > 0) {
for(Long agencyId : agencySelect) {
Agency a = Agency.findById(agencyId);
if(a != null)
agencyObjects = Agency.findAll();
GtfsSnapshotExportCalendars calendarEnum;
calendarEnum = GtfsSnapshotExportCalendars.CURRENT_AND_FUTURE;
Date calendarFromDate = new Date(calendarFrom);
Date calendarToDate = new Date(calendarTo);
GtfsSnapshotExport snapshotExport = new GtfsSnapshotExport(agencyObjects, calendarEnum, calendarFromDate, calendarToDate, "");
ProcessGtfsSnapshotExport exportJob = new ProcessGtfsSnapshotExport(;
// running as a sync task for now -- needs to be async for processing larger feeds.
redirect(Play.configuration.getProperty("application.appBase") + "/public/data/" + snapshotExport.getZipFilename());